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Command Line Interface for FloPy's NetCDF Export

Version 1.0.0


Netcdf_cmdline is a command line interface to FloPy's netcdf export feature. Netcdf_cmdline exports geographic model data and results from MODFLOW projects to NetCDF format using FloPy to export the MODFLOW model grid along with model cell elevation and location. The geographic location and elevation of each model cell is calculated based on the model grid and additional information that the user must add to the MODFLOW name file. Model input and output data are exported from the modflow input and output files.

Netcdf_cmdline uses the FloPy libraries to access MODFLOW project data, and supports the versions of MODFLOW supported by FloPy, including MODFLOW-2000, MODFLOW-2005, MODFLOW-NWT, and MODFLOW-USG.


Netcdf_cmdline requires Python 2.7 or higher. In addition, the following python libraries need to be installed prior to using netcdf_cmdline. Operating system specific installation instructions are available below.

  • pyproj
  • NumPy
  • HDF5
  • netCDF4
  • FloPy


  1. Install dependencies from Take special care to download the versions that match your version of Python.
  • pyproj
  • NumPy
  • HDF5
  • netCDF4
  • FloPy
  1. Install 'FloPy' (version 3) from

Linux (using pip)

  1. Install the following packages through your package management system or from source:
  1. Install the following libraries using 'pip install [library]'
  • pyproj
  • NumPy
  • HDF5
  • netCDF4
  • FloPy

Linux (using conda)

  1. Install the following packages through your package management system or from source:
  1. Install the following libraries using 'conda install [library]'
  • pyproj
  • NumPy
  • HDF5
  • netCDF4
  • FloPy

Running Netcdf_cmdline

The steps to run Netcdf_cmdline are:

  1. Add geographic location information to your project's name file

  2. Edit your project's output control file to generate the cell budget and head output you wish to export

  3. Run your model

  4. Run (see example command line in the "Examples" section)


Netcdf_cmdline is a command line interface that uses the netcdf export feature included in FloPy's python library interface.
The command line interface is used by running the python script with the appropriate command line.


Netcdf_cmdline generates two NetCDF files that can be displayed using the GODIVA2 Data Visualization option on a THREDDS data server. GODIVA2 data visualization will only work properly for data files that have a consistent single time series. Therefore head and cell budget data must be saved during the same time intervals for these data to be displayed correctly. This can be accomplished by editing the MODFLOW output control file so that for every stress period and time step that "SAVE HEAD" appears, "SAVE BUDGET" also appears, and vica versa.

Command line interface

The '' python script provides a simple command line interface to FloPy's netcdf export library. This interface can be used to export data from a MODFLOW project to a NetCDF file. Usage of this interface requires only a basic understanding of command line interfaces and does not require any python programming language knowledge. The '' script takes the following command line parameters:

-n NAME_FILE				
	The path to a MODFLOW namefile
	The path to the NetCDF output file that will store model input data
	The path to the NetCDF output file that will store model output data
-p PRECISION ('single' or 'double')
	Precision of modflow output files, single or double.  

Geographic location information

Geographic location information must be added to the beginning of your project's MODFLOW name file. Geographic location information includes x and y coordinates of the northwest (upper left) corner of the model grid (xul and yul), the model grid's rotation (rotation), and the proj4 coordinate system of your model grid (proj4_str). Geographic location information is added to a single commented line in the MODFLOW name file using the following format:

#xul:[X Cooordinate], yul:[Y Coordinate], rotation:[Rotation Angle], proj4_str:[Proj4 String]


Command Line Example

Netcdf_cmdline can be run using four required command line switches identifing your model's name file, the NetCDF output file for MODFLOW input data, the NetCDF output file for MODFLOW output data, and the precision of the MODFLOW output files: -n "input\modflow_proj.nam" -ni "ouput\" -no "output\" -p "double"

Geographic information

Below is an example of geographic coorindate information added to the top of a MODFLOW name file. The example coordinate information is for a model grid with x and y coordinate locations (northwest corner) of -83.747389 and 32.917647, grid rotation of -42.95 degrees, using the latitute/longitude WGS84 coorindates.

\# MF2K NAME file
\#xul:-83.747389, yul:32.917647, rotation:-42.95, proj4_str:+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs

NetCDF Output File Contents

The NetCDF output file contains location based data saved with latitute, longitude, and elevation coordinates based on EPSG code 4326. Data is layed out on a grid with spatial dimension variables (x, y, and layer). In addition, a time dimension (t) is used to specify the times used in the MODFLOW head and cell budget output files. The NetCDF output file contains the following variables.

MODFLOW Input Variables Stored

MODFLOW input variables stored in the NetCDF output file include the following. In addition, many package specific input variables are also stored.

	Coordinate system used.  EPSG code: 4326
	2-D array of latitude values for each model cell in a single model layer
	2-D array of longitude values for each model cell in a single model layer
	1-D array of times for output data (head values and cell budget values)
	3-D array of elevation values for each model cell
	1-D array of model layers
	1-D array of cell widths along model columns
	1-D array of cell widths along model rows
layer thickness
	3-D array of layer thickness
starting heads
	3-D array of starting heads
	3-D ibound array
MODFLOW Output Variables Stored

MODFLOW output variables stored in the NetCDF output file are read from the output head file and cell budget file. They include the following:

Head file


Cell by cell Budget File
