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+# DASH BMv2 Data Plane App HLD
+| Rev | Date | Author | Change Description |
+| --- | ---- | ------ | ------------------ |
+| 0.1 | 06/29/2024 | Junhua Zhai | Initial version |
+1. [Terminology](#1-terminology)
+2. [Background](#2-background)
+3. [Project scenario](#3-project-scenario)
+4. [Resource modeling, requirement, and SLA](#4-resource-modeling-requirement-and-sla)
+5. [System Architecture overview](#5-system-architecture-overview)
+6. [Detailed design](#6-detailed-design)
+ - [6.1. DASH metadata](#61-dash-metadata)
+ - [6.2. Basic Flow](#62-basic-flow)
+ - [6.3. Flow resimulation](#63-flow-resimulation)
+ - [6.4. HA flow](#64-ha-flow)
+ - [6.5. HA flow resimulation](#65-ha-flow-resimulation)
+ - [6.6. SAI](#66-sai)
+7. [Test Plan](#7-test-plan)
+8. [Appendix](#8-appendix)
+## 1. Terminology
+| Term | Explanation |
+| --- | --- |
+| VPP | Vector Packet Processing |
+| DPAPP | Data plane Application |
+## 2. Background
+Referring to data path logical architecture, shown at the below figure:
+Data plane app is another packet processing engine running on CPUs. It adds extra capacities onto DASH capable ASIC:
+- It serves the slow (exception) path of packet processing to implement complicated pipeline logic, which is hard to be done in ASIC, for example adding/updating/removing table entry inline.
+- It optionally implements some DASH-SAI APIs, which are not proper/easy to be done upon ASIC SDK.
+### 2.1. Scope
+This document only focuses on describing the design of a data-plane app example, as a proof of concept, how it cooperates with [DASH pipeline BMv2](https://github.com/sonic-net/DASH/tree/main/dash-pipeline/bmv2) to implement DASH data plane. The app will be based on [VPP](https://fd.io/).
+## 3. Project scenario
+### 3.1. Stateful packet process - flow
+- Flow Creation
+In DASH pipeline, after 5-tuple flow keys are well extracted, packet goes to flow lookup stage. It does the flow lookup. If any flow is matched, packet is marked a flow-hit flag, otherwise flow-miss flag. The packet continues to go to next stages, like ACL, (destination) NAT, routing, etc. After routing stage, if route is found and packet is flow-miss, it will bypass the rest stages and be forwarded to data-plane app. The data-plane app will use dash-sai APIs to create flow in flow table, and then re-inject the packet back to pipeline.
+- Flow Deletion
+In flow lookup stage, TCP FIN/RST packet is always marked flow-miss and later forwarded to data-plane app.
+- Flow Age-out
+In flow lookup stage, if packet hits one flow, it will refresh flow timestamp. Data-plane app periodically scans flow table and check if flow is timed out according to (current timestamp - flow timestamp) vs idle timeout value.
+### 3.2. HA
+- Inline flow replication
+In HA context, Active data-plane app creates flow, replicates the flow in metadata, glues it with original packet, and sends the packet to Standby data-plane app via DPU data-plane channel. Standby data-plane app recreates the flow, and acknowledges Active data-plane app to finish flow creation. The same logics apply for flow deletion, flow age-out.
+- Flow bulk sync
+Flow bulk sync replicates batch flows from one DPU to another to make flow table consistency on Active and Standby DPUs. When HA agents starts a bulk sync via DASH SAI, Active data-plane app will walk flow table based on sync method (perfect/range), generate batch flows and send them to Standby data-plane app with gRPC via control-plane channel. Standby date-plane app will create flows in order.
+### 3.3. Flow re-simulation
+When SONiC changes polices via DASH SAI, flow could be impacted. Data-plane app is raised to re-simulate flow. In HA context, Active data-plane app also needs to sync the updated flows to Standby.
+## 4. Resource modeling, requirement, and SLA
+Refer to [SONiC DASH HLD](https://github.com/sonic-net/DASH/blob/main/documentation/general/dash-sonic-hld.md)
+## 5. System Architecture overview
+Referring to the above figure, data-plane app overall is a multi-thread vpp application, running in a standalone container. It includes these components:
+- vpp master, it runs dashsai server to receive dashsai requests (dash object CRUD) via northbound RPC channel and then invoke DASH SAI APIs to handle them. The server also processes flow creation/deletion notification from vpp workers.
+- vpp workers, they serve as an exception path of packet processing, running on multi-cpus. It creates a flow in local flow table and notifies dashsai server to offload it to BMv2 flow table. The packet is temporarily queued. After workers know the success of flow offloading to BMv2, they deque the packet and send it back to P4 pipeline via VPP port. The workers also do flow age-out task with proper scheduling.
+- flow table, is a local cache of BMv2 flow table.
+- DASH SAI, is a unique interface for DASH object CRUD of DASH pipeline, implemented by DASH BMv2.
+- VPP port, is a veth interface and connects to BMv2 via veth pair. It serves as datapath channel to receive/send all packets between date-plane app and BMv2. Generally the port supports multi RSS queues, each queue binds to one vpp worker.
+**Note:** For simplicity and concept verification, vpp workers may directly call DASH SAI to offload flow to BMv2. The concern is that DASH SAI blocking API can block packet processing of vpp workers.
+## 6. Detailed design
+Referring to the below figure from [HA API HLD], it greatly outlines the whole packet flow in data plane for both standalone and HA context.
+![packet flow in data plane](https://github.com/sonic-net/DASH/blob/main/documentation/high-avail/images/ha-bm-packet-flow.svg)
+From the perspective of DPAPP, its core task in slow path is to create flow in flow table in case of flow miss in Flow (ConnTrack) lookup stage, and then maintain flow state. The sub sections will depict these functions around flow object.
+### 6.1. DASH metadata
+DASH metadata records the packet processing result of DASH pipeline. It can have the following info to help flow creation/removal, etc operations:
+- flow key entry - eni_mac, vnet_id, 5-tuples
+- common flow data - state, direction, eni, flow actions, metering class, policy ID
+- flow overlay rewrite data
+- flow underlay encapsulation data
+- flow tunnel encapsulation data
+When DASH pipeline requests DPAPP for flow creation, it encapsulates DASH metadata in an ethernet frame with EtherType DASH_METADATA and appends the original customer packet. The packet sent to DPAPP is like:
Test Suite |
+ Test Case |
+ Test Description |
1. Unit Test |
+ 1.1 DASH SAI |
+ Target: Verify dashsai server behaving well as DASH SAI proxy +Steps: +
1.2 Flow Creation |
+ Target: Verify flow creation OK +Steps: +
1.3 Flow Deletion |
+ Target: Verify flow deletion OK +Steps: +
1.4 Flow Age-out |
+ Target: Verify flow age-out OK +Steps: +
1.5 Flow resimulation |
+ Target: Verify flow resimulation +Steps: +
1.6 1.2-1.5 in HA |
+ Target: Verify flow CRUD in HA |
1.7 bulk sync in HA |
+ Target: Verify bulk sync in HA |
2. Negative |
+ 2.1 Flow not creation + |
+ Target: Verify flow not creation OK +Steps: +