This plugin will allow you to run Chartboost on cordova projects.
The plugin has the following calls:
This will initialize Chartboost. You will find the appID and the appSignature of your app on the Chartboost dashboard once you have create an app in your account
Chartboost.showInterstitial(success, fail, location);
This will show an Insterstitial Add. The parameters are the success and failure callbacks and the location of the interstitial. The callbacks system is still not implemented.
The project still need a lot of work. Right now there are the basic calls to make it work and get interstitials from Chartboost.
cordova plugin add
- Android
- iOS
- Callbacks implementation
- Video calls implementation
v0.1: First version of the plugin:
- Call to initialize Chartboost with the appId and the appSignature
- Call to show interestitials
v0.2: Support for iOS platform