Contains the issues that lead to the modification of the original setup and training script.
Dependency librosa
is not installed.
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'librosa'
pip install librosa
OSError: sndfile library not found
sudo apt install libsndfile1
ValueError: Unknown split "train.100". Should be one of ['train', 'test', 'validation', 'other', 'invalidated'].
Delete this line (the value of the parameter will default to 'train')
--train_split_name="train.100" \
and add this one to specify the train/validation split:
--validation_split_percentage="5" \
File "./", line 315, in prepare_dataset
batch["speech"], _ = librosa.load(batch[data_args.speech_file_column], sr=feature_extractor.sampling_rate)
KeyError: 'file'
Specify the speech file column in the training script by adding:
--speech_file_column="path" \
RuntimeError: Error opening '/home/mariagrandury/.cache/huggingface/datasets/downloads/extracted/bd58f2e7808a2802cb11d9aae2673fa0a1e54b008404f75a1c63c2751332b806/cv-corpus-6.1-2020-12-11/es/clips/common_voice_es_19819446.mp3': File contains data in an unknown format.
Specify the format by adding:
--dtype="bfloat16" \
Warning "PySoundFile failed. Trying audioread instead." is spaming the terminal (librosa/librosa#1015).
Ignore warnings with:
python -W ignore