This library adds support for testing the architecture
module to test-utils
This library is available on Maven Central. You can import Kaluga Test Utils Architecture as follows:
repositories {
// ...
// ...
dependencies {
// ...
It's also possible use the UI Thread context to create a Kaluga ViewModel.
This can be done by extending BaseUIThreadViewModelTest
or UIThreadViewModelTest
class CustomUIThreadViewModelTest : UIThreadViewModelTest<CustomViewModelTestContext, MyViewModel>() {
class MyViewModel(private val alertBuilder: BaseAlertPresenter.Builder) : BaseLifecycleViewModel(alertBuilder)
class CustomViewModelTestContext : ViewModelTestContext<MyViewModel> {
val mockAlertBuilder = MockAlertPresenter.Builder() // creates on UI thread and can be passed to viewModel
override val viewModel: MyViewModel = MyViewModel(mockAlertBuilder)
override fun CoroutineScope.createTestContext(): CustomViewModelTestContext = CustomViewModelTestContext()
fun testCustomUIThreadViewModelTest() = testOnUIThread {
viewModel.alertBuilder //...
In case no other objects are needed from the UI thread SimpleUIThreadViewModelTest
can be used.