diff --git a/_data/pages/dapps.yml b/_data/pages/dapps.yml
index 2e44f7d316..0f5d47532c 100644
--- a/_data/pages/dapps.yml
+++ b/_data/pages/dapps.yml
@@ -7,7 +7,11 @@ parent_page: /ecosystem/
 breadcrumbs: false
 page_last_updated: true
+  - type: hero
+    variant: block_explorers
+    title: Hundreds of dApps, Services & Wallets
+    description: Immerse yourself in the Starknet Ecosystem by discovering projects, jobs, metrics and learning resources.
   - type: dapps
     variant: dapps
     title: dApps
-    description: Discover apps in the Starknet ecosystem across NFTs, Gaming, Defi,
\ No newline at end of file
+    description: ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/workspaces/cms-scripts/src/index.ts b/workspaces/cms-scripts/src/index.ts
index a9ef0708ec..585dd19e61 100644
--- a/workspaces/cms-scripts/src/index.ts
+++ b/workspaces/cms-scripts/src/index.ts
@@ -317,7 +317,19 @@ export interface TagObject {
   label: string;
   slug: string;
-const blackListTags = ["all"];
+const blackListTags = [
+  "all",
+  "governance",
+  "pfp",
+  "green finance",
+  "cairo",
+  "formal-verification",
+  "dex, wallet, multi-chain, cross-chain, okx, bridge, blockchain",
+  "staking",
+  "access node",
+  "data",
+  "starkware",
 const slugifyTags = (objects: Project[]): Project[] => {
   return objects.map((obj) => {
@@ -345,7 +357,9 @@ const extractTags = (projects: Project[]): TagObject[] => {
 const slugifyDApps = slugifyTags(dAppsData.content);
-const categories = extractTags(dAppsData.content);
+const categories = extractTags(dAppsData.content).sort((a, b) =>
+  a.label > b.label ? 1 : b.label > a.label ? -1 : 0
 await fs.mkdir("public/data/starknet-db-projects-dapps", { recursive: true });
 await write(
diff --git a/workspaces/website/src/pages/starknet-db-projects-dapps/(components)/DappsPage.tsx b/workspaces/website/src/pages/starknet-db-projects-dapps/(components)/DappsPage.tsx
index b865baf261..3c27017596 100644
--- a/workspaces/website/src/pages/starknet-db-projects-dapps/(components)/DappsPage.tsx
+++ b/workspaces/website/src/pages/starknet-db-projects-dapps/(components)/DappsPage.tsx
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import {
+  Circle,
+  Text,
 } from "@chakra-ui/react";
 import {
@@ -13,13 +15,15 @@ import {
 } from "@starknet-io/cms-data/src/starknet-db-projects-dapps";
 import { Button } from "@ui/Button";
 import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react";
-import { Input, Select } from "@chakra-ui/react";
+import { Input } from "@chakra-ui/react";
 import { navigate } from "vite-plugin-ssr/client/router";
 import useQueryString from "src/hooks/useQueryString";
+import { IoSearchOutline } from "react-icons/io5";
 enum SORT_BY {
-  A_Z = "A-Z",
-  FOLLOWERS = "Followers",
+  ALL = "All",
+  MAINNET = "Mainnet",
+  TESTNET = "Testnet",
 const DappsPage = ({ list, categories }: DappsProps) => {
@@ -51,7 +55,9 @@ const DappsPage = ({ list, categories }: DappsProps) => {
     sortBy && queryParams.set("sortBy", sortBy);
     searchValue && queryParams.set("searchValue", searchValue);
-    navigate(`${url.pathname}?${queryParams.toString()}`);
+    navigate(`${url.pathname}?${queryParams.toString()}`, {
+      keepScrollPosition: true,
+    });
   }, [searchValue, sortBy, selectedCategory, url.pathname]);
   const projects = useMemo(() => {
     const byCategory =
@@ -65,12 +71,11 @@ const DappsPage = ({ list, categories }: DappsProps) => {
   }, [selectedCategory, searchValue]);
   const projectsSort = useMemo(() => {
-    if (sortBy === SORT_BY.A_Z)
-      return projects.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name));
-    return projects.sort(
-      (a, b) =>
-        a.socialMetrics?.twitterFollower - b.socialMetrics?.twitterFollower
-    );
+    if (sortBy === SORT_BY.MAINNET)
+      return projects.filter((project) => project.isLive);
+    if (sortBy === SORT_BY.TESTNET)
+      return projects.filter((project) => project.isTestnetLive);
+    else return projects;
   }, [sortBy, projects]);
   const handleChangeCategory = (category: string | undefined) => {
@@ -81,13 +86,22 @@ const DappsPage = ({ list, categories }: DappsProps) => {
   return (
-        <Heading>Dapps</Heading>
         <Stack display="flex" direction="row" gap="100px">
           <List display="flex" flexDir="column" gap="5px">
-            <ListItem>
+            <Heading color="#0C0C4F" fontSize={18} fontWeight={600}>
+              Categories
+            </Heading>
+            <ListItem display="flex">
+              {selectedCategory === undefined && (
+                <Box w="2px" h="40px" bgGradient="linear(#EC796B,#D672EF)" />
+              )}
-                variant="filter"
-                sx={{ bgColor: selectedCategory === undefined ? "red" : "" }}
+                sx={{
+                  color: selectedCategory === undefined ? "#0C0C4F" : "#6B7280",
+                  fontSize: 14,
+                  fontWeight: 400,
+                }}
+                variant="none"
                 onClick={() => handleChangeCategory(undefined)}
@@ -95,44 +109,106 @@ const DappsPage = ({ list, categories }: DappsProps) => {
             {categories.map((category) => {
               return (
-                <ListItem key={category.slug}>
+                <ListItem key={category.slug} display="flex">
+                  {selectedCategory === category && (
+                    <Box
+                      w="2px"
+                      h="40px"
+                      bgGradient="linear(#EC796B,#D672EF)"
+                    />
+                  )}
+                    variant="none"
+                    sx={{
+                      color:
+                        selectedCategory === category ? "#0C0C4F" : "#6B7280",
+                      fontSize: 14,
+                      fontWeight: 400,
+                    }}
                     onClick={() => handleChangeCategory(category.slug)}
-                    variant={"filter"}
-                    sx={{ bgColor: selectedCategory === category ? "red" : "" }}
-                    {category.label}
+                    {category.label.charAt(0).toUpperCase() +
+                      category.label.slice(1).replace("_", " ")}
-          <Box>
-            <HStack>
-              <Box>List length:{projects.length}</Box>
-              <Select
-                value={sortBy || ""}
-                variant="filled"
-                onChange={(e) => setSortBy(e.target.value)}
+          <Box w="100%">
+            <HStack justifyContent="space-between">
+              <Box>
+                <HStack gap="8px">
+                  {Object.values(SORT_BY).map((sortByItem) => (
+                    <Button
+                      variant="none"
+                      fontSize={12}
+                      px="16px"
+                      py="8px"
+                      bgColor={
+                        sortBy === sortByItem ||
+                        (sortByItem === SORT_BY.ALL && !sortBy)
+                          ? "#0C0C4F"
+                          : "#F6F6F6"
+                      }
+                      color={
+                        sortBy === sortByItem ||
+                        (sortByItem === SORT_BY.ALL && !sortBy)
+                          ? "#FFFFFF"
+                          : "#6B7280"
+                      }
+                      onClick={() => setSortBy(sortByItem)}
+                    >
+                      {sortByItem}
+                    </Button>
+                  ))}
+                </HStack>
+              </Box>
+              <HStack
+                bgColor="white"
+                px="18px"
+                py="4px"
+                borderRadius="8px"
+                cursor="pointer"
-                {Object.values(SORT_BY).map((sortByItem) => (
-                  <option value={sortByItem} key={sortByItem}>
-                    {sortByItem}
-                  </option>
-                ))}
-              </Select>
-              <Input
-                defaultValue={searchValue}
-                placeholder="Search"
-                onChange={(e) => setSearchValue(e.target.value)}
-              />
+                <IoSearchOutline size={20} />
+                <Input
+                  border="none"
+                  p="0"
+                  outline="none"
+                  _focus={{ border: "none" }}
+                  _focusVisible={{ border: "none" }}
+                  cursor="pointer"
+                  bgColor="transparent"
+                  fontSize="14px"
+                  defaultValue={searchValue}
+                  placeholder="Search"
+                  onChange={(e) => setSearchValue(e.target.value)}
+                />
+              </HStack>
-            <List display="flex" flexWrap="wrap" gap="20px">
+            <List display="flex" flexWrap="wrap" gap="20px" mt="40px">
               {projectsSort.map((item) => {
                 return (
-                  <ListItem width="300px" key={item.name}>
-                    <Box>{item.name}</Box>
-                    <Image src={item.network.twitterBanner} loading="lazy" />
+                  <ListItem
+                    width={{ base: "343px", sm: "373px", md: "323px" }}
+                    height="286px"
+                    bgColor="white"
+                    padding="32px"
+                    key={item.name}
+                    borderRadius="8px"
+                  >
+                    <Circle size="56px" bgColor="red" mb={3}>
+                      <Image
+                        src={item.network.twitterImage}
+                        loading="lazy"
+                        fit="fill"
+                        borderRadius="100%"
+                      />
+                    </Circle>
+                    <Text noOfLines={1} mb="8px" fontSize={18} fontWeight={600}>
+                      {item.name}
+                    </Text>
+                    <Text noOfLines={2}>{item.description}</Text>