This repository forms the basis of my own personal implimentation of a Golden Image Builder.
It's made up of pre-coded modules to get you started quickly.
It also uses tools, such as Packer, TFEnv, Terraform Docs, Linters, VSCode's Dev / Remote containers and many more to provide effectively a Packer / Ansible / Terraform / DevOps engineer development lab to develop and test Packer Templates, Ansible Roles and Playbooks, and, Terraform Modules.
You are most welcome and in fact encouraged to contribute back to this repository.
This repository uses some best practice tools to help us with our Packer Templates, Ansible Playbooks and Roles and Terraform modules. Tools such as TFENV which automatically installs the correct Terraform Version, Terraform Docs and Terraform Lint and Packer Lint, the comprehensive feature list is detailed below.
Product | State |
VSCode Dev Container | ✓ |
Pre-Commit | ✓ |
Packer | ✓ |
Ansible | ✓ |
Molecule | ✓ |
AWX Ansible Tower | ✓ |
Terratest | ✘ |
Terraform | ✓ |
TFEnv | ✓ |
TGEnv | ✓ |
TFsec | ✓ |
AWS | ✓ |
GCP | ✓ |
Azure | ✓ |
Custom | ✓ |
Terraform Lint | ✓ |
Terraform Format | ✓ |
Terraform Validate | ✓ |
Terraform Docs | ✓ |
Pre-commit: Runs pre-commit with the given config in `.pre-commit-config.yaml.
Linters: terraform-lint packer-lint tflint yamllint
Packer lint: packer fmt -check -recursive -diff
Terraform lint: terraform fmt -check -recursive -diff
Terraform format: terraform fmt -check -recursive -diff
Clean: Clean up .terraform and .terrgrunt-cache folders
Terraform docs: Create files for each Terraform Module on the fly, generated from your code
Terraform Plan: Using Terragrunt we run a plan on all modules
Please install the following software
- Docker Desktop
- Visual Studio Code (with Remote development in Containers extension)
- Clone this repository
- Now Open VSCode and Open this repository
💡 Let's look at some Screenshots of Opening your project
In VSCode, click File -> Open Folder and navigate to this project
If you have installed the Devcontainer Extension in the previous step, you'd see a Notification, bottom Right.
Folder contains a Dev Container configuration file. Reopen folder to develop in a container and click Reopen in Container
You will see the Docker Build log bottom right and once done, you will see the files of the project in VSCode.
Now you can open a new Terminal. This will launch a new terminal inside the container, you will note that Terraform, Terragrunt and all the tools this project needs has already been installed for you.
Now you need to Authenticate to your Clouds, see: Authenticating below.
Somewhere someone or something has to authenticate against the clouds, the pipeline will take care of this for you, however if you are developing locally, you need to take care of this yourself.
export AWS_REGION=
When you run ./ you will get the following output
ubuntu@0c9b71981e0b:/app$ ./
- Why are You using a Mono Repo?
I try to avoid code duplication and as a small team, to avoid this developers commit hell cycle, I opted for a Mono repo, you are welcome to split it up. You can always use the individual modules using the Terraform Source
source = ""