The options for qslSquasher
below are configurable in
:download:`options.hpp`. This means that the code needs to be recompiled
after each modification to the options below.
.. cpp:member:: std::string in_dir The directory name for the input files. See :ref:`Input <input-section>`.
.. cpp:member:: std::string in_filename The filename suffix for the input files. See :ref:`Input <input-section>`.
.. c:macro:: N(X|Y|Z) The size of the input arrays in the x/longitudinal (``NX``), y/latitudinal(``NY``) and z/radial (``NZ``) direction.
.. c:macro:: GEOMETRY Pick one type of geometry for your input box. Possible values are: ``SPHERICAL`` (default) or ``CARTESIAN``. When using spherical geometry, the poles, as well as the periodicity in longitude, are treated correctly.
.. c:macro:: GLOBAL_MODEL If defined (only for ``SPHERICAL`` geometry), the code assumes that the input magnetic field covers the whole sun. Longitude samples should start at >=0 degrees, and end at <360 degrees. Latitude samples should start >-90 degrees, and end at <90 degrees. The code currently supports only trilinear interpolation when this options is set. The poles, as well as the periodicity in longitude, are treated correctly.
.. c:macro:: PERIODIC_XY If set, then use periodic boundary conditions in X and Y.
.. c:macro:: SOLAR_RADIUS The solar radius in Mm (default: ``696.``). Needed only for spherical geometry.
.. c:macro:: BOX_SIZE The typical size of the box in Mm. Used to set sane default values for some of the other parameters of the code.
.. c:macro:: QSL_DIM Tells the code whether you want a 2d slice (``QSL_DIM=2``) of Q values, or a 3d cube (``QSL_DIM=3``)?
, then one needs to specify the parameters controlling
the size, location and orientation of the slice one wants computed.
Here is the set of relevant options that need to be set:
.. c:macro:: SLICE_TYPE Specifies the type of slice. For cartesian geometry, the only available option is ``CARTESIAN``. For spherical geometry, one can pick a ``CARTESIAN`` or a ``SPHERICAL`` slice. When set to ``CARTESIAN``, the slice is an intersection the volume with a plane of position, size and orientation specified by the options below. When set to ``SPHERICAL`` (default), the slice is a curved 2d surface at fixed radius... c:member:: double SLICE_NORMAL[] Vector normal to slice. Need not be normalized. Used only for cartesian slices... c:member:: double SLICE_UP[] ``SLICE_UP`` gives the general "up" direction along the slice. We take only the component of ``SLICE_UP`` that lies in the plane of the slice to construct the ``y`` direction in the plane of the slice. So, need not be orthonormal to ``SLICE_NORMAL``. Note that the ``x`` direction in the plane of the slice is given by the cross product ``SLICE_UP`` :math:`\times` ``SLICE_NORMAL``. So, be careful with the overall sign of ``SLICE_UP``, or you may end up with a flipped image. Used only for cartesian slices... c:member:: double SLICE_CENTER[] ``SLICE_CENTER`` gives the coordinates of the center of the slice. The coordinates are in units of (Mm, Mm, Mm) for cartesian geometry, or in units of (degrees, degrees, Mm above the photosphere) for spherical geometry. The slice will pass through this point... c:member:: double SLICE_L(X|Y) ``SLICE_LX`` and ``SLICE_LY`` give the size of the slice in Mm for cartesian slices. For spherical slices, the units are in degrees... c:macro:: ZMIN ``ZMIN`` forces field lines to be terminated at that height above the photosphere/bottom of the box for spherical/cartesian coordinates. This is useful for eliminating photospheric "noise".
, then one needs to specify the size and location of
the 3d cube for which the Q values are to be computed. Here is the set
of relevant options that need to be set:
.. c:macro:: (X|Y|Z)(MIN|MAX) These six parameters give the boundaries of the cube for the 3d Q calculation. For cartesian geometry, all are in Mm. For spherical geometry, the X and Y limits are set in degrees along the longitudinal and latitudinal directions, respectively. In that case, ``ZMIN`` and ``ZMAX`` are measured in Mm above the photosphere. ``ZMIN`` also forces the calculation of the field lines to terminate at that height above the solar photosphere/bottom of the input box for spherical/cartesian geometries. This is useful for eliminating photospheric "noise". Note that apart from the ``ZMIN`` limit, the field lines are followed to the boundaries of the data cube spanned by the *input* files... c:macro:: z_sampler(z) A function specifying how to sample the 3d cube in the radial/z direction for spherical/cartesian geometries. Its argument is assumed normalized between ``0`` (corresponding to bottom index of the cube) and ``1`` (corresponding to top index of the cube). Its output must span the physical size of the box in Mm, i.e. it should run between ``ZMIN`` and ``ZMAX``.
.. c:macro:: CALCULATE The code calculates the local and global quantities associated with the transverse eigenvalues of the gradient of the normalized magnetic field when ``CALCULATE`` is set to ``TRANSVERSE_EIGENVALUES`` (default). As part of the output, the code will generate numerous .dat files containing the local quantities associated with the transverse eigenvalues. Those are post-processed by the python script and are output into the VTK files. When set to ``QSL``, the code calculates the squashing factor of the field lines passing through each sampled point. One has to go through the same post-processing pipeline, irrespective of the option set by ``CALCULATE``.
.. c:macro:: RHO_Z When ``CALCULATE`` is set to ``TRANSVERSE_EIGENVALUES``, one can set several options for how the squeezing rate is calculated by setting ``RHO_Z`` to one of ``OPT1_LAMBDA``, ``OPT2_LAMBDA`` and ``SYMM_LAMBDA``. For the first two, see the equations for options 1 and 2 for :math:`\rho_{\mathcal{Z}}` in Section 2.2.3 of [Coiling]_. For the third (symmetrized) option, see Section 4.5 of the same paper.
.. c:macro:: n(x|y|z)_init The size of the initial grid (before mesh refinement) for which the Q values are to be computed. ``nz_init`` is not needed if ``QSL_DIM=2``.
.. c:macro:: OpenCL_DEVICE_TYPE Tells VexCL whether to use the CPU when defined as ``CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU`` (default), or the GPU when defined as ``CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU``.
.. c:macro:: NGPU ``NGPU`` (default: ``0``) tells VexCL on which GPU you want to do the computation. In case you want to specify the GPU in other ways, consider changing the GPU filter specified by the following line in :download:`qslSquasher.cpp`:: vex::Context ctx( vex::Filter::Type(OpenCL_DEVICE_TYPE) && vex::Filter::Position(NGPU) );
.. c:var:: const size_t CHUNKSIZE The ``CHUNKSIZE`` sets how many Q value calculations are to be dispatched to the GPU in one go. Set ``CHUNKSIZE`` too high and you'll run out of GPU memory. Set it too low, and you'll find performance being degraded. The proper value will depend mostly on your hardware and on your choice for integration sheme, so experiment until you find the sweet spot for your configuration. The default value :math:`(2^{19})` is optimized for the ``EULER`` scheme on AMD FirePro W8100, which has 8GB memory.
.. c:macro:: LENGTH_JUMP_REFINEMENT_THRESHOLD Specifies the threshold (default: 1Mm) for the change in field-line length between two neighbouring points on the Hilbert curve. If that threshold is exceeded, then the code makes a refinement by sampling the point lying half-way on the Hilbert curve between those two points.
.. c:macro:: MAX_REFINEMENTS Specifies the maximum number of refinements the code will make before exiting.
.. c:macro:: MAX_BATCHSIZE Specifies the maximum number of field lines to be integrated in each refinement before the code exits.
.. c:macro:: LOCAL_Q By default, the Q value of a field line is obtained by calculating the squashing factor between the two ends of a field line. An end of a field line is considered the point where the field line intersects the surface of the *input* b-field box, or where it hits a null. However, you can calculate a more localized value of Q by measuring the squashing factor over a specified length (in Mm) up and down each field line. To do that, uncomment the ``LOCAL_Q`` line in :download:`options.hpp`. You'd need to specify the length over which you want the local Q to be calculated. That is given by ``INTEGRATION_RANGE`` in Mm.
.. c:macro:: INTEGRATION_RANGE If ``LOCAL_Q`` is not defined, then the global Q values are computed. In that case, field line integration is done in chunks until the field line terminates at the box boundaries, or :math:`\bm{B}` gets very close to zero (e.g. near nulls). The length of each chunk is specified by ``INTEGRATION_RANGE``. After each chunk, the field lines are checked for whether they have terminated. If left undefined, a sane value for ``INTEGRATION_RANGE`` is picked in :download:`qslSquasher.cpp`.
.. c:macro:: INTEGRATION_STEPS_PER_CELL ``INTEGRATION_STEPS_PER_CELL`` is used to calculate the step size for the field line integrators. The step size is such that there are roughly ``INTEGRATION_STEPS_PER_CELL`` steps in each cell in the input grids. The resulting step size (printed to ``stderr``) is the integration step for the Euler integration scheme. If left undefined, sane defaults are set.