------------------ v1.6 (finale) ------------------
Ive created a new theme [ FF CSS ULTIMA ] will upload soon.
With the creation of this theme i learned a lot,
the Perfection Theme despite the name, was never that perfect,
There were plenty of small annoyances when using it, plenty that could be fixed
Well, now its fixed. This is the last update.
Recommended to delete old theme, and redownload.
@import url(navbar/bookmarksbar.css);
@import url(navbar/navbar-buttons.css);
@import url(navbar/return-titlebar-buttons.css);
@import url(themes/browser-rounded.css);
@import url(CSS/smw.css);
[ CSS/minmaxclose.css ] - REMOVED
[ CSS/urlbar.css ] - REMOVED
[ menu buttons on side ] - REMOVED
back, forward, reload buttons are added back to default view
------------------ v1.5 ------------------
-------------- CSS/Downsizewindow.css
Ive modified the first section, previously I set some buttons as display none.
It would cause some other buttons on the nav bar to remove themselves.
this is due to firefox's weird button order, and spacing on the nav bar.
fixed. { order: -2 !important;padding: 0 !important;margin: 0 !important;padding-inline: 0 !important;}
------------------ CSS/findbar.css
Thin border color changed from default to black.
----------------- CSS/Navigation-Sidebar.css
File name changed to menu-sidebar.css
If you want to remove this feature you can swap it out by changing this in userChrome.
In userChrome: -> @import url(CSS/menu-sidebar.css);
Becomes: -> @import url(CSS/menu-button.css);
This will return all extensions menu and sidebar button to nav bar.
While moving menu button to the sidebar header logo.
Modified the buttons order attributes.
------------------ WEBSITECSS/NewTab.css
--------------------- v1.4 ---------------------
Menu button moved to the sidebar logo.
Bookmark Folder icons redone.
------------------------- CSS/Perfectiontheme.css
Fixed another dropdown menu showing up with white on white, black on black text