A Helm chart for Spotfire Server.
Homepage: https://github.com/spotfiresoftware/spotfire-cloud-deployment-kit
Kubernetes: >=1.24.0-0
Repository | Name | Version |
file://../spotfire-common | spotfire-common | 0.3.0 |
https://fluent.github.io/helm-charts | log-forwarder(fluent-bit) | 0.47.* |
https://haproxytech.github.io/helm-charts | haproxy | 1.22.* |
This chart deploys the Spotfire® Server on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.
Using this chart, you can also deploy the following:
- The required Spotfire Server database schemas on a supported database server (for example, Postgres).
- A reverse proxy (HAProxy) for accessing the Spotfire Server cluster service, with session affinity for external HTTP access.
- An (Ingress) with routing rules for accessing the configured reverse proxy.
- Shared storage locations (Persistent Volumes) for the Spotfire library import and export, custom jars, deployment packages, and other purposes.
The Spotfire Server pod includes:
- A Fluent Bit sidecar container for log forwarding.
- Service annotations for Prometheus scrapers. The Prometheus server discovers the service endpoint using these specifications and scrapes metrics from the exporter.
- Predefined configuration for horizontal pod autoscaling with KEDA and Prometheus.
This chart is tested to work with NGINX Ingress Controller, Elasticsearch, Prometheus and KEDA.
- Familiarity with Kubernetes, containers and Helm chart concepts and usage.
- Helm 3+.
- Ingress controller (optional).
- PV (Persistent Volume) provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure (optional).
- A supported database server for use as the Spotfire database. For information on supported databases, see Spotfire Server requirements.
Note: You can install the database server in the same Kubernetes cluster or on premises. Alternatively, you can use a cloud database service.
To install the chart with the release name my-release
and the values from the file my-values
helm install my-release -f my-values.yml .
Note: The Spotfire Server chart requires some variables to start (such as database server connection details). See the examples and variables descriptions below.
Note: You can use any of the Spotfire supported databases with these recipes, and you can choose to run the database on containers, VMs, or bare metal servers, or you can use a cloud database service.
For more information on how to configure the different supported databases using this Helm chart, see the Supported databases configuration table and the Values table.
See helm install for command documentation.
This example shows how to deploy a Spotfire Server using an already existing supported database. Before running this command, set the proposed variables in your environment, or edit the command, replacing the proposed variables with the corresponding values.
Deploy the Spotfire Server using an existing database:
helm install my-release . \
--set acceptEUA=true \
--set global.spotfire.image.registry="" \
--set global.spotfire.image.pullPolicy="Always" \
--set database.bootstrap.databaseUrl="$DB_BOOTSTRAP_URL" \
--set database.create-db.databaseUrl="$DB_URL" \
--set database.create-db.adminUsername="$DB_ADMIN" \
--set database.create-db.adminPassword="$DB_PASSWORD" \
--set database.create-db.enabled=true \
-f my-values.yml
Note: This Spotfire Helm chart requires setting the parameter acceptEUA
or the parameter global.spotfire.acceptEUA
to the value true
By doing so, you agree that your use of the Spotfire software running in the managed containers will be governed by the terms of the Cloud Software Group, Inc. End User Agreement.
Note: You must provide your private registry address where the Spotfire container images are stored.
For more information, see the following topics.
- create-db command documentation.
- bootstrap command documentation.
- The Values table section.
Additional database connection configuration is typically done through the JDBC connection properties in the connection URL and varies between different database and driver vendors. For example, for PostgreSQL, see Postgres JDBC.
In some specific cases, you must place additional files in the container and supply the absolute path of these files in the connection URL. See the Volumes section for details.
This example shows how to deploy a Spotfire Server using a PostgreSQL database in a Kubernetes cluster using Helm charts. The database is deployed as a container and, by default, the PostgreSQL Helm chart creates its own PVC for persistent data storage.
Add the Bitnami charts repository and install a Postgresql database using the Bitnami's PostgreSQL chart:
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami helm install vanilla-tssdb bitnami/postgresql \ --version 15 \ --set primary.persistence.enabled=false \ --set primary.resourcesPreset=small
Export the Postgresql autogenerated random password:
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default vanilla-tssdb-postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.postgres-password}" | base64 --decode)
Install the Spotfire Server chart using the release name
:helm upgrade --install vanilla-tss . \ --set acceptEUA=true \ --set global.spotfire.image.registry="" \ --set global.spotfire.image.pullPolicy="Always" \ --set database.bootstrap.databaseUrl="jdbc:postgresql://vanilla-tssdb-postgresql.default.svc.cluster.local/" \ --set database.create-db.databaseUrl="jdbc:postgresql://vanilla-tssdb-postgresql.default.svc.cluster.local/" \ --set database.create-db.adminUsername=postgres \ --set database.create-db.adminPassword="$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" \ --set database.create-db.enabled=true \ --set configuration.site.publicAddress=http://localhost/
Note: You must provide your private registry address where the Spotfire container images are stored.
Note: This example assumes that your Spotfire container images are located in a configured registry at See the Kubernetes documentation for how to Pull an Image from a Private Registry, and how to configure a local registry in your Kubernetes distribution (for example, microk8s built-in registry).
Export the autogenerated Spotfire admin password:
export SPOTFIREADMIN_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secrets vanilla-tss-spotfire-server -o jsonpath="{.data.SPOTFIREADMIN_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode)
Export the autogenerated Spotfire database password:
export SPOTFIREDB_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secrets vanilla-tss-spotfire-server -o jsonpath="{.data.SPOTFIREDB_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode)
After some minutes, you can access the Spotfire Server web interface in
For more information on Spotfire, see the Spotfire® Server - Installation and Administration documentation.
For more information on PostgreSQL deployment using the chart in the example, see the Bitnami's PostgreSQL chart documentation.
To uninstall the my-release
helm uninstall my-release
See helm uninstall for command documentation.
Normally, all services and pods are deleted using helm uninstall
, but occasionally you might need to manually delete existing Spotfire persistent volume claims or not completed jobs due to interrupted operation or incorrect setup.
To delete unused persistent volume claims, first list the persistent volume claims:
kubectl get pvc
Second, delete only the persistent volume claims that you do not want to keep. For example:
kubectl delete pvc data-my-release-postgresql-0
To delete old release jobs, first list the jobs:
kubectl get jobs
Second, delete the ones that you do not want to keep. For example:
kubectl delete job.batch/my-release-spotfire-server-basic-config-job
Alternatively, delete the Kubernetes namespace that contains these resources.
For scaling the my-release
deployment, you can do a helm upgrade, providing the target number of pod instances in the replicaCount
helm upgrade --install my-release . --reuse-values --set replicaCount=3
To use KEDA for autoscaling, first install it in the Kubernetes cluster. You must also install a Prometheus instance that scrapes metrics from the Spotfire pods.
Example: A values.yml
snippet configuration for enabling autoscaling with KEDA:
enabled: true
prometheusServerAddress: http://prometheus-server.monitor.svc.cluster.local
threshold: 60
minReplicas: 1
maxReplicas: 3
The value specified for threshold determines the value that the query must reach before the service is scaled.
The spotfire-server
has the following autoscaling defaults:
- metric:
(CPU usage of the Spotfire Server instance). - query: the sum of
(in percent) of all the Spotfire Server instances for the release name.
With these default settings, if the total CPU usage for all instances is greater than the threshold, then another instance is started to scale out the service. If the total CPU usage for all instances falls under the threshold, then the service scales in.
For each multiple of the kedaAutoscaling.threshold
, another instance is scaled out.
- With 1 replica, if the query value is at >60% CPU, then another replica is created.
- With 2 replicas, if the query value is at >120%, then another replica is created, and so on.
For more information, see the HPA algorithm details.
Note: To allow time for draining sessions when scaling in, tune the values for draining.minimumSeconds
and draining.timeoutSeconds
For more advanced scenarios, see kedaAutoscaling.advanced and kedaAutoscaling.fallback.
Additionally, you can define your own custom scaling triggers. Helm template functionality is available:
# {list of triggers to activate scaling of the target resource}
Note: For more details on the autoscaling defaults, see the keda-autoscaling.yaml template.
Some parameters might have been changed, moved or renamed and must be taken into consideration when upgrading the release. See release notes for more information.
When you upgrade a Spotfire Helm chart, consider the following to ensure a smooth upgrade process.
You must understand whether the new Helm chart version comes with a new Spotfire Server version. If it does, you will need to carefully consider the implications of upgrading to a new server version, and to make sure that you understand any potential compatibility issues or changes in functionality.
See the Upgrading Spotfire page in the "Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration" manual for any specific considerations or instructions related to the version you are upgrading to. This will ensure that you're aware of any known issues or steps that you need to follow to upgrade successfully.
If you are upgrading to a newer Spotfire Server version and Spotfire services versions, first upgrade the Spotfire Server, and then upgrade the Spotfire services.
If you prefer to let the Helm chart to automatically perform Spotfire database schema upgrade, you can set the database.upgrade
value to true.
By default automatic database upgrade is disabled meaning you must manually upgrade the database when installing a new Spotfire server version that requires the Spotfire database to be upgraded.
To roll back an upgrade, you must back up the Spotfire database before upgrading to a newer Spotfire Server version. This ensures that you have a copy of the database in its previous state, and that you can revert to this state if necessary. If you use external library storage, you should also create a snapshot of the external library storage that corresponds to the database backup state.
The Kubernetes job config-job
is responsible for upgrading the Spotfire database. To verify that the upgrade was successful, you should check the config-job
logs. This will help you to identify any issues or errors that might have occurred during the upgrade process, and to ensure that your Spotfire Server database has been successfully upgraded.
The Kubernetes job config-job
uses the Spotfire Server Upgrade Tool. For details, see Run the Spotfire Server Upgrade Tool.
To add a custom configuration or to run custom tasks during a helm release upgrade or installation, you can run a custom spotfire-config
tool task.
There are three types of config.sh
scripts that you can run:
- Scripts that modify the Spotfire Server configuration (configuration.xml
- Scripts that do not modify the Spotfire Server configuration (for example, for creating users, assigning licenses, and so on).configuration.preConfigCommandScripts
- The same as commandScripts, except these commands are run before the configuration is imported.
See the Values section below for more details.
Note: To deploy SDN files during helm upgrade or installation, see Using persistent volumes for deploying SDNs/SPKs.
Example: A values.yml
snippet configuration for running custom spotfire-config
tool tasks:
- name: my_custom_script
script: |
echo "This is an example custom configuration tasks. "
set-config-prop --name=lifecycle.changes-monitoring.draining.timeout-seconds --value=180 --configuration="${CONFIGURATION_FILE}" --bootstrap-config="${BOOTSTRAP_FILE}"
- name: my_second_script
script: |
echo "This script will be executed after the one above."
echo "Scripts are executed in the order in which they appear the values file."
- name: my_commands_script
script: create-user --bootstrap-config="${BOOTSTRAP_FILE}" --tool-password="${TOOL_PASSWORD}" --username="my_new_user" --password="password" --ignore-existing=true
You can use environment variables in the scripts. These include, but are not limited to, CONFIGURATION_FILE
For more information about config.sh
scripts, see the Spotfire Server documentation about scripting a configuration.
If your scripts require additional environment variables, to add environment variables from existing secrets or configmaps, use the extraEnvVarsSecret
or extraEnvVarsCM
chart variables.
The key configuration.apply
controls when to apply the values under the configuration
key level.
See the following table for a summary of the possible values, descriptions, and when to use each of them.
Value | Description | When it is useful |
always |
Apply on every helm upgrade or helm install |
When you prefer to manage the configuration always using configuration keys. |
initialsetup |
Apply only on new Spotfire Server installation and if there is no configuration in the database | When you want to use configuration keys for the initial setup of the system, but you prefer to manage the configuration using an external tool. |
never |
Do not apply | When you prefer to manage the configuration externally without using configuration keys. |
Note: When set to always
, the configuration made from tools other than helm might be overwritten when doing a helm upgrade.
Note: The Spotfire database must contain a configuration that is compatible with this helm chart and Spotfire running in Kubernetes. See config-job-scripts/default-kubernetes-config.txt.gotmpl. You must make sure a compatible configuration is active, either by manually setting a configuration, or by using the value always
or initialsetup
(only during initial setup), in which case the configuration job applies the configuration for you.
Note: If you prefer to manage the configuration externally, you can set configuration.preferExistingConfig
to true.
See the Values section for more details.
You can use the following chart keys to add additional environment variables to the pods:
- Extra environment variables for thespotfire-server
- Extra environment variables for thecli
- Extra environment variables for theconfig-job
Use these keys to inject environment variables for usage in custom initialization and configuration scripts, or to set options for the Spotfire Server JVM and Tomcat.
Use extraEnvVarsSecret
or extraEnvVarsCM
to add environment variables from existing secrets or configMaps.
Example: A values.yaml
snippet configuration for JVM settings for the Spotfire Server:
value: 1024m
value: 2048m
value: "-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true"
You can use volumes to mount external files into the containers file system to make them available to the containers. You can also use volumes to persist data that is written by the application to an external volume.
Setting up volumes permissions is usually handled by the Kubernetes administrators. See the Kubernetes documentation for best practices.
Note: You can create a pod running as the user root
that uses a PersistentVolume or PersistentVolumeClaim to set the right permissions or to pre-populate the volume with jar files or library import files.
- For more information on volumes, see Volumes and Persistent Volumes.
- For more information using PersistentVolumes and PersistentVolumeClaims in a Pod, see Configure a Pod to Use a PersistentVolume for Storage.
You can use Kubernetes persistent volumes as a shared storage location for the Spotfire library import and export location, custom jars, deployment packages, certificates, and other purposes.
Use predefined chart values for the most common needed Spotfire volumes. See table below. Using generic volumes is also possible. See section Spotfire generic volumes.
Chart values | Purpose |
volumes.certificates |
Use self-signed or custom certificates |
volumes.customExt |
Use additional Java library files in the Spotfire Server |
volumes.customExtInformationservices |
Use additional Java library files for Information Services |
volumes.deployments |
Automatically deploy SDNs/SPKs files into a Spotfire deployment area |
volumes.libraryImportExport |
Common storage for Spotfire library import and export operations |
volumes.troubleshooting |
Persist spotfire-server JVM head dumps and information for troubleshooting |
Note: If a volume is not configured, it is not used, or the mountPath uses an emptyDir volume.
To use self-signed or custom certificates for connecting to LDAPS (such as .jks
keystore files),
you can create a volume with the desired files and use
to set the PersistentVolumeClaim.
(spotfire-server pod)/opt/spotfire/spotfireconfigtool/certs
(config-job and cli pods)
Note: The spotfire
user needs read permissions to the volume.
For more information on using self-signed certificates for LDAPS with the Spotfire Server, see Configuring LDAPS.
To use custom jar files in the spotfire-server
you can create a PersistentVolume with the desired files use
to set the PersistentVolumeClaim to use.
(spotfire-server pod)/opt/spotfire/spotfireconfigtool/custom-ext
(config-job and cli pods)
Note: The spotfire
user needs read permissions for the volume.
For information on using additional Java library files for Spotfire Server, see:
To be able to access data from a JDBC-compliant data source with Information Services, use volumes.customExtInformationservices
(spotfire-server pod)/opt/spotfire/spotfireconfigtool/custom-ext-informationservices
(config-job and cli pods)
See Installing database drivers for Information Designer for more information.
Note: By default, the deployment configuration job creates a deployment area using the release's Spotfire.Dxp.sdn
, contained in the spotfire-deployment image.
If this is sufficient for your use case, you can skip this section.
However, if you want to customize the Spotifre deployment areas structure and the packages to be deployed on each of them, you can follow instead the steps in this section.
For more information, see the keys under configuration.deployment
To automatically deploy SDNs/SPKs files into a Spotfire deployment area,
you can create a PersistentVolume with the desired files to mount on container start
and use volumes.deployments.existingClaim
to set the PersistentVolumeClaim to use.
- Copy the desired SDNs/SPKs in a folder (such as
) in the PersistentVolume. - On helm install/upgrade, the
creates a Spotfire deployment area with the folder name (if it does not exist), and the packages are deployed into that area.
Example: The following volume file structure creates the deployment areas "Production" and "Test", and deploys the provided SDN files in these respective deployment areas:
mountPath: /opt/spotfire/spotfireconfigtool/deployments
(config-job pod)
Note: The spotfire
user needs read permissions for the volume.
Note: The Spotfire deployment area names are case-insensitive and have a maximum length of 25 characters. These are the valid characters:
- [a-z]
- [0-9]
- The underline character
- The dash character
For more information, see Spotfire Deployments and deployment areas.
To use a common storage for Spotfire library import and export operations,
you can use volumes.libraryImportExport.persistentVolumeClaim
or volumes.libraryImportExport.existingClaim
to control which PersistentVolume or PersistentVolumeClaim to use.
mountPath: /opt/spotfire/spotfireserver/tomcat/application-data/library
(spotfire-server pod)
Note: The spotfire
user needs read and write permissions for the volume.
For more information, see importing to library and exporting from library.
To persist spotfire-server
JVM head dumps and information for troubleshooting when pods are removed,
you can use volumes.troubleshooting.persistentVolumeClaim
or volumes.troubleshooting.existingClaim
to control which PersistentVolume or PersistentVolumeClaim to use.
mountPath: /opt/spotfire/troubleshooting/jvm-heap-dumps
(spotfire-server pod)
Note: The spotfire
user needs write permissions for the volume.
A generic way to use volumes with the spotfire-server
chart is with the extraVolumeMounts
and extraVolumes
chart variables.
There are specific variables for using these generic volumes on each pod:
- For the
pod, useextraVolumeMounts
. - For the
pod, usecliPod.extraVolumeMounts
. - For the
pod, useconfigJob.extraVolumeMounts
- name: example
mountPath: /opt/spotfire/example.txt
subPath: example.txt
- name: example
claimName: exampleClaim
When cliPod.enabled
is set to true
, an always-on Spotfire configuration CLI pod is deployed with the chart. You can use this pod to manage and configure the Spotfire environment.
Example: Get the bash prompt into the configuration CLI pod:
$ kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods -l "app.kubernetes.io/component=cli, app.kubernetes.io/part-of=spotfire" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}" ) -- bash
my-release-cli-859fdc8cdf-d58rf $ ./bootstrap.sh # Run the bootstrap.sh script to create a bootstrap.xml before starting to use config.sh
For more information, see Configuration using the command line.
Database | driver class | create-db.databaseUrl | bootstrap.databaseUrl | Additional parameters |
Postgres | org.postgresql.Driver | jdbc:postgresql://databasehost:databaseport/ | jdbc:postgresql://databasehost:databaseport/databasename | |
Oracle | oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver | jdbc:oracle:thin:@//databasehost:databaseport/service | jdbc:oracle:thin:@//databasehost:databaseport/service | oracleRootfolder, oracleTablespacePrefix |
MSSQL | com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver | jdbc:sqlserver://databasehost:databaseport | jdbc:sqlserver://databasehost:databaseport;DatabaseName=databasename | |
AWS Postgres | org.postgresql.Driver | jdbc:postgresql://databasehost:databaseport/databasename | jdbc:postgresql://databasehost:databaseport/databasename | doNotCreateUser = true |
Aurora Postgres | org.postgresql.Driver | jdbc:postgresql://databasehost:databaseport/databasename | jdbc:postgresql://databasehost:databaseport/databasename | doNotCreateUser = true |
AWS Oracle | oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver | jdbc:oracle:thin:@databasehost:databaseport/ORCL | jdbc:oracle:thin:@databasehost:databaseport/ORCL | variant = rds |
AWS MSSQL | com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver | jdbc:sqlserver://databasehost:databaseport | jdbc:sqlserver://databasehost:databaseport;DatabaseName=databaseName | variant = rds |
Azure Postgres | org.postgresql.Driver | jdbc:postgresql://databasehost:databaseport/databasename | jdbc:postgresql://databasehost:databaseport/databasename | doNotCreateUser = true |
Azure MSSQL | com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver | jdbc:sqlserver://databasehost:databaseport | jdbc:sqlserver://databasehost:databaseport;DatabaseName=databaseName | variant = azure |
Google Cloud Postgres | org.postgresql.Driver | jdbc:postgresql://databasehost:databaseport/ | jdbc:postgresql://databasehost:databaseport/databasename | doNotCreateUser = true |
Google Cloud SQL Server | com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver | jdbc:sqlserver://databasehost:databaseport | jdbc:sqlserver://databasehost:databaseport;DatabaseName=databaseName | variant = google |
For more details, see for example
Key | Type | Default | Description |
global.spotfire.acceptEUA | bool | nil |
Accept the Cloud Software Group, Inc. End User Agreement by setting the value to true . |
global.spotfire.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
The global container image pull policy. |
global.spotfire.image.pullSecrets | list | [] |
The global container image pull secrets. |
global.spotfire.image.registry | string | nil |
The global container image registry. Used for container images unless overridden. |
acceptEUA | bool | nil |
Accept the Cloud Software Group, Inc. End User Agreement by setting the value to true . |
affinity | object | {} |
cliPod.affinity | object | {} |
cliPod.enabled | bool | true |
cliPod.extraEnvVars | list | [] |
Additional environment variables all spotfire-server pods use. - name: NAME value: value |
cliPod.extraEnvVarsCM | string | "" |
cliPod.extraEnvVarsSecret | string | "" |
cliPod.extraInitContainers | list | [] |
Additional init containers to add to cli pod. More info: kubectl explain deployment.spec.template.spec.initContainers |
cliPod.extraVolumeMounts | list | [] |
Extra volumeMounts for the configJob Job. More info: kubectl explain deployment.spec.template.spec.containers.volumeMounts |
cliPod.extraVolumes | list | [] |
Extra volumes for the configJob Job. More info: kubectl explain deployment.spec.template.spec.volumes |
cliPod.image.pullPolicy | string | nil |
The spotfireConfig image pull policy. Overrides global.spotfire.image.pullPolicy. |
cliPod.image.pullSecrets | list | [] |
cliPod.image.registry | string | nil |
The image registry for spotfireConfig. Overrides global.spotfire.image.registry value. |
cliPod.image.repository | string | "spotfire/spotfire-config" |
The spotfireConfig image repository. |
cliPod.image.tag | string | "14.4.1-1" |
The spotfireConfig container image tag to use. |
cliPod.logLevel | string | "" |
Set to DEBUG or TRACE to increase log level. Defaults to INFO if unset. |
cliPod.nodeSelector | object | {} |
cliPod.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Podannotations for cliPod |
cliPod.podSecurityContext | object | {} |
The podSecurityContext setting for cliPod More info: kubectl explain deployment.spec.template.spec.securityContext |
cliPod.securityContext | object | {} |
The securityContext setting for cliPod. More info: kubectl explain deployment.spec.template.spec.containers.securityContext |
cliPod.tolerations | list | [] |
configJob.affinity | object | {} |
configJob.extraEnvVars | list | [] |
Additional environment variables for all spotfire-server pods to use. - name: NAME value: value |
configJob.extraEnvVarsCM | string | "" |
configJob.extraEnvVarsSecret | string | "" |
configJob.extraInitContainers | list | [] |
Additional init containers to add to the Spotfire server configuration pod. More info: kubectl explain job.spec.template.spec.initContainers |
configJob.extraVolumeMounts | list | [] |
Extra volumeMounts for the configJob Job. More info: kubectl explain job.spec.template.spec.containers.volumeMounts |
configJob.extraVolumes | list | [] |
Extra volumes for the configJob Job. More info: kubectl explain job.spec.template.spec.volumes |
configJob.image.pullPolicy | string | nil |
The spotfireConfig image pull policy. Overrides global.spotfire.image.pullPolicy value. |
configJob.image.pullSecrets | list | [] |
configJob.image.registry | string | nil |
The image registry for spotfireConfig. Overrides global.spotfire.image.registry value. |
configJob.image.repository | string | "spotfire/spotfire-config" |
The spotfireConfig image repository. |
configJob.image.tag | string | "14.4.1-1" |
The spotfireConfig container image tag to use. |
configJob.logLevel | string | "" |
Set to DEBUG or TRACE to increase log level. Defaults to INFO if unset. |
configJob.nodeSelector | object | {} |
configJob.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Podannotations for configJob |
configJob.podSecurityContext | object | {} |
The podSecurityContext setting for configJob. More info: kubectl explain job.spec.template.spec.securityContext |
configJob.securityContext | object | {} |
The securityContext setting for configJob. More info: kubectl explain job.spec.template.spec.containers.securityContext |
configJob.tolerations | list | [] |
configJob.ttlSecondsAfterFinished | int | 7200 |
Set the length of time in seconds to keep job and its logs until the job is removed. |
configuration.actionLog | object | File logging enabled, database logging disabled. | Action log settings. See config-action-logger for more information. |
configuration.actionLog.categories | string | "" |
Action log categories and webCategories are a comma separated list of categories. See config-action-logger for a list of possible categories. default value when empty is "all" |
configuration.actionLog.database.config-action-log-database-logger | object | Configuration of actionlog database settings is only applicable if configuration.actionLog.enabled is true | Configure actionlog database. See config-action-log-database-logger for more information. |
configuration.actionLog.database.config-action-log-database-logger.additionalOptions | object | {} |
Additional Options. See config-action-log-database-logger - Options for more information. |
configuration.actionLog.database.config-action-log-database-logger.password | string | "" |
The password to be created for the Spotfire Actionlog database user. If not provided, this password is automatically generated. |
configuration.actionLog.database.config-action-log-database-logger.username | string | "spotfire_actionlog" |
The user to create for actionlog database access |
configuration.actionLog.database.create-actionlogdb | object | Actionlog database is created only if configuration.actionLog.enabled is true | Create the actionlog database. See create-actionlogdb for more information. |
configuration.actionLog.database.create-actionlogdb.actiondbDbname | string | "spotfire_actionlog" |
Name for the Actionlog Database to be created to hold the Actionlog database table. |
configuration.actionLog.database.create-actionlogdb.adminPassword | string | "" |
Admin password for the actionlog database. |
configuration.actionLog.database.create-actionlogdb.adminPasswordExistingSecret | object | Not used unless .name is set | Read spotfire actionlog database password from an existing secret. If set, 'adminPassword' above is not used. |
configuration.actionLog.database.create-actionlogdb.adminUsername | string | "postgres" |
Admin username for the actionlog database. |
configuration.actionLog.database.create-actionlogdb.databaseUrl | string | "jdbc:postgresql://HOSTNAME/" |
Like configuration.actionLog.database.config-action-log-database-logger.databaseUrl but is used for the connection when creating the actionlog database. Evaluated as a template. |
configuration.actionLog.database.create-actionlogdb.doNotCreateUser | bool | false |
Set this to true, in case supported databases (AWS Postgres, Aurora Postgres, Azure Postgres, Google Cloud Postgres) does not allow user creation or the actionlog records are being stored on the spotfire database. |
configuration.actionLog.database.create-actionlogdb.enabled | bool | true |
if enabled is true, create the actionlog database |
configuration.actionLog.database.create-actionlogdb.oracleRootfolder | string | "" |
Specify the value in case of Oracle database, otherwise keep it blank. |
configuration.actionLog.database.create-actionlogdb.timeoutSeconds | string | "" |
Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for the operation. |
configuration.actionLog.database.create-actionlogdb.variant | string | "" |
For connecting to MS SQL or Oracle on Amazon RDS, specify rds , for MS SQL on Azure, specify azure , otherwise omit the option. |
configuration.apply | string | "initialsetup" |
When to apply configurationScripts, commandScripts, admin user creation and action log settings. Possible values: * "always" = Apply on every helm install or helm upgrade . Note: Configuration made from other tools than helm might be overwritten when updating the helm release. * "initialsetup" = Only apply if Spotfire server database does not already have a configuration. It is suitable for setting up the initial configuration of the environment but where further configuration is done using the spotfire configuration tool. * "never" = Do not apply. Configuration must be configured using the spotfire configuration tool directly towards the database. |
configuration.commandScripts | list | [] |
A list of command scripts to run during helm installation. These commands will run once only and not subsequent helm release upgrades. Each list item should have the keys name and script . See config.sh run script. Commands in these scripts should NOT operate on configuration.xml . Operations such as adding/removing users and assigning licenses are typical administrative commands that can be specified here. |
configuration.configurationScripts | list | [] |
A list of configuration scripts to apply during helm installation. Each list item should have the keys name and script . See config.sh run script. Commands in these scripts should operate only on a local configuration.xml . Commands such as set-config-prop and modify-ds-template are examples of commands that can be used here. The local configuration.xml file is automatically imported after all configuration steps run in the order in which they are defined below. |
configuration.deployment.clear | bool | false |
Clear existing packages before any new files are added. Setting it true can cause extra delay because packages need to be added again every time the config-job is run. |
configuration.deployment.defaultDeployment.deploymentAreaName | string | "Production" |
The name of the deployment area to create or update |
configuration.deployment.defaultDeployment.enabled | bool | true |
Create deployment area with default Spotfire.Dxp.sdn taken from spotfire-deployment image. Warning: If set to true and a deployment volume (see volumes.deployments key) is used, a folder with name deploymentAreaName will be created and potentially overwrite any existing deployment with the same name on the persistent volume. |
configuration.deployment.defaultDeployment.image.pullPolicy | string | nil |
The spotfire-deployment image pull policy. Overrides global.spotfire.image.pullPolicy . |
configuration.deployment.defaultDeployment.image.pullSecrets | list | [] |
configuration.deployment.defaultDeployment.image.registry | string | nil |
The image registry for spotfire-deployment. Overrides global.spotfire.image.registry value. |
configuration.deployment.defaultDeployment.image.repository | string | "spotfire/spotfire-deployment" |
The spotfire-deployment image repository. |
configuration.deployment.defaultDeployment.image.tag | string | "14.4.1-1" |
The container image tag to use. |
configuration.deployment.enabled | bool | true |
When enabled spotfire deployment areas will be created by the configuration job. See also volumes.deployment . |
configuration.draining | object | {"enabled":true,"minimumSeconds":90,"publishNotReadyAddresses":true,"timeoutSeconds":180} |
Configuration of the Spotfire Server container lifecycle PreStop hook. |
configuration.draining.enabled | bool | true |
Enables or disables the container lifecycle PreStop hook. |
configuration.draining.minimumSeconds | int | 90 |
The minimum time in seconds that the server should be draining, even if it is considered idle. |
configuration.draining.publishNotReadyAddresses | bool | true |
Makes sure that service SRV records are preserved while terminating pods, typically used with the spotfire haproxy deployment. |
configuration.draining.timeoutSeconds | int | 180 |
The draining timeout in seconds after which the service is forcibly shut down. |
configuration.encryptionPassword | string | "" |
The password for encrypting passwords that are stored in the database. If you do not set this option, then a static password is used. See --encryption-password for the bootstrap command. |
configuration.preConfigCommandScripts | list | [] |
The same as commandScripts but these command will be run before the configuration is imported. On new installations the commands will be run before any spotfire servers are started, because spotfire server will not start before there is a configuration. |
configuration.preferExistingConfig | bool | false |
Run the configuration job steps starting from the currently active configuration or from the Spotfire default config (created with config.sh create-default-config ). If no current active configuration exists, the default config is used. Note: When set to false, all configuration done with external tools other than helm will be overwritten on an upgrade. |
configuration.properties | object | Default values for kubernetes, see values.yaml. | Configuration properties The key name is the name of the property to set. If the value is a scalar the configuration tool command set-config-prop is used. To set a list or map the value should have the keys itemName and value . If the value is a map or object the configuration tool command set-config-map-prop is used. If the value is a list the configuration tool command set-config-list-prop is used. |
configuration.site | object | Spotfire Server joins the Default site. | Site settings. See sites for more information. |
configuration.site.name | string | "Default" |
The name of the site that the Spotfire Server should belong to. The site must be created beforehand. See create-site for more information. |
configuration.site.publicAddress | string | "" |
The address that clients use for connecting to the system. It is also used for generating absolute URLs. |
configuration.spotfireAdmin.create | bool | true |
Whether to create an admin user or not. |
configuration.spotfireAdmin.password | string | "" |
The password to create for the Spotfire admin. If not provided, this password is automatically generated. Although possible, it is not recommended to change the user's password directly in the Spotfire administrative user interface because the password is reset to this value on every helm installation or upgrade. |
configuration.spotfireAdmin.passwordExistingSecret | object | Not used unless .name is set | Read password from an existing secret instead of from values. If set, 'password' above is not used. |
configuration.spotfireAdmin.username | string | "admin" |
The user to create for the Spotfire admin. |
database.bootstrap | object | - | For details related to bootstrap properties, visit the product documentation here. |
database.bootstrap.databaseUrl | string | "jdbc:postgresql://HOSTNAME/spotfire" |
The JDBC URL of the database to be used by Spotfire Server. Evaluated as a template. |
database.bootstrap.password | string | "" |
Password to be created for the Spotfire Server database. If not provided, this password is automatically generated. |
database.bootstrap.passwordExistingSecret | object | Not used unless .name is set | Read spotfire database password from an existing secret. If set, 'password' above is not used. |
database.bootstrap.username | string | "spotfire" |
Username to be created for the Spotfire Server database. If unset, the default value spotfire is used. |
database.create-db | object | - | For details related to create-db cli properties, visit the product documentation here. create-db cli also uses properties from database.bootstrap section. |
database.create-db.adminPassword | string | "" |
Admin password for the database server to be used as the Spotfire Server database. |
database.create-db.adminPasswordExistingSecret | object | Not used unless .name is set | Read admin password from an existing secret. If set, 'password' above is not used. |
database.create-db.adminUsername | string | "postgres" |
Admin username for the database server to be used as the Spotfire Server database. |
database.create-db.databaseUrl | string | "jdbc:postgresql://HOSTNAME/" |
Like database.bootstrap.databaseUrl but is used for the connection when creating the spotfire database. Evaluated as a template. |
database.create-db.doNotCreateUser | bool | false |
Set this to true, in case supported databases (AWS Postgres, Aurora Postgres, Azure Postgres, Google Cloud Postgres) does not allow user creation |
database.create-db.enabled | bool | true |
if set to true, Spotfire server schema will also get deployed with other installation. |
database.create-db.oracleRootfolder | string | "" |
Specify the value in case of Oracle database, otherwise keep it blank. |
database.create-db.oracleTablespacePrefix | string | "" |
Specify the value in case of Oracle database, otherwise keep it blank. |
database.create-db.spotfiredbDbname | string | "spotfire" |
Database name to be created to hold the Spotfire Server database schemas. |
database.create-db.variant | string | "" |
For connecting to MS SQL or Oracle on Amazon RDS, specify rds , for MS SQL on Azure, specify azure , otherwise omit the option. |
database.upgrade | bool | false |
Often new Spotfire server version requires an upgraded database. If true, the database will be upgrade to match the server version being deployed. |
extraContainers | list | [] |
Additional sidecar containers to add to the Spotfire server pod. More info: kubectl explain deployment.spec.template.spec.containers |
extraEnvVars | list | [] |
Additional environment variables that all spotfire-server pods use. |
extraEnvVarsCM | string | "" |
extraEnvVarsSecret | string | "" |
extraInitContainers | list | [] |
Additional init containers to add to Spotfire server pod. More info: kubectl explain deployment.spec.template.spec.initContainers |
extraVolumeMounts | list | [] |
Extra volumeMounts for the spotfire-server container. More info: kubectl explain deployment.spec.template.spec.containers.volumeMounts |
extraVolumes | list | [] |
Extra volumes for the spotfire-server container. More info: kubectl explain deployment.spec.template.spec.volumes |
fluentBitSidecar.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
The image pull policy for the fluent-bit logging sidecar image. |
fluentBitSidecar.image.repository | string | "fluent/fluent-bit" |
The image repository for fluent-bit logging sidecar. |
fluentBitSidecar.image.tag | string | "3.1.6" |
The image tag to use for fluent-bit logging sidecar. |
fluentBitSidecar.securityContext | object | {} |
The securityContext setting for fluent-bit sidecar container. Overrides any securityContext setting on the Pod level. More info: kubectl explain pod.spec.securityContext |
haproxy.config | string | The chart creates a configuration automatically. | The haproxy configuration file template. For implementation details see templates/haproxy-config.tpl. |
haproxy.enabled | bool | true |
haproxy.includes | object | {} |
haproxy.includesMountPath | string | "/etc/haproxy/includes" |
haproxy.kind | string | "Deployment" |
haproxy.podAnnotations | object | {"prometheus.io/path":"/metrics","prometheus.io/port":"1024","prometheus.io/scrape":"true"} |
Prometheus annotations. Should match the haproxy.config settings. |
haproxy.podLabels."app.kubernetes.io/component" | string | "haproxy" |
haproxy.podLabels."app.kubernetes.io/part-of" | string | "spotfire" |
haproxy.podSecurityPolicy.create | bool | false |
haproxy.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Sets the service haproxy service proxies traffic to the spotfire-server service. ClusterIP or LoadBalancer. |
haproxy.spotfireConfig | object | Caching of static resource and debug response headers enabled. | Spotfire specific configuration related to haproxy. |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.agent.port | int | 9081 |
Spotfire Server haproxy agent-port. |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.cache | object | enabled | Caching of static resources |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.captures.forwardedForLength | int | 36 |
The maximum number of characters captured from the X-Forwarded-For request header |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.cleanup.sameSiteCookieAttributeForHttp | bool | true |
If the SameSite cookie attribute should be removed for HTTP connections in Set-Cookie response headers, then it might be needed in cases where both HTTP and HTTPS are enabled, and upstream servers set this unconditionally. |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.cleanup.secureCookieAttributeForHttp | bool | true |
If incorrect, then the secure cookie attribute should be removed for HTTP connections in the Set-Cookie response headers. |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.debug | bool | false |
Specifies if debug response headers should be enabled. |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.loadBalancingCookie | object | stateless load balancing | Cookie-related configuration. |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.loadBalancingCookie.attributes | string | "insert indirect nocache dynamic httponly secure attr \"SameSite=None\"" |
Attributes for the cookie value in the haproxy config. See haproxy cookie for more information. |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.loadBalancingCookie.dynamicCookieKey | string | the cookie key | dynamic-cookie-key value in the haproxy config. |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.maintenance | object | disabled | Maintenance mode, can be used to temporarily block requests (but still allow some, see allowCookie below). |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.maintenance.allowCookie | object | disabled | Allowed requests in maintenance mode by configuring a cookie for allowed requests. |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.maintenance.allowCookie.enabled | bool | false |
Specifies if a cookie can be used to access the environment while maintenance mode is enabled. |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.maintenance.allowCookie.name | string | "" |
The name of the cookie, case sensitive |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.maintenance.allowCookie.value | string | "" |
The value of the cookie, case sensitive |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.maintenance.enabled | bool | false |
Specifies if maintenance mode is enabled. |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.maintenancePage | object | maintenance page related settings | A custom maintenance page that is displayed if maintenance mode is enabled or if no Spotfire Server instances are running |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.maintenancePage.bufSize | int | 24576 |
For larger files, haproxy tune.bufsize may need to be increased to accommodate the larger size. |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.maintenancePage.responseString | string | "<html><title>Maintenance - </title><body>Maintenance in progress</body></html>" |
The maintenance page response string. |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.maintenancePage.useFile | bool | false |
If a haproxy include file, haproxy.includes.'maintenance\.html'=, should be used instead of haproxy.maintenancePage.responseString below. |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.serverTemplate.additionalParams | string | "on-marked-down shutdown-sessions" |
Additional parameters, see haproxy server |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.timeouts.client | string | "30m" |
See haproxy timeout client. |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.timeouts.connect | string | "300ms" |
See haproxy timeout connect. |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.timeouts.httpRequest | string | "3600s" |
See haproxy timeout http-request. |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.timeouts.queue | string | "60s" |
See haproxy timeout queue. |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.timeouts.server | string | "30m" |
See haproxy timeout server. |
haproxy.spotfireConfig.timeouts.tunnel | string | "31m" |
See haproxy timeout tunnel. |
image.pullPolicy | string | nil |
The spotfire-server image pull policy. Overrides global.spotfire.image.pullPolicy . |
image.pullSecrets | list | [] |
spotfire-deployment image pull secrets. |
image.registry | string | nil |
The image registry for spotfire-server. Overrides global.spotfire.image.registry value. |
image.repository | string | "spotfire/spotfire-server" |
The spotfire-server image repository. |
image.tag | string | "14.4.1-1" |
The container image tag to use. |
ingress.annotations | object | {} |
Annotations for the ingress object. See documentation for your ingress controller for valid annotations. |
ingress.enabled | bool | false |
Enables configuration of ingress to expose Spotfire Server. Requires ingress support in the Kubernetes cluster. |
ingress.hosts[0].host | string | "spotfire.local" |
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path | string | "/" |
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType | string | "Prefix" |
ingress.ingressClassName | string | "" |
IngressClass that will be be used for the Ingress (Kubernetes 1.18+) ref: https://kubernetes.io/blog/2020/04/02/improvements-to-the-ingress-api-in-kubernetes-1.18/ |
ingress.tls | list | [] |
kedaAutoscaling | object | Disabled | KEDA autoscaling configuration. See https://keda.sh/docs/latest/concepts/scaling-deployments for more details. |
kedaAutoscaling.cooldownPeriod | int | 300 |
The period to wait after the last trigger reported active before scaling the resource back to 0. |
kedaAutoscaling.maxReplicas | int | 4 |
This setting is passed to the HPA definition that KEDA creates for a given resource and holds the maximum number of replicas of the target resource. |
kedaAutoscaling.minReplicas | int | 1 |
The minimum number of replicas KEDA scales the resource down to. |
kedaAutoscaling.pollingInterval | int | 30 |
The interval to check each trigger on. |
kedaAutoscaling.spotfireConfig | object | {"prometheusServerAddress":"http://prometheus-server.monitor.svc.cluster.local"} |
Spotfire specific settings. |
kedaAutoscaling.spotfireConfig.prometheusServerAddress | string | "http://prometheus-server.monitor.svc.cluster.local" |
REQUIRED. The URL to the Prometheus server where metrics should be fetched from. |
livenessProbe.enabled | bool | true |
livenessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 3 |
livenessProbe.httpGet.path | string | "/spotfire/rest/status/getStatus" |
livenessProbe.httpGet.port | string | "http" |
livenessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 3 |
log-forwarder.config.filters | string | Example that drops specific events using grep | Add custom fluent-bit filters configuration. |
log-forwarder.config.inputs | string | tcp input on port 5170 and forward input on port 24224 | fluent-bit input configuration. |
log-forwarder.config.outputs | string | Logs are written to stdout of the log-forwarder pod. | Override this value with an output configuration to send logs to an external system. |
log-forwarder.enabled | bool | true |
enables or disables the fluent-bit log-forwarder pod. If enabled, it collects logs from the spotfire-server pods and can forward traffic to any output supported by fluent-bit. |
log-forwarder.extraPorts[0].containerPort | int | 5170 |
log-forwarder.extraPorts[0].name | string | "json" |
log-forwarder.extraPorts[0].port | int | 5170 |
log-forwarder.extraPorts[0].protocol | string | "TCP" |
log-forwarder.extraPorts[1].containerPort | int | 24224 |
log-forwarder.extraPorts[1].name | string | "forward" |
log-forwarder.extraPorts[1].port | int | 24224 |
log-forwarder.extraPorts[1].protocol | string | "TCP" |
log-forwarder.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
log-forwarder.kind | string | "Deployment" |
log-forwarder.labels."app.kubernetes.io/component" | string | "logging" |
log-forwarder.labels."app.kubernetes.io/part-of" | string | "spotfire" |
log-forwarder.podAnnotations."prometheus.io/path" | string | "/api/v1/metrics/prometheus" |
log-forwarder.podAnnotations."prometheus.io/port" | string | "2020" |
log-forwarder.podAnnotations."prometheus.io/scrape" | string | "true" |
log-forwarder.podLabels."app.kubernetes.io/component" | string | "logging" |
log-forwarder.podLabels."app.kubernetes.io/part-of" | string | "spotfire" |
log-forwarder.rbac.create | bool | false |
Specifies whether to create an RBAC for the fluent-bit / log-forwarder. Setting this to true requires additional privileges in the Kubernetes cluster. |
log-forwarder.service.labels."app.kubernetes.io/component" | string | "logging" |
log-forwarder.service.labels."app.kubernetes.io/part-of" | string | "spotfire" |
logging.logForwarderAddress | string | "" |
Specifies a logForwarderAddress. If left empty, then the default log-forwarder is used in the case where log-forwarder.enabled=true . Template. |
logging.logLevel | string | "" |
The Spotfire Server log-level. Set to debug , trace , minimal or leave empty for info. |
nodeSelector | object | {} |
podAnnotations."prometheus.io/path" | string | "/spotfire/metrics" |
podAnnotations."prometheus.io/port" | string | "9080" |
podAnnotations."prometheus.io/scrape" | string | "true" |
podSecurityContext | object | {} |
The Pod securityContext setting applies to all the containers inside the Pod. More info: kubectl explain deployment.spec.template.spec.securityContext |
readinessProbe.enabled | bool | false |
replicaCount | int | 1 |
The number of Spotfire Server containers. |
resources | object | {} |
securityContext | object | {} |
The securityContext setting for spotfire-server container. Overrides any securityContext setting on the Pod level. More info: kubectl explain deployment.spec.template.spec.containers.securityContext |
service.clusterIP | string | "None" |
service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
serviceAccount.name | string | "" |
spotfireServerJava.extraJavaOpts | list | [] |
Additional JAVA_OPTS for spotfire-server pods. |
startupProbe.enabled | bool | true |
startupProbe.failureThreshold | int | 30 |
startupProbe.httpGet.path | string | "/spotfire/rest/status/getStatus" |
startupProbe.httpGet.port | string | "http" |
startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 60 |
startupProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
tolerations | list | [] |
toolPassword | string | "" |
The Spotfire config tool password to use for bootstrap.xml . If not provided, this password is automatically generated. The password is only used locally inside pods for use to together with the configuration and is not usable for anything outside the pod. |
troubleshooting.jvm.heapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError.dumpPath | string | "/opt/spotfire/troubleshooting/jvm-heap-dumps" |
Define a path where the generated dump is exported. By default, this gets mounted in EmptyDir: {} internally, which survives container restarts. In case you want to persist troubleshooting information to an external location, you can override the default behaviour by specifying PVC in volumes.troubleshooting . |
troubleshooting.jvm.heapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError.enabled | bool | true |
Enable or disable for a heap dump in case of OutOfMemoryError. |
volumes.certificates.existingClaim | string | "" |
volumes.certificates.subPath | string | "" |
The subPath of the volume to be used for the volume mount |
volumes.customExt.existingClaim | string | "" |
Defines an already-existing persistent volume claim. |
volumes.customExt.subPath | string | "" |
The subPath of the volume to be used for the volume mount |
volumes.customExtInformationservices.existingClaim | string | "" |
Defines an already-existing persistent volume claim. |
volumes.customExtInformationservices.subPath | string | "" |
The subPath of the volume to be used for the volume mount |
volumes.deployments.existingClaim | string | "" |
Defines an already-existing persistent volume claim. |
volumes.deployments.subPath | string | "" |
The subPath of the volume to be used for the volume mount |
volumes.libraryImportExport.existingClaim | string | "" |
When persistentVolumeClaim.create is false , then this value is used to define an already-existing PVC. |
volumes.libraryImportExport.persistentVolumeClaim.create | bool | false |
If true , then a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) is created. |
volumes.libraryImportExport.persistentVolumeClaim.resources | object | {"requests":{"storage":"1Gi"}} |
Specifies the standard Kubernetes resource requests and/or limits for the volumes.libraryImportExport PVC. |
volumes.libraryImportExport.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClassName | string | "" |
Specifies the name of the StorageClass to use for the volumes.libraryImportExport PVC. |
volumes.libraryImportExport.persistentVolumeClaim.volumeName | string | nil |
Specifies the name of the persistent volume to use for the volumes.libraryImportExport PVC. |
volumes.libraryImportExport.subPath | string | "" |
The subPath of the volume to be used for the volume mount |
volumes.troubleshooting.existingClaim | string | "" |
When persistentVolumeClaim.create is false , then use this value to define an already-existing PVC. |
volumes.troubleshooting.persistentVolumeClaim.create | bool | false |
If true , then a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) is created. |
volumes.troubleshooting.persistentVolumeClaim.resources | object | {"requests":{"storage":"2Gi"}} |
Specifies the standard K8s resource requests and/or limits for the volumes.troubleshooting PVC. |
volumes.troubleshooting.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClassName | string | "" |
Specifies the name of the StorageClass that to use for the volumes.troubleshooting PVC. |
volumes.troubleshooting.persistentVolumeClaim.volumeName | string | nil |
Specifies the name of the persistent volume to use for the volumes.troubleshooting PVC. |