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+title: Explore Starknet
+seoTitle: Discover Starknet and its dApps, Wallets, and Tutorials
+seoDescription: Make your fist steps in the Starknet ecosystem - Explore dApps
+ and wallets, follow tutorials and learn more about the Starknet ecosystem
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+ title: Explore Starknet
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+ title: Argent
+ icon: /assets/hito-orange-1-1.svg
+ type: image_icon_link_card
+ link:
+ custom_title: Install
+ custom_external_link: https://www.argent.xyz/argent-x/
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+ title: Braavos
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+ type: image_icon_link_card
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+ custom_title: Install
+ custom_external_link: https://braavos.app/
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+ orientation: left
+ withIllustration: false
+ title: More wallets
+ icon: /assets/2.svg
+ type: image_icon_link_card
+ link:
+ custom_title: View all Starknet wallets
+ custom_internal_link: ""
+ custom_external_link: https://www.starknet.io/en/ecosystem/wallets
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+ lg: 3
+ heading: Open your Starknet Account
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+ title: Starknet Ecosystem
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+ type: image_icon_link_card
+ link:
+ custom_title: Explore the Starknet Ecosystem
+ custom_external_link: https://www.starknet-ecosystem.com/
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+ title: Dappland
+ icon: /assets/5.svg
+ type: image_icon_link_card
+ link:
+ custom_title: Discover dApps on Starknet
+ custom_external_link: https://www.dappland.com/
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+ orientation: left
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+ title: Bridge
+ icon: /assets/onramp.svg
+ type: image_icon_link_card
+ link:
+ custom_title: Transfer ERC-20 tokens between Ethereum and Starknet
+ custom_external_link: https://starkgate.starknet.io/
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+ heading: Explore Starknet
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+ title: Developers hub
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+ link:
+ custom_title: Explore the hub
+ custom_internal_link: ""
+ custom_external_link: https://www.starknet.io/en/developers
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+ title: Starknet Book
+ icon: /assets/read-book.svg
+ type: image_icon_link_card
+ link:
+ custom_title: Develop on Starknet
+ custom_external_link: https://book.starknet.io/
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+ orientation: left
+ withIllustration: false
+ title: Starklings
+ icon: /assets/cairo-docs.svg
+ type: image_icon_link_card
+ link:
+ custom_title: Follow the tutorial
+ custom_external_link: https://github.com/shramee/starklings-cairo1?tab=readme-ov-file
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+ orientation: left
+ withIllustration: false
+ title: Node Guardians
+ icon: /assets/developer-blog.svg
+ type: image_icon_link_card
+ link:
+ custom_title: Join the quests
+ custom_external_link: https://nodeguardians.io/dev-hub
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+ heading: "Start Building "
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+ title: What is Starknet
+ icon: /assets/starknet_edu.svg
+ type: image_icon_link_card
+ link:
+ custom_title: Understand Starknet & how it works
+ custom_internal_link: ""
+ custom_external_link: https://www.starknet.io/en/learn/what-is-starknet
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+ orientation: left
+ withIllustration: false
+ title: FAQs
+ icon: /assets/online-communities.svg
+ type: image_icon_link_card
+ link:
+ custom_title: Get answers for your questions
+ custom_internal_link: ""
+ custom_external_link: https://www.starknet.io/en/learn/frequently-asked-questions
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+ color: blue-default
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+ orientation: left
+ withIllustration: false
+ title: Upcoming events
+ icon: /assets/community-events.svg
+ type: image_icon_link_card
+ link:
+ custom_title: Check out our upcoming events
+ custom_internal_link: ""
+ custom_external_link: https://www.starknet.io/en/events
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+ heading: Learn. Connect. Stay up-to-date
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+ lg: 3
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