description |
Fetch data on each request with `getServerSideProps`. |
If you export a function called getServerSideProps
(Server-Side Rendering) from a page, Next.js will pre-render this page on each request using the data returned by getServerSideProps
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
return {
props: {}, // will be passed to the page component as props
Note that irrespective of rendering type, any
will be passed to the page component and can be viewed on the client-side in the initial HTML. This is to allow the page to be hydrated correctly. Make sure that you don't pass any sensitive information that shouldn't be available on the client inprops
only runs on server-side and never runs on the browser. If a page uses getServerSideProps
, then:
- When you request this page directly,
runs at request time, and this page will be pre-rendered with the returned props - When you request this page on client-side page transitions through
, Next.js sends an API request to the server, which runsgetServerSideProps
returns JSON which will be used to render the page. All this work will be handled automatically by Next.js, so you don’t need to do anything extra as long as you have getServerSideProps
You can use the next-code-elimination tool to verify what Next.js eliminates from the client-side bundle.
can only be exported from a page. You can’t export it from non-page files.
Note that you must export getServerSideProps
as a standalone function — it will not work if you add getServerSideProps
as a property of the page component.
The getServerSideProps
API reference covers all parameters and props that can be used with getServerSideProps
You should use getServerSideProps
only if you need to render a page whose data must be fetched at request time. This could be due to the nature of the data or properties of the request (such as authorization
headers or geo location). Pages using getServerSideProps
will be server side rendered at request time and only be cached if cache-control headers are configured.
If you do not need to render the data during the request, then you should consider fetching data on the client side or getStaticProps
It can be tempting to reach for an API Route when you want to fetch data from the server, then call that API route from getServerSideProps
. This is an unnecessary and inefficient approach, as it will cause an extra request to be made due to both getServerSideProps
and API Routes running on the server.
Take the following example. An API route is used to fetch some data from a CMS. That API route is then called directly from getServerSideProps
. This produces an additional call, reducing performance. Instead, directly import the logic used inside your API Route into getServerSideProps
. This could mean calling a CMS, database, or other API directly from inside getServerSideProps
can be used with both Serverless and Edge Runtimes, and you can set props in both. However, currently in Edge Runtime, you do not have access to the response object. This means that you cannot — for example — add cookies in getServerSideProps
. To have access to the response object, you should continue to use the Node.js runtime, which is the default runtime.
You can explicitly set the runtime on a per-page basis by modifying the config
, for example:
export const config = {
runtime: 'nodejs',
If your page contains frequently updating data, and you don’t need to pre-render the data, you can fetch the data on the client side. An example of this is user-specific data:
- First, immediately show the page without data. Parts of the page can be pre-rendered using Static Generation. You can show loading states for missing data
- Then, fetch the data on the client side and display it when ready
This approach works well for user dashboard pages, for example. Because a dashboard is a private, user-specific page, SEO is not relevant and the page doesn’t need to be pre-rendered. The data is frequently updated, which requires request-time data fetching.
The following example shows how to fetch data at request time and pre-render the result.
function Page({ data }) {
// Render data...
// This gets called on every request
export async function getServerSideProps() {
// Fetch data from external API
const res = await fetch(`https://.../data`)
const data = await res.json()
// Pass data to the page via props
return { props: { data } }
export default Page
You can use caching headers (Cache-Control
) inside getServerSideProps
to cache dynamic responses. For example, using stale-while-revalidate
// This value is considered fresh for ten seconds (s-maxage=10).
// If a request is repeated within the next 10 seconds, the previously
// cached value will still be fresh. If the request is repeated before 59 seconds,
// the cached value will be stale but still render (stale-while-revalidate=59).
// In the background, a revalidation request will be made to populate the cache
// with a fresh value. If you refresh the page, you will see the new value.
export async function getServerSideProps({ req, res }) {
'public, s-maxage=10, stale-while-revalidate=59'
return {
props: {},
Learn more about caching.
If an error is thrown inside getServerSideProps
, it will show the pages/500.js
file. Check out the documentation for 500 page to learn more on how to create it. During development this file will not be used and the dev overlay will be shown instead.
For more information on what to do next, we recommend the following sections: