If you're establishing a WomEng group, congratulations! We recommend following these steps to get up and running:
- Create a WomEng Google Group. At Block, we use the following:
- Group email: [email protected]
- Group name: Women Engineers and Allies
- Description: WomEng is a strong, supportive, and empowering community of women engineers and allies. You can use this mailing list to share your thoughts, ask questions, and engage in discussions. Our recurring events are new hire buddy program, monthly lunches and roundtables, and quarterly Hear + Now: WomEng Lightning Talks. Those who are part of this mailing list, including allies, are invited to every event.
- Welcome message: Same as description above.
- If you use a chat application (i.e. IRC, Slack, Hipchat), create a channel named "WomEng".
- Channel topic: At Block, we use "women engineers + allies." We also link to an internal wiki page with more info on the group.
- The impact of your group will be magnified if you have an executive sponsor, ideally a senior women in engineering. We are fortunate to have Alyssa Henry as a champion, who is our VP of Engineering. The sponsor could also be an ally.
Now, invite people and move on to the next step!
Evaluate the recurring events your community has currently, and see where new ones could naturally integrate. (Ideas for new events are linked from README.md.) Coordinate with the appropriate people, if needed, to incorporate these programs. For example, at Block, we coordinated with our onboarding team to introduce the WomEng Onboarding Buddy Program into our new-hire orientation program.