diff --git a/code/__defines/flags.dm b/code/__defines/flags.dm
index 106bafe44ce..0f3cd9bd04b 100644
--- a/code/__defines/flags.dm
+++ b/code/__defines/flags.dm
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ The latter will result in a linter warning and will not work correctly.
#define ATOM_FLAG_ADJACENT_EXCEPTION BITFLAG(9) // Skips adjacent checks for atoms that should always be reachable in window tiles
#define ATOM_FLAG_NO_DISSOLVE BITFLAG(10) // Bypasses solvent reactions in the container.
#define ATOM_FLAG_NO_PHASE_CHANGE BITFLAG(11) // Bypasses heating and cooling product reactions in the container.
-#define ATOM_FLAG_ALLOW_DIAGONAL_FACING BITFLAG(12) // Atom can face non-cardinal directions.
+#define ATOM_FLAG_BLOCK_DIAGONAL_FACING BITFLAG(12) // Atom cannot face non-cardinal directions.
diff --git a/code/_onclick/hud/radial.dm b/code/_onclick/hud/radial.dm
index 69493131744..e61cf91fddd 100644
--- a/code/_onclick/hud/radial.dm
+++ b/code/_onclick/hud/radial.dm
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ var/global/list/radial_menus = list()
/obj/screen/radial/slice/Click(location, control, params)
+ if(QDELETED(src) || QDELETED(parent))
+ return
if(parent && usr.client == parent.current_user)
@@ -51,6 +53,8 @@ var/global/list/radial_menus = list()
icon_state = "radial_center"
/obj/screen/radial/center/Click(location, control, params)
+ if(QDELETED(src) || QDELETED(parent))
+ return
if(usr.client == parent.current_user)
parent.finished = TRUE
@@ -274,6 +278,7 @@ var/global/list/radial_menus = list()
current_user.images -= menu_holder
+ clear_vis_contents(menu_holder)
/datum/radial_menu/proc/wait(atom/user, atom/anchor, require_near = FALSE, list/check_locs)
while (current_user && !finished && !selected_choice)
diff --git a/code/_onclick/hud/robot.dm b/code/_onclick/hud/robot.dm
index c653a3d34c7..504ed39436e 100644
--- a/code/_onclick/hud/robot.dm
+++ b/code/_onclick/hud/robot.dm
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ var/global/obj/screen/robot_inventory
//Modules display is hidden
//R.client.screen -= robot_inventory //"store" icon
- for(var/atom/A in R.module.equipment)
+ for(var/atom/A in R.module?.equipment)
if( (A != R.module_state_1) && (A != R.module_state_2) && (A != R.module_state_3) )
//Module is not currently active
R.client.screen -= A
diff --git a/code/datums/observation/dir_set.dm b/code/datums/observation/dir_set.dm
index 9245e15dd1c..b4456ff0ffd 100644
--- a/code/datums/observation/dir_set.dm
+++ b/code/datums/observation/dir_set.dm
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
var/old_dir = dir
// This attempts to mimic BYOND's handling of diagonal directions and cardinal icon states.
- if(!(atom_flags & ATOM_FLAG_ALLOW_DIAGONAL_FACING) && !IsPowerOfTwo(ndir))
+ if((atom_flags & ATOM_FLAG_BLOCK_DIAGONAL_FACING) && !IsPowerOfTwo(ndir))
if(old_dir & ndir)
ndir = old_dir
diff --git a/code/datums/security_state.dm b/code/datums/security_state.dm
index 114b660d8de..f1bbdb3ea1a 100644
--- a/code/datums/security_state.dm
+++ b/code/datums/security_state.dm
@@ -62,10 +62,11 @@
comm_console_security_levels = list()
// Setup the list of selectable security levels available in the comm. console
- for(var/security_level in all_security_levels)
+ for(var/decl/security_level/security_level in all_security_levels)
if(security_level == highest_standard_security_level)
- comm_console_security_levels += security_level
+ if(security_level.selectable)
+ comm_console_security_levels += security_level
// Now we ensure the high security level is not above the severe one (but we allow them to be equal)
var/severe_index = all_security_levels.Find(severe_security_level)
@@ -149,6 +150,8 @@
+ var/selectable = TRUE
@@ -293,6 +296,21 @@
alarm_icon = "alarm_normal"
alarm_icon_color = PIPE_COLOR_GREEN
+ name = "code yellow"
+ icon = 'icons/misc/security_state.dmi'
+ light_color_alarm = COLOR_YELLOW_GRAY
+ light_color_status_display = COLOR_YELLOW_GRAY
+ overlay_alarm = "alarm_orange"
+ overlay_status_display = "status_display_orange"
+ alarm_appearance = /datum/alarm_appearance/yellow
+ up_description = "Subsector FTL Procedures are now in effect; observe modified Code Orange protocols, secure all stations for superluminal transition. EVA Ban in effect."
+ down_description = "Subsector FTL Procedures are now in effect; observe modified Code Orange protocols, secure all stations for superluminal transition. EVA Ban in effect."
+ selectable = FALSE
display_icon = "status_display_lines"
display_icon_color = COLOR_BLUE
@@ -327,4 +345,14 @@
alarm_icon_color = COLOR_RED
alarm_icon_twotone = "alarm_blinking_twotone2"
- alarm_icon_twotone_color = PIPE_COLOR_YELLOW
\ No newline at end of file
+ alarm_icon_twotone_color = PIPE_COLOR_YELLOW
+ display_icon = "status_display_lines"
+ display_icon_color = COLOR_YELLOW_GRAY
+ display_emblem = "status_display_ftl"
+ display_emblem_color = COLOR_WHITE
+ alarm_icon = "alarm_normal"
+ alarm_icon_color = COLOR_YELLOW_GRAY
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/code/game/machinery/bodyscanner_console.dm b/code/game/machinery/bodyscanner_console.dm
index 1bd8108b490..60f5b92206e 100644
--- a/code/game/machinery/bodyscanner_console.dm
+++ b/code/game/machinery/bodyscanner_console.dm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- var/obj/machinery/bodyscanner/connected
+ var/obj/machinery/bodyscanner/connected
name = "Body Scanner Console"
icon = 'icons/obj/Cryogenic2.dmi'
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
if(stat & (BROKEN | NOPOWER))
- icon_state = "body_scannerconsole-p"
+ icon_state = "body_scannerconsole-p"
icon_state = initial(icon_state)
@@ -31,13 +31,14 @@
events_repository.register(/decl/observ/destroyed, connected, src, .proc/unlink_scanner)
events_repository.unregister(/decl/observ/destroyed, scanner, src, .proc/unlink_scanner)
connected = null
for(var/obj/machinery/body_scan_display/D in SSmachines.machinery)
- if(D.tag in display_tags)
+ // TODO: Convert to use networking
+ if(D.id_tag in display_tags)
connected_displays += D
events_repository.register(/decl/observ/destroyed, D, src, .proc/remove_display)
return !!connected_displays.len
@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@
data["html_scan_header"] = display_medical_data_header(data["scan"], user.get_skill_value(SKILL_MEDICAL))
data["html_scan_health"] = display_medical_data_health(data["scan"], user.get_skill_value(SKILL_MEDICAL))
data["html_scan_body"] = display_medical_data_body(data["scan"], user.get_skill_value(SKILL_MEDICAL))
stored_scan_subject = connected.occupant
user.visible_message("\The [user] performs a scan of \the [connected.occupant] using \the [connected].")
playsound(connected.loc, 'sound/machines/medbayscanner.ogg', 50)
@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@
new /obj/item/paper/bodyscan(loc, "Printout error.", "Body scan report - [stored_scan_subject]", scan.Copy())
- if(href_list["push"])
+ if(href_list["push"])
if(!connected_displays.len && !FindDisplays())
to_chat(user, "[html_icon(src)]Error: No configured displays detected.")
diff --git a/code/modules/fabrication/_fabricator.dm b/code/modules/fabrication/_fabricator.dm
index 7d68380da2d..e34397bd246 100644
--- a/code/modules/fabrication/_fabricator.dm
+++ b/code/modules/fabrication/_fabricator.dm
@@ -128,15 +128,19 @@
design_cache |= installed_designs
- if(!known_tech)
- known_tech = get_default_initial_tech_levels()
- var/datum/extension/network_device/device = get_extension(src, /datum/extension/network_device)
- var/datum/computer_network/network = device.get_network()
- if(network)
- for(var/obj/machinery/design_database/db in network.get_devices_by_type(/obj/machinery/design_database))
- for(var/tech in db.tech_levels)
- if(db.tech_levels[tech] > known_tech[tech])
- known_tech[tech] = db.tech_levels[tech]
+ // This is necessary to prevent database consoles from overwriting the default tech levels.
+ var/list/default_tech = get_default_initial_tech_levels()
+ LAZYINITLIST(known_tech)
+ for(var/tech_key in known_tech)
+ known_tech[tech_key] = max(default_tech[tech_key], known_tech[tech_key])
+ var/datum/extension/network_device/device = get_extension(src, /datum/extension/network_device)
+ var/datum/computer_network/network = device.get_network()
+ if(network)
+ for(var/obj/machinery/design_database/db in network.get_devices_by_type(/obj/machinery/design_database))
+ for(var/tech in db.tech_levels)
+ if(db.tech_levels[tech] > known_tech[tech])
+ known_tech[tech] = db.tech_levels[tech]
var/list/unlocked_tech = SSfabrication.get_unlocked_recipes(fabricator_class, known_tech)
diff --git a/code/modules/materials/recipes_furniture.dm b/code/modules/materials/recipes_furniture.dm
index 39ef009e977..656cf98da88 100644
--- a/code/modules/materials/recipes_furniture.dm
+++ b/code/modules/materials/recipes_furniture.dm
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
for(var/obj/structure/window/check_window in user.loc)
- to_chat(user, "There is already a fll-tile window here!")
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("There is already a full-tile window here!"))
return FALSE
/datum/stack_recipe/furniture/fullwindow/spawn_result(mob/user, location, amount)
diff --git a/code/modules/mechs/mech.dm b/code/modules/mechs/mech.dm
index 92873fa7f98..41801061217 100644
--- a/code/modules/mechs/mech.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mechs/mech.dm
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
status_flags = PASSEMOTES
a_intent = I_HURT
mob_size = MOB_SIZE_LARGE
meat_type = null
meat_amount = 0
diff --git a/code/modules/overmap/ftl_shunt/_shunt.dm b/code/modules/overmap/ftl_shunt/_shunt.dm
index ea641c1e9b8..80ce41b86cc 100644
--- a/code/modules/overmap/ftl_shunt/_shunt.dm
+++ b/code/modules/overmap/ftl_shunt/_shunt.dm
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#define CHARGE_TIME_PER_TON 0.1 //In deciseconds.
#define JOULES_PER_TON 5000
#define FTL_START_FAILURE_FUEL 1 //Not enough fuel.
#define FTL_START_FAILURE_POWER 2 //Not enough power.
diff --git a/code/modules/overmap/ftl_shunt/computer.dm b/code/modules/overmap/ftl_shunt/computer.dm
index 94d4a35dfaa..bbe88c028ea 100644
--- a/code/modules/overmap/ftl_shunt/computer.dm
+++ b/code/modules/overmap/ftl_shunt/computer.dm
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@
var/jump_dist = get_dist(linked, locate(linked_core.shunt_x, linked_core.shunt_y, sector.z))
- var/jump_cost = ((linked.vessel_mass * JOULES_PER_TON) / 1000) * jump_dist
- return jump_cost
+ return jump_dist
@@ -41,8 +40,7 @@
var/jump_dist = get_dist(linked, locate(linked_core.shunt_x, linked_core.shunt_y, sector.z))
- var/jump_cost = ((linked.vessel_mass * JOULES_PER_TON) / 1000) * jump_dist
- var/jump_cost_power = jump_cost * REQUIRED_CHARGE_MULTIPLIER
+ var/jump_cost_power = ((jump_dist * linked.vessel_mass)* REQUIRED_CHARGE_MULTIPLIER)*1000
return jump_cost_power
@@ -123,13 +121,12 @@
data["shunt_y"] = linked_core.shunt_y
data["to_plot_x"] = to_plot_x
data["to_plot_y"] = to_plot_y
- data["fuel_joules"] = (linked_core.get_fuel(linked_core.fuel_ports) / 1000)
- data["fuel_conversion"] = linked_core.get_total_fuel_conversion_rate()
+ data["fuel_joules"] = linked_core.get_charges() || 0
data["jumpcost"] = recalc_cost()
- data["powercost"] = recalc_cost_power()
+ data["powercost"] = recalc_cost_power()/1000
data["chargetime"] = linked_core.get_charge_time()
data["chargepercent"] = linked_core.chargepercent
- data["maxfuel"] = linked_core.get_fuel_maximum(linked_core.fuel_ports)
+ data["maxfuel"] = linked_core.get_max_charges()
data["jump_status"] = get_status()
data["power_input"] = linked_core.allowed_power_usage / 1000
data["max_power"] = linked_core.max_power_usage / 1000
diff --git a/code/modules/overmap/ftl_shunt/core.dm b/code/modules/overmap/ftl_shunt/core.dm
index c029bbcc969..afe4d1b34b3 100644
--- a/code/modules/overmap/ftl_shunt/core.dm
+++ b/code/modules/overmap/ftl_shunt/core.dm
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@
icon_state = "ftl_core"
pixel_x = -32
pixel_y = -32
- bound_x = -32
- bound_y = -32
+ density = TRUE
var/list/fuel_ports = list() //We mainly use fusion fuels.
var/charge_time //Actually, we do use power now. This is here for the console.
@@ -32,8 +31,7 @@
var/chargepercent = 0
var/last_percent_tick = 0
- var/required_fuel_joules
- var/required_charge //This is a function of the required fuel joules.
+ var/required_charge
var/max_charge = 2000000
@@ -49,6 +47,12 @@
var/jump_delay = 2 MINUTES
var/jump_timer //used to cancel the jump.
+ var/required_jump_cores = 0
+ var/cached_security_level
+ var/datum/event/ftl_event
+ var/last_stress_sound
var/power_on_animation_played = FALSE
var/power_off_animation_played = FALSE
@@ -58,9 +62,10 @@
var/static/datum/announcement/priority/ftl_announcement = new(do_log = 0, do_newscast = 1, new_sound = sound('sound/misc/notice2.ogg'))
- var/static/shunt_start_text = "Attention! Superluminal shunt warm-up initiated! Spool-up ETA: %%TIME%%"
- var/static/shunt_cancel_text = "Attention! Faster-than-light transition cancelled."
- var/static/shunt_complete_text = "Attention! Faster-than-light transition completed."
+ var/static/shunt_start_text = "Attention! Superluminal shunt warm-up initiated! ETA to subsector jump: %%TIME%%"
+ var/static/shunt_cancel_text = "Attention! Subsector superluminal transition cancelled."
+ var/static/shunt_entered_text = "Attention! Vessel has completed superluminal translation; FTL exit in %%TIME%% seconds."
+ var/static/shunt_complete_text = "Attention! Subsector superluminal transition completed."
var/static/shunt_spooling_text = "Attention! Superluminal shunt warm-up complete, spooling up."
var/static/shunt_sabotage_text_minor = "Warning! Electromagnetic flux beyond safety limits - aborting shunt!"
@@ -73,6 +78,19 @@
+ var/static/ftl_sounds = list(
+ 'sound/effects/thunder/thunder1.ogg',
+ 'sound/effects/thunder/thunder2.ogg',
+ 'sound/effects/thunder/thunder3.ogg',
+ 'sound/effects/thunder/thunder4.ogg',
+ 'sound/effects/thunder/thunder5.ogg',
+ 'sound/effects/thunder/thunder6.ogg',
+ 'sound/effects/thunder/thunder7.ogg',
+ 'sound/effects/thunder/thunder8.ogg',
+ 'sound/effects/thunder/thunder9.ogg',
+ 'sound/effects/thunder/thunder10.ogg'
+ )
use_power = POWER_USE_OFF
power_channel = EQUIP
idle_power_usage = 1600
@@ -210,13 +228,6 @@
portal.animate_filter("glow", list(size = rand(1,2)*2, time = 1 SECONDS, offset = 2*rand(1,3)))
addtimer(CALLBACK(src, /atom/movable/proc/animate_filter, "glow", list(size = 2, time = 1 SECONDS, offset = 2)), 2 SECONDS)
- if(!filter_data)
- add_filter("ripple", 1, list(type="ripple", size = 5, repeat = 10, radius = 1))
- animate_filter("ripple", list(time = 0.5 SECONDS, radius = 25, size = 5))
- addtimer(CALLBACK(src, /atom/movable/proc/animate_filter, "ripple",list(time = 0.5 SECONDS, size = 0, radius = 0)), 0.6 SECONDS)
. = ..()
@@ -311,6 +322,8 @@
//Starts the teleport process, returns 1-6, with 6 being the all-clear.
+ var/decl/security_state/security_state = GET_DECL(global.using_map.security_state)
@@ -337,7 +350,7 @@
if(max_charge < required_charge)
- if(required_fuel_joules > get_fuel(fuel_ports))
+ if(required_jump_cores > get_charges())
@@ -350,6 +363,9 @@
var/announcetxt = replacetext(shunt_start_text, "%%TIME%%", "[round(jump_delay/600)] minutes.")
ftl_announcement.Announce(announcetxt, "FTL Shunt Management System", new_sound = sound('sound/misc/notice2.ogg'))
+ cached_security_level = security_state.current_security_level
+ security_state.set_security_level(GET_DECL(/decl/security_level/default/code_yellow), TRUE)
@@ -363,23 +379,27 @@
var/vessel_mass = ftl_computer.linked.get_vessel_mass()
var/shunt_turf = locate(shunt_x, shunt_y, O.z)
shunt_distance = get_dist(get_turf(ftl_computer.linked), shunt_turf)
- required_fuel_joules = (vessel_mass * JOULES_PER_TON) * shunt_distance
- required_charge = required_fuel_joules * REQUIRED_CHARGE_MULTIPLIER
+ required_jump_cores = shunt_distance
+ required_charge = ((shunt_distance * vessel_mass)* REQUIRED_CHARGE_MULTIPLIER)*1000
//Cancels the in-progress shunt.
/obj/machinery/ftl_shunt/core/proc/cancel_shunt(var/silent = FALSE)
+ var/decl/security_state/security_state = GET_DECL(global.using_map.security_state)
charge_time = null
cooldown = null
- required_fuel_joules = null
+ required_jump_cores = null
ftl_announcement.Announce(shunt_cancel_text, "FTL Shunt Management System", new_sound = sound('sound/misc/notice2.ogg'))
jump_timer = null
+ security_state.set_security_level(cached_security_level, TRUE)
-//Starts the shunt, and then hands off to do_shunt to finish it.
+//Starts the shunt, and then hands off to enter_shunt to finish it.
ftl_announcement.Announce(shunt_spooling_text, "FTL Shunt Management System", new_sound = sound('sound/misc/notice2.ogg'))
@@ -388,8 +408,8 @@
ftl_computer.jump_plotted = FALSE
- if(use_fuel(required_fuel_joules))
- jump_timer = addtimer(CALLBACK(src, .proc/execute_shunt), jump_delay, TIMER_STOPPABLE)
+ if(can_use_fuel(required_jump_cores))
+ use_fuel(required_jump_cores)
return //If for some reason we don't have fuel now, just return.
@@ -398,9 +418,7 @@
var/destination = locate(shunt_x, shunt_y, O.z)
var/jumpdist = get_dist(get_turf(ftl_computer.linked), destination)
- var/obj/effect/portal/wormhole/W = new(destination) //Generate a wormhole effect on overmap to give some indication that something is about to happen.
- addtimer(CALLBACK(src, .proc/do_shunt, shunt_x, shunt_y, jumpdist, destination), 6 SECONDS)
+ addtimer(CALLBACK(src, .proc/enter_shunt, shunt_x, shunt_y, jumpdist, destination), 6 SECONDS)
jumping = TRUE
for(var/mob/living/carbon/M in global.living_mob_list_)
@@ -408,8 +426,23 @@
sound_to(M, 'sound/machines/hyperspace_begin.ogg')
-/obj/machinery/ftl_shunt/core/proc/do_shunt(var/turfx, var/turfy, var/jumpdist, var/destination) //this does the actual teleportation, execute_shunt is there to give us time to do our fancy effects
+/obj/machinery/ftl_shunt/core/proc/enter_shunt(var/shunt_x, var/shunt_x, var/jumpdist, var/destination)
+ var/announcetxt = replacetext(shunt_entered_text, "%%TIME%%", "[round((jumpdist*JUMP_TIME_PER_TILE)/60)]")
+ var/datum/event_meta/EM = new(EVENT_LEVEL_MUNDANE, "FTL", /datum/event/ftl, add_to_queue = FALSE, is_one_shot = TRUE)
+ ftl_event = new /datum/event/ftl(EM)
+ ftl_event.startWhen = 0
+ ftl_event.endWhen = INFINITY
+ ftl_event.affecting_z = ftl_computer.linked.map_z
+ ftl_computer.linked.forceMove(null)
+ ftl_computer.linked.halted = TRUE
+ ftl_announcement.Announce(announcetxt, "FTL Shunt Management System", new_sound = sound('sound/misc/notice2.ogg'))
+ addtimer(CALLBACK(src, .proc/end_shunt, shunt_x, shunt_y, jumpdist, destination),jumpdist*JUMP_TIME_PER_TILE)
+/obj/machinery/ftl_shunt/core/proc/end_shunt(var/turfx, var/turfy, var/jumpdist, var/destination) //this does the actual teleportation, execute_shunt is there to give us time to do our fancy effects
+ var/decl/security_state/security_state = GET_DECL(global.using_map.security_state)
+ ftl_computer.linked.halted = FALSE
ftl_announcement.Announce(shunt_complete_text, "FTL Shunt Management System", new_sound = sound('sound/misc/notice2.ogg'))
cooldown = world.time + cooldown_delay
@@ -419,6 +452,12 @@
accumulated_charge -= required_charge
jump_timer = null
ftl_computer.jump_plotted = FALSE
+ addtimer(CALLBACK(security_state, /decl/security_state/.proc/set_security_level, cached_security_level, TRUE), 4 SECONDS)
+ if(ftl_event)
+ ftl_event.kill()
+ ftl_event = null
//Handles all the effects of the jump.
/obj/machinery/ftl_shunt/core/proc/do_effects(var/distance) //If we're jumping too far, have some !!FUN!! with people and ship systems.
@@ -448,7 +487,7 @@
to_chat(H, SPAN_NOTICE("You feel your insides flutter about inside of you as you are briefly shunted into an alternate dimension.")) //No major effects.
- shake_camera(H, 2, 1)
+ shake_camera(H, 3, 3)
to_chat(H, SPAN_WARNING("You feel your insides twisted inside and out as you are violently shunted between dimensions, and you feel like something is watching you!"))
@@ -456,7 +495,7 @@
H.set_hallucination(50, 50)
- shake_camera(H, 2, 1)
+ shake_camera(H, 3, 3)
to_chat(H, SPAN_DANGER("You feel an overwhelming sense of nausea and vertigo wash over you, your instincts screaming that something is wrong!"))
@@ -471,10 +510,10 @@
- if(prob(15))
+ if(prob(25))
- if(prob(35))
+ if(prob(45))
for(var/obj/machinery/power/apc/A in SSmachines.machinery)
@@ -482,9 +521,9 @@
- if(prob(15))
+ if(prob(25))
A.energy_fail(rand(30, 80))
- if(prob(10))
+ if(prob(35))
@@ -546,7 +585,6 @@
ftl_announcement.Announce(announcetxt, "FTL Shunt Management System", new_sound = sound('sound/misc/ftlsiren.ogg'))
//Returns status to ftl computer.
if(stat & (BROKEN|NOPOWER))
@@ -558,75 +596,36 @@
- . = 0
- for(var/obj/machinery/ftl_shunt/fuel_port/F in input)
- . += F.get_fuel_joules(FALSE)
- . = 0
- for(var/obj/machinery/ftl_shunt/fuel_port/F in input)
- . += F.get_fuel_joules(TRUE)
- if(!length(fuel_ports))
- return 0
- var/fuel_max = get_fuel_maximum(fuel_ports)
- if(fuel_max == 0)
- return 0
- return round(100.0*get_fuel(fuel_ports)/fuel_max, 0.1)
- var/avail_fuel = get_fuel(fuel_ports)
- if(joules_req > avail_fuel) //Not enough fuel in the system.
+ var/avaliable_charges
+ for(var/obj/machinery/ftl_shunt/fuel_port/F in fuel_ports)
+ avaliable_charges += F.get_charge()
+ if(avaliable_charges >= charges_required)
+ return TRUE
+ else
return FALSE
- var/list/fueled_ports = list()
- var/total_joules
- var/joules_per_port
- var/joule_debt
- for(var/obj/machinery/ftl_shunt/fuel_port/F in fuel_ports) //Step one, loop through ports, sort them by those who are fully fueled and those that are not.
- if(!F.has_fuel())
- continue
- fueled_ports += F
- joules_per_port = (joules_req / length(fueled_ports))
+ var/avaliable_charges
+ var/used_charges
- for(var/obj/machinery/ftl_shunt/fuel_port/F in fueled_ports) //Loop through all our ports, use fuel from those that have enough and those that are partially empty.
- if(F.get_fuel_joules() >= joules_per_port) //Enough fuel in this one!
- if(F.use_fuel_joules(joules_per_port))
- total_joules += joules_per_port
- continue
- else //Not enough fuel in this port to meet the per-port quota - take as much as we can and pick up the slack with others.
- var/available_fuel = F.get_fuel_joules()
- if(F.use_fuel_joules(available_fuel))
- total_joules += available_fuel
- joule_debt += joules_per_port - available_fuel
- fueled_ports -= F //Remove this one from the pool of avaliable ports, since it's used up.
- continue
- if(total_joules == joules_req)
- return TRUE //All ports supplied enough fuel first go around, return early.
- if(joule_debt) //We haven't rallied up enough energy for the jump, probably from ports that were only partially fueled.
- var/fuel_debt_spread = joule_debt / length(fueled_ports)
- for(var/obj/machinery/ftl_shunt/fuel_port/F in fueled_ports) //Loop through all our ports, use fuel from those that have enough and those that are partially empty.
- if(F.get_fuel_joules() >= fuel_debt_spread) //Enough fuel in this one!
- if(F.use_fuel_joules(fuel_debt_spread))
- total_joules += fuel_debt_spread
- continue
- else //Not enough fuel in this port to meet the per-port quota - take as much as we can and pick up the slack with others.
- var/available_fuel_debt = F.get_fuel_joules()
- if(F.use_fuel_joules(available_fuel_debt))
- total_joules += available_fuel_debt
- joule_debt -= available_fuel_debt
- continue
+ for(var/obj/machinery/ftl_shunt/fuel_port/F in fuel_ports)
+ avaliable_charges += F.get_charge()
+ if(avaliable_charges >= charges_required)
+ for(var/obj/machinery/ftl_shunt/fuel_port/F in fuel_ports)
+ F.use_charge()
+ F.update_icon()
+ used_charges++
+ if(used_charges == charges_required)
+ break
+ for(var/obj/machinery/ftl_shunt/fuel_port/F in fuel_ports)
+ . += F.get_charge()
- if(total_joules == joules_req && !joule_debt)
- return TRUE
+ for(var/obj/machinery/ftl_shunt/fuel_port/F in fuel_ports)
+ . += 1
@@ -651,13 +650,6 @@
return FALSE
- var/rate
- for(var/obj/machinery/ftl_shunt/fuel_port/F in fuel_ports)
- rate += F.get_fuel_conversion_rate()
- . = round((rate / length(fuel_ports)), 0.1)
if(stat & (BROKEN|NOPOWER))
@@ -670,100 +662,14 @@
SSradiation.radiate(src, (active_power_usage / 1000))
chargepercent = round(100*(accumulated_charge/max_charge), 0.1)
- name = "superluminal shunt fuel port"
- desc = "A fuel port for an FTL shunt."
- icon_state = "empty"
- icon = 'icons/obj/ftlshunt_fuelport.dmi'
- var/static/list/fuels = list(
- /decl/material/gas/hydrogen/tritium = 25000,
- /decl/material/gas/hydrogen/deuterium = 25000,
- /decl/material/gas/hydrogen = 25000,
- /decl/material/solid/exotic_matter = 50000
- )
- var/obj/item/fuel_assembly/fuel
- var/obj/machinery/ftl_shunt/core/master
- var/max_fuel = 0
- if(fuel)
- icon_state = "full"
- else
- icon_state = "empty"
- set_extension(src, /datum/extension/local_network_member)
- if(initial_id_tag)
- var/datum/extension/local_network_member/local_network = get_extension(src, /datum/extension/local_network_member)
- local_network.set_tag(null, initial_id_tag)
- . = ..()
- ..()
- ADJUST_TAG_VAR(initial_id_tag, map_hash)
- . = ..()
- if(master)
- master.fuel_ports -= src
- master = null
- QDEL_NULL(fuel)
-/obj/machinery/ftl_shunt/fuel_port/attackby(var/obj/item/O, var/mob/user)
- if(istype(O, /obj/item/fuel_assembly))
- if(!fuel)
- if(!do_after(user, 2 SECONDS, src) || fuel)
- return
- if(!user || !user.unEquip(O, src))
- return
- fuel = O
- max_fuel = get_fuel_joules(TRUE)
- flick("insert", src)
- update_icon()
- return TRUE
- . = ..()
- if(fuel)
- to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("You begin to remove the fuel assembly from [src]..."))
- if(!do_after(user, 2 SECONDS, src) || !fuel || fuel.loc != src)
- return FALSE
- fuel.dropInto(loc)
- user.put_in_hands(fuel)
- fuel = null
- max_fuel = 0
- to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("You remove the fuel assembly!"))
- return TRUE
- . = ..()
- return !!fuel
- if(fuel)
- for(var/G in fuel.matter)
- if(G in fuels)
- . += (get_fuel_maximum ? 10000 : fuel.matter[G]) * fuels[G]
-/obj/machinery/ftl_shunt/fuel_port/proc/get_fuel_conversion_rate() //This is mostly a fluff proc, since internally everything is done in joules.
- if(fuel)
- for(var/G in fuel.matter)
- if(G in fuels)
- . = fuels[G]
- if(!fuel)
- return FALSE
- for(var/G in fuel.matter)
- if(G in fuels)
- var/fuel_to_use = joules / fuels[G]
- fuel.matter[G] -= fuel_to_use
- return TRUE
+ if(jumping)
+ if(prob(15) && last_stress_sound < world.time + 2 SECONDS)
+ for(var/mob/living/carbon/M in global.living_mob_list_)
+ if(!(M.z in ftl_computer.linked.map_z))
+ continue
+ sound_to(M, pick(ftl_sounds))
+ shake_camera(M, rand(1,2), rand(1,2))
+ last_stress_sound = world.time
// Construction MacGuffins down here.
@@ -783,3 +689,5 @@
icon_state = "smes_coil"
matter = list(/decl/material/solid/exotic_matter = MATTER_AMOUNT_REINFORCEMENT, /decl/material/solid/metal/plasteel = MATTER_AMOUNT_PRIMARY)
diff --git a/code/modules/overmap/ftl_shunt/ftl_event.dm b/code/modules/overmap/ftl_shunt/ftl_event.dm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9ad8b0ebe73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/modules/overmap/ftl_shunt/ftl_event.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ has_skybox_image = TRUE
+ endWhen = INFINITY
+ var/static/lightning_color
+ var/static/background_color
+ if(!background_color)
+ if(!lightning_color)
+ lightning_color = pick("#ffd98c", "#ebc7ff", "#bdfcff", "#bdd2ff", "#b0ffca", "#ff8178", "#ad74cc")
+ var/image/res = overlay_image('icons/skybox/ftlbox.dmi', "ftl", lightning_color, RESET_COLOR)
+ var/image/res_2 = overlay_image('icons/skybox/electrobox.dmi', "lightning", lightning_color, RESET_COLOR)
+ res.overlays += res_2
+ res_2.blend_mode = BLEND_ADD
+ res.blend_mode = BLEND_OVERLAY
+ return res
diff --git a/code/modules/overmap/ftl_shunt/fuel_port.dm b/code/modules/overmap/ftl_shunt/fuel_port.dm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..30da071cc3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/modules/overmap/ftl_shunt/fuel_port.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ name = "superluminal shunt fuel port"
+ desc = "A fuel port for an FTL shunt."
+ icon_state = "empty"
+ icon = 'icons/obj/ftlshunt_fuelport.dmi'
+ var/obj/item/jumpcore/fuel
+ var/obj/machinery/ftl_shunt/core/master
+ cut_overlays()
+ var/image/I = image(icon, "spent_overlay")
+ if(fuel)
+ icon_state = "full"
+ else
+ icon_state = "empty"
+ if(fuel)
+ if(fuel.spent)
+ I.color = COLOR_RED
+ else
+ I.color = COLOR_GREEN
+ add_overlay(I)
+ set_extension(src, /datum/extension/local_network_member)
+ if(initial_id_tag)
+ var/datum/extension/local_network_member/local_network = get_extension(src, /datum/extension/local_network_member)
+ local_network.set_tag(null, initial_id_tag)
+ . = ..()
+ ..()
+ ADJUST_TAG_VAR(initial_id_tag, map_hash)
+ . = ..()
+ if(master)
+ master.fuel_ports -= src
+ master = null
+ QDEL_NULL(fuel)
+/obj/machinery/ftl_shunt/fuel_port/attackby(var/obj/item/O, var/mob/user)
+ if(istype(O, /obj/item/jumpcore))
+ if(!fuel)
+ if(!do_after(user, 2 SECONDS, src) || fuel)
+ return
+ if(!user || !user.unEquip(O, src))
+ return
+ fuel = O
+ flick("insert", src)
+ update_icon()
+ return TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ if(fuel)
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("You begin to remove the fuel assembly from [src]..."))
+ if(!do_after(user, 2 SECONDS, src) || !fuel || fuel.loc != src)
+ return FALSE
+ fuel.dropInto(loc)
+ user.put_in_hands(fuel)
+ fuel = null
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("You remove the fuel assembly!"))
+ return TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ return fuel && !fuel.spent
+ if(fuel && !fuel.spent)
+ return TRUE
+ if(fuel && !fuel.spent)
+ fuel.use_charge()
+ fuel.update_icon()
+// Jump cores down here
+ name = "superluminal fuel core"
+ icon = 'icons/obj/ftlshunt_fuelport.dmi'
+ icon_state = "rod_v2"
+ desc = "A container for an exotic blend of radioactive materials utilized in going faster-than-light."
+ w_class = ITEM_SIZE_LARGE
+ var/spent = FALSE
+/obj/item/jumpcore/Initialize(ml, material_key)
+ . = ..()
+ update_icon()
+ . = ..()
+/obj/item/jumpcore/examine(mob/user, distance, infix, suffix)
+ . = ..()
+ if(spent)
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("This one is spent."))
+ spent = TRUE
+ if(!spent)
+ if(istype(loc, /turf))
+ SSradiation.radiate(src,5)
+ cut_overlays()
+ var/image/I = image(icon, "rod_v2_overlay")
+ if(spent)
+ I.color = COLOR_RED
+ else
+ I.color = COLOR_CYAN
+ add_overlay(I)
+ return
diff --git a/code/modules/reagents/reactions/reaction_recipe.dm b/code/modules/reagents/reactions/reaction_recipe.dm
index 69cb96d9757..6748eb14353 100644
--- a/code/modules/reagents/reactions/reaction_recipe.dm
+++ b/code/modules/reagents/reactions/reaction_recipe.dm
@@ -153,4 +153,21 @@
result = /decl/material/liquid/drink/syrup/pumpkin
required_reagents = list(/decl/material/liquid/drink/juice/pumpkinpulp = 2, /decl/material/liquid/drink/syrup/sugar = 3)
result_amount = 5
- mix_message = "The solution takes on an orange hue and the aroma of pumpkin spice."
\ No newline at end of file
+ mix_message = "The solution takes on an orange hue and the aroma of pumpkin spice."
+ name = "Brownie Mix"
+ result = /decl/material/liquid/nutriment/browniemix
+ required_reagents = list(/decl/material/liquid/nutriment/flour = 5, /decl/material/liquid/nutriment/coco = 5, /decl/material/liquid/nutriment/sugar = 5)
+ result_amount = 15
+ mix_message = "The solution is mixed into a light brown powder."
+ name = "Beer Batter Mix"
+ result = /decl/material/liquid/nutriment/batter/beerbatter
+ required_reagents = list(/decl/material/liquid/nutriment/protein/egg = 3, /decl/material/liquid/nutriment/flour = 10, /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/beer = 5,/decl/material/solid/sodiumchloride = 2)
+ result_amount = 20
+ mix_message = "The solution thickens into a light batter."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/code/unit_tests/map_tests.dm b/code/unit_tests/map_tests.dm
index db1d63e9c97..6bd35d9318e 100644
--- a/code/unit_tests/map_tests.dm
+++ b/code/unit_tests/map_tests.dm
@@ -484,6 +484,34 @@
+ name = "MAP: Disposal Pipe Overlap Test"
+ var/disposal_test_count = 0
+ var/bad_tests = 0
+ var/turf/T = null
+ var/obj/structure/disposalpipe/D = null
+ var/list/pipe_turfs = list()
+ for(D in world)
+ disposal_test_count++
+ T = get_turf(D)
+ if(pipe_turfs[T])
+ var/bad_msg = "[ascii_red]--------------- [T.name] \[[T.x] / [T.y] / [T.z]\]"
+ bad_tests++
+ log_unit_test("[bad_msg] contains multiple pipes overlapping.")
+ pipe_turfs |= T
+ if(bad_tests)
+ fail("\[[bad_tests] / [disposal_test_count]\] Some turfs had overlapping pipes.")
+ else
+ pass("All \[[disposal_test_count]\] pipes did not overlap.")
+ return 1
// Having them face north or west is now supported fully in code; this is for map consistency.
name = "MAP: Simple pipes shall not face north or west"
diff --git a/icons/misc/security_state.dmi b/icons/misc/security_state.dmi
index aff829cdb6c..f933e553df3 100644
Binary files a/icons/misc/security_state.dmi and b/icons/misc/security_state.dmi differ
diff --git a/icons/obj/ftlshunt_fuelport.dmi b/icons/obj/ftlshunt_fuelport.dmi
index e685dcbf5e3..61ce716bfa5 100644
Binary files a/icons/obj/ftlshunt_fuelport.dmi and b/icons/obj/ftlshunt_fuelport.dmi differ
diff --git a/icons/obj/monitors.dmi b/icons/obj/monitors.dmi
index d6ea9f5b004..2ae9e5a3381 100644
Binary files a/icons/obj/monitors.dmi and b/icons/obj/monitors.dmi differ
diff --git a/icons/skybox/ftlbox.dmi b/icons/skybox/ftlbox.dmi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8a0e869a14f
Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/skybox/ftlbox.dmi differ
diff --git a/maps/modpack_testing/modpack_testing.dm b/maps/modpack_testing/modpack_testing.dm
index 0fba6a622bd..3d09b580de2 100644
--- a/maps/modpack_testing/modpack_testing.dm
+++ b/maps/modpack_testing/modpack_testing.dm
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "../../mods/content/hearth_content/_hearth_content.dme"
#include "../../mods/content/hearth_culture/_hearth_culture.dme"
#include "../../mods/content/hearthfoods/_hearthfoods.dme"
+ #include "../../mods/content/hearthdrinks/_hearthdrinks.dme"
#include "../../mods/content/matchmaking/_matchmaking.dme"
#include "../../mods/content/modern_earth/_modern_earth.dme"
#include "../../mods/content/mouse_highlights/_mouse_highlight.dme"
diff --git a/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/ace.dmi b/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/ace.dmi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..56a5afefd76
Binary files /dev/null and b/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/ace.dmi differ
diff --git a/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/checker.dmi b/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/checker.dmi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8c9189e1013
Binary files /dev/null and b/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/checker.dmi differ
diff --git a/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/corvid.dmi b/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/corvid.dmi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a8a0f79464f
Binary files /dev/null and b/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/corvid.dmi differ
diff --git a/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/helmet.dmi b/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/helmet.dmi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dc5c1d6b593
Binary files /dev/null and b/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/helmet.dmi differ
diff --git a/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/luke.dmi b/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/luke.dmi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fa1a88f2ebe
Binary files /dev/null and b/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/luke.dmi differ
diff --git a/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/mobius.dmi b/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/mobius.dmi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..51f455092f4
Binary files /dev/null and b/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/mobius.dmi differ
diff --git a/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/pilot_borrowed_readme.md b/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/pilot_borrowed_readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c8c5e1cc2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/pilot_borrowed_readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+These sprites are borrowed from Shiptest.
+All credit to Apogee-dev
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/shark.dmi b/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/shark.dmi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9919f066eea
Binary files /dev/null and b/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/shark.dmi differ
diff --git a/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/viper.dmi b/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/viper.dmi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f88239f7245
Binary files /dev/null and b/maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/viper.dmi differ
diff --git a/maps/torch/icons/original_icons/suit_locker/suit_locker_decals.dmi b/maps/torch/icons/original_icons/suit_locker/suit_locker_decals.dmi
index 69ce96fb839..6a98ab7a6d0 100644
Binary files a/maps/torch/icons/original_icons/suit_locker/suit_locker_decals.dmi and b/maps/torch/icons/original_icons/suit_locker/suit_locker_decals.dmi differ
diff --git a/maps/torch/items/hearth_clothing/hats.dm b/maps/torch/items/hearth_clothing/hats.dm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e1608f9219c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maps/torch/items/hearth_clothing/hats.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ name = "pilot's helmet"
+ desc = "A pilot's helmet for operating the cockpit in style. This one is worn by members of the ISEO Fleet."
+ icon = 'maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/helmet.dmi'
+ var/open = FALSE
+ open = !open
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("You [open ? "flip your visor up and undo your mask." : "flip your visor down and put your mask on."]"))
+ update_icon()
+ adjust_airtightness()
+ . = ..()
+ icon_state = get_world_inventory_state()
+ if(open && check_state_in_icon("[icon_state]-open", icon))
+ icon_state = "[icon_state]-open"
+ update_clothing_icon()
+/obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/pilot/alternate/adjust_mob_overlay(var/mob/living/user_mob, var/bodytype, var/image/overlay, var/slot, var/bodypart)
+ if(overlay && open && check_state_in_icon("[overlay.icon_state]-open", overlay.icon))
+ overlay.icon_state = "[overlay.icon_state]-open"
+ . = ..()
+ if(open)
+ item_flags &= ~ITEM_FLAG_AIRTIGHT
+ else
+ item_flags |= ITEM_FLAG_AIRTIGHT
+//Variants below.
+ icon = 'maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/mobius.dmi'
+ icon = 'maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/viper.dmi'
+ icon = 'maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/luke.dmi'
+ icon = 'maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/shark.dmi'
+ icon = 'maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/corvid.dmi'
+ icon = 'maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/ace.dmi'
+ icon = 'maps/torch/icons/borrowed_icons/pilot/checker.dmi'
diff --git a/maps/torch/loadout/loadout_head.dm b/maps/torch/loadout/loadout_head.dm
index a964c63fc7d..54191404a8e 100644
--- a/maps/torch/loadout/loadout_head.dm
+++ b/maps/torch/loadout/loadout_head.dm
@@ -59,4 +59,23 @@
allowed_roles = ARMORED_ROLES
- allowed_branches = CIVILIAN_BRANCHES
\ No newline at end of file
+ allowed_branches = CIVILIAN_BRANCHES
+ name = "ISSC pilot helmet"
+ description = "A customized pilot's helmet."
+ path = /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/pilot/alternate
+ allowed_branches = ISEO_BRANCHES
+ allowed_roles = list(/datum/job/nt_pilot)
+ . = ..()
+ var/helmets = list()
+ helmets["mobius pattern"] = /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/pilot/alternate/mobius
+ helmets["viper pattern"] = /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/pilot/alternate/viper
+ helmets["red one pattern"] = /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/pilot/alternate/luke
+ helmets["shark pattern"] = /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/pilot/alternate/shark
+ helmets["corvid pattern"] = /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/pilot/alternate/corvid
+ helmets["ace of spades pattern"] = /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/pilot/alternate/ace
+ helmets["checker pattern"] = /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/pilot/alternate/checker
+ gear_tweaks += new/datum/gear_tweak/path(helmets)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/maps/torch/structures/closets/services.dm b/maps/torch/structures/closets/services.dm
index db5033a467e..4f1deb8281b 100644
--- a/maps/torch/structures/closets/services.dm
+++ b/maps/torch/structures/closets/services.dm
@@ -25,6 +25,20 @@
+ name = "waitstaff closet"
+ desc = "It's a storage unit for waitstaff equipment."
+ closet_appearance = /decl/closet_appearance/wardrobe/black
+ return list(
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/soft/black,
+ /obj/item/radio/headset/headset_service = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/sundress,
+ /obj/item/clothing/under/waiter = 2,
+ /obj/item/clothing/suit/chef/classic = 2
+ )
/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/hydroponics_torch //done so that it has no access reqs
name = "hydroponics locker"
req_access = list()
diff --git a/maps/torch/torch.dm b/maps/torch/torch.dm
index a6f8fd8cd44..b9fe1ccd134 100644
--- a/maps/torch/torch.dm
+++ b/maps/torch/torch.dm
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include "..\..\mods\content\neural_laces\_laces.dme"
#include "..\..\mods\content\genemodding\_genemodding.dme"
#include "..\..\mods\content\hearthfoods\_hearthfoods.dme"
+ #include "..\..\mods\content\hearthdrinks\_hearthdrinks.dme"
#include "..\..\mods\content\shards\_shards.dme"
#include "..\..\mods\verbs\antighost\_subtle_antighost.dme"
@@ -200,6 +201,7 @@
#include "items\hearth_clothing\hats_general.dm"
#include "structures\closets\suit_lockers.dm"
#include "items\hearth_clothing\skinsuits.dm"
+ #include "items\hearth_clothing\hats.dm"
//end HEARTH
#include "torch1_deck5.dmm"
diff --git a/maps/torch/torch3_deck3.dmm b/maps/torch/torch3_deck3.dmm
index 3e7ee423071..de541fa9b4e 100644
--- a/maps/torch/torch3_deck3.dmm
+++ b/maps/torch/torch3_deck3.dmm
@@ -109,6 +109,11 @@
+"au" = (
"az" = (
@@ -133,12 +138,10 @@
"aG" = (
"aI" = (
@@ -419,12 +422,16 @@
"bB" = (
dir = 4
dir = 4
+ dir = 4
+ },
"bC" = (
@@ -727,15 +734,9 @@
"cj" = (
-"cl" = (
"cm" = (
@@ -786,34 +787,6 @@
-"cs" = (
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 8;
- icon_state = "pipe-c"
- },
-"ct" = (
- dir = 4
- },
"cu" = (
@@ -1066,8 +1039,8 @@
dir = 4
- dir = 9
+ dir = 1
@@ -1106,36 +1079,29 @@
-"cT" = (
- dir = 8
- },
"cU" = (
- dir = 4
- },
dir = 4;
pixel_x = -21
- pixel_x = 3;
- pixel_y = 1
+ dir = 8
- pixel_x = -3
+ pixel_x = -5;
+ pixel_y = 8
- pixel_x = 9;
- pixel_y = 5
+ pixel_x = -5;
+ pixel_y = -2
+ pixel_x = 5;
+ pixel_y = 3
+ },
"cV" = (
dir = 10
@@ -1306,9 +1272,9 @@
"dk" = (
"dl" = (
@@ -1434,38 +1400,15 @@
"dF" = (
- dir = 4;
- id_tag = "bar";
- name = "Bar Shutters"
- },
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 4
- },
"dG" = (
- dir = 8
- },
- c_tag = "Hydroponics - Fore";
- dir = 1
- },
- dir = 1
- },
"dH" = (
dir = 5
@@ -1476,16 +1419,20 @@
icon_state = "1-4"
-"dI" = (
+ c_tag = "Hydroponics - Fore";
+ dir = 1
+ },
dir = 8
+ dir = 9
+ },
"dJ" = (
@@ -1604,16 +1551,14 @@
"dY" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 8
+ dir = 2;
+ id_tag = "bar";
+ name = "Bar Shutters"
"dZ" = (
icon_state = "1-4"
@@ -1771,33 +1716,19 @@
"et" = (
- dir = 1;
- name = "north bump";
- pixel_y = 24
- },
- icon_state = "0-2"
- },
"eu" = (
+ name = "south bump";
+ pixel_y = -24
+ },
-"ew" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 4;
- icon_state = "tube1"
- },
"ex" = (
dir = 8;
@@ -1962,16 +1893,30 @@
"eQ" = (
- dir = 4
+ id_tag = "bar";
+ name = "Bar Shutters";
+ pixel_x = -5;
+ pixel_y = -3
- pixel_x = -32
+ pixel_x = 5;
+ pixel_y = -3
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ name = "west bump";
+ pixel_x = -24
+ },
+ icon_state = "0-4"
+ },
"eR" = (
dir = 10
@@ -2210,22 +2155,14 @@
-"fp" = (
- dir = 4
- },
"fq" = (
- dir = 4
- },
dir = 1
pixel_y = 32
"fr" = (
@@ -2248,26 +2185,26 @@
"ft" = (
- dir = 4
- },
-"fy" = (
dir = 4
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"fy" = (
dir = 4;
- pixel_x = -22
+ id_tag = "kitchen";
+ name = "Kitchen Shutters"
"fz" = (
@@ -2298,6 +2235,17 @@
"fE" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "pipe-c"
+ },
+"fF" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
dir = 6
@@ -2311,26 +2259,6 @@
dir = 8;
icon_state = "warning"
- dir = 4
- },
-"fF" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 4
- },
"fG" = (
@@ -2343,14 +2271,13 @@
icon_state = "4-8"
- dir = 1;
- pixel_y = -22
- },
dir = 4
+ pixel_y = 24
+ },
"fH" = (
@@ -2497,11 +2424,13 @@
"fU" = (
- dir = 4
+ dir = 4;
+ pixel_x = -23
"fV" = (
dir = 1
@@ -2770,22 +2699,37 @@
"gv" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ name = "Galley"
+ },
+"gw" = (
dir = 8
- dir = 8
+ dir = 6
-"gw" = (
+ dir = 6
+ },
dir = 4;
- icon_state = "pipe-j2"
+ icon_state = "pipe-c"
"gx" = (
@@ -2795,61 +2739,64 @@
"gy" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ name = "Hydroponics";
+ sort_type = "Hydroponics"
+ },
- icon_state = "1-2"
+ icon_state = "1-4"
"gz" = (
- icon_state = "1-2"
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "chair_preview"
- dir = 4
+ dir = 6
"gA" = (
- name = "Mess Hall Maintenance"
+ icon_state = "1-4"
- dir = 4
+ icon_state = "1-2"
- dir = 4
+ dir = 8
- icon_state = "4-8"
+ dir = 8
"gB" = (
"gC" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ pixel_x = -21
+ },
+"gD" = (
dir = 1
-"gD" = (
- icon_state = "1-2"
- },
- dir = 8;
- icon_state = "warning"
- },
"gE" = (
name = "3rd Deck, Aft"
@@ -3159,26 +3106,17 @@
"hm" = (
- icon_state = "1-2"
+ pixel_y = 6
"hn" = (
- pixel_x = 24;
- pixel_y = 28
- },
- dir = 4;
- pixel_x = 24
- },
- dir = 4
- },
"hp" = (
@@ -3201,48 +3139,26 @@
-"hr" = (
- dir = 4;
- id_tag = "kitchen";
- name = "Kitchen Shutters"
- },
-"hs" = (
- dir = 4;
- icon_state = "pipe-c"
- },
"ht" = (
- dir = 6
- },
- dir = 6
- },
- icon_state = "2-4"
+ dir = 1
- dir = 4
+ dir = 1
"hu" = (
- icon_state = "1-2"
+ dir = 4
+ dir = 6
+ },
"hv" = (
@@ -3251,19 +3167,6 @@
-"hw" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 4
- },
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
"hx" = (
@@ -3278,27 +3181,24 @@
icon_state = "4-8"
- dir = 1;
- icon_state = "warning"
- },
"hz" = (
- icon_state = "1-8"
+ icon_state = "4-8"
- dir = 1;
- icon_state = "warningcorner"
+ dir = 4
- dir = 9
+ dir = 4
- dir = 9
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "warning"
@@ -3430,6 +3330,7 @@
"hV" = (
"hW" = (
@@ -3550,99 +3451,56 @@
"ig" = (
- dir = 4
- },
pixel_x = -22;
pixel_y = 26
-"ii" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- icon_state = "4-8"
+"ij" = (
+ pixel_x = -8;
+ pixel_y = 1
- dir = 4
+ pixel_x = -3
- dir = 4
+ pixel_x = 3;
+ pixel_y = 1
- dir = 4
+ pixel_x = 9;
+ pixel_y = 5
-"ij" = (
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
- dir = 1
- },
- dir = 4
- },
"ik" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
- icon_state = "2-4"
- },
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 4;
- icon_state = "pipe-c"
+ name = "CondiMaster Neo"
"il" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
- dir = 1
- },
- dir = 1
- },
- dir = 4
- },
-"im" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- icon_state = "4-8"
+ pixel_x = 8;
+ pixel_y = 12
- dir = 4
+ pixel_x = -8;
+ pixel_y = 8
- dir = 4
+ pixel_x = 8
"in" = (
@@ -3658,56 +3516,46 @@
"ir" = (
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
- dir = 4
+ dir = 8
"is" = (
- dir = 9
- },
- dir = 9
+ pixel_x = -4
- icon_state = "1-8"
+ pixel_x = 10
"it" = (
"iu" = (
- icon_state = "1-2"
- },
-"iv" = (
- icon_state = "0-2"
- },
- dir = 4;
- name = "east bump";
- pixel_x = 24
+ dir = 4
dir = 4
+"iv" = (
"ix" = (
dir = 4
@@ -3717,6 +3565,23 @@
+"iy" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "4-8"
+ },
+ c_tag = "Mess Hall - Bar Counter";
+ dir = 1
+ },
"iA" = (
dir = 1
@@ -3919,6 +3784,7 @@
"iU" = (
"iV" = (
@@ -3934,35 +3800,33 @@
"iW" = (
- dir = 1
+ name = "Galley Cold Room"
+ },
+ icon_state = "4-8"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
"iX" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- icon_state = "1-2"
+ icon_state = "4-8"
- dir = 1
+ dir = 4
+ dir = 4
+ },
-"iY" = (
- dir = 4;
- icon_state = "pipe-c"
- },
- dir = 8
- },
"ja" = (
dir = 1;
@@ -3982,11 +3846,11 @@
"jd" = (
dir = 4
"je" = (
@@ -3996,13 +3860,20 @@
"jf" = (
- dir = 8
+ dir = 4
- dir = 1
+ icon_state = "1-2"
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = 21
"jh" = (
id_tag = "civsafedoor";
@@ -4020,13 +3891,6 @@
-"jj" = (
- dir = 4
- },
"jk" = (
dir = 4
@@ -4054,10 +3918,12 @@
"jn" = (
- dir = 4
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "chair_preview"
"jo" = (
@@ -4348,71 +4214,58 @@
"jV" = (
- icon_state = "2-4"
+ dir = 8
- dir = 6
+ dir = 1;
+ name = "Galley";
+ sort_type = "Galley"
- dir = 6
+ dir = 9
+ dir = 9
+ },
"jW" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- icon_state = "4-8"
+ dir = 2;
+ icon_state = "pipe-c"
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 1;
- icon_state = "chair_preview"
- },
-"jX" = (
- name = "lightsout"
+ dir = 10
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
- dir = 4
+ icon_state = "2-8"
- dir = 4
+ dir = 10
- dir = 1;
- icon_state = "chair_preview"
+ dir = 4;
+ pixel_x = 24
-"jY" = (
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
- icon_state = "1-8"
- },
+"jX" = (
dir = 4
- dir = 4
+ dir = 9
- dir = 4
+"jY" = (
+ dir = 5
"jZ" = (
@@ -4422,14 +4275,11 @@
icon_state = "1-2"
- dir = 8;
- icon_state = "pipe-c"
- },
dir = 1
"kc" = (
@@ -4666,30 +4516,24 @@
"kN" = (
- dir = 4;
- name = "Hydroponics";
- sort_type = "Hydroponics"
- },
-"kO" = (
dir = 4
dir = 4
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
- dir = 1;
- pixel_y = -24
+ dir = 4
+"kO" = (
+ pixel_x = -32
+ },
"kP" = (
dir = 4
@@ -4700,13 +4544,17 @@
"kQ" = (
- icon_state = "1-2"
+ dir = 8
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ pixel_x = -32
+ },
"kR" = (
@@ -4737,9 +4585,8 @@
pixel_y = -4
"kU" = (
dir = 4
@@ -4771,13 +4618,13 @@
"kY" = (
- id_tag = "bar";
- name = "Bar Shutters";
- pixel_y = 24
+ dir = 8
"kZ" = (
@@ -4806,10 +4653,15 @@
"ld" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
"le" = (
@@ -4853,6 +4705,22 @@
+"ll" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "1-2"
+ },
+ c_tag = "Mess Hall - Dining";
+ dir = 8
+ },
"lm" = (
@@ -5110,6 +4978,19 @@
+"lY" = (
+ dir = 5
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
"ma" = (
dir = 4
@@ -5126,9 +5007,6 @@
dir = 6
- pixel_y = 32
- },
"mc" = (
@@ -5261,56 +5139,29 @@
-"ml" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- pixel_x = -32
- },
"mm" = (
- dir = 4
+ icon_state = "1-2"
dir = 8
-"mn" = (
- dir = 4
- },
-"mo" = (
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
- dir = 4
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "pipe-c"
dir = 4
- dir = 1;
- name = "Galley";
- sort_type = "Galley"
- },
+"mn" = (
dir = 8
-"mp" = (
"mr" = (
@@ -5365,11 +5216,8 @@
"mF" = (
- dir = 4
- },
"mG" = (
@@ -5396,6 +5244,18 @@
+"mQ" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ id_tag = "kitchen";
+ name = "Kitchen Shutters"
+ },
"mR" = (
@@ -5509,37 +5369,26 @@
"nc" = (
- dir = 4
+ icon_state = "1-2"
+ dir = 1
+ },
"nd" = (
-"ne" = (
dir = 4
- pixel_y = 4
- },
-"nf" = (
- pixel_y = 32
+ dir = 10
"ng" = (
dir = 5
@@ -5547,37 +5396,23 @@
"nh" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 8
- },
- icon_state = "1-2"
- },
"nj" = (
- dir = 8
- },
- dir = 4
+ dir = 6
"nk" = (
- dir = 4;
- id_tag = "bar";
- name = "Bar Shutters"
- },
"nl" = (
c_tag = "Engineering - EVA";
@@ -5588,10 +5423,12 @@
"nm" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ pixel_x = -23
+ },
"no" = (
dir = 1;
@@ -5675,18 +5512,22 @@
"nD" = (
icon_state = "4-8"
+ name = "Service Equipment"
+ },
dir = 4
dir = 4
"nE" = (
dir = 4
@@ -5730,10 +5571,11 @@
"nN" = (
"nO" = (
icon_state = "4-8"
@@ -5897,7 +5739,9 @@
dir = 8
+ pixel_y = -32
+ },
"oa" = (
@@ -5949,19 +5793,31 @@
"og" = (
- dir = 4
+ icon_state = "1-2"
- dir = 8
+ icon_state = "2-8"
"oh" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
dir = 4
+ pixel_y = -32
+ },
"oi" = (
@@ -6047,11 +5903,13 @@
"oz" = (
- dir = 4
+ dir = 8
+ dir = 5
+ },
"oA" = (
@@ -6138,6 +5996,18 @@
+"oP" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ id_tag = "bar";
+ name = "Bar Shutters"
+ },
"oT" = (
dir = 1;
@@ -6206,14 +6076,16 @@
dir = 5
- pixel_y = -32
+ icon_state = "1-4"
- dir = 4
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "pipe-c"
"oZ" = (
dir = 4
@@ -6221,45 +6093,18 @@
dir = 4
- dir = 4
- },
-"pa" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 4
- },
- id_tag = "kitchen";
- name = "Kitchen Shutters";
- pixel_y = -21
- },
- dir = 4
- },
-"pb" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 4
+ icon_state = "4-8"
- dir = 4
+ dir = 1
- pixel_x = -4;
- pixel_y = -23
+ name = "Bar"
"pc" = (
dir = 4
@@ -6267,14 +6112,13 @@
dir = 4
- dir = 4
- },
- name = "Galley"
+ icon_state = "4-8"
"pd" = (
dir = 4
@@ -6282,43 +6126,74 @@
dir = 4
-"pe" = (
- icon_state = "1-2"
+ icon_state = "4-8"
+"pe" = (
dir = 4
dir = 4
+ icon_state = "4-8"
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "pipe-c"
+ },
"pf" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "4-8"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
"pg" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "4-8"
+ },
"pi" = (
- dir = 1
+ dir = 4
- name = "Bar"
+ dir = 4
+ icon_state = "4-8"
+ },
"pj" = (
@@ -6417,18 +6292,32 @@
+"pu" = (
+ icon_state = "1-2"
+ },
"pv" = (
"pw" = (
+ icon_state = "1-2"
+ },
dir = 8;
- icon_state = "railing0-1"
+ icon_state = "warning"
- dir = 1;
- icon_state = "railing0-1"
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "bulb1"
@@ -6586,32 +6475,21 @@
"pX" = (
+"pY" = (
-"pY" = (
- icon_state = "1-2"
- },
+"pZ" = (
-"pZ" = (
- name = "Mess Hall"
- },
"qa" = (
c_tag = "Fire Control - Controls";
@@ -6833,14 +6711,17 @@
"qO" = (
dir = 4
- dir = 8
+ icon_state = "1-2"
"qP" = (
dir = 1
@@ -6855,12 +6736,13 @@
"qR" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
"qS" = (
dir = 5
@@ -6870,26 +6752,27 @@
"qU" = (
+ dir = 5
+ },
c_tag = "Third Deck Hallway - Cryogenic Storage"
dir = 1
- dir = 5
+ pixel_y = 32
"qV" = (
- dir = 5
- },
- pixel_y = 32
+ dir = 1
"qW" = (
@@ -7016,20 +6899,30 @@
-"rm" = (
- dir = 4
- },
"rp" = (
+"rq" = (
+ icon_state = "1-8"
+ },
+ icon_state = "1-4"
+ },
+ icon_state = "4-8"
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "pipe-c"
+ },
"rr" = (
dir = 1;
@@ -7145,30 +7038,11 @@
-"rF" = (
- dir = 1
- },
- dir = 4
- },
"rH" = (
-"rM" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
"rP" = (
dir = 1
@@ -7437,10 +7311,6 @@
icon_state = "4-8"
- dir = 8;
- icon_state = "pipe-c"
- },
dir = 6
@@ -7448,71 +7318,66 @@
dir = 5
+ dir = 4;
+ name = "Cryogenic Storage";
+ sort_type = "Cryogenic Storage"
+ },
"so" = (
icon_state = "2-8"
- icon_state = "1-8"
- },
icon_state = "4-8"
- dir = 1;
- icon_state = "pipe-c"
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1
"sp" = (
- icon_state = "4-8"
+ dir = 4
dir = 4
dir = 4
- dir = 4;
- name = "Cryogenic Storage";
- sort_type = "Cryogenic Storage"
+ icon_state = "4-8"
"sq" = (
- dir = 4
- },
"sr" = (
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 4
+ pixel_x = 10
- dir = 4
+ pixel_x = -4
"ss" = (
@@ -7828,6 +7693,14 @@
+"sY" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ name = "Bar";
+ sort_type = "Bar"
+ },
"sZ" = (
@@ -7857,6 +7730,10 @@
+"ti" = (
"tk" = (
@@ -7903,14 +7780,24 @@
"tu" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
icon_state = "4-8"
+ dir = 4
+ },
dir = 4
+ pixel_x = -22;
+ pixel_y = -24
+ },
"tv" = (
dir = 10
@@ -7987,11 +7874,14 @@
icon_state = "4-8"
dir = 4
+ dir = 4
+ },
"tG" = (
dir = 1
@@ -8000,10 +7890,21 @@
"tH" = (
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "chair_preview"
+ },
+ dir = 10
+ },
+"tI" = (
-"tI" = (
+"tJ" = (
dir = 1
@@ -8015,24 +7916,14 @@
-"tJ" = (
- pixel_y = -32
- },
- dir = 10
- },
"tL" = (
c_tag = "Third Deck Hallway - Center";
dir = 1
- dir = 10
- },
"tM" = (
@@ -8136,6 +8027,12 @@
+"tY" = (
"tZ" = (
icon_state = "2-4"
@@ -8165,15 +8062,6 @@
"ub" = (
-"ud" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 1
- },
"ue" = (
@@ -8310,6 +8198,25 @@
+"uv" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "pipe-c"
+ },
+ icon_state = "1-8"
+ },
+ icon_state = "4-8"
+ },
+ icon_state = "1-4"
+ },
"ux" = (
dir = 4
@@ -8420,6 +8327,7 @@
name = "Cryogenic Storage"
"uR" = (
@@ -8428,10 +8336,6 @@
- dir = 4;
- icon_state = "pipe-c"
- },
@@ -8439,10 +8343,6 @@
"uS" = (
- dir = 8;
- icon_state = "pipe-c"
- },
name = "Cryogenic Storage"
@@ -8492,13 +8392,14 @@
"vd" = (
dir = 1
"ve" = (
@@ -8543,6 +8444,15 @@
+"vl" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ pixel_x = 32
+ },
"vm" = (
name = "Chapel"
@@ -8595,16 +8505,14 @@
-"vw" = (
+"vx" = (
dir = 8
"vy" = (
@@ -8754,7 +8662,6 @@
"vX" = (
@@ -8962,13 +8869,6 @@
-"ww" = (
- dir = 4
- },
"wy" = (
dir = 1;
@@ -9003,16 +8903,6 @@
-"wD" = (
- dir = 2;
- id_tag = "bar";
- name = "Bar Shutters"
- },
"wI" = (
dir = 1;
@@ -9277,7 +9167,7 @@
icon_state = "4-8"
"xp" = (
@@ -9315,6 +9205,19 @@
+"xu" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ pixel_y = 9
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
"xv" = (
dir = 4
@@ -9363,7 +9266,7 @@
dir = 4
pixel_y = 32
@@ -9557,12 +9460,8 @@
"xZ" = (
- icon_state = "0-4"
- },
dir = 8;
- name = "west bump";
pixel_x = -24
@@ -9571,15 +9470,9 @@
dir = 4
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
"yb" = (
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
dir = 1
@@ -9589,23 +9482,17 @@
dir = 1
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
"yd" = (
- icon_state = "1-8"
- },
- icon_state = "1-2"
- },
dir = 8
+ icon_state = "1-2"
+ },
"ye" = (
@@ -9662,6 +9549,22 @@
+"yn" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "1-2"
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "bulb1"
+ },
"yp" = (
dir = 8;
@@ -9799,18 +9702,27 @@
"yQ" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
"yS" = (
dir = 4
dir = 8;
+ name = "west bump";
pixel_x = -24
+ icon_state = "0-4"
+ },
"yT" = (
@@ -9818,6 +9730,9 @@
dir = 4
+ icon_state = "4-8"
+ },
"yU" = (
@@ -9825,6 +9740,9 @@
dir = 4
+ icon_state = "4-8"
+ },
"yV" = (
@@ -9834,37 +9752,43 @@
dir = 4
+ icon_state = "4-8"
+ },
"yW" = (
- icon_state = "1-2"
- },
- icon_state = "1-4"
- },
dir = 8
name = "Observer-Start"
+ icon_state = "1-4"
+ },
+ icon_state = "1-8"
+ },
+ icon_state = "1-2"
+ },
"yX" = (
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
dir = 4
dir = 4
+ icon_state = "4-8"
+ },
"yY" = (
@@ -9978,21 +9902,18 @@
"zo" = (
-"zp" = (
- dir = 4;
- id_tag = "bar";
- name = "Bar Shutters"
- },
dir = 4
+ dir = 8
+ },
+"zp" = (
"zq" = (
@@ -10110,6 +10031,13 @@
+"zK" = (
"zL" = (
@@ -10194,6 +10122,16 @@
+"Ac" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "pipe-c"
+ },
"Ad" = (
dir = 8
@@ -10207,11 +10145,32 @@
+"Af" = (
"Ag" = (
"Ai" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "4-8"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ pixel_y = -22
+ },
"Aj" = (
@@ -10227,18 +10186,6 @@
-"Am" = (
- dir = 4
- },
"Ao" = (
dir = 4;
@@ -10260,18 +10207,19 @@
"Aq" = (
- dir = 4;
- pixel_x = 24
+ dir = 4
- dir = 1
+ dir = 4
+ icon_state = "4-8"
+ },
dir = 4
"Ar" = (
@@ -10280,8 +10228,14 @@
"As" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
"At" = (
@@ -10313,16 +10267,12 @@
"AA" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 4;
- id_tag = "bar";
- name = "Bar Shutters"
+ dir = 1
"AB" = (
icon_state = "1-2"
@@ -10335,13 +10285,10 @@
"AC" = (
- dir = 1
- },
dir = 1
"AD" = (
@@ -10427,16 +10374,26 @@
+"AS" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ pixel_y = 9
+ },
+"AU" = (
"AV" = (
"AX" = (
- dir = 4;
- pixel_x = -21
- },
req_access = newlist()
@@ -10635,13 +10592,6 @@
-"BO" = (
- dir = 8
- },
"BP" = (
@@ -10929,14 +10879,14 @@
"CH" = (
dir = 4
dir = 8
"CJ" = (
@@ -10979,10 +10929,12 @@
"CO" = (
- dir = 2;
- icon_state = "pipe-c"
+ dir = 4
+ dir = 4
+ },
"CQ" = (
@@ -11087,20 +11039,16 @@
"Dd" = (
- icon_state = "1-2"
- },
- dir = 8;
- icon_state = "pipe-c"
- },
dir = 8
name = "lightsout"
+ icon_state = "1-2"
+ },
"De" = (
@@ -11383,16 +11331,16 @@
"DR" = (
icon_state = "1-4"
icon_state = "1-8"
"DS" = (
@@ -11643,6 +11591,18 @@
+"Ey" = (
+ pixel_x = 4;
+ pixel_y = 6
+ },
+ pixel_x = -27
+ },
"Ez" = (
@@ -11786,6 +11746,16 @@
+"ER" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 10
+ },
"ES" = (
@@ -11814,20 +11784,14 @@
"EW" = (
- dir = 8;
- name = "west bump";
- pixel_x = -24
- },
- dir = 4
+ icon_state = "0-4"
- dir = 8
+ name = "south bump";
+ pixel_y = -24
"EX" = (
@@ -11999,25 +11963,18 @@
-"Fw" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- pixel_x = -4
- },
- pixel_x = 10
- },
"Fx" = (
icon_state = "1-8"
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 10
+ },
"Fy" = (
@@ -12061,30 +12018,6 @@
-"FG" = (
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 4;
- id_tag = "kitchen";
- name = "Kitchen Shutters"
- },
"FH" = (
@@ -12183,14 +12116,7 @@
"FY" = (
- dir = 2;
- icon_state = "pipe-c"
- },
- dir = 1
- },
"FZ" = (
@@ -12213,6 +12139,46 @@
+"Gb" = (
+ icon_state = "4-8"
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+"Gd" = (
+ icon_state = "2-8"
+ },
+ icon_state = "2-4"
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "4-8"
+ },
+ dir = 2;
+ icon_state = "pipe-c"
+ },
"Ge" = (
dir = 1;
@@ -12266,6 +12232,15 @@
+"Go" = (
+ icon_state = "1-2"
+ },
"Gp" = (
@@ -12500,6 +12475,22 @@
+"GX" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ pixel_y = 8
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ pixel_x = -32
+ },
"GY" = (
@@ -12510,6 +12501,22 @@
+"Ha" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "1-2"
+ },
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = 24
+ },
"Hb" = (
dir = 8
@@ -12775,19 +12782,22 @@
+"HT" = (
+ dir = 2;
+ id_tag = "bar";
+ name = "Bar Shutters"
+ },
"Id" = (
dir = 1
-"If" = (
- dir = 8
- },
"Ik" = (
dir = 10
@@ -12961,21 +12971,6 @@
-"IR" = (
- name = "Galley Cold Room"
- },
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 4
- },
"IS" = (
dir = 4
@@ -13115,6 +13110,7 @@
dir = 9
"Je" = (
@@ -13455,6 +13451,18 @@
+"JQ" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ icon_state = "1-2"
+ },
"JR" = (
icon_state = "4-8"
@@ -13570,6 +13578,16 @@
+"Ke" = (
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
"Kf" = (
@@ -13629,23 +13647,16 @@
icon_state = "4-8"
- pixel_y = -32
- },
"Ko" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 1;
- icon_state = "chair_preview"
+ dir = 10
"Kp" = (
@@ -13699,6 +13710,13 @@
+"KA" = (
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "chair_preview"
+ },
"KI" = (
@@ -13788,13 +13806,13 @@
"Lb" = (
- dir = 4
- },
dir = 1
+ pixel_y = 23
+ },
"Lg" = (
@@ -13804,7 +13822,7 @@
"Lh" = (
@@ -13845,6 +13863,17 @@
+"Ls" = (
+ dir = 9
+ },
+"Lv" = (
"Lw" = (
name = "xeno_spawn";
@@ -13863,15 +13892,12 @@
"Lx" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 4
+ dir = 8
"Ly" = (
@@ -14147,12 +14173,17 @@
"Mv" = (
- pixel_y = 32
+ c_tag = "Mess Hall - Galley";
+ dir = 4
+ dir = 4;
+ pixel_x = -22
+ },
"Mx" = (
@@ -14165,12 +14196,18 @@
"Mz" = (
- dir = 10
+ dir = 4
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
"MA" = (
@@ -14187,15 +14224,8 @@
"MC" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 4;
- pixel_x = -22
- },
"MD" = (
@@ -14259,14 +14289,16 @@
"MS" = (
- dir = 8
+ dir = 4
+ dir = 1;
+ pixel_y = -22
+ },
"MU" = (
@@ -14436,9 +14468,18 @@
"Nw" = (
+ name = "Mess Hall"
+ },
+ icon_state = "1-2"
+ },
"Nx" = (
@@ -14512,6 +14553,11 @@
+"NG" = (
"NH" = (
dir = 4
@@ -14620,13 +14666,6 @@
-"Od" = (
- dir = 4
- },
"Oe" = (
@@ -14672,14 +14711,24 @@
"Oo" = (
- dir = 8
+ dir = 4
- pixel_y = -32
+ dir = 4
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ id_tag = "kitchen";
+ name = "Kitchen Shutters";
+ pixel_x = 6;
+ pixel_y = -22
+ },
"Op" = (
icon_state = "2-4"
@@ -14720,10 +14769,20 @@
"Ot" = (
- dir = 8;
- icon_state = "railing0-1"
+ dir = 9
+ },
+ dir = 9
+ icon_state = "1-8"
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "warningcorner"
+ },
"Ou" = (
@@ -14768,13 +14827,21 @@
"OB" = (
- pixel_x = -4;
- pixel_y = -23
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "pipe-c"
+ },
+ dir = 9
+ },
+ icon_state = "1-8"
+ },
+ dir = 9
"OC" = (
dir = 4
@@ -14878,18 +14945,6 @@
-"OX" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 4;
- pixel_x = -22
- },
"OY" = (
dir = 10
@@ -14993,12 +15048,17 @@
"Po" = (
- dir = 4;
- icon_state = "pipe-c"
+ icon_state = "1-2"
+ name = "Galley"
+ },
"Pr" = (
@@ -15100,13 +15160,12 @@
"PO" = (
- icon_state = "1-2"
- },
+ dir = 1
+ },
"PP" = (
@@ -15272,10 +15331,37 @@
+"Qp" = (
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "pipe-c"
+ },
+ icon_state = "2-8"
+ },
+ icon_state = "2-4"
+ },
+ icon_state = "4-8"
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
+ dir = 1
+ },
"Qq" = (
+"Qr" = (
"Qs" = (
dir = 5
@@ -15289,12 +15375,16 @@
"Qu" = (
- dir = 8
+ dir = 4;
+ id_tag = "kitchen";
+ name = "Kitchen Shutters"
"Qv" = (
@@ -15333,14 +15423,6 @@
-"QB" = (
- dir = 8
- },
"QE" = (
@@ -15396,17 +15478,15 @@
"QM" = (
- icon_state = "1-2"
+ dir = 1
- dir = 5
+ pixel_y = 32
"QO" = (
@@ -15437,15 +15517,19 @@
"QT" = (
- dir = 8
+ pixel_y = 6
dir = 4
+ dir = 1
+ },
"QU" = (
dir = 4;
@@ -15526,14 +15610,15 @@
"Ri" = (
- dir = 4
+ dir = 1
- pixel_y = 32
+ pixel_y = 9
"Rm" = (
icon_state = "4-8"
@@ -15582,10 +15667,16 @@
"Rq" = (
+ pixel_x = 32;
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
+ pixel_y = 32
+ },
"Rr" = (
@@ -15631,12 +15722,18 @@
"RB" = (
- pixel_y = 8
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ c_tag = "Service Equipment Storage";
+ dir = 8
"RC" = (
dir = 4;
@@ -15673,14 +15770,9 @@
"RF" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 8
- },
"RG" = (
@@ -15691,12 +15783,28 @@
-"RN" = (
- dir = 4
+"RL" = (
+ dir = 1
+ icon_state = "1-2"
+ },
+"RN" = (
+"RP" = (
"RQ" = (
dir = 4
@@ -15814,13 +15922,10 @@
icon_state = "1-8"
dir = 10
- pixel_y = -32
- },
"So" = (
@@ -15879,25 +15984,26 @@
"Sv" = (
- dir = 4
- },
"Sw" = (
"Sx" = (
+ pixel_y = 8
+ },
"SA" = (
- icon_state = "1-2"
+ dir = 8;
+ pixel_x = 21
"SC" = (
@@ -16010,34 +16116,30 @@
"SP" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- name = "CondiMaster Neo"
- },
-"SS" = (
- icon_state = "2-8"
+ pixel_x = 4;
+ pixel_y = 3
- icon_state = "1-2"
+ dir = 1
- icon_state = "2-4"
+ c_tag = "Mess Hall - Bar";
+ dir = 4
"ST" = (
- dir = 9
+ dir = 4
- dir = 9
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "2-4"
@@ -16048,6 +16150,18 @@
+"SV" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "4-8"
+ },
"SW" = (
@@ -16077,11 +16191,11 @@
"Tb" = (
dir = 1
dir = 1
@@ -16102,19 +16216,8 @@
"Tg" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 4
- },
"Th" = (
@@ -16227,17 +16330,18 @@
"Tx" = (
- icon_state = "4-8"
- },
- dir = 4
+ dir = 9
+"Tz" = (
dir = 4
"TA" = (
@@ -16270,7 +16374,10 @@
"TH" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
"TJ" = (
@@ -16347,17 +16454,10 @@
"TW" = (
- dir = 4
- },
- c_tag = "Mess Hall - Galley";
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 4
- },
"TX" = (
@@ -16413,8 +16513,8 @@
"Ug" = (
"Uh" = (
@@ -16546,13 +16646,11 @@
"Ux" = (
- pixel_x = 32
- },
"Uy" = (
dir = 1;
@@ -16606,17 +16704,6 @@
-"UD" = (
- dir = 4
- },
"UE" = (
@@ -16664,19 +16751,14 @@
"UK" = (
- icon_state = "1-8"
- },
- icon_state = "4-8"
+ dir = 4
- dir = 1;
- icon_state = "chair_preview"
+ dir = 5
"UL" = (
@@ -16796,22 +16878,30 @@
"Vg" = (
- dir = 4;
- id_tag = "kitchen";
- name = "Kitchen Shutters"
- },
- dir = 4
- },
"Vi" = (
- dir = 4
+ icon_state = "1-2"
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ dir = 8
+ },
+ pixel_x = -21;
+ pixel_y = -24
+ },
+ icon_state = "2-8"
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "pipe-c"
@@ -16831,7 +16921,7 @@
dir = 5
"Vn" = (
@@ -16883,17 +16973,19 @@
"Vv" = (
- icon_state = "0-2"
+ dir = 1
dir = 1;
name = "north bump";
- pixel_y = 24;
- req_access = list(list("ACCESS_ENGINE_EQUIP","ACCESS_ATMOS"))
+ pixel_y = 24
+ },
+ icon_state = "0-2"
"Vw" = (
dir = 6
@@ -16948,12 +17040,12 @@
"VD" = (
- pixel_y = 24
+ dir = 1
"VE" = (
@@ -17043,7 +17135,16 @@
"VT" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "4-8"
+ },
"VU" = (
@@ -17203,26 +17304,23 @@
"WG" = (
name = "Mess Hall"
-"WH" = (
icon_state = "1-2"
- dir = 2;
- name = "Bar";
- sort_type = "Bar"
- },
+"WH" = (
"WI" = (
@@ -17527,10 +17625,6 @@
-"XE" = (
"XF" = (
dir = 4
@@ -17630,6 +17724,7 @@
dir = 10
"XU" = (
@@ -17710,6 +17805,12 @@
+"Yi" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
"Yj" = (
dir = 8;
@@ -17748,16 +17849,6 @@
-"Yu" = (
- dir = 8
- },
"Yv" = (
dir = 5
@@ -17777,17 +17868,9 @@
"Yx" = (
- dir = 4
- },
"YA" = (
dir = 8
@@ -17798,20 +17881,24 @@
"YD" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
- icon_state = "4-8"
+ icon_state = "2-4"
- dir = 4
+ icon_state = "1-2"
- dir = 4
+ dir = 8
dir = 8
"YF" = (
@@ -18046,6 +18133,18 @@
+"Zs" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ id_tag = "bar";
+ name = "Bar Shutters"
+ },
"Zt" = (
dir = 1;
@@ -18079,14 +18178,9 @@
"Zx" = (
- icon_state = "1-4"
- },
- dir = 6
- },
- dir = 8
+ pixel_y = 8
@@ -18101,22 +18195,26 @@
"ZA" = (
- dir = 4;
- icon_state = "pipe-c"
- },
dir = 1
"ZB" = (
+ dir = 1
+ },
dir = 4
+ icon_state = "2-8"
+ },
"ZC" = (
@@ -18160,12 +18258,10 @@
"ZK" = (
- dir = 8;
- pixel_x = 24
+ dir = 1
"ZL" = (
@@ -18176,10 +18272,16 @@
"ZQ" = (
- dir = 8
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ icon_state = "1-2"
"ZS" = (
dir = 8
@@ -18197,9 +18299,26 @@
"ZV" = (
+ dir = 4
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ name = "east bump";
+ pixel_x = 24
+ },
+ icon_state = "0-2"
+ },
+ name = "lightsout"
+ },
"ZW" = (
@@ -32244,7 +32363,7 @@ aa
@@ -32446,8 +32565,8 @@ aa
@@ -32648,8 +32767,8 @@ aa
@@ -32858,9 +32977,9 @@ dy
@@ -33055,7 +33174,7 @@ aa
@@ -33256,13 +33375,13 @@ aa
@@ -33460,13 +33579,13 @@ aP
@@ -33663,15 +33782,15 @@ cb
@@ -33865,16 +33984,16 @@ cc
@@ -34067,19 +34186,19 @@ cc
@@ -34269,19 +34388,19 @@ cc
@@ -34470,20 +34589,20 @@ aj
@@ -34674,23 +34793,23 @@ cP
@@ -34873,34 +34992,34 @@ aW
@@ -35079,18 +35198,18 @@ dH
@@ -35098,10 +35217,10 @@ vW
@@ -35281,20 +35400,20 @@ xn
@@ -35305,7 +35424,7 @@ vS
@@ -35483,21 +35602,21 @@ Kn
@@ -35685,20 +35804,20 @@ Mn
@@ -35887,19 +36006,19 @@ nZ
@@ -36088,20 +36207,20 @@ wn
@@ -36291,18 +36410,18 @@ XT
@@ -36491,22 +36610,22 @@ Mx
@@ -36693,21 +36812,21 @@ TX
@@ -36898,16 +37017,16 @@ bA
@@ -37100,16 +37219,16 @@ bA
@@ -37302,16 +37421,16 @@ bA
@@ -37504,16 +37623,16 @@ Eu
@@ -37706,16 +37825,16 @@ cm
@@ -37911,9 +38030,9 @@ dD
diff --git a/maps/torch/torch4_deck2.dmm b/maps/torch/torch4_deck2.dmm
index 24338c49182..435c789d21d 100644
--- a/maps/torch/torch4_deck2.dmm
+++ b/maps/torch/torch4_deck2.dmm
@@ -380,10 +380,21 @@
"aV" = (
- dir = 10
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "railing0-1"
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "railing0-1"
+ },
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "railing0-1"
+ },
"aW" = (
@@ -655,21 +666,23 @@
"bD" = (
+ icon_state = "2-4"
+ },
- dir = 4
+ dir = 1;
+ icon_state = "pipe-c"
dir = 4;
icon_state = "railing0-1"
- dir = 1;
+ dir = 8;
icon_state = "railing0-1"
- icon_state = "2-4"
- },
"bE" = (
@@ -1792,7 +1805,6 @@
dir = 2;
icon_state = "pipe-c"
@@ -1806,11 +1818,11 @@
dir = 4
icon_state = "1-2"
"ec" = (
@@ -1822,12 +1834,10 @@
icon_state = "4-8"
- dir = 8
- },
dir = 5
"ed" = (
@@ -2108,34 +2118,23 @@
"eJ" = (
- icon_state = "2-8"
- },
- dir = 4
- },
- dir = 1;
- icon_state = "railing0-1"
+ icon_state = "4-8"
"eK" = (
- dir = 1;
- icon_state = "railing0-1"
+ icon_state = "1-2"
- dir = 4;
- icon_state = "railing0-1"
+ dir = 4
- icon_state = "1-2"
+ icon_state = "2-8"
"eL" = (
@@ -2400,28 +2399,17 @@
"ft" = (
- icon_state = "1-4"
- },
- dir = 4
- },
"fu" = (
- icon_state = "2-8"
- },
- dir = 1;
- icon_state = "pipe-c"
+ dir = 4
- icon_state = "1-8"
+ icon_state = "1-2"
"fv" = (
@@ -2757,14 +2745,15 @@
dir = 4
- dir = 1
- },
- icon_state = "1-8"
+ icon_state = "1-4"
+ },
+ dir = 4;
+ icon_state = "warningcorner"
- icon_state = "1-4"
+ icon_state = "4-8"
@@ -2776,10 +2765,6 @@
dir = 1
- dir = 4;
- icon_state = "railing0-1"
- },
icon_state = "4-8"
@@ -3492,10 +3477,6 @@
name = "west bump";
pixel_x = -24
- dir = 4;
- icon_state = "warningcorner"
- },
"id" = (
@@ -9142,6 +9123,9 @@
dir = 10
+ dir = 8
+ },
"wH" = (
@@ -15625,11 +15609,6 @@
"Pr" = (
- dir = 4;
- icon_state = "railing0-1"
- },
icon_state = "1-2"
@@ -18354,10 +18333,11 @@
icon_state = "1-2"
- dir = 8
- },
+ dir = 8;
+ icon_state = "warning"
+ },
"XJ" = (
diff --git a/maps/torch/torch5_deck1.dmm b/maps/torch/torch5_deck1.dmm
index fedc5c3981b..68100bd6c37 100644
--- a/maps/torch/torch5_deck1.dmm
+++ b/maps/torch/torch5_deck1.dmm
@@ -25602,7 +25602,7 @@
c_tag = "Infirmary - Operating Theatre 1";
dir = 1
"xxY" = (
diff --git a/maps/torch/torch_areas.dm b/maps/torch/torch_areas.dm
index 6ed04c5a62e..b6f55802b24 100644
--- a/maps/torch/torch_areas.dm
+++ b/maps/torch/torch_areas.dm
@@ -749,6 +749,12 @@
sound_env = SMALL_ENCLOSED
req_access = list(access_research)
+ name = "Service Equipment Storage"
+ icon_state = "storage"
+ sound_env = SMALL_ENCLOSED
+ req_access = list(list(access_kitchen, access_bar))
// Supply
diff --git a/maps/torch/torch_define.dm b/maps/torch/torch_define.dm
index d6a29358b68..88eddfe77c6 100644
--- a/maps/torch/torch_define.dm
+++ b/maps/torch/torch_define.dm
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@
//These should probably be moved into the evac controller...
- shuttle_docked_message = "Attention all hands: Jump preparation complete. The superluminal shunt is now spooling up, secure all stations for departure. Time to jump: approximately %ETD%."
- shuttle_leaving_dock = "Attention all hands: Jump initiated, exiting shunt-space in %ETA%."
- shuttle_called_message = "Attention all hands: Jump sequence initiated. Transit procedures are now in effect. Jump in %ETA%."
+ shuttle_docked_message = "Attention all hands: Interstellar jump preparation complete. The superluminal shunt is now spooling up, secure all stations for departure. Time to jump: approximately %ETD%."
+ shuttle_leaving_dock = "Attention all hands: Interstellar jump initiated, exiting shunt-space in %ETA%."
+ shuttle_called_message = "Attention all hands: Interstellar jump sequence initiated. Transit procedures are now in effect. Jump in %ETA%."
shuttle_recall_message = "Attention all hands: Jump sequence aborted, return to normal operating conditions."
evac_controller_type = /datum/evacuation_controller/starship
diff --git a/maps/torch/torch_presets.dm b/maps/torch/torch_presets.dm
index 4bcb718887f..f56d239776b 100644
--- a/maps/torch/torch_presets.dm
+++ b/maps/torch/torch_presets.dm
@@ -249,4 +249,7 @@ var/global/const/HAIL_FREQ = 1463
frequency = 1431
- stock_part_presets = list(/decl/stock_part_preset/radio/basic_transmitter/airlock_sensor/shuttle/opportunity = 1)
\ No newline at end of file
+ stock_part_presets = list(/decl/stock_part_preset/radio/basic_transmitter/airlock_sensor/shuttle/opportunity = 1)
+ prefilled = TRUE
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/maps/torch/torch_security_state.dm b/maps/torch/torch_security_state.dm
index 10136997b40..b5bad4aafaa 100644
--- a/maps/torch/torch_security_state.dm
+++ b/maps/torch/torch_security_state.dm
@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@
//Torch map alert levels. Refer to security_state.dm.
- all_security_levels = list(/decl/security_level/default/torchdept/code_green, /decl/security_level/default/torchdept/code_violet, /decl/security_level/default/torchdept/code_orange, /decl/security_level/default/torchdept/code_blue, /decl/security_level/default/torchdept/code_red, /decl/security_level/default/torchdept/code_delta)
+ all_security_levels = list(/decl/security_level/default/torchdept/code_green, /decl/security_level/default/torchdept/code_violet, /decl/security_level/default/torchdept/code_orange, /decl/security_level/default/code_yellow, /decl/security_level/default/torchdept/code_blue, /decl/security_level/default/torchdept/code_red, /decl/security_level/default/torchdept/code_delta)
icon = 'maps/torch/icons/security_state.dmi'
alarm_appearance = /datum/alarm_appearance/green
@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@
name = "code violet"
+ icon = 'icons/misc/security_state.dmi'
light_color_alarm = COLOR_VIOLET
light_color_status_display = COLOR_VIOLET
@@ -86,6 +88,7 @@
name = "code orange"
+ icon = 'icons/misc/security_state.dmi'
light_color_alarm = COLOR_ORANGE
light_color_status_display = COLOR_ORANGE
diff --git a/maps/torch/torch_unit_testing.dm b/maps/torch/torch_unit_testing.dm
index c61805c1788..77769b1b83e 100644
--- a/maps/torch/torch_unit_testing.dm
+++ b/maps/torch/torch_unit_testing.dm
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
/area/storage/primary = 0,
/area/storage/tech = 0,
/area/storage/tools = 0,
+ /area/storage/service = 0,
/area/supply = NO_SCRUBBER|NO_VENT|NO_APC,
/area/thruster = NO_SCRUBBER,
/area/turbolift = NO_SCRUBBER|NO_VENT|NO_APC,
diff --git a/mods/content/hearth_culture/humanity.dm b/mods/content/hearth_culture/humanity.dm
index ca0f94f5a1d..4e3dd699ee9 100644
--- a/mods/content/hearth_culture/humanity.dm
+++ b/mods/content/hearth_culture/humanity.dm
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#define LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN "Russian"
#define LANGUAGE_ASIAN "Pan-Asian Intermediate"
#define LANGUAGE_SPACER "Spacer"
+#define LANGUAGE_FRENCH "French"
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@
+ /decl/cultural_info/culture/human/forumite,
@@ -28,11 +30,15 @@
- /decl/cultural_info/location/proxima_centauri
+ /decl/cultural_info/location/proxima_centauri,
+ /decl/cultural_info/location/forum,
+ /decl/cultural_info/location/human_other
- /decl/cultural_info/faction/humanity/dysonite
+ /decl/cultural_info/faction/humanity/iseo,
+ /decl/cultural_info/faction/humanity/ec,
+ /decl/cultural_info/faction/humanity/contractor,
@@ -63,14 +69,34 @@
description = "You belong to one of the many other factions that operate in the galaxy. Numerous, too numerous to list, these factions represent a variety of interests, purposes, intents and goals."
subversive_potential = 25
- name = "Dysonite"
- description = "The Dyson Hub is a burgeoning megaproject located in orbit around the Sun. As its name suggests, it is an attempt to harness the incredible power of \
- the Sun, and has been funded by a number of nations and NGOs. The project has been running since the 2150s, but as it is such a gargantuan task, the project is \
- nowhere near completion. Many scientists and engineers live here for several years, getting valuable experience and contributing to humanity in some way. \
- Similarly, it is home to a growing number of artists and wanderers, choosing to live in the Hub's residential complex and contributing to it's finances. \
- As a multinational and multicultural project, it has developed its own political system, largely considered technocratic. Highly influential scientists \
- and academics hold considerable influence, often leading to minor conflicts of interest between the civilian and scientific residents of the Hub."
+ name = "ISEO"
+ description = "You are part of the International Stellar Exploration Organization, better known as the ISEO. It is a intergovernmental project established by the \
+ various nations of Earth, and responsible for the governing of the colonial worlds of Mars and Jupiter. It is at the forefront of space exploration and colonisation. \
+ Much of its history has been relatively cushy, until First Contact around a generation ago. Since then, the ISEO has been steadily expanded into all parts of life, with \
+ a significant powerbase in Sol.
Maybe you're a fresh recruit, promised adventure and a plot of land in the ISEO-owned Martian district of Arcadia. Maybe you're a \
+ veteran of the pre-contact days who's seen the rise of the ISEO, leading up to perhaps its most important mission yet, the Endeavour Project. Optimism runs high within the ISEO \
+ and its personnel are a varied, widely divergent collection of humans, unified in the aim of an interstellar humanity."
+ name = "Espatier Corps"
+ description = "You are part of the Espatier Corps, also known as the EC. It is comprised of various national military units from all the member states of the ISEO, \
+ specially trained to handle low and zero-G missions. It serves two roles, one as a peacekeeping mission for the various colonies under direct ISEO control, and one \
+ as military police for various exploration missions, such as the Endeavour. The EC have proven themselves capable of protecting both the ISEO, and Humanity's interests, \
+ such as their intervention on the side of colonists against the corporations during the Jovian Riots of the mid-60s, or bringing an end to the Martian Cold War. \
As a member of the Espatier Corps, your loyalty is to the ISEO primarily, and your parent nation second. Members of the Espatier Corps volunteered to be \
+ part of the EC, but might not have had any say in their deployment to the Endeavour. The legacy of the EC as Humanity's United Military has attracted many new recruits \
+ who outnumber veteran members almost ten to one. Those that have remained in service to the EC have been rewarded with high ranking roles onboard the Endeavour project, \
+ where their skills can be put to good use."
+ name = "ISEO Civilian Branch"
+ description = "You are a civilian member of the ISEO, who serves onboard the Endeavour either as a specialist in your specific field, or as a low-priority worker. You \
+ are considered a member of the crew, but not technically part of the ISEO. For the duration of the mission, they are responsible for your wages, your shifts, and your \
+ living space. Being a civilian has its perks however, with a much laxer uniform code, and a generally more tolerent atmosphere. However, contractors that fail to recognise \
+ the authority of the ISEO, either from Command staff, or from an enlisted member of their department, will often be quietly dropped off home at the next shoreleave. Your \
+ position on the Endeavour is one to be proud of, and something to brag about with your friends and family back home. But never forget there are likely a hundred other people \
+ applying for your role. Be unreplacable."
@@ -78,10 +104,16 @@
name = "Earthborn"
- description = "You are from Earth, the dying cradle of Humanity. You are among the precious few who have managed to make it off Humanity's dying homeworld. \
- You were potentially born into affluence, bought your way off the planet through corruption, or are one of the precious skilled laborers so desperately required \
- for Humanity's continuing expansion into the stars. Individuals from Earth tend to be somewhat unhealthy due to pollution, lingering radiation from various conflicts\
- and potential malnutrition during childhood."
+ description = "You are from Earth, the scarred and battered homeworld of Humanity. Earth remains just as divided as it has ever been, with \
+ many new powers taking the place of the old ones. Your parents and grandparents speak of the horrors of the Climate Catastrophe of the 21st \
+ Century, and the damage it has taken is very clear no matter where you are from. However, you are also the first Earthers in a long time to \
+ feel optimistic about the future, as the damage caused in the past slowly starts to heal. Earth is effectively divided into two spheres of influence, \
+ the ISEO, and the Non-ISEO States (NIS). The various states of Africa are the key leaders of the ISEO's sphere, being their primary nations and effectively \
+ the dominant continent on the planet. Most states on Earth are part of the ISEO, either directly contributing, or as an Observer. Some states remain outside \
+ the influence of the ISEO, and lack a presence onboard the Endeavour. However, migration into ISEO territory is not uncommon, with many people fleeing \
+ both North America and Europe in search of a better life in the Cradle of Civilization.
Aging Earthers will remember a time of great suffering, \
+ with high child mortality rates, instability, and radioactive fallout. As such, the modern Earther effectively lives on a cocktail of gene therapy and medication, \
+ which allows them to live extremely healthy lives, well into their one hundreds."
default_language = /decl/language/human/common // formerly /decl/language/human/common, repath if it stops being hardcoded everywhere
secondary_langs = list(
@@ -98,7 +130,7 @@
The planet's surface remains as lifeless as it has for millennia, with any terraforming efforts only around fifty years into a centuries long project. Instead, \
humanity lives under massive biodome structures that keeps the air in and the deadly Martian conditions out. Though these biodomes are fitted to earth atmosphere, \
Martians tend to suffer from a various medical issues stemming from lower gravity and higher ambient radiation levels. Most of these issues have been solved in the \
- modern day through living fit and active lifestyles, combating the 'void-waste', as the effects of low gravity have been termed.Mars is a disunited planet, comprised \
+ modern day through living fit and active lifestyles, combating the 'void-waste', as the effects of low gravity have been termed. Mars is a disunited planet, comprised \
of districts and colonies, some loyal to their Earthly benefactor, others dismissive, some owned by corporations, and a lucky few governed by themselves. \
To prevent any sort of conflict between the colonies, the Martial Council convene every month, serving as an intranational organisation, similar to an old UN. The \
Martian Council has its own Secretary-General, General Assembly, Security Council, and Trans-Martian Court of Justice."
@@ -129,11 +161,13 @@
name = "Europan"
- description = "You are from Europa, a child one of the first generations of colonists in the early 21st century. The average Europan usually has a cautious spirit \
- bolstered by their pragmatic attitudes, they also have an affinity towards enclosed spaces, a by-product of their time spent underneath the moon's ice sheets within \
- the expansive man-made underwater habitats. Europans are typically average when it comes to general intelligence, however they excel in the fields of agriculture and \
- engineering. Health-wise Europans are healthy for the most part with the exception of often suffering from severe vitamin-D deficiency, \
- leading to them acquiring a sickly pale look."
+ description = "You are from Europa, a child one of the first generations of colonists in the 21st century. The average Europan is extremely tolerant of genetic alterations, \
+ cautious of corporate influence, and supportive of the ISEO. They have an affinity towards enclosed spaces, and are effectively comprised of countless different Earther cultures, \
+ and ethnicities that migrated to Europe in search of a better life. The Jovian Riots of the 2160s are still heavily engrained in their culture, when the Europans rose up against \
+ their corporate leaders after a failed anti-radiation genetherapy treatment resulted in the accidental mutation of a large number of people. The ISEO has spent a great deal of time and money \
+ helping to treat these people, and many of them have since returned the favour by becoming part of the ISEO.
Europan culture is best described as reminiscent of 1960s West Germany, with \
+ a widespread synthwave movement and a rejection of tradition. They wear bright colours, play strange music, and stay out all night partying. They are the first generation to live \
+ without a Corporation breathing down their neck, and they live it to the fullest."
name = "Belter"
@@ -190,6 +224,14 @@
Finding communication with other stations within the Belt difficult, many inhabitants looked inward, and developed a greater connection to their fellow colonists. \
Even when leaving it all behind, most Brinkers continue to place great amounts of trust and care into those they work alongside."
+ name = "Forumite"
+ description = "You are a Forumite, from the alien world of Forum. Your family moved here some time after first contact, either as part of the Human ambassador mission,\
+ or as an immigrant to the planet's growing Human District. Forum, also known as Fahzi to the Unathi, Qoloc’ux to the Skrell, and Ashragi to the Tajaran, is home to the \
+ Galactic Community, where the many nations of the Milky Way have gathered to conduct diplomatic business. Some of these species do not yet have treaties with Humanity, \
+ making Forum a unique sight to many Human visitors. The Humans on Forum have begun to slowly diverge from their original cultures, with some having adopted the traditions \
+ of the various aliens they now rub shoulders with. Forum is a xenophilic melting pot, with new fashions, music, and cuisine invented almost every day."
@@ -215,6 +257,27 @@
economic_power = 1
ruling_body = "ISEO"
+ name = "Forum"
+ description = "Forum, also known as Fahzi to the Unathi, Qoloc’ux to the Skrell, and Ashragi to the Tajaran, is a colonised world around 32 light years from Earth. It was first colonised \
+ by the Unathi roughly 150 years ago and has since grown to become the capital of the Galactic Community, home to many species that inhabit the Milky Way. Humans first arrived here some years \
+ after first contact, and many decided to stay, finding its xenophilic and tolerant nature more welcoming than Sol. Its largest city, also called Forum, has a sizeable Human District, and is \
+ the location of the ISEO's Embassy to the other members of the Galactic Community. It is here that its various ambassadors to the Skrell, Unathi, and Tajaran reside."
+ distance = "32"
+ capital = "Forum"
+ economic_power = 1
+ ruling_body = "Galactic Community"
+ name = "Other"
+ description = "Since the first generation ships were launched almost one hundred years ago, people have been born far out in the voids of space. Being almost entirely self-sustaining, the \
+ people living out here often go entirely undetected, with their existence unknown by the greater Human community. With the advent of FTL travel a generation ago, some of these vessels have \
+ been reintergrated into Humanity, having developed divergent and strange cultures while in extreme isolation."
+ distance = "N/a"
+ capital = "N/a"
+ economic_power = 1
+ ruling_body = "N/a"
@@ -350,4 +413,24 @@
+ desc = "The French language has existed for hundreds of years, becoming the Lingua Franca of much of Western Africa during the late 21st Century. It is considered the dominant language of \
+ the ISEO, alongside English."
+ colour = COLOR_BLUE
+ key = "fr"
+ shorthand = "FR"
+ space_chance = 20
+ partial_understanding = list(
+ )
+ syllables = list(
+ "al", "an", "ar", "as", "at", "ea", "ed", "en", "et", "es", "ha", "he", "hi", "in", "is", "it",
+ "le", "me", "nd", "ne", "ng", "nt", "on", "or", "ou", "re", "se", "st", "te", "th", "ti", "to",
+ "ve", "wa", "all", "and", "cou", "but", "ent", "era", "fou", "eve", "for", "had", "zou", "hen", "her", "hin",
+ "ch", "de", "ge", "be", "vous", "abe", "ich", "ein", "die", "gnou", "pou", "tout", "ber", "che", "ent", "que",
+ "ait", "les", "lle", "men", "ais", "ans", "mou", "ave", "con", "com", "des", "tre", "eta", "eur", "est",
+ "ing", "the", "ver", "was", "ith", "nous"
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/content/hearthdrinks/_hearthdrinks.dm b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/_hearthdrinks.dm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c40bc0e9c26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/_hearthdrinks.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/// A helper macro to make defining icon and state simpler.
+#define DRINK_STATE(x) icon = 'mods/content/hearthdrinks/icons/drinks.dmi';\
+ icon_state = x;
+ name = "Hearth of Hestia Drink Content"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/content/hearthdrinks/_hearthdrinks.dme b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/_hearthdrinks.dme
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fd46fbe290b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/_hearthdrinks.dme
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#include "_hearthdrinks.dm"
+#include "reactions.dm"
+#include "cocktails.dm"
+#include "drinks\dispcarts.dm"
+#include "vending\vending.dm"
+#include "drinks\chems_drinks.dm"
+#include "drinks\chems_ethanol.dm"
+#include "drinks\cartridges_presets.dm"
+#include "drinks\dispenser_presets.dm"
+#include "drinks\drinks.dm"
+#include "drinks\cans.dm"
+#include "drinks\bottle.dm"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/content/hearthdrinks/cocktails.dm b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/cocktails.dm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0023005ff44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/cocktails.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+ name = "Bogus"
+ description = "A blend of gin and blackstrap, delicious."
+ ratios = list(
+ /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/blackstrap = 0.4,
+ /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/gin = 0.2
+ )
+ name = "Alexander"
+ description = "A choolatey cocktail with cognac."
+ ratios = list(
+ /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/cognac = 0.4,
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/milk/cream = 0.2,
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/hot_coco = 0.2
+ )
+ name = "Stag"
+ description = "A historic mix of rum and black tea, commonly drank by sailors."
+ ratios = list(
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/tea/black = 0.6,
+ /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/rum = 0.2
+ )
+ name = "Lunastar Mule"
+ description = "The Lunestar Mule. Or was a Lonestar? Nobody's really sure anymore."
+ ratios = list(
+ /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/whiskey = 0.3,
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/gingerbeer = 0.2,
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/juice/lime = 0.2
+ )
+ name = "Wake Up Call"
+ description = "A blend of coffee and rum."
+ ratios = list(
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/coffee = 0.6,
+ /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/rum = 0.2
+ )
+ name = "Moscow Mule"
+ description = "Ho ho ho ho ho, hey!"
+ ratios = list(
+ /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/vodka = 0.3,
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/gingerbeer = 0.2,
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/juice/lime = 0.2
+ )
+ name = "Pina Colada"
+ description = "Ariba~!"
+ ratios = list(
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/juice/coconut = 0.3,
+ /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/rum = 0.2,
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/juice/pineapple = 0.2
+ )
+ name = "Sidecar"
+ description = "A mix of cognac, lemon juice, and curacao."
+ ratios = list(
+ /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/cognac = 0.4,
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/juice/lemon = 0.2,
+ /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/bluecuracao = 0.2
+ )
+ name = "Daiquiri"
+ description = "Rum, mixed with lime juice and syrup."
+ ratios = list(
+ /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/rum = 0.4,
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/juice/lime = 0.2,
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/syrup/affelerin = 0.2
+ )
+ name = "Caesar"
+ description = "Et tu?"
+ ratios = list(
+ /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/vodka = 0.4,
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/juice/tomato = 0.2,
+ /decl/material/liquid/capsaicin = 0.2
+ )
+ name = "Caipirinha"
+ description = "A blend of cachaca and lime juice."
+ ratios = list(
+ /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/cachaca = 0.3,
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/juice/lime = 0.3,
+ /decl/material/liquid/nutriment/sugar = 0.1
+ )
+ name = "Sangria"
+ description = "A blend of wine and oranges."
+ ratios = list(
+ /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/wine = 0.6,
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/juice/orange = 0.2
+ )
+ name = "Carajillo"
+ description = "A blend of coffee and kahula."
+ ratios = list(
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/coffee = 0.4,
+ /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/coffee/kahlua = 0.2
+ )
+ name = "Qiiboxi"
+ description = "A traditional Skrellian cocktail."
+ ratios = list(
+ /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/qokkhrona = 0.6,
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/juice/orange = 0.2
+ )
+ name = "Sjikis"
+ description = "Sjikis is a drink regularly consumed by Tajaran."
+ ratios = list(
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/beastenergy = 0.4,
+ /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/beer = 0.2,
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/tea/green = 0.2
+ )
+ name = "Yuenyeung"
+ description = "A blend of tea and coffee."
+ ratios = list(
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/coffee = 0.3,
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/tea/black = 0.3
+ )
+ name = "Xuizi"
+ description = "A traditional drink of the Unathi."
+ ratios = list(
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/hrukhza = 0.5,
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/sodawater = 0.2
+ )
+ name = "Spring Punch"
+ description = "A classic cocktail of Vodka and lemon juice."
+ ratios = list(
+ /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/vodka = 0.5,
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/juice/lemon = 0.2,
+ /decl/material/liquid/nutriment/sugar = 0.2
+ )
+ name = "Special Blend Whiskey"
+ description = "A special blend of whiskey, spices, and coffee"
+ ratios = list(
+ /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/whiskey/mars = 0.5,
+ /decl/material/liquid/drink/coffee = 0.3
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/bottle.dm b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/bottle.dm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..aa6f6c4fabd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/bottle.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+ name = "Hangzhou Bay Baijiu"
+ desc = "A large bottle of Baijiu with a beautiful looking sunset on the cover."
+ DRINK_STATE("baijiu")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':6}"
+ .=..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/ethanol/baijiu, 100)
+ name = "Brazillian Cachaca"
+ desc = "Cachaca, distilled from fermented sugarcane. This one was bottled on Earth."
+ DRINK_STATE("cachaca")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':6}"
+ .=..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/ethanol/cachaca, 100)
+ name = "Sol Hyonjun's Soju"
+ desc = "A clear, see-through bottle of Soju."
+ DRINK_STATE("soju")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':6}"
+ .=..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/ethanol/soju, 100)
+ name = "Sadmir Cumani's Rakia"
+ desc = "A polite looking man on the label promises you this is 100 percent fruit brandy."
+ DRINK_STATE("rakia")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':6}"
+ .=..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/ethanol/rakia, 100)
+ name = "Mo's Premium Arak"
+ desc = "A bottle of Mo's Premium anise arak."
+ DRINK_STATE("arak")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':6}"
+ .=..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/ethanol/arak, 100)
+ name = "Big Bill's Blackstrap"
+ desc = "A bottle of Big Bill's Blackstrap. High Quality Rum."
+ DRINK_STATE("blackstrap")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':6}"
+ .=..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/ethanol/blackstrap, 100)
+ name = "Lunar Brandy"
+ desc = "A bottle of Lunar Brandy. It looks seriously expensive."
+ DRINK_STATE("brandy")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':6}"
+ .=..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/ethanol/brandy, 100)
+ name = "Birmingham Pink"
+ desc = "A bottle of high quality gin, produced in the New London Space Station."
+ DRINK_STATE("pinkgin")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':6}"
+ .=..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/ethanol/gin/pink, 100)
+ name = "Metropolitan Ogogoro"
+ desc = "A bottle of West Africa."
+ DRINK_STATE("ogogoro")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':6}"
+ .=..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/ethanol/ogogoro, 100)
+ name = "2020 Vintage Prosecco"
+ desc = "A delicious prosecco, ideal for long days after work. This one proudly advertises itself as 2020 Vintage. Must have been a special year."
+ DRINK_STATE("prosecco")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':6}"
+ .=..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/ethanol/prosecco, 100)
+ name = "Rift Valley Tej"
+ desc = "Honey Wine from the heart of East Africa!"
+ DRINK_STATE("tej")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':6}"
+ .=..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/ethanol/tej, 100)
+ name = "Martian Gold Whiskey"
+ desc = "A premium bottle of spiced whiskey, also known as fireball."
+ DRINK_STATE("whiskeybottle3")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':6}"
+ .=..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/ethanol/whiskey/mars, 100)
+ name = "Hhassa's Secret Stash"
+ desc = "A bottle of Hrenti, shipped straight from Moghes."
+ DRINK_STATE("hrenti")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':6}"
+ .=..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/ethanol/hrenti, 100)
+ name = "Szikan Wasgaelhi"
+ desc = "A bottle of state-produced wasgaelhi."
+ DRINK_STATE("wasgaelhi")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':6}"
+ .=..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/ethanol/wasgaelhi, 100)
+ name = "Kis'tan Yekala"
+ desc = "A bottle of yekala from Moghes, triple sealed. It smells very strongly of fish."
+ DRINK_STATE("yekala")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':6}"
+ .=..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/ethanol/yekala, 100)
+ name = "Qixxkalan Qokk'hrona"
+ desc = "A vibrant looking bottle of Qokk'hrona. There is a bright warning written in various human languages. It reads: WARNING. NOT SAFE FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION."
+ DRINK_STATE("qokk")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':6}"
+ .=..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/ethanol/qokkhrona, 100)
+ name = "Lemon Juice"
+ desc = "A carton of lemon juice."
+ DRINK_STATE("lemonjuice")
+ item_state = "carton"
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':7}"
+ isGlass = 0
+ drop_sound = 'sound/foley/drop1.ogg'
+ pickup_sound = 'sound/foley/paperpickup2.ogg'
+ . = ..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/drink/juice/lemon, 100)
+ name = "Pineapple Juice"
+ desc = "A carton of tropical pineapple juice."
+ DRINK_STATE("pineapplejuice")
+ item_state = "carton"
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':7}"
+ isGlass = 0
+ drop_sound = 'sound/foley/drop1.ogg'
+ pickup_sound = 'sound/foley/paperpickup2.ogg'
+ . = ..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/drink/juice/pineapple, 100)
+ name = "Apple Cider"
+ desc = "A small bottle of delicious apple cider."
+ DRINK_STATE("applecider")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':12}"
+ . = ..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/ethanol/cider_apple, 30)
+ name = "Pear Cider"
+ desc = "A small bottle of delicious pear cider"
+ DRINK_STATE("pearcider")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':12}"
+ . = ..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/ethanol/cider_pear, 30)
+ name = "Hans' Original Lager"
+ desc = "A bottle of premium lager. Has Hans' seal of approval, apparently."
+ DRINK_STATE("lager")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':12}"
+ . = ..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/ethanol/lager, 30)
+ name = "Martian Pale Ale"
+ desc = "The best ale on Mars, according to the label."
+ DRINK_STATE("marsbeer")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':12}"
+ . = ..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/ethanol/martianbeer, 30)
+ name = "Alcohol-Free Beer"
+ desc = "A sad looking bottle of alcohol-free beer."
+ DRINK_STATE("afbeer")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':12}"
+ . = ..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/drink/alcoholfreebeer, 30)
+ name = "Grandma's Own Eggnog"
+ desc = "A small bottle of eggnog, ideal for on the go."
+ icon_state = ""
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':12}"
+ . = ..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/drink/eggnog, 30)
+ name = "Root Beer"
+ desc = "A simple bottle of root beer."
+ DRINK_STATE("eggnog")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':12}"
+ . = ..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/drink/rootbeer, 30)
+ name = "Dandelion and Burdock"
+ desc = "A bottle of dandelion and burdock. Not actually made from either of the two."
+ DRINK_STATE("dnb")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':12}"
+ . = ..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/drink/dnb, 30)
+ name = "Hrukhza Extract"
+ desc = "A carton of Hrukhza extract, straight from Moghes."
+ DRINK_STATE("hrukhzaextract")
+ item_state = "carton"
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':7}"
+ isGlass = 0
+ drop_sound = 'sound/foley/drop1.ogg'
+ pickup_sound = 'sound/foley/paperpickup2.ogg'
+ . = ..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/drink/hrukhza, 100)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/cans.dm b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/cans.dm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..425e6045e5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/cans.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ name = "Europa Punch!"
+ desc = "A can of Europa Punch, a delicious juice made from various aquatic plants!"
+ DRINK_STATE("europa")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':10}"
+ . = ..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/drink/juice/europa, 30)
+ name = "Ion-Bru"
+ desc = "A can of Ion-Bru, the drink of shipbuilders."
+ DRINK_STATE("ionbru")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':10}"
+ . = ..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/drink/ionbru, 30)
+ name = "Vanilla Cola"
+ desc = "A can of vanilla cola."
+ DRINK_STATE("vcola")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':10}"
+ . = ..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/drink/cola/vanilla, 30)
+ name = "Coffee Cola"
+ desc = "A can of coffee cola."
+ DRINK_STATE("ccola")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':10}"
+ . = ..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/drink/cola/coffee, 30)
+ name = "Hsstik Zazkis"
+ desc = "A chilled can of zazkis, a Moghsian delight."
+ DRINK_STATE("zazkis")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':16,'y':10}"
+ . = ..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/drink/zazkis, 30)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/cartridges_presets.dm b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/cartridges_presets.dm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..45e670f2364
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/cartridges_presets.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ spawn_reagent = /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/baijiu
+ spawn_reagent = /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/ogogoro
+ spawn_reagent = /decl/material/liquid/drink/juice/europa
+ spawn_reagent = /decl/material/liquid/drink/juice/melon
+ spawn_reagent = /decl/material/liquid/drink/juice/pineapple
+ spawn_reagent = /decl/material/liquid/drink/rootbeer
+ spawn_reagent = /decl/material/liquid/drink/alcoholfreebeer
+ spawn_reagent = /decl/material/liquid/drink/skrianhi
+ spawn_reagent = /decl/material/liquid/drink/hrukhza
+ spawn_reagent = /decl/material/liquid/drink/syrup/affelerin
+ spawn_reagent = /decl/material/liquid/drink/espresso
+ spawn_reagent = /decl/material/liquid/drink/decafcoffee
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/chems_drinks.dm b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/chems_drinks.dm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..af655c0910a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/chems_drinks.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+ name = "Europa Punch"
+ lore_text = "Delicious juice made from a blend of various alien species found on Europa."
+ taste_description = "syrupy fruit"
+ color = "#9608af"
+ glass_name = "star juice"
+ glass_desc = "A tall glass of Europa Punch."
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_drink_europa"
+ name = "melon juice"
+ lore_text = "Juice from a freshly squeezed melon"
+ taste_description = "tangy melon"
+ color = "#e9ba33"
+ uid = "chem_nutriment_juice_melon"
+ glass_name = "melon juice"
+ glass_desc = "A glass of melon juice."
+ name = "pineapple juice"
+ lore_text = "Juice from a pineapple."
+ taste_description = "delicious pineapple juice"
+ color = "#f6e12d"
+ uid = "chem_nutriment_juice_pineapple"
+ glass_name = "pineapple juice"
+ glass_desc = "A glass of tropical pineapple juice."
+ name = "coconut milk"
+ lore_text = "Processed milk from a coconut."
+ taste_description = "cool coconut milk"
+ color = "#fcffe1"
+ uid = "chem_nutriment_juice_coconut"
+ glass_name = "coconut milk"
+ glass_desc = "Delicious milk from a coconut."
+ name = "iridast juice"
+ lore_text = "Juice from the Iridast, a plant native to Adhomai."
+ taste_description = "incredible sweetness"
+ color = "#fa68ff"
+ uid = "chem_nutriment_juice_iridast"
+ glass_name = "iridast juice"
+ glass_desc = "A glass of iridast juice."
+ name = "Root Beer"
+ lore_text = "A hearty non-alcoholic drink popular all over human space."
+ taste_description = "carbonated ginger"
+ color = "#44371f"
+ glass_name = "ginger beer"
+ glass_desc = "A glass of refreshing ginger beer"
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_drink_rootbeer"
+ name = "doogh"
+ lore_text = "A yogurt-based drink seasoned with salt and mint."
+ taste_description = "savory sourness"
+ color = "#f7f5ca"
+ glass_name = "doogh"
+ glass_desc = "A yogurt-based drink seasoned with salt and mint."
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_drink_doogh"
+ name = "eggnog"
+ lore_text = "Perfect for the holidays!"
+ taste_description = "eggy noggyness"
+ color = "#619494"
+ glass_name = "eggnog"
+ glass_desc = "A tall glass of eggnog."
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_drink_eggnog"
+ name = "non-alcoholic beer"
+ lore_text = "Invented by sadists to torture everyone everywhere."
+ taste_description = "alcohol free piss water"
+ color = "#ffd300"
+ glass_name = "beer"
+ glass_desc = "A freezing container of beer"
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_drink_alcoholfreebeer"
+ name = "affelerin nectar"
+ lore_text = "A sweet, thick, syrup-like nectar from the Affelerin, native to Adhomai."
+ taste_description = "thick and sweet syrup"
+ color = "#ac43e0"
+ coffee_priority = 5
+ uid = "chem_drink_affelerin"
+ glass_name = "affelerin nectar"
+ glass_desc = "A glass of sweet affelerin nectar."
+ name = "decaffeinated coffee"
+ lore_text = "Coffee without the caffeine."
+ taste_description = "decfeinated bitterness"
+ color = "#482000"
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_drink_decaf"
+ glass_name = "decaf coffee"
+ glass_desc = "Don't drop it, or you'll send scalding liquid and glass shards everywhere."
+ name = "espresso"
+ lore_text = "Extra strong coffee."
+ taste_description = "deluxe bitterness"
+ taste_mult = 1.3
+ color = "#482000"
+ adj_dizzy = -5
+ adj_drowsy = -3
+ adj_sleepy = -2
+ adj_temp = 25
+ overdose = 60
+ glass_name = "espresso"
+ glass_desc = "Don't drop it, or you'll send scalding liquid and glass shards everywhere."
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_drink_espresso"
+ name = "americano"
+ lore_text = "Diluted Espresso."
+ taste_description = "dark bitterness"
+ taste_mult = 1.1
+ color = "#482000"
+ adj_dizzy = -2
+ adj_drowsy = -1
+ adj_sleepy = -2
+ adj_temp = 25
+ overdose = 60
+ glass_name = "americano"
+ glass_desc = "Don't drop it, or you'll send scalding liquid and glass shards everywhere."
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_drink_americano"
+ taste_description = "tasty vanilla cola"
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_drink_cola_vanilla"
+ taste_description = "delicious coffee cola"
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_drink_cola_coffee"
+ name = "cola float"
+ lore_text = "A delicious combination of ice cream and cola"
+ taste_description = "carbonated ice cream"
+ color = "#cfe5ae"
+ glass_name = "cola float"
+ glass_desc = "a cold looking blend of cola and ice cream."
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_drink_float"
+ name = "Ion-Bru"
+ lore_text = "The official drink of many proud shipworkers."
+ taste_description = "sweet orangy-creamy soda"
+ color = "#a77718"
+ glass_name = "ion-bru"
+ glass_desc = "A tall glass of Ion-Bru."
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_drink_ionbru"
+ name = "dandelion and burdock"
+ lore_text = "Warning: Does not contain any Taraxacum officinale or Arctium lappa."
+ taste_description = "sassafras"
+ color = "#ff8cff"
+ glass_name = "dandelion and burdock"
+ glass_desc = "Unz. Unz. Unz. Wait, wrong DnB."
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_drink_dnb"
+ name = "hrukhza extract"
+ lore_text = "A spicy extract from the hrukhza plant of Moghes. Used to make many drinks."
+ taste_description = "spicy bitterness"
+ color = "#e78108"
+ glass_name = "hrukhza extract"
+ glass_desc = "A glass of the spicy extract from a hrukhza plant."
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_drink_hrukhza"
+ name = "skrianhi tea"
+ lore_text = "A popular and refreshing tea commonly consumed on Moghes."
+ taste_description = "bitter, but energising tea"
+ color = "#0e0900"
+ glass_name = "skrianhi tea"
+ glass_desc = "A cuppa skrianhi tea."
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_drink_skrianhi"
+ name = "zazkis"
+ lore_text = "A chocolate-like drink from Moghes."
+ taste_description = "minty bitter chocolate"
+ color = "#680609"
+ glass_name = "zazkis"
+ glass_desc = "A glass of chocolatey zazkis"
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_drink_zazkis"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/chems_ethanol.dm b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/chems_ethanol.dm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..569b729481c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/chems_ethanol.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+ name = "Arak"
+ lore_text = "Arak is a distilled anise spirit popular in the Levant."
+ taste_description = "licorice"
+ color = "#f7f6e0"
+ strength = 20
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_ethanol_arak"
+ glass_name = "arak"
+ glass_desc = "An unsweetened glass of arak."
+ name = "baijiu"
+ lore_text = "An alcoholic drink made from rice and sorghum, then flavoured. Popular all across Earth."
+ taste_description = "sweet fruits and nuts"
+ color = "#f7f6e0"
+ strength = 30
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_ethanol_baijiu"
+ glass_name = "baijiu"
+ glass_desc = "a clear glass of sweet baijiu."
+ name = "blackstrap"
+ lore_text = "A dark rum, mixed with mollases. Extremely popular across Human Space."
+ taste_description = "strong, sweet and syrupy rum"
+ color = "#161612"
+ strength = 10
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_ethanol_blackstrap"
+ glass_name = "blackstrap rum"
+ glass_desc = "A dark glass of blackstrap rum."
+ name = "Brandy"
+ lore_text = "Consumed by the barrel on Luna, and the drink of choice for any wannabe aristocrat."
+ taste_description = "distilled wine and snobbery"
+ color = "#bdb6a9"
+ strength = 20
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_ethanol_brandy"
+ glass_name = "brandy"
+ glass_desc = "You feel more upper class just looking at it."
+ name = "cachaca"
+ lore_text = "A sweet alcoholic drink made from fermented sugarcane."
+ taste_description = "sugary tropical juice"
+ color = "#d7d3b4"
+ strength = 30
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_ethanol_cachaca"
+ glass_name = "cachaca"
+ glass_desc = "A glass of delicious looking cachaca."
+ name = "pink gin"
+ lore_text = "Gin with red bitters creating a soft pinkish colour."
+ taste_description = "a pink alcoholic christmas tree"
+ color = "#e25963"
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_ethanol_pinkgin"
+ glass_desc = "A crystal clear glass of pink gin."
+ name = "lager"
+ lore_text = "A popular kind of beer found across Europe. Dark and musty."
+ taste_description = "smooth, crisp lager"
+ color = "#e0b900"
+ strength = 60
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_ethanol_lager"
+ glass_name = "lager"
+ glass_desc = "Just looking at it makes you want to order a pack of crisps and two pints."
+ name = "Martian pale ale"
+ lore_text = "A dark, hoppy beer produced all across Mars. It is a planetary favourite."
+ taste_description = "dark musty beer"
+ color = "#5b4e35"
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_ethanol_marsbeer"
+ glass_name = "pale ale"
+ glass_desc = "An dark and hoppy beer."
+ name = "ogogoro"
+ lore_text = "A popular alcoholic drink from West Africa, distilled from palm juices."
+ taste_description = "sugarcane and fermented palms"
+ color = "#faffd2"
+ strength = 30
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_ethanol_ogogoro"
+ glass_name = "ogogoro"
+ glass_desc = "A glass of ogogoro."
+ name = "prosecco"
+ lore_text = "A refreshing type of white wine."
+ taste_description = "the trials of being a young woman in a rich man's world"
+ color = "#e8dfc1"
+ strength = 35
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_ethanol_prosecco"
+ glass_name = "prosecco"
+ glass_desc = "A white wine native to Earth."
+ name = "rakia"
+ lore_text = "A popular fruit brandy from the Balkans."
+ taste_description = "dry grapes"
+ color = "#c2d6b7"
+ strength = 30
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_ethanol_rakia"
+ glass_name = "rakia"
+ glass_desc = "Fruit brandy. Delicious!"
+ name = "soju"
+ lore_text = "Baijiu - Sake - Soju. The trilogy of rice-derived alcohols."
+ taste_description = "subtle, mild sweetness"
+ color = "#99dbdb"
+ strength = 30
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_ethanol_soju"
+ glass_name = "soju"
+ glass_desc = "A glass of soju."
+ name = "tej"
+ lore_text = "Tej is also known as Honey Wine. Similar to Mead."
+ taste_description = "sweet and tanic alcohol"
+ color = "#898873"
+ strength = 60
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_ethanol_tej"
+ glass_name = "tej"
+ glass_desc = "a glass of tej, also known as honey wine."
+ name = "Martian Gold whiskey"
+ lore_text = "A blend of 99 spices found across Mars."
+ taste_description = "strong, spicy fireball!"
+ color = "#7c2b00"
+ strength = 20
+ uid = "chem_ethanol_mars"
+ name = "Jovian wine"
+ lore_text = "There's good wine. There's bad wine. Then there's Jovian Wine. Illegal to consume on Earth due to its extreme alcohol content, it is nevertheless enjoyed by spacers everywhere."
+ taste_description = "regret and liver failure"
+ color = "#558497"
+ strength = 5
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_ethanol_jovianwine"
+ glass_name = "Jovian wine"
+ glass_desc = "Easily mistaken for toilet water, but damn it gets you drunk fast."
+// Alien Alcohol
+ name = "Hrenti"
+ lore_text = "A curious blend of Moghsian fermented milk and grains. It produces an alcoholic, and slightly acidic drink."
+ taste_description = "your tastebuds quitting in protest at whatever this is"
+ color = "#9e5635"
+ strength = 25
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_ethanol_hrenti"
+ glass_name = "hrenti"
+ glass_desc = "An alcoholic drink from Moghes."
+ name = "Wasgaelhi"
+ lore_text = "Wasgaelhi is a type of low-alcohol wine that is frequently consumed by the northern inhabitants of Moghes."
+ taste_description = "warm and vaguely metallic wine"
+ color = "#673346"
+ strength = 50
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_ethanol_wasgaelhi"
+ glass_name = "wasgaelhi"
+ glass_desc = "Wine from the northern continent of Moghes."
+ name = "Yek'ala"
+ lore_text = "Yek'ala is a Yeosa'Unathi delicacy, made from various Moghsian fish. It is strongly alcoholic."
+ taste_description = "alcoholic anchovies"
+ color = "#7052dd"
+ strength = 25
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_ethanol_yekla"
+ glass_name = "yekla"
+ glass_desc = "Alcoholic fish guts. Tastes better than it smells."
+ name = "Qokk'hrona"
+ lore_text = "Qokk'hrona is wine made from refined Qokk'loa. The Skrell still do not understand why humans smirk when hearing this."
+ taste_description = "a thick potion of mushroom and hard alcohol"
+ color = "#c76c4d"
+ strength = 500
+ exoplanet_rarity = MAT_RARITY_NOWHERE
+ uid = "chem_ethanol_qokkhrona"
+ glass_name = "qokk'hrona"
+ glass_desc = "A glass of tasty qokk."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/dispcarts.dm b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/dispcarts.dm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..027fd8a31d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/dispcarts.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+SEC_PACK(baijiu, /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/baijiu, "Reagent refill - Baijiu", "baijiu reagent cartridge crate", access_bar)
+SEC_PACK(mead, /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/ogogoro, "Reagent refill - Ogogoro", "ogogoro reagent cartridge crate", access_bar)
+PACK(europa, /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/europa, "Reagent refill - Europa Punch", "europa punch reagent cartridge crate")
+PACK(melon, /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/melon, "Reagent refill - Melon", "melon reagent cartridge crate")
+PACK(pineapple, /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/pineapple, "Reagent refill - Pineapple", "pineapple reagent cartridge crate")
+PACK(decafcoffee, /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/decafcoffee, "Reagent refill - Decaf Coffee", "decaf coffee reagent cartridge crate")
+PACK(espresso, /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/espresso, "Reagent refill - Espresso", "espresso reagent cartridge crate")
+PACK(rootbeer, /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/rootbeer, "Reagent refill - Rootbeer", "root beer reagent cartridge crate")
+PACK(afbeer, /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/afbeer, "Reagent refill - Alcohol Free Beer", "alcohol free beer reagent cartridge crate")
+PACK(skrianhi, /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/skrianhi, "Reagent refill - Skrianhi Tea", "skrianhi reagent cartridge crate")
+PACK(syrup_affelerin, /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/syrup_affelerin, "Reagent refill - Affelerin Syrup", "affelerin syrup reagent cartridge crate")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/dispenser_presets.dm b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/dispenser_presets.dm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..598643786e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/dispenser_presets.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ LAZYDISTINCTADD(spawn_cartridges, list(
+ /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/baijiu,
+ /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/ogogoro,
+ ))
+ . = ..()
+ LAZYDISTINCTADD(spawn_cartridges, list(
+ /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/skrianhi,
+ /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/espresso,
+ /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/syrup_affelerin,
+ /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/decafcoffee
+ ))
+ . = ..()
+ LAZYDISTINCTADD(spawn_cartridges, list(
+ /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/europa,
+ /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/melon,
+ /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/pineapple,
+ /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/rootbeer,
+ /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/afbeer,
+ /obj/item/chems/chem_disp_cartridge/hrukhza
+ ))
+ . = ..()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/drinks.dm b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/drinks.dm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cb1dd1dee45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/drinks/drinks.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ name = "\improper Robust Decaffeinated Coffee"
+ desc = "Careful, the beverage you're about to enjoy is extremely hot. It contains no caffeine."
+ DRINK_STATE("coffee")
+ center_of_mass = @"{'x':15,'y':10}"
+ . = ..()
+ reagents.add_reagent(/decl/material/liquid/drink/decafcoffee, 30)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/content/hearthdrinks/icons/drinks.dmi b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/icons/drinks.dmi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d06b047af19
Binary files /dev/null and b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/icons/drinks.dmi differ
diff --git a/mods/content/hearthdrinks/reactions.dm b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/reactions.dm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5f2cdc48b22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/reactions.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ name = "Jovian Wine"
+ result = /decl/material/liquid/ethanol/wine/jupiter
+ required_reagents = list(/decl/material/liquid/nutriment = 2, /decl/material/liquid/fuel = 1, /decl/material/liquid/cleaner = 1)
+ result_amount = 4
+ mix_message = "The mixture ferments into a thick, wine-coloured substance."
+ name = "Skrianhi Tea"
+ result = /decl/material/liquid/drink/skrianhi
+ required_reagents = list(/decl/material/liquid/drink/tea/green = 2, /decl/material/liquid/drink/hrukhza = 1)
+ result_amount = 3
+ mix_message = "The tea bubbles softly as it mixes."
+ name = "Eggnog"
+ result = /decl/material/liquid/drink/eggnog
+ required_reagents = list(/decl/material/liquid/nutriment/protein/egg = 3, /decl/material/liquid/drink/milk = 5, /decl/material/liquid/nutriment/sugar = 5)
+ result_amount = 13
+ inhibitors = list(/decl/material/liquid/nutriment/flour)
+ mix_message = "The mixture turns a creamy white."
+ name = "Vanilla Cola"
+ result = /decl/material/liquid/drink/cola/vanilla
+ required_reagents = list(/decl/material/liquid/drink/syrup/vanilla = 1, /decl/material/liquid/drink/cola = 2)
+ result_amount = 3
+ name = "Coffee Cola"
+ result = /decl/material/liquid/drink/cola/coffee
+ required_reagents = list(/decl/material/liquid/drink/coffee = 1, /decl/material/liquid/drink/cola = 2)
+ result_amount = 3
+ name = "Doogh"
+ result = /decl/material/liquid/drink/doogh
+ required_reagents = list(/decl/material/liquid/drink/milk/cream = 2, /decl/material/liquid/drink/syrup/mint = 1)
+ result_amount = 3
+ name = "Americano"
+ result = /decl/material/liquid/drink/americano
+ required_reagents = list(/decl/material/liquid/drink/espresso = 2, /decl/material/liquid/water = 1)
+ result_amount = 3
+ mix_message = "The coffee frothes up nicely."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/content/hearthdrinks/vending/vending.dm b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/vending/vending.dm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f31acd9e582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mods/content/hearthdrinks/vending/vending.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ var/list/new_products = list(
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/arak = 5,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/baijiu = 5,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/blackstrap = 5,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/cachaca = 5,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/pink_gin = 5,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/ogogoro = 5,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/prosecco = 5,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/rakia = 5,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/soju = 5,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/tej = 5,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/mars_whiskey = 5,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/hrenti = 5,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/wasgaelhi = 5,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/yekala = 5,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/qokkhrona = 2,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/small/cider_apple = 15,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/small/cider_pear = 15,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/small/lager = 15,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/small/martianbeer = 15,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/small/alcoholfreebeer = 15,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/small/rootbeer = 15,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/small/dnb = 15,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/cans/beastenergy = 15,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/small/eggnog = 15,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/hrukhza = 5,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/lemonjuice = 5,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/pineapplejuice = 5,
+ )
+ var/list/new_contraband = list(
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/bottle/brandy = 5,
+ )
+ LAZYREMOVE(products, new_products) // clear duplicates
+ LAZYADD(products, new_products)
+ LAZYREMOVE(contraband, new_contraband)
+ LAZYADD(contraband, new_contraband)
+ . = ..()
+ var/list/new_products = list(
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/decaf = 15
+ )
+ LAZYREMOVE(products, new_products)
+ LAZYADD(products, new_products)
+ . = ..()
+ var/list/new_products = list(
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/cans/coffeecola = 10,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/cans/vanillacola = 10,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/cans/ionbru = 10,
+ /obj/item/chems/drinks/cans/europa = 10
+ )
+ LAZYREMOVE(products, new_products)
+ LAZYADD(products, new_products)
+ . = ..()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mods/content/neural_laces/body_printer.dm b/mods/content/neural_laces/body_printer.dm
index cfa3549ca70..d9e8f35b436 100644
--- a/mods/content/neural_laces/body_printer.dm
+++ b/mods/content/neural_laces/body_printer.dm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#define COST_PER_PRINT 15000 //in cm3
+#define COST_PER_PRINT 15000 //in cm3
#define MATERIAL_LOW 1
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
icon_state = "base"
density = TRUE
anchored = TRUE
- idle_power_usage = 200
+ idle_power_usage = 200
active_power_usage = 15 KILOWATTS
stat_immune = 0
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
var/increment_delay //The time between y increments for the alpha masking of the mob icon and the print head. This is based on the printing time, hence why it is configurable.
var/next_increment = 0
- var/total_passes = 0
+ var/total_passes = 0
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
var/list/materials = list(/decl/material/solid/meat = 0, /decl/material/solid/bone = 0)
var/list/technobabble_systems = list(
- "microservo positioning system",
- "flash-sterilization subsystem",
+ "microservo positioning system",
+ "flash-sterilization subsystem",
"flash-differentiation feed system",
"print laser power regulation system",
"biomass circulation subsystem",
@@ -151,7 +151,8 @@
diskette = D
to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("You insert \the [D] into \the [src]."))
- if(I.matter[1] in materials)
+ return TRUE
+ if(isitem(I) && LAZYLEN(I.matter) && (I.matter[1] in materials))
accept_materials(I, user)
/obj/machinery/bioprinter/proc/accept_materials(var/obj/item/S, var/user)
@@ -162,7 +163,7 @@
if(materials[S.matter[1]] == BIOPRINTER_MAX_MATERIALS)
to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("\The [src] is full of [S]!"))
- return
+ return
var/obj/item/stack/ST = S
var/sheets_input = input(user, "How many sheets do you wish to input?", "Sheet Input", 0) as num|null
@@ -173,16 +174,14 @@
sheets_input = clamp(sheets_input, 1, ST.amount)
var/free_space = BIOPRINTER_MAX_MATERIALS - materials[ST.matter[1]]
- if(free_space == 0)
- to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("\The [src] is full of [ST]!"))
- return
var/max_input = round((free_space / SHEET_MATERIAL_AMOUNT))
+ if(max_input == 0)
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("\The [src] is too full to add \the [ST]!"))
+ return
sheets_input = min(sheets_input, max_input)
- var/input_amt = sheets_input * SHEET_MATERIAL_AMOUNT
+ var/input_amt = sheets_input * SHEET_MATERIAL_AMOUNT
if((materials[ST.matter[1]] + input_amt) >= BIOPRINTER_MAX_MATERIALS) //doublecheck sanity
@@ -218,7 +217,7 @@
materials[material1] -= mat1amt
materials[material2] -= mat2amt
return TRUE
animate(lid, pixel_y = 38, time = 3 SECONDS, easing = SINE_EASING)
addtimer(CALLBACK(src, .proc/open_pod_finish), 3 SECONDS)
@@ -269,7 +268,7 @@
add_overlay(image(icon, "reactor_low"))
add_overlay(image(icon, "reactor_full"))
if(!printing && !cleaning)
add_overlay(image(icon, "computer_standby"))
if(printing && !needs_attention)
@@ -333,7 +332,7 @@
.["start_print"] = cached_choices["start_print"]
.["interact"] = cached_choices["interact"]
. = round((printing_time / MAX_PRINTING_PASSES))
@@ -462,7 +461,7 @@
/obj/machinery/bioprinter/proc/do_fakemob_animation(var/fakemob_name, var/filter_name, var/stage_name, var/fakemob_layer_increment, var/fade_out = FALSE)
var/obj/structure/fake_clone_mob/fakemob = clone_mobs[fakemob_name]
diff --git a/nano/templates/ftl_computer.tmpl b/nano/templates/ftl_computer.tmpl
index d6333cade3c..76aa98dd88c 100644
--- a/nano/templates/ftl_computer.tmpl
+++ b/nano/templates/ftl_computer.tmpl
@@ -102,16 +102,7 @@
Remaining Fuel: