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| [9](./sips/partial_signature_verification_aggregation.md) | Partial Signature Verification Aggregation | spec-merged |
| [10](./sips/qbft_drop_redundant_bls.md) | Drop redundant BLS in QBFT | spec-merged |
| [11](./sips/eliminate_bls.md) | Eliminate BLS out of QBFT and change message structure | spec-merged |
-| [12](./sips/topic_by_committe_id.md) | Eliminate BLS out of QBFT and change message structure | spec-merged |
\ No newline at end of file
+| [12](./sips/topic_by_committe_id.md) | Eliminate BLS out of QBFT and change message structure | spec-merged |
+| [13](./sips/cluster_consensus.md) | Cluster-based consensus | spec-merged |
diff --git a/core.md b/core.md
index 67ed4a6..7bfed8d 100644
--- a/core.md
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| [8](./sips/pre_consensus_livness.md) | Pre-Consensus livness fix | open-for-discussion |
| [9](./sips/partial_signature_verification_aggregation.md) | Partial Signature Verification Aggregation | spec-merged |
| [10](./sips/qbft_drop_redundant_bls.md) | Drop redundant BLS in QBFT | spec-merged |
-| [11](./sips/eliminate_bls.md) | Eliminate BLS out of QBFT and change message structure | spec-merged |
\ No newline at end of file
+| [11](./sips/eliminate_bls.md) | Eliminate BLS out of QBFT and change message structure | spec-merged |
+| [13](./sips/cluster_consensus.md) | Cluster-based consensus | spec-merged |
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+| Author | Title | Category | Status | Date |
+| -------------- | -------------------------- | ---------- | ------------------- | ---------- |
+| Matheus Franco, Gal Rogozinski | Committee consensus | Core | open-for-discussion | 2024-03-05 |
+## Summary
+Aggregate `Attestation` and `Sync Committee` duties based on the committee of operators and the duties' slot.
+## Motivation
+With the current design, a committee of operators associated with several validators may end up performing more than one attestation or sync committee duties on equivalent data. This proposal helps to decrease the number of messages exchanged in the network and the processing cost.
+## Rationale
+The aggregation of duties is possible because the data that must be agreed on is independent of the validator.
+For example, take a look at the `AttestationData` type.
+type AttestationData struct {
+ Slot Slot
+ Index CommitteeIndex
+ BeaconBlockRoot Root `ssz-size:"32"`
+ Source *Checkpoint
+ Target *Checkpoint
+The only validator-dependent field is `CommitteeIndex` and it does not have to be agreed on.
+For the `Sync Committee` duty, operators agree on a `phase0.Root` data which is also independent of the validator.
+## Improvement
+According to Monte Carlo simulations using a dataset based on the Mainnet, this proposal reduces to $21.60$% the current number of messages exchanged in the network. Note that this result includes aggregating the post-consensus messages into a single message.
+Regarding the number of bits exchanged, we estimate that this proposal will reduce the current value to, at least, $52.96$%. Notice that this reduction is not as significant as the number of messages reduction due to the larger post-consensus messages.
+Again with Monte Carlo simulations using the Mainnet dataset, the number of attestation duties aggregated presented the following distribution.
+## Spec changes
+### Design
+Under the new design we will have a `Committee` object that will be the top level object in charge of processing consensus messages and partial signature messages for the attestation and sync committee roles.
+The `Committee` will hold a `CommitteeRunner` object for each slot it is running a beacon duty for.
+For other duty roles the old design will remain.
+### New Domain
+This is a fork and new domains must be added:
+ AlanMainnet = DomainType{0x0, 0x0, MainnetNetworkID.Byte(), 0x1}
+#### Code
+// Share holds all info about the validator share
+// NOTE: All the operator related data moved to operator
+type Share struct {
+ ValidatorIndex phase0.ValidatorIndex
+ ValidatorPubKey ValidatorPK
+ SharePubKey ShareValidatorPK
+ Committee []ShareMember
+ Quorum uint64
+ FeeRecipientAddress [20]byte
+ Graffiti []byte
+// ShareMember holds ShareValidatorPK and OperatorID
+type ShareMember struct {
+ SharePubKey ShareValidatorPK
+ Signer OperatorID
+// CommitteeMember represents an SSV operator node that is part of a committee
+type CommitteeMember struct {
+ OperatorID OperatorID
+ CommitteeID ssv.CommitteeID
+ SSVOperatorPubKey []byte
+ DomainType DomainType
+ Quorum, PartialQuorum uint64
+ // All the members of the committee
+ Committee []*Operator
+// Operator represents all data in order to verify a operator's identity
+type Operator struct {
+ OperatorID OperatorID
+ SSVOperatorPubKey []byte
+// Committee is a committee of a unique set of operators that have shared validators
+type Committee struct {
+ Runners map[spec.Slot]*CommitteeRunner
+ CommitteeMember types.CommitteeMember
+ SignatureVerifier types.SignatureVerifier
+ CreateRunnerFn func() *CommitteeRunner
+ // Initializes and starts the runner for the duties for the given slot
+ StartDuty(duty CommitteeDuty) error
+ // ProcessMessage processes a message routed to this Committee
+ ProcessMessage(msg *types.SignedSSVMessage)
+// CommitteeDuty aggregates attesting and sync committee duties
+type CommitteeDuty struct {
+ Slot spec.Slot
+ BeaconDuties []*BeaconDuty
+// CommitteeRunner manages the duty cycle for a certain slot
+type CommitteeRunner struct {
+ // Important fields only
+ Shares map[ValidatorPubkey]Share
+ CommitteeMember CommitteeMember
+ QBFTController *qbft.Controller
+ BeaconNetwork *types.BeaconNetwork
+ // Start the duty lifecycle for the given slot. Emits a message.
+ StartDuty(duty CommitteeDuty, quorum uint64) error
+ // Processes cosensus message
+ ProcessConsensus(consensusMessage *qbft.Message) error
+ // Processes a post-consensus message
+ ProcessPostConsensus(msg PartialSignatureMessages)
+// BeaconVote is the consensus data that is proposed by the QBFT leader for a CommitteeDuty
+type BeaconVote struct {
+ BlockRoot phase0.Root
+ Source phase0.Checkpoint
+ Target phase0.Checkpoint
+func ConstructAttestation(vote BeaconVote, duty AttesterDuty) Attestation {
+ bits := bitfield.New(duty.CommitteeLength)
+ bits.Set(duty.ValidatorCommitteeIndex)
+ return Attestation{
+ Slot: duty.Slot,
+ BlockRoot: vote.BlockRoot,
+ Source: vote.Source,
+ Target: vote.Target,
+ CommiteeIndex: duty.CommitteeIndex,
+ AggregationBits: bits,
+ }
+func ConstructSyncCommittee(vote BeaconVote, duty AttesterDuty) SyncCommitteeMessage{
+ return SyncCommitteeMessage
+ {
+ Slot: duty.Slot,
+ BlockRoot: vote.BlockRoot,
+ ValidatorIndex: duty.ValidatorIndex,
+ }
+#### PartialSignatureMessages
+The current structure that we have in code can be kept with small changes.
+type PartialSignatureMessages struct {
+ Type PartialSigMsgType
+ Slot phase0.Slot
+ Messages []*PartialSignatureMessage
+// PartialSignatureMessage is a msg for partial Beacon chain related signatures (like partial attestation, block, randao sigs)
+type PartialSignatureMessage struct {
+ PartialSignature Signature `ssz-size:"96"` // The Beacon chain partial Signature for a duty
+ SigningRoot [32]byte `ssz-size:"32"` // the root signed in PartialSignature
+ Signer OperatorID
+ ValidatorIndex phase0.ValidatorIndex // addition
+We must have the following flow:
+1. Calculate `expectedRootsAndBeaconObjects()`. Use the `duty` objects to reconstruct the proper beacon data objects (i.e. `Attestation`).
+2. The above calculation can be used to create a mapping of `ValidatorIndex` to `root`, and `root` to `beaconObject`.
+3. When processing the messages find all the roots that have quorums for a certain validator, mark them, and submit corresponding beacon data to the beacon chain.
+4. For the next message received attempt to complete quorum for other roots.
+For the `CommitteeRunner`, we will have a different validation of partial signature messages than for other runners. Runners like `ProposerRunner` and `AggregatorRunner` can validate the `SigningRoot` since they know exactly its expected value. For the `CommitteeRunner`, the number of roots depends on the number of validators that the committee has. Such a state may be divergent between operators because we assume no synchronization on validator sets. Thus, we limit ourselves to the standard validation (e.g. correct identifier, the maximum possible number of roots and so on).
+#### Happy Flow
+1. `Committee` receives duties that match a certain slot. Then `StartDuty` and initialize a `CommitteeRunner` for the relevant Validators and slot.
+// StartDuty starts a new duty for the given slot
+func (c *Committee) StartDuty(duty *types.CommitteeDuty) error {
+ if _, exists := c.Runners[duty.Slot]; exists {
+ return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("CommitteeRunner for slot %d already exists", duty.Slot))
+ }
+ c.Runners[duty.Slot] = c.CreateRunnerFn()
+ return c.Runners[duty.Slot].StartNewDuty(duty)
+2. `Committee` receives consensus messages and hands them over `CommitteeRunner` that hands them over to the `QBFTController` that has unchanged logic. The only difference is `BeaconVote` is used as the ConsensusData object.
+3. Once `ProcessConsensus` decides, the `Committee` will create a post consensus of PartialSignatureMessage that aggregates the beacon partial signature for all relevant validators.
+4. `Committee` will process post-consensus partial signature messages and submit a beacon message for each validator.
+### Cutoff Round
+Previously new duties stopped consensus intsances. We cannot do that anymore since duties don't neccesarily map to specific validators. So we create a better Cutoff Round that will stop the consensus instance in a more sensible time. If the Sync Committee beacon message is longer than a slot tehn it won't enter the beacon chain.
+An Attestation has at most 2 epochs to be included. However since after round 8 we use a slow timeout, if after 4 additional change rounds the instance didn't decide then the chances of it deciding are very low.
+Since consensus for data of both duties happen in a single process, the larger cutoff is chosen.
+`CutOffRound = 12 \\ one epoch`
+### CommitteeID
+An identifier for committee must be added to `MessageID`.
+type CommitteeID [32]byte
+// Return a 32 bytes ID for the committee of operators
+func getCommitteeID(committee []OperatorID) CommitteeID {
+ // sort
+ sort.Slice(committee, func(i, j int) bool {
+ return committee[i] < committee[j]
+ })
+ // Convert to bytes
+ bytes := make([]byte, len(committee)*4)
+ for i, v := range committee {
+ binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(bytes[i*4:], uint32(v))
+ }
+ // Hash
+ return CommitteeID(sha256.Sum256(bytes))
+In order to route consensus messages to the correct consensus runner, the `CommitteeID` field will be included in the `MessageID` replacing `ValidatorPublicKey`.
+### Role
+This is used to route the message to the correct runner. Since `CommitteeRunner` has several beacone roles we will create a new `RunnerRole` in the MessageID.
+type RunnerRole int32
+const (
+ RoleCommittee RunnerRole = iota
+ RoleAggregator
+ RoleProposer
+ RoleSyncCommitteeContribution
+ RoleValidatorRegistration
+ RoleVoluntaryExit
+ RoleUnknown = -1
+### MessageID
+`ValidatorPublicKey` and `CommitteeID` will be used interchangeably in `MessageID`. `Role` will change location because it is used to determine ID type. `CommitteeID` is 32 bytes long so it will be encoded with a `0x00` 16 bytes prefix to make it the same length as `ValidatorPublicKey`.
+const (
+ domainSize = 4
+ domainStartPos = 0
+ roleTypeSize = 4
+ // CHANGE IN Positions
+ roleTypeStartPos = domainStartPos + domainSize
+ senderIDSize = 48
+ senderIDStartPos = roleTypeStartPos + roleTypeSize
+// MessageID is used to identify and route messages to the right validator and Runner
+type MessageID [56]byte
+func (msg MessageID) GetDomain() DomainType {
+ return msg[domainStartPos : domainStartPos+domainSize]
+func (msg MessageID) GetRoleType() RunnerRole {
+ roleByts := msg[roleTypeStartPos : roleTypeStartPos+roleTypeSize]
+ return BeaconRole(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(roleByts))
+func (msg MessageID) GetSenderID() []byte {
+ return msg[senderIDStartPos : senderIDStartPos+senderIDSize]
+func parseMessageID(messageID MessageID) (DomainType, BeaconRole, []byte) {
+ domain := messageID.GetDomain()
+ role := messageID.GetRoleType()
+ if role == BNRoleSyncCommitteeContribution {
+ return domain, BNRoleAttesterOrSyncCommittee, messageID.GetSenderID()[16:]
+ }
+ return domain, role, messageID.GetSenderID()
+### Consensus Data
+We note that the data needed for a consensus execution is the same for all validators. Thus, we can create a `BeaconVote` object that will hold the data for all validators. The data needed for the `SyncCommittee` role is a subset of the data needed for the `Attestation` role. Thus we can always query the beacon node for attestation data and pass this data to relevant runners.
+Up until now, `ConsensusData` helds the `duty` field to make sure that all committee members agree on committee information. However, if there is a difference between committee members there is no guarantee that a run will be triggered on the first place. This is because different views may cause [different shuffles](https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/dev/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#compute_committee). Therefore we can rely on local view of `duty`, and keep the field empty.
+### Value Check
+Now that consensus handles value for multiple validators there is the issue that a value may be considered to be slashable by some validators but not by others. This can happen if some operators have different views of the ethereum chain. During the consensus value-check process we check whether a value is considered slashable by at least one of the validators. If so the check fails. Since we use one value for all validators, the `CommitteeIndex` takes a value of `MaxUInt64` to indicate this ambiguous state.
+func BeaconVoteValueCheckF(
+ signer types.BeaconSigner,
+ slot phase0.Slot,
+ sharePublicKeys []types.ShareValidatorPK,
+ estimatedCurrentEpoch phase0.Epoch,
+) qbft.ProposedValueCheckF {
+ return func(data []byte) error {
+ bv := types.BeaconVote{}
+ if err := bv.Decode(data); err != nil {
+ return errors.Wrap(err, "failed decoding beacon vote")
+ }
+ if bv.Target.Epoch > estimatedCurrentEpoch+1 {
+ return errors.New("attestation data target epoch is into far future")
+ }
+ if bv.Source.Epoch >= bv.Target.Epoch {
+ return errors.New("attestation data source >= target")
+ }
+ attestationData := &phase0.AttestationData{
+ Slot: slot,
+ // Consensus data is unaware of CommitteeIndex
+ // We use MaxUInt64 to not run into issues with the duplicate value slashing check:
+ // (data_1 != data_2 and data_1.target.epoch == data_2.target.epoch)
+ Index: math.MaxUInt64,
+ BeaconBlockRoot: bv.BlockRoot,
+ Source: bv.Source,
+ Target: bv.Target,
+ }
+ for _, sharePublicKey := range sharePublicKeys {
+ if err := signer.IsAttestationSlashable(sharePublicKey, attestationData); err != nil {
+ return errors.Wrap(err, "slashable attestation")
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+ }
+## P2P
+### Message Validation
+This duties transformation requires a propagation of changes in message validation.
+Regarding syntax, the rules can stay the same.
+Regarding semantics,
+ - If `SSVMessage.MsgID` contains a CommitteeID (i.e. the role is attestation + sync committee) and if the CommitteeID doesn't exist in the current network, it should ignore the message.
+ - If a `ValidatorIndex` in `SignedPartialSignatureMessage.Message.Messages` is incorrect, considering the ValidatorPublicKey or the CommitteeID in the MessageID, it should ignore the message.
+Regarding duties' general rules,
+ - The duplicated partial signature rule (same validator, slot and type but different signing root or signature) now applies only to the Proposal, Aggregate, Sync Committee Contribution, Validator Registration and Voluntary Exit duties (since attestation and sync committee partial signature messages may include the same signing root.)
+ - If the same `ValidatorIndex` appears more than 2 times in `SignedPartialSignatureMessage.Message.Messages`, the message is rejected.
+Regarding duties' specific rules,
+ - The attestation's and sync committee's specific rules are dropped in favor of a common set of rules for the new duty type attestation + sync committee. Namely, the higher attestation limits are used (34 slots, 12 rounds).
+ - We can no longer limit a single validator to two attestation attempts per epoch. If we were to count only attestation, we could limit a committee with $V$ validators to do $2 \times V$ consensus per epoch. However, the fact the sync committee duties use the same consensus instances as attestations can force us to tolerate 32 consensus instances from a committee in an epoch. Thus, we suggest limiting by $2 \times V$ executions only with a condition check that no validators of such committee are doing sync committee duties in the epoch.
+ - For the `RoleCommittee` role, the number of signatures in a `PartialSignatureMessages` is limited to $min(2 * V, V+SYNC\_COMMITTEE\_SIZE.)$.
+Regarding implementation,
+ - The `ConsensusState` is currently mapped by a `ConsensusID` that uses the validator public key and the role from the `MessageID`. Since `MessageID` will have a CommitteeID, instead of a validator public key, for attestations and sync committees, the mapping of `ConsensusState` will need to change. We suggest either changing `ConsensusID` to encompass also a `CommitteeID` or simply mapping `ConsensusState` by `MessageID`.
+### GossipSub Scoring
+The only two groups of the GossipSub scoring parameters that depend on the expected message rate are $P_2$ and $P_3$. $P_3$ is currently switched off, so no change needs to be done on that end. $P_2$ regards increasing a peer score for its "first delivery" messages and counts with three parameters:
+ - A decay $d_2$
+ - A cap value ($cap_2$) for the counter
+ - A weight ($w_2$) to multiply the counter value and sum the result to the topic's score.
+The decay $d_2$ can stay the same (0.3162277660168379, which decays 1 to 0.01 in 4 epochs). The cap value is defined as the convergence value if one keeps sending twice the number of messages it's expected to send. Thus, it's computed using the mesh target size, $D = 8$, and the expected message rate per decay interval. In other words,
+$$cap_2 = \frac{2m}{D} \times \frac{1}{(1-d_2)}$$
+The message rate for a validator per decay interval (one epoch), used to be calculated as $600/10000 \times (32 \times 12)$. To account for all validators in a topic, we used to multiply this value by $\frac{V}{128}$. However, now, the number of validators in a topic is not uniform (so we can't use the $\frac{V}{128}$ estimation) and the message rate should be regarded as "by committee" instead of "by validator" since the number of messages depends on the aggregation of the committee's validators duties.
+Therefore, to compute the message rate for a certain topic, we need to get, as input, the list of committees and validators present in such a topic and adjust the calculation as the following script:
+// Expected number of committee duties per epoch due to attestation beacon duties given
+// the number of validators in the committee
+func expectedNumberOfCommitteeDutiesPerEpochDueToAttestation(numValidators int) float64 {
+ k := float64(numValidators) // number of validators
+ n := 32.0 // slots
+ // Probability that all validators are not assigned to slot i
+ probabilityAllNotOnSlotI := math.Pow((n-1)/n, k)
+ // Probability that at least one validator is assigned to slot i
+ probabilityAtLeastOneOnSlotI := 1 - probabilityAllNotOnSlotI
+ // Expected value for duty existence ({0,1}) on slot i
+ expectedDutyExistenceOnSlotI := 0 * probabilityAllNotOnSlotI + 1 * probabilityAtLeastOneOnSlotI
+ // Expected number of duties per epoch
+ expectedNumberOfDutiesPerEpoch := n * expectedDutyExistenceOnSlotI
+ return expectedNumberOfDutiesPerEpoch
+// Expected number of committee duties per epoch due to only
+// sync committee beacon duties (no attestations) given the
+// number of validators in the committee
+func expectedNumberOfSingleSCCommitteeDutiesPerEpoch(numValidators int) float64 {
+ // Probability that a validator is not in sync committee
+ chanceOfNotBeingInSyncCommittee := 1 - syncCommitteeProbability()
+ // Probability that all validators are not in sync committee
+ chanceThatAllValidatorsAreNotInSyncCommittee := math.Pow(chanceOfNotBeingInSyncCommittee, float64(numValidators))
+ // Probability that at least one validator is in sync committee
+ chanceOfAtLeastOneValidatorBeingInSyncCommittee := 1 - chanceThatAllValidatorsAreNotInSyncCommittee
+ // Number of committee duties if at least one validator is in sync committee
+ committeeDutiesPerEpochIfOneValidatorIsInSyncCommittee := 32
+ // Expected number of committee duties due to attestation
+ expectedCommitteeDutiesPerEpochDueToAttestation := expectedNumberOfCommitteeDutiesPerEpochDueToAttestation(numValidators)
+ // Number of committee duties per epoch created due to only sync committee duties
+ expectedCommitteeDutiesDueToOnlySyncCommittee := committeeDutiesPerEpochIfOneValidatorIsInSyncCommittee - expectedCommitteeDutiesPerEpochDueToAttestation
+ // Expected number of committee duties per epoch created due to only sync committee duties
+ return chanceOfAtLeastOneValidatorBeingInSyncCommittee * expectedSlotsWithNoDuty
+// Main: Expected message rate per epoch for a topic given the map: Committee -> Number of validators
+func expectedEpochMessageRate(committeeToNumberOfValidatorsMap map[Committee]int) float64 {
+ totalEpochMessageRate := float64(0)
+ for committee, numValidators := range committeeToNumberOfValidatorsMap {
+ committeeSize := committee.NumberOfOperators()
+ // Attestation
+ totalEpochMessageRate += expectedNumberOfCommitteeDutiesPerEpochDueToAttestation(numValidators) * numMessagesForDutyWithoutPreConsensus(committeeSize)
+ // Sync committee
+ totalEpochMessageRate += expectedNumberOfSingleSCCommitteeDutiesPerEpoch(numValidators) * numMessagesForDutyWithoutPreConsensus(committeeSize)
+ // Aggregator
+ totalEpochMessageRate += float64(numValidators) * aggregatorProbability() * numMessagesForDutyWithPreConsensus(committeeSize)
+ // Proposal
+ totalEpochMessageRate += float64(numValidators) * 32 * proposalProbability() * numMessagesForDutyWithPreConsensus(committeeSize)
+ // Sync committee aggregator
+ totalEpochMessageRate += float64(numValidators) * 32 * syncCommitteeAggregatorProbability() * numMessagesForDutyWithPreConsensus(committeeSize)
+ }
+ return totalEpochMessageRate
+The above function will return the expected epoch message rate for the topic, $m$, which allows us to compute $cap_2$.
+The weight, $w_2$, depends on the cap value and the maximum score for $P_2$ (defined as 80). It's computed as:
+$$w_2 = \frac{80}{cap_2}$$
+#### Drawbacks
+- This SIP makes the validator density in topics become less uniform and, thus, the message rate also becomes less uniform. Nonetheless, $P_2$ is a positive score component and is minimal in magnitude compared to the negative components. Thus, the message rate accuracy and consequent positive score fluctuations are not significant.
+## Pre-requisites
+- SIP #45
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