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Building Singular from source

burcin edited this page Sep 6, 2012 · 21 revisions

Build the development branch of Singular as follows:

  1. get the sources with git clone -b spielwiese git:// <directory_name>
  2. cd <directory_name_from_above>
  3. run ./ (formerly known as ./ from the root directory
  4. run ./configure
  5. make (or make -jN where N is the number of the your CPU cores + 1)
  • NOTE: using make install instead is not recommended yet, but fill free to test it.

Build problems within Singular/ directory

  • NOTE: the directory has not been migrated to automake yet and contains at the moment only a very simple static makefile.

    1. if make process stops here saying that is missing - please, simply run the same make command again.

Test the Spielwiese Singular as follows:

  • make check will build and run simple unit-tests in omalloc/, libpolys/, kernel/ and Singular/
  • the test-suites from Tst/ can be run, for example, as follows:
    1. cd Tst/
    2. ln -s ../Singular/LIB
    3. ln -s ../Singular/Singular
    4. ln -s ../Singular/Singularg
    5. ln -s ../libpolys/polys/.libs MOD
    6. after the above symbolic-linking one can simply run ./regress.cmd something.{lst,tst}, where .lst files are just lists of tests, which are .tst files

Build the legacy Singular as follows:

  1. get the sources with git clone -b trunk git:// <directory_name>
  2. cd <directory_name_from_above>
  3. run ./configure from the root directory
  4. make install (or make -jN install, where N as above), and yes it should really be install!
  5. everything will be put to the newly created directory "$Architecture-$OS/" (e.g. x86_64-Linux, ix86-Linux etc.)
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