- c6acdf9: Remove NonNullable filter on output schema generic
- ca6952f: Allow null or undefined inputs on schema level
- 69f7422: .publish can receive null or undefined and it skips the notification
- ff78cf7: Separate input from output of inputSchema and outputSchema
- 37411c1: Make superjson peer dependency
- 7cecccb: Rework observability into logEvents.events + logEvents.log for full customizability
- 4574ae0: Peer dependencies as optional
- 33c49d4: New "customizeEventCodes" to be able to change or disable specified events logs
- 33c49d4: Remove all decimals from tracing values
- 17a8cf7: New "subscription" helper exported from library with abortSignal and abortController, specially useful for GraphQL Usage
- 7dcf49a: Add try-finally block to subscribe generator
- 748ce12: New Pino logger required option + optional "logLevel" option (default is "silent") to debug and trace subscriptions performance
- 2623d83: Fix wildcard imports
- 9b23a1f: Give back inputSchema and outputSchema on createChannel for re-use
- 87cf525: Allow separate input from output zod schemas
- 3546795: Fix cjs publish
- b421b1e: Fix publish to only ship dist
- 33d1ce7: Release