Releases: spotify/reactochart
Releases · spotify/reactochart
- #139 Update x and y axis to have onMouseEnterAxis, onMouseLeaveAxis, onMouseMoveAxis and onMouseClickAxis
Warning: To those using the recent labelStyle function accessor prop (added in 1.6), the function signature now returns an object containing { text, x, y, height, value } as opposed to just the text
- #136 Update labelStyle accessor to return more useful label information. Upgrade webpack-dev-server to fix security issue.
- #134 Make labelStyle a function accessor (still supports objects as props). Fixes ZoomContainer dependencies issue.
- #129 Upgrade webpack and resolve security dev dependencies
- #130 Upgrade to react v16 and update peer dependencies
- #125 Omit certain XYPlot props from overriding children props downstream. Added xyPlotStyle prop.
- #117 Add style prop to XYPlot component
- #115 Update documentation around nice
- #121 xyPlotClassName omission fix - thanks @rpjs!
- #114 Add optional label placement to barchart - thanks @dgdblank!
- #111 Rebuild docs for gh-pages branch
- #109 Adds curve prop to AreaChart for custom curves - thanks @dgdblank!
- #106 Adds showLine and lineStyle prop to X and Y Axis. Also adds default styling to provide X and Y Axis line with stroke color