This project provides a commandline application for the signature and encryption operations in SPXP.
This tool is built as part of the parent multi-module maven build. It can also be built individually with the usual maven commands.
Our latest releases include
native binaries for the Linux, MacOS and Windows platforms built with
If you prefer plain Java, we also provide a SpxpCryptoTool
batch file and
shell script. These point to the jar file in the target directory. To use it
outside of this build, you need to adopt these files slightly.
This tool can be used to
- comprehend the examples from the SPXP Spec
- manually create a SPXP profile
- explore the testbed profiles
This tool provides these commands:
$ SpxpCryptoTool genprofilekeypair
Generates a new profile keypair and prints it as JWK object to standard out.
$ SpxpCryptoTool extractprofilepublic <keyPairFile>
Extracts just the public key part from the profile keypair stored in
and prints it as JWK object to standard out. The file
remains unchanged.
$ SpxpCryptoTool sign <jsonFileToSign> <keyPairFile>
Signs the JSON object in the file <jsonFileToSign>
with the secret key stored
in the file <keyPairFile>
and writes the resulting object to standard out.
$ SpxpCryptoTool verify <signedJsonFile> <publicKeyFile> [<requiredGrant>[,<requiredGrant>]*]
Verifies the signature on the JSON object stored in <signedJsonFile>
with the
public key stored in <publicKeyFile>
If the object must be signed by a profile key directly, like a profile root
object, no 4th parameter must be given.
If the object may also be signed by a different keypair which brings a
certificate (chain), then a 4th parameter gives a comma separated list of
permissions that the certificate must grant to the signing key. In this case,
the certificate chain must ultimately be signed by the profile keypair given
as <publicKeyFile>
Exits with 0 status code on success and 1 on a broken signature.
$ SpxpCryptoTool gensymkey
Generates a new 256 bit AES key and prints it as JWK object to standard out.
$ SpxpCryptoTool genroundkey
Generates a new 256 bit AES key with a key id suitable as round key and prints it as JWK object to standard out.
$ SpxpCryptoTool encryptsymcompact <fileToEncrypt> <symmetricKey>
Encrypts <fileToEncrypt>
with the 256 bit AES key from <symmetricKey>
prints the result as JWE object in compact serialization to standard out.
Note: Can only be used on text files in UTF-8 encoding.
$ SpxpCryptoTool decryptsymcompact <fileToDecrypt> [<symmetricKey>]
Decrypts the JWE object in compact serialization stored in <fileToDecrypt>
with the 256 bit AES key stored as JWK in <symmetricKey>
and prints the
result to standard out.
Prints the key id (kid) of the required key if no <symmetricKey>
parameter is
$ SpxpCryptoTool encryptsymjson <fileToEncrypt> <symmetricKey>[,<symmetricKey>]*
Encrypts <fileToEncrypt>
with multiple 256 bit AES keys each read as JWK from
a file in the comma separated list of <symmetricKey>
s and prints the result
as JWE object in JSON serialization to standard out. Each of the given
symmetric keys can be used independently to decrypt the content.
Note: Can only be used on text files in UTF-8 encoding.
$ SpxpCryptoTool decryptsymjson <fileToDecrypt> <symmetricKey>
Decrypts the JWE object in JSON serialization stored in <fileToDecrypt>
the 256 bit AES key stored as JWK in <symmetricKey>
and prints the result to
standard out.
Prints the list of all key ids (kid) that can be used to decrypt the content if
no <symmetricKey>
parameter is given.
$ SpxpCryptoTool encryptresource <inputFile> <outputFile> [<resourceUri>]
Encrypts the binary data in <inputFile>
with a new random 256 bit AES key,
writes the encrypted data to <outputFile>
and prints the JSON object
describing the encrypted resource to standard out.
If an optional <resourceUri>
is given, it is embedded into the resource
$ SpxpCryptoTool decryptresource <inputFile> <decryptionKeyFile> <outputFile>
Decrypts the binary data in <inputFile>
with the key described by the
symmetric JWK object in <decryptionKeyFile>
and writes the decrypted binary
data to <outputFile>
$ SpxpCryptoTool genconnectkeypair
Generates a new connect keypair and prints it as JWK object to standard out.
$ SpxpCryptoTool extractconnectpublic <keyPairFile>
Extracts just the public key part from the connect keypair stored in
and prints it as JWK object to standard out. The file
remains unchanged.
$ SpxpCryptoTool encryptasymjson <fileToEncrypt> <publicKeyFile>
Encrypts <fileToEncrypt>
with the public key of the connect keypair stored as
JWK in <publicKeyFile>
and prints the result as JWE object in JSON
serialization to standard out.
Note: Can only be used on text files in UTF-8 encoding.
$ SpxpCryptoTool decryptsymjson <fileToDecrypt> <keyPairFile>
Decrypts the JWE object in JSON serialization stored in <fileToDecrypt>
the private key of the connect keypair stored as JWK in <keyPairFile>
prints the result to standard out.
$ SpxpCryptoTool help
Prints a help screen.