From eb26cb9f623659b4e855e39a1a177f32d18a5755 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fillipe de Menezes <>
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2015 23:07:23 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?Cen=C3=A1rios=20corrigidos=20e=20duas=20GUIs=20?=
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 test/cucumber/steps/ReportsSteps.groovy | 79 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 79 insertions(+)

diff --git a/test/cucumber/steps/ReportsSteps.groovy b/test/cucumber/steps/ReportsSteps.groovy
index d1b20df8..3b0ee8c8 100644
--- a/test/cucumber/steps/ReportsSteps.groovy
+++ b/test/cucumber/steps/ReportsSteps.groovy
@@ -204,7 +204,86 @@ When(~'^I can fill the Conferencia details$') {->
+#if ($createanewresearchgroup)
+    Given(~'^I am at the publications menu page$') { ->
+        to LoginPage
+        at LoginPage
+        page.add("admin","adminadmin")
+        at PublicationsPage
+    }
+When(~'^I select the "([^"]*)" option at the publications menu page$') { String option ->
+    at PublicationsPage
+And(~'^I select the "New Research Group" option at research group list page$') { ->
+    at ResearchGroupListPage
+Then(~'^I can fill the field "Nome" with value "([^"]*)"$') { String field, String name ->
+    at ResearchGroupCreatePage
+    page.fillResearchGroupName(name)
+And(~'I can fill the field "Twitter" with value "([^"]*)"$') { String field, String twitter ->
+    at ResearchGroupCreatePage
+    page.fillResearchGroupTwitter(twitter)
+And(~'^I can fill the field "Descrição" with value "([^"]*)"$') {  String field, String description ->
+    at ResearchGroupCreatePage
+    page.fillResearchGroupDescription(description)
+And(~'^I can fill the field "Sigla" with value "([^"]*)"$') {  String field, String sigla ->
+    at ResearchGroupCreatePage
+    page.fillResearchGroupSigla(sigla)
+And(~'^I select a member "([^"]*)" at member list') { String memberId ->
+    at ResearchGroupCreatePage
+    page.selectMember(memberId)
+    page.clickOnCreate()
+Then(~'^I should see the new research group named "([^"]*)" in Research Group list$') { String groupName ->
+    at ResearchGroupPage
+    assert page.findByName(groupName) != null       /* Checando se o grupo foi criado */
+#if ($invalidvalueinfielderrorwhencreatinganewMember)
+// invalid value in field error when creating a new Member
+    Given(~'^I am at the Member list page$') { ->
+        to MemberListPage
+        at MemberListPage
+    }
+When(~'^I select the "([^"]*)" option$') { String option ->
+    at MemberListPage
+    page.getMenuOption(option)
+And(~'^I can fill a field with an invalid value "([^"]*)"') { String value ->
+    at MemberCreatePage
+    page.fillMemberDetails(value)
+And(~'^I select "([^"]*)" option') { String value ->
+    at MemberCreatePage
+    page.clickOnCreate()
+Then(~'^I should see an error message'){ ->
+    at MemberListPage