Difficulty: Easy
Flag: HCS{EsEsErEf_1s_4w3s0m3}
For this challenge, we're provided with a simple website and its source code. The website accepts a form with a single text input and button to submit.
When a valid URL is inputted into the form and then submitted, the server retrieves the content of the URL and sends it to the client. Here's https://google.com
Inspecting the source code, we can see that the flag is obtainable via the /flag
route, but this route is only accessible from a local connection (the loopback interface).
def flag():
if request.remote_addr == "":
return "HCS{fake_flag}"
return "Access denied. This endpoint can only be accessed from localhost."
This means, we probably need to spoof it in a way that makes it seem like the server itself retrieved the /flag
However, if we scroll up, requests to the form handler that contain the strings localhost
are blocked.
def is_valid_url(url):
if url.startswith(("http://", "https://")):
parsed_url = urlparse(url)
if parsed_url.hostname not in ("localhost", ""):
return True
return False
So instead, what we can do, is use a different IP that leads to the loopback interface as well. What I used was
, as all this interface does is map to all IPs that this machine has on the network, so connecting to it from the machine will connect back to it on its local network.
And that the code used, but we won't talk about that.--
Also also, looking at the code again, the server is running on port 5555
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host="", port=5555)
Now all we need to do is call it! 👏
Disini kita diberi suatu website simpel dan source codenya. Dia menerima form input teks dan sebuah tombol submit.
Ketika diisi sebuah URL valid terus disubmit, servernya nge-fetch konten di URL itu dan dikirim balik ke klien. Ini https://google.com
Kalo kita liat source codenya, kita bisa dapet flag dari route /flag
, tapi routenya cuman bisa diakses dari lokal (loopback interface).
def flag():
if request.remote_addr == "":
return "HCS{fake_flag}"
return "Access denied. This endpoint can only be accessed from localhost."
Ini berarti, kita harus buat ini biar server berpikir kalau dia sendiri yang mengakses route /flag
Tapi, kalau kita liat ke atas, kita bisa lihat kalau request ke form handler yang mengandung localhost
def is_valid_url(url):
if url.startswith(("http://", "https://")):
parsed_url = urlparse(url)
if parsed_url.hostname not in ("localhost", ""):
return True
return False
Jadi, kita harus pakai sebuah IP yang ujungnya balik lagi ke loopback interface. Yang aku pake
, karena ini interfacenya nge-map ke semua IP si server di network, konek ke situ dari si server bakal sama kayak loopback.
Di kodenya pake juga sehh---
Terus, di kodenya juga disebutkan kalau dia dihosting di port 5555
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host="", port=5555)