- ROS_WARN added
- Contributors: Russell Toris
- cleanup for indigo
- Merge pull request #6 from garaemon/unregister-nonused-topic Unregister non-used subscribers
- add documentation
- remove a subscriber in sendStream and sendSnapshot
- unregister Subscriber if the number of subscribers for the topic equals to 0
- Merge pull request #4 from nus/fixed-timestamp Fixed timestamp
- Fixed the streaming timestamp
- Fixed the snapshot timestamp
- Merge pull request #1 from rctoris/groovy-devel Cleanup/Travis Added
- Header files now installed
- minor cleanup and travis added
- Minor cleanup and change of READMEs and such
- Contributors: Brandon Alexander, Russell Toris, Ryohei Ueda, yota
- initial commit
- Contributors: Russell Toris