This article outlines the outcomes and walkthroughs of our collaborative projects with Mercury and SubQuery indexers. We aim to achieve two primary objectives:
- Introduce developers from the Stellar and Soroban ecosystems to the capabilities of indexer services.
- Assist indexers in refining their offerings by reporting bugs and providing documentation feedback we've uncovered through our usage.
Utilizing indexers is crucial for efficient data retrieval, thereby enabling developers to offer a seamless user experience. Although blockchains inherently ensure transactional integrity, extracting an entire history directly from a node is computationally intensive. Therefore, indexers serve as invaluable tools. This article serves two main goals:
- Demonstrate practical uses of the indexer as an example or initial repository.
- Test various indexer solutions, offering constructive feedback on bugs and documentation.
Mercury offers a subscription-based indexing service equipped with numerous features such as alert systems and code execution environments. As a fully managed service, Mercury obviates the need for developers to manage any GraphQL service themselves.
In our repository, you'll find a Node.js client pre-configured with queries to inspect a specific contract, specified through the repository's environment variables.
Prerequisites: Docker installation on your machine
Clone the repository:
Request Mercury access here
Populate the
. For usage exceeding 7 days, also completeMERCURY_TESTER_EMAIL
. -
if you are interested in a contract other than the Soroswap's Factory contract. -
Run the container (Node 18.8.2):
Install dependencies:
Use predefined scripts to interact with the contract:
node scripts/subscribeToEntries.js node scripts/getAllEntriesForContract.js node scripts/getEntrySubscriptions.js node scripts/getEventSubscriptions.js
SubQuery is a comprehensive indexer that interfaces seamlessly with multiple blockchain platforms, including Stellar and Soroban. We've developed a customized SubQuery project capable of IPFS deployment and management through SubQuery's Managed Service.
However, storing blockchain history requires access to an archive node, which can be a limitation. While several projects are developing Soroban-compatible archive nodes, none are publicly available yet.
Requirements: Docker
Our setup incorporates Docker inside a Node.js image to manage the required Node.js version and to prevent the need for a global subql
package installation. If you prefer to install node, docker and subql locally you can start from step 4.
Run the container:
Install Docker and SubQuery:
bash bash
Navigate to
directory and execute:yarn dockerd &
In another terminal
and (if you prefer to install node, docker and subql locally you can start from here)
cd subql-starter yarn codegen yarn build yarn start:docker
Begin querying by navigating to
To publish your project to IPFS, run:
cd subql-starter subql publish
We've demonstrated how to leverage both Mercury and SubQuery indexers, reporting bugs and providing documentation feedback along the way. Each service offers unique approaches to solving data availability issues. While SubQuery provides a more mature and UI-rich solution, its requirement for an archive node adds complexity. Mercury, however, simplifies the process by only requiring subscriptions and queries, thereby eliminating the need to manage additional infrastructure.