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hrpsys_ros_bridge is a package to connect hrpsys <>_ (OpenRTM-based controller) system and ROS system.

This package contains ROSBridge to hrpsys, cmake_libraries, launch files, Euslisp interface, and examples.


ROSBridge here is a ROS node to bridge hrpsys system and ROS system.

You might want to check other "bridging" software in ROS too such as:

- `rosbridge_suite <>`_ provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs.
- `rtmbuild <>`_ Provides a ROS-like compile and launch script for `OpenRTM`.

You can use OpenRTM resources from ROS interface, e.g., use OpenRTM Data Ports through ROS Topic and OpenRTM Servie Ports through ROS Service. The following table shows the corresponding concepts for the 2 worlds.

Process ROS Node RTC
Data connection Topic Data Port
RPC connection Service Service Port
  • HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge :
    Publish ROS topics by reading RTC's data ports.

    Send ROS JointTrajectory service to SequencePlayer.rtc by its service ports.

  1. Generated ROSBridges:

    openrtm_ros_bridge is the ROS bridge for example code in openrtm_aist and hrpsys_ros_bridge provides ROS bridge for hrpsys package.

    These bridges ROS service to OpenRTM service port.

    For example all idl files in hrpsys is coped to hrpsys_ros_bridge/idl/*.idl, and it generates cpp codes in hrpsys_ros_bridge/src_gen/*.cpp and built binaries in hrpsys_ros_bridge/[bin,lib].

cmake libraries

[hrpsys_ros_bridge/cmake/compile_robot_model.cmake] ( is a CMake file to convert robot model file format.

launch files

[hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch] ( is a launch file to invoke ROSBridges and connect them with RTCs.

Euslisp interface

[Euslisp Interface] (



Euslisp Examples

Euslisp example