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File metadata and controls

65 lines (49 loc) · 1.35 KB

API design drafts

Main design goals:

  • using virtual dom, supports rendering on the server

  • hyperscript style api H as a core building block for the virtual dom (templating could based on this in the future)

  • components start small, with simple functional approach, each component is a single function returns a VNode

     func Welcome(name string) *vdom.VNode {
     	return h("h2", nil, h("Hello ", nil), h(name, nil))


  • when and how to trigger re-render on state changes?
    1. trigger manually from the component, with message passing for example
    2. trigger re-render on event handlers callback, how about non UI interactions like fetch/xhr?
    3. wire actions like hyperapp: in go reflection might involved with this approach

Separation of layers


package main

import (

func main() {
	app := NewApp()
	app.Route('/', home)

func home(state *State) *vdom.VNode {
	return vdom.H("div", nil,
		vdom.H("h1", nil, vdom.H(state.Message)),


initState := &app.State{Count: 1}
view := app.View(initState, nil)
html := server.RenderToString(view)


var state *app.State
initState := []byte(dom.Window.Get("initialState").String())
json.Unmarshal(initState, &state)

actions := &app.Actions{}
App(state, actions, app.View, dom.QuerySelector("#root"))