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152 lines (135 loc) · 6.89 KB


File metadata and controls

152 lines (135 loc) · 6.89 KB

Release History

Unreleased Changes

  • Added a geoprocessing.get_unique_values which is a parallelized operation to determine the unique values in a raster.
  • Removed the output of temporary token .ECOSHARDED and .BUILDOVERIVEWS files.
  • Added a --ndv [VALUE] flag that replaces the nodata value of a raster with the provided one. If the nodata value existed prior, the values of those values are replaced with the given value as well as many non-finite values with this value.
  • Added a --remove_hash [HASH FN] function that can copy or rename a filename with an embedded hash to remove the hash entirely.
  • Added Python threaded paralelization to convolve_2d and included an additional parameter largest_block to set the size of the work units processed in parallel.
  • Added ecoshard.utils package for functionality that's repeatedly useful when processing GIS data.
  • Added parallel processing to raster_calculator.
  • Modified reclassify_raster to let undefined codes map to nodata by default rather than raising an exception.
  • Added an output_type flag to warp_raster so it can be used to aggregate from a base type like a byte, to a float if an interpolation scheme causes more information to be created.
  • Added 'geometry_type' field to get_vector_info that is useful to pass when calling reproject_vector.
  • Added n_workers to convolve_2d to help control memory overflow errors by reducing the number of simultaneous workers.
  • raster_calculator now raises an exception if passed rasters that are not of the same blocksize, added an additional parameter, allow_different_blocksizes to override this behavior.
  • Added an 'all_touched' option to any vector_mask_option in geoprocessing to allow for the ALL_TOUCHED=TRUE OGR clipping algorithm on polygons.
  • Removed the values_required argument from geoprocessing.reclassify_raster to streamline implementation and remove non-orthogonality in the API.
  • Upgrading shapely dependancy to version 2.0.
  • Adding target_mask_value option for warp_raster vector_mask_option to set target nodata value when masking a raster by vector coverage.
  • Fixing issue where taskgraph wouldn't filter logs based on outer level setting.
  • Changed default of geometry_type in reproject_vector to be None to either default to the geometry type of the input layer or require a user to set it manually.
  • Adding a get_pixel_area_in_target_projection function which calculates the area of a pixel of a raster if transformed to the target projection system.
  • Allowing for a allow_different_blocksizes in iterblocks.
  • Fixed an issue in fetch_and_clip where a lat/long raster ranging from 0-360 longitude would have a 0 valued strip to the left of the meridian when clipped to a -180/180 range.
  • Fixed issue where NaNs present in the raster would cause a complex number to be generated when calculating raster stats.

0.7.0 (2022/02/07)

  • Added --hash_length flag to command line to limit the hash character length of hashed files.
  • Added functionality to run python -m ecoshard process ... command in parallel if multiple files match the file pattern target.

0.6.1 (2022/01/24)

  • Added a run_parallel flag to allow for parallel warps geoprocessing.stitch_rasters for parallel warping of rasters.

0.6.0 (2022/01/24)

  • Added functionality to publish a local file directly to an EcoShard server. This is available in the command line publish command whose arguments have been redefined from the previous version.

  • Added flag to allow for multi-thread version of TaskGraph.

  • Fixed issue with geoprocessing bounding box projection on exotic projections such as sinusoidal to wgs84.

  • Added a get_utm_zone function that calculates the EPSG code for the major UTM zones given a lat/lng coordinate.

  • Fixed an issue that would cause a crash in stitching rasters where the base raster was too far up/left of the target stitch raster but still overlapped with the stitch target.

  • Added functionality to geoprocessing.routing to extract stream layer based on Strahler stream order and build subwatersheds and vector stream layer from that information.

    • geoproceesing.routing.extract_strahler_streams_d8
    • geoprocessing.routing.calculate_subwatershed_boundary
  • Added functionality to detect the lowest drain or sink in a DEM in geoprocessing.routing.detect_lowest_drain_and_sink.

  • Added functionality to detect all outlets as a geometry layer in geoprocessing.routing.detect_outlets.

  • Added a --hash_substring_len flag to limit the number of characters in the hash generated by --hash_file.

0.4.0 (2019/04/13)

  • Changed behavior of command line function, now takes one of two primary commands process or publish. The command process behaves like the original command line utility with same arguments and behavior. The publish command takes a Google Bucket URI, host to an ecoshard server, and an api key and published the raster to that server.
  • Fixed an issue when summing up that would ignore nodata values.
  • Fixes an issue where the overview interpolation argument was ignored.
  • Added a download_and_unzip function to the API.

0.3.3 (2019/11/09)

  • Fixed an issue that would cause the download rate to be under estimated.

0.3.1 (2019/10/07)

  • Fixing an issue in download_to_url where the file might not be flushed and the final log message is not printed.

0.3.0 (2019/09/26)

  • Added a new command line mode –reduce_factor that reduces the number of pixels in a raster by that integer amount. Ex:

    python -m ecoshard base.tif --reduce_factor 4 max target.tif

    this call makes the size of the pixels in base.tif 4 times larger on the edge, thus reducing the total size of the image by 16 times, the convolution upsample is done with a "max" and the output file is target.tif. The modes "min", "max", "sum", "average", "mode" are available.

0.2.2 (2019/09/24)

  • Added a download_url function to ecoshard to fetch files via http(s).
  • Developing Flask module to visualize ecoshards.

0.2.1 (2019/06/28)

  • Hotfix: gs to gsutil for copying to buckets.

0.2.0 (2019/06/28)

  • Added functionality to download a url.
  • Added functionality to copy to a google bucket.
  • Fixed an issue on functions that should write a token file but didn't.

0.1.1 (2019/06/27)

  • Added a --force flag to the command line utility.

0.0.2 (2019/06/26)

  • Initial release.