Create dialog unit skeleton source code
$ naif generate
_ _ _ __ _
| \ | | (_)/ _| | |
| \| | __ _ _| |_ | |___
| . ` |/ _` | | _| | / __|
| |\ | (_| | | || |__| \__ \
|_| \_|\__,_|_|_| \____/|___/
NaifJs, simple state-machine based dialog manager
version: 0.46.1, author: [email protected]
Create dialog unit skeleton source code
naif new dialog
naif new unit
--dir=<directory path>
Dialog units directory path
--unit=<unit name>
Name of the dialog unit
Unit name description (for dialog user)
List of output state names, comma separated
List of input state names, comma separated
Each input state name is colon separated by a number of patterns
end case in pattern
help case in pattern
naif new --unit=myUnit --dir=tmp/dialogs/aDialog --instates=oneState:4
naif new --unit=indovinalaparola \
--dir=./examples/indovinalaparola \
--desc="Indovina La Parola" \
--outstates=start \