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Contracts in Futurenet

There are already some contracts ready to interact with in Futurenet! The contract id's are:

The Factory contract: 1486c77ba3a9639226dbbe64d1ac6f73a7dd6122201c6bc335d382981ec566b4

This is the only address in theory you need to interact with the protocol.

There is an already written script to interact with this contract. You can just do:


So if you want to test the protocol yourself you can follow these instructions:

1.- First, set your enviromental variables

Here, as we are using the soroban-network docker network, containers can call each other just using their name. In the case of the stellar quickstart container, it's name is stellar:

Let's start by setting the FACTORY_ID and the NETWORK


# If soroban-cli is called inside the soroban-preview docker containter,
# it can call the stellar standalone container just using its name "stellar"
# if [[ "$IS_USING_DOCKER" == "true" ]]; then
# else
  # SOROBAN_RPC_HOST="http://localhost:8000"
# fi


echo "Using Futurenet network"
SOROBAN_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE="Test SDF Future Network ; October 2022"

#if !(soroban config network ls | grep "$NETWORK" 2>&1 >/dev/null); then
# Always set a net configuration 
  echo Add the $NETWORK network to cli client
  soroban config network add "$NETWORK" \
    --rpc-url "$SOROBAN_RPC_URL" \
    --network-passphrase "$SOROBAN_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE"

if !(soroban config identity ls | grep token-admin 2>&1 >/dev/null); then
  echo Create the token-admin identity
  soroban config identity generate token-admin
TOKEN_ADMIN_SECRET="$(soroban config identity show token-admin)"
TOKEN_ADMIN_ADDRESS="$(soroban config identity address token-admin)"

echo "We are using the following TOKEN_ADMIN_ADDRESS: $TOKEN_ADMIN_ADDRESS"
echo "--"
echo "--"
# TODO: Remove this once we can use `soroban config identity` from webpack.
echo "$TOKEN_ADMIN_SECRET" > .soroban/token_admin_secret
echo "$TOKEN_ADMIN_ADDRESS" > .soroban/token_admin_address

# This will fail if the account already exists, but it'll still be fine.
echo Fund token-admin account from friendbot
echo This will fail if the account already exists, but it\' still be fine.

ARGS="--network $NETWORK --source token-admin"
echo "Using ARGS: $ARGS"

2.- Let's create two dummy tokens:

We need to create 2 tokens in order to interact with the Pair contract

mkdir -p .soroban

echo Deploying TOKEN_A
  TOKEN_A_ID="$( soroban contract deploy $ARGS --wasm $TOKEN_WASM)"

echo "Initializing TOKEN_A. Executing:
    fn initialize(e: Env, admin: Address, decimal: u32, name: Bytes,symbol: Bytes)"

  soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $TOKEN_WASM \
  --id $TOKEN_A_ID \
  -- \
  initialize \
  --admin "$TOKEN_ADMIN_ADDRESS" \
  --decimal 7 \
  --name 'AA' \
  --symbol 'AA'
  echo "--"
  echo "--"

echo Deploying TOKEN_B
  TOKEN_B_ID="$(soroban contract deploy $ARGS --wasm $TOKEN_WASM)"
echo Initializing TOKEN_B

  soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $TOKEN_WASM \
  --id $TOKEN_B_ID \
  -- \
  initialize \
  --admin "$TOKEN_ADMIN_ADDRESS" \
  --decimal 7 \
  --name 'BB' \
  --symbol 'BB'
  echo "--"
  echo "--"

echo Current TOKEN_A_ID: $TOKEN_A_ID
echo Current TOKEN_B_ID: $TOKEN_B_ID

Because the Pair token always uses token_a and token_b so token_a<token_b, this is something we need to check before initializing the pair contract with our two tokens. Later, this is something that will be done automatically by the Factory contract:

if [[ "$TOKEN_B_ID" > "$TOKEN_A_ID" ]]; then
  echo "TOKEN_B_ID is greater than TOKEN_A_ID"
  echo "This is the correct order"
  echo "TOKEN_B_ID is less than or equal to TOKEN_A_ID"
  echo "We will invert the order of the tokens"

echo Current TOKEN_A_ID: $TOKEN_A_ID
echo Current TOKEN_B_ID: $TOKEN_B_ID
  echo "--"
  echo "--"

echo -n "$TOKEN_A_ID" > .soroban/token_a_id
echo -n "$TOKEN_B_ID" > .soroban/token_b_id

Create a pair and experiment

echo "Create a pair using the SoroswapFactory contract, token_a and token_b"
PAIR_ID=$(soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $FACTORY_WASM \
  --id $FACTORY_ID \
  -- \
  create_pair \
  --token_a "$TOKEN_A_ID" \
  --token_b "$TOKEN_B_ID" )
# Assuming the variable PAIR_ID contains the returned ID with apostrophes
PAIR_ID=$(echo $PAIR_ID | tr -d '"')
echo Pair created succesfully with PAIR_ID=$PAIR_ID
echo $PAIR_ID > .soroban/pair_id

echo "--"
echo "--"

echo How many pairs already exist??
soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $FACTORY_WASM \
  --id $FACTORY_ID \
  -- \
  all_pairs_length \

echo We should be able to get the same PAIR_ID calling to get_pair function:
soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $FACTORY_WASM \
  --id $FACTORY_ID \
  -- \
  get_pair \
  --token_a "$TOKEN_A_ID" \
  --token_b "$TOKEN_B_ID" 

echo Also if we ask for the inverse order

soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $FACTORY_WASM \
  --id $FACTORY_ID \
  -- \
  get_pair \
  --token_a "$TOKEN_B_ID" \
  --token_b "$TOKEN_A_ID" 

echo "---"
echo "---"
echo "---"
echo "---"
echo "-- Now we will test functions calling the Pair contract"

echo Lets see if the token adddresses in the Pair contract are correct
echo Lets ask for token_0 -- TOKEN_A_ID -- 
echo We have TOKEN_A_ID = $TOKEN_A_ID

soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $PAIR_WASM \
  --id $PAIR_ID \
  -- \

echo "---"
echo "---"

echo Lets see if the token adddresses in the Pair contract are correct
echo Lets ask for token_1 -- TOKEN_B_ID -- 
echo We have TOKEN_B_ID = $TOKEN_B_ID

soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $PAIR_WASM \
  --id $PAIR_ID \
  -- \

echo "---"
echo "---"
echo Now lets test the created Pair. 

echo "---"
echo "---"

echo Finally::: check that if we try to create the same pair, the contract will panic:
soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $FACTORY_WASM \
  --id $FACTORY_ID \
  -- \
  create_pair \
  --token_a "$TOKEN_A_ID" \
  --token_b "$TOKEN_B_ID" 

soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $FACTORY_WASM \
  --id $FACTORY_ID \
  -- \
  create_pair \
  --token_a "$TOKEN_B_ID" \
  --token_b "$TOKEN_A_ID" 

echo "---"
echo "---"

echo "---"
echo "---"

echo "---"
echo "---"

echo In the following we are going to use a new USER account:
  echo Creating the user identity
  soroban config identity generate user
  USER_SECRET="$(soroban config identity show user)"
  USER_ADDRESS="$(soroban config identity address user)"
  echo "We are using the following USER_ADDRESS: $USER_ADDRESS"
  echo "$USER_SECRET" > .soroban/user_secret
  echo "$USER_ADDRESS" > .soroban/user_address

echo "Mint 1000 units of token A user -- calling from TOKEN_ADMIN"

soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $TOKEN_WASM \
  --id $TOKEN_A_ID \
  -- \
  mint \
  --admin "$TOKEN_ADMIN_ADDRESS" \
  --to "$USER_ADDRESS" \
  --amount "1000" 

echo "Mint 1000 units of token B to user"

soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $TOKEN_WASM \
  --id $TOKEN_B_ID \
  -- \
  mint \
  --admin "$TOKEN_ADMIN_ADDRESS" \
  --to "$USER_ADDRESS" \
  --amount "1000" 

echo "Check that user has 1000 units of each token"
echo "Check TOKEN_A"
soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $TOKEN_WASM\
  --id $TOKEN_A_ID \
  -- \
  balance \

echo "Check TOKEN_A"
soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $TOKEN_WASM\
  --id $TOKEN_B_ID \
  -- \
  balance \

echo "test get_rsrvs"
soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $PAIR_WASM\
  --id $PAIR_ID \
  -- \

echo "Deposit these tokens into the Pool contract"
echo "This will be called by the user"
ARGS_USER="--network $NETWORK --source user"
echo "Hence we use ARG_USER: $ARGS_USER"

echo Fund user account from friendbot
echo This will fail if the account already exists, but it\' still be fine.

echo "
    fn deposit( e: Env, 
                to: Address,
                desired_a: i128, 
                min_a: i128, 
                desired_b: i128, 
                min_b: i128) {


echo In the next we will use:
echo ARGS = $ARGS
echo "--"
echo "--"

soroban contract invoke \
  --wasm $PAIR_WASM \
  --id $PAIR_ID \
  -- \
  deposit \
  --to "$USER_ADDRESS" \
  --desired_a 100 \
  --min_a 100 \
  --desired_b 100 \
  --min_b 100

echo Check that the user pair tokens balance is 100

echo "Check PAIR_ID"
soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $PAIR_WASM\
  --id $PAIR_ID \
  -- \
  balance \

echo Now the user should have:
echo 900 units of TOKEN_A
echo "Check user\'s TOKEN_A balance"
soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $PAIR_WASM\
  --id $TOKEN_A_ID \
  -- \
  balance \

echo 900 units of TOKEN_B
echo "Check user\'s TOKEN_B balance"
soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $PAIR_WASM\
  --id $TOKEN_B_ID \
  -- \
  balance \

echo And the Pair contract should hold:
PAIR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS="{\"address\": {\"contract\":\"$PAIR_ID\"}}"

echo 100 tokens of TOKEN_A
soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $PAIR_WASM\
  --id $TOKEN_A_ID \
  -- \
  balance \

echo 100 tokens of TOKEN_B
soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $PAIR_WASM\
  --id $TOKEN_B_ID \
  -- \
  balance \

echo And none of its own tokens -- the pair tokens --
soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $PAIR_WASM\
  --id $PAIR_ID \
  -- \
  balance \
echo "--"
echo "--"
echo "--"
echo "--"

echo Now we will SWAP 

# If "buy_a" is true, the swap will buy token_a and sell token_b. This is flipped if "buy_a" is false.
# "out" is the amount being bought, with in_max being a safety to make sure you receive at least that amount.
#  swap will transfer the selling token "to" to this contract, and then the contract will transfer the buying token to "to".
#     fn swap(e: Env, to: Address, buy_a: bool, out: i128, in_max: i128);

# In this case we are selling token_a and buying token_b

soroban contract invoke \
  --wasm $PAIR_WASM \
  --id $PAIR_ID \
  -- \
  swap \
  --to "$USER_ADDRESS" \
  --out 49 \
  --in_max 100 

echo Now the user should have:
echo 803 units of TOKEN_A
echo "Check user\'s TOKEN_A balance"
soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $PAIR_WASM\
  --id $TOKEN_A_ID \
  -- \
  balance \

echo 949 units of TOKEN_B
echo "Check user\'s TOKEN_B balance"
soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $PAIR_WASM\
  --id $TOKEN_B_ID \
  -- \
  balance \

echo And the Pair contract should hold:
PAIR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS="{\"address\": {\"contract\":\"$PAIR_ID\"}}"

echo 197 tokens of TOKEN_A
soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $PAIR_WASM\
  --id $TOKEN_A_ID \
  -- \
  balance \

echo 51 tokens of TOKEN_B
soroban contract invoke \
  $ARGS \
  --wasm $PAIR_WASM\
  --id $TOKEN_B_ID \
  -- \
  balance \

echo "---"
echo "---"
echo "---"
echo "---"
echo "WITHDRAW: The final step"

echo "Calling: 
    fn withdraw(  e: Env,
                  to: Address,
                  share_amount: i128, 
                  min_a: i128, 
                  min_b: i128) -> (i128, i128) {"

soroban contract invoke \
  --wasm $PAIR_WASM \
  --id $PAIR_ID \
  -- \
  withdraw \
  --to "$USER_ADDRESS" \
  --share_amount 100 \
  --min_a 197 \
  --min_b 51