The new Object Detection processor provides out-of-the-box support for the TensorFlow Object Detection API. It allows for real-time localization and identification of multiple objects in a single image or image stream. The Object Detection processor uses one of the pre-trained object detection models and corresponding object labels.
If the pre-trained model is not set explicitly set then following defaults are used:
The following diagram illustrates a Spring Cloud Data Flow streaming pipeline that predicts object types from the images in real-time.
Processor’s input is an image byte array and the output is a JSON message in this format:
"labels" : [
{"name":"person", "confidence":0.9996774,"x1":0.0,"y1":0.3940161,"x2":0.9465165,"y2":0.5592592,"cid":1},
{"name":"person", "confidence":0.9996604,"x1":0.047891676,"y1":0.03169123,"x2":0.941098,"y2":0.2085562,"cid":1},
{"name":"backpack", "confidence":0.96534747,"x1":0.15588468,"y1":0.85957795,"x2":0.5091308,"y2":0.9908878,"cid":23},
{"name":"backpack", "confidence":0.963343,"x1":0.1273736,"y1":0.57658505,"x2":0.47765,"y2":0.6986431,"cid":23}
The output format is:
object-name:confidence - human readable name of the detected object (e.g. label) with its confidence as a float between [0-1]
x1, y1, x2, y2 - Response also provides the bounding box of the detected objects represented as (x1, y1, x2, y2). The coordinates are relative to the size of the image size.
cid - Classification identifier as defined in the provided labels configuration file.
The object-detection processor has the following options:
- tensorflow.expression
How to obtain the input data from the input message. If empty it defaults to the input message payload. The headers[myHeaderName] expression to get input data from message's header using myHeaderName as a key. (Expression, default:
) - tensorflow.mode
The outbound message can store the inference result either in the payload or in a header with name outputName. The payload mode (default) stores the inference result in the outbound message payload. The inbound payload is discarded. The header mode stores the inference result in outbound message's header defined by the outputName property. The the inbound message payload is passed through to the outbound such. (OutputMode, default:
, possible values:payload
) - tensorflow.model
The location of the pre-trained TensorFlow model file. The file, http and classpath schemas are supported. For archive locations takes the first file with '.pb' extension. Use the URI fragment parameter to specify an exact model name (e.g. https://foo/bar/model.tar.gz#frozen_inference_graph.pb) (Resource, default:
) - tensorflow.model-fetch
The TensorFlow graph model outputs. Comma separate list of TensorFlow operation names to fetch the output Tensors from. (List<String>, default:
) - tensorflow.object.detection.color-agnostic
If disabled (default) the bounding box colors are selected as a function of the object class id. If enabled all bounding boxes are visualized with a single color. (Boolean, default:
) - tensorflow.object.detection.confidence
Probability threshold. Only objects detected with probability higher then the confidence threshold are accepted. Value is between 0 and 1. (Float, default:
) - tensorflow.object.detection.draw-bounding-box
When set to true, the output image will be annotated with the detected object boxes (Boolean, default:
) - tensorflow.object.detection.draw-mask
For models with mask support enable drawing the mask of the detected objects (Boolean, default:
) - tensorflow.object.detection.labels
The text file containing the category names (e.g. labels) of all categories that this model is trained to recognize. Every category is on a separate line. (Resource, default:
) - tensorflow.output-name
The output data key used for the Header modes. (String, default:
$ ./mvnw clean install -PgenerateApps
$ cd apps
You can find the corresponding binder based projects here. You can then cd into one of the folders and build it:
$ ./mvnw clean package
java -jar object-detection-processor.jar --tensorflow.object.detection.labels= --tensorflow.model= \
--tensorflow.modelFetch= --tensorflow.mode=
And here is a example pipeline that process images in file
source and outputs the annotated images to image-viewer
object-detector-stream=file --directory='/tmp/images'
| object-detector --tensorflow.mode=header
| image-viewer