diff --git a/steamtinkerlaunch b/steamtinkerlaunch index 03e7f9f3..6db16b2f 100755 --- a/steamtinkerlaunch +++ b/steamtinkerlaunch @@ -12220,6 +12220,7 @@ function OneTimeRunReset { } # Called when a user passes arguments for onetimerun +# TODO a way to use default game Proton version, either if '--proton' is not supplied or if '--proton="default"'? function commandlineOneTimeRun { setOneTimeRunVars "$1" # Get incoming arguments @@ -12273,6 +12274,7 @@ function commandlineOneTimeRun { fi # Ensure EXE is given and that directory to run the exe in is valid, and also ensure we have a valid Proton version to run the exe with + # TODO refactor to flatten if [ -n "$OTEXE" ] && [ -f "$OTEXE" ]; then # Valid executable required (Windows executable or Linux executable/file/etc, not really an EXE for Linux but oh well - Naming is hard!) if [ "$USEEXEDIR" -eq 1 ]; then # Use EXE dir as working dir OTRUNDIR="$( dirname "$OTEXE" )"