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Test Utils Base

This library adds support for testing the base module and provides functionality for testing on threads. The library contains support for mocking methods.


This library is available on Maven Central. You can import Kaluga Test Utils Base as follows:

repositories {
    // ...
// ...
dependencies {
    // ...

Testing from a background thread to let Dispatchers.Main function properly

By default Kotlin/Native tests run on the UI thread, similar to regular Swift tests. As with these regular tests, this presents problems when trying to dispatch work to the UI thread. In particular for Kotlin based tests, using Dispatchers.Main -either directly or indirectly- will not work.

One solution is to test from a background thread, test-utils-base provides an alternate test entry point which launches a background thread and then consumes the iOS main run loop from the test thread. This allows work dispatched to Main to function.

This alternate test entry point can be configured in your gradle configuration, inside the ios {} (or similar) target :

for .gradle

binaries {
    // Use this entry point to turn the thread tests are run to a background thread instead of the main thread
    // This better allows testing the Main dispatcher, and testing cross thread access
    binaries.getTest("DEBUG").freeCompilerArgs += ["-e", "com.splendo.kaluga.test.base.mainBackground"]

for .gradle.kts

binaries {
    getTest("DEBUG").apply {
        freeCompilerArgs = freeCompilerArgs + "-e"
        freeCompilerArgs = freeCompilerArgs + "com.splendo.kaluga.test.base.mainBackground"

Testing on the UI Thread when testing from the background

ViewModels often have associated classes (HUD, Alerts etc) that under Kotlin/Native should be instantiated and used from the UI thread.

When testing from a background thread (see above) it's possible to extend BaseUIThreadTest, UIThreadTest or SimpleUIThreadTest. This allows you to use the testOnUIThread method to run your test block on the UI.

BaseUIThreadTest lets you define a configuration and a context class, which is the scope for your test method. Since the context is created on the UI thread and your test runs on it, this allow mutation of object, or using objects that need to be created on the UI thread only.

class MyUIThreadTest : BaseUIThreadTest<MyUIThreadTest.Configuration, MyUIThreadTest.MyTestContext>() {
    private data class Configuration(val configuration: Int)
    class MyTestContext(configuration: Configuration, scope: CoroutineScope) : TestContext {
        var myContextVar = "myContext ${configuration.configuration}" // created in UI thread
        override fun dispose() { myContextVar = "" } // runs after the test block is run

    override val createTestContextWithConfiguration = { configuration, scope -> MyTestContext(configuration, scope) }
    fun testUIThreadTest() = testOnUIThread(Configuration(0)) {
        myContextVar = "somethingElse" // does not crash because access is also from the UI thread
        coroutineScope {
            launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
                println("this will actually run during the test")

The configuration class allows each test to configure the Context, allowing different setups. When no configuration is needed use UIThreadTest instead.

testOnUIThread also has a parameter cancelScopeAfterTest that is disable by default. With this enabled, the scope will be canceled with a custom cancellation exception after your test block is run, and the resulting cancellation exception is ignored. Other exceptions (including cancellation) will still surface as normal.

Testing flows

BaseFlowTest and derivative classes like FlowTest and SimpleFlowTest can be used to test Flows in a cross thread manner, with tests running in a test thread, and the flow being collected in a main thread.

In this example we extend SimpleFlowTest and run our test function with testWithFlow { }

class SuperSimpleFlowTestTest: SimpleFlowTest<Int>() {
    override val flow: suspend () -> Flow<Int> = { flowOf(1, 2, 3) }

    // use testWithFlow to run the test
    fun test() = testWithFlow {
        val complete = EmptyCompletableDeferred()

        // tests values collected from the flow on the main thread asynchronously
        test {
            assertEquals(1, it)

        test {
            assertEquals(2, it)
        // wait for all asynchronous tests to be completed
        action {
        test {
            assertEquals(3, it)
        // no action needed, last test blocks will be run before test is complete

This works by providing action { } and test { } blocks, where test blocks run asynchronously on the main thread, when there is a new value collected from the Flow, and action blocks are only run when all test blocks have been executed. mainAction can be used to run an action block on the main thread.

The flow to be tested is provided through an abstract field (flow or flowFromTestContext) with closure that returns the flow.

Extending BaseFlowTest (or BaseKoinFlowTest) also allows for supplying a TestContext, since these classes extend UIThreadTest. mainAction blocks have this TestContext as its context, as does the flowFromTestContext closure.

In particular for BaseKoinFlowTest this allows for Koin injected objects only from the main thread.

Kaluga itself uses these classes to test many of the flows (e.g. from StateRepos), so more advanced example can be found throughout the codebase.


Test utils allow for declaring mock implementations of methods. To declare a mock of a function, simply call the mock function on a function reference. This returns a MethodMock class that can be used to call, stub and verify the method. Usually, declaring a mock will look something like:

val methodMock = ::method.mock()
fun method(parameterOne: String, parameterTwo: Boolean, parameterThree: Double): Int =, parameterTwo, parameterThree)

Methods with up to 5 parameters can be mocked directly. In case of more parameters the ParametersSpec interface should be overwritten, though it is recommended to simplify methods to take less parameters instead.


Mocks can be stubbed to return certain values. To create a stub, call the on method on a MethodMock and set the result using doAnswer or one of its derived methods: doExecute, doReturn, doThrow, or for SuspendMethodMock doExecuteSuspended, or doAwait. Mocks for methods returning primitive and common data structures such as Strings, Collections or nullables have a default stub returning an empty data type (e.g. false for booleans or emptyList for a List).

Multiple stubs can be set for a single mock by using ParameterMatchers:

  • any matches and parameter that is received. This is the default.
  • notNull matches only non-null value of a nullable parameter.
  • isInstance matches only instances of a subclass of the parameter.
  • matching allows for a custom matcher for the parameter.
  • oneOf checks if the parameter matches one of a list of values.
  • notEq matches if the parameter is not equal to a given value.
  • eq matches if the parameter matches a given value.

When called, the mock will try and determine the best stub for a given set of parameters. It does so by prioritizing matches with stricter ParameterMatchers first. E.g.:

methodMock.on(any(), eq(true), oneOf(listOf(0.0, 1.0))).doReturn(1)
methodMock.on(eq("Test"), any(), eq(1.0)).doReturn(2)
methodMock.on(any(), any(), any()).doReturn(3)

println(method("Test", true, 1.0)) // prints 2
println(method("Other", true, 0.0)) // Prints 1
println(method("Test", false, 2.0)) // Prints 3

Call resetStubs to reset all stubbing (note this will also remove any default stubs that may have been set)


Calls to a MethodMock can be verified using the verify method. Like with stubbing, verification can use ParameterMatchers to filter for a given parameter. In addition, a Captor can be passed to capture an argument when called. By default, verify will check that the method has been called with the given ParameterMatchers exactly once. Pass a VerificationRule or simply the number of times the method should be called to verify different calls.

methodMock.verify(rule = never()) // Verifies the method has never been called
method("", false, 0.0)
methodMock.verify(second = eq(false))

A special suspend version of verify() is also available, verifyWithin(). Instead of failing if the rules are not immediately met, it will wait for a certain Duration to see if the mock will be called again, each time re-evaluating the VerificationRule.

method("", false, 0.0)
launch {
    method("", false, 0.0)
methodMock.verifyWithin(duration = 2.seconds, times = 2) // at the time this is called the method will only have been called once, but it will wait for 2 more seconds to see if additional calls are made

Note that the increase of calls for fast successive invocations may be conflated (e.g. from 1 to 3). If you still want your verifyWithin call to pass, use a rule like atLeast:

mock.verifyWithin(rule = atLeast(2))

Call resetCalls to reset all calls to a MethodMock.