hrpsys_ros_bridge is a package to connect hrpsys <>
_ (OpenRTM-based controller) system and ROS system.
This package contains ROSBridge to hrpsys
, cmake_libraries, launch files, Euslisp interface, and examples.
ROSBridge here is a ROS node to bridge hrpsys
system and ROS system.
You might want to check other "bridging" software in ROS too such as:
- `rosbridge_suite <>`_ provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
- `rtmbuild <>`_ Provides a ROS-like compile and launch script for `OpenRTM`.
You can use OpenRTM
resources from ROS interface, e.g.,
use OpenRTM Data Ports
through ROS Topic
and OpenRTM Servie Ports
through ROS Service
. The following table shows the corresponding concepts for the 2 worlds.
\ | ROS | OpenRTM |
Process | ROS Node | RTC |
Data connection | Topic | Data Port |
RPC connection | Service | Service Port |
HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge :
Publish ROS topics by reading RTC's data ports.Send ROS JointTrajectory service to
by its service ports.
Generated ROSBridges:
is the ROS bridge for example code inopenrtm_aist
provides ROS bridge forhrpsys
package.These bridges ROS service to OpenRTM service port.
For example all idl files in
is coped tohrpsys_ros_bridge/idl/*.idl
, and it generates cpp codes inhrpsys_ros_bridge/src_gen/*.cpp
and built binaries inhrpsys_ros_bridge/[bin,lib]
] ( is a CMake file to convert robot model file format.
] ( is a launch file to invoke ROSBridges and connect them with RTCs.
[Euslisp Interface] (