diff --git a/src/app/(sidebar)/endpoints/components/SavedEndpointsPage.tsx b/src/app/(sidebar)/endpoints/components/SavedEndpointsPage.tsx
index a68c1f10..4b320385 100644
--- a/src/app/(sidebar)/endpoints/components/SavedEndpointsPage.tsx
+++ b/src/app/(sidebar)/endpoints/components/SavedEndpointsPage.tsx
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ export const SavedEndpointsPage = () => {
const HorizonEndpoints = () => {
if (savedEndpointsHorizon.length === 0) {
- return "There are no saved Horizon Endpoints";
+ return `There are no saved Horizon Endpoints on ${network.label} network`;
return (
@@ -163,9 +163,11 @@ export const SavedEndpointsPage = () => {
+ data-testid="saved-requests-horizon-item"
+ data-testid="saved-horizon-edit"
@@ -185,6 +188,7 @@ export const SavedEndpointsPage = () => {
const RpcEndpoints = () => {
if (savedRpcMethods.length === 0) {
- return "There are no saved RPC Methods";
+ return `There are no saved RPC Methods ${network.label} network`;
return (
@@ -263,8 +267,9 @@ export const SavedEndpointsPage = () => {
{savedRpcMethods.map((e, idx) => (
@@ -274,6 +279,7 @@ export const SavedEndpointsPage = () => {
+ data-testid="saved-rpc-edit"
@@ -293,6 +300,7 @@ export const SavedEndpointsPage = () => {
{expandedPayloadIndex[idx] ? (
@@ -394,7 +405,7 @@ export const SavedEndpointsPage = () => {
return (
+ test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
+ await page.goto("http://localhost:3000/endpoints/saved");
+ });
+ test("Loads", async ({ page }) => {
+ await expect(page.locator("h1")).toHaveText("Saved Requests");
+ });
+ test("Tabs with empty message", async ({ page }) => {
+ const container = page.getByTestId("saved-requests-container");
+ const horizonTab = container.getByText("Horizon Endpoints", {
+ exact: true,
+ });
+ const rpcTab = container.getByText("RPC Methods", { exact: true });
+ await expect(horizonTab).toBeVisible();
+ await expect(rpcTab).toBeVisible();
+ await expect(
+ container.getByText(
+ "There are no saved Horizon Endpoints on Testnet network",
+ ),
+ ).toBeVisible();
+ await rpcTab.click();
+ await expect(
+ container.getByText("There are no saved RPC Methods Testnet network"),
+ ).toBeVisible();
+ });
+ test.describe("Saved requests", () => {
+ // Setting page context to share among all the tests in this section to keep
+ // local storage data
+ let pageContext: Page;
+ test.beforeAll(async ({ browser }) => {
+ const browserContext = await browser.newContext({
+ storageState: MOCK_LOCAL_STORAGE,
+ });
+ pageContext = await browserContext.newPage();
+ await pageContext.goto("http://localhost:3000/endpoints/saved");
+ });
+ test("Loads Horizon endpoints", async () => {
+ const horizonItems = pageContext.getByTestId(
+ "saved-requests-horizon-item",
+ );
+ await expect(horizonItems).toHaveCount(2);
+ // Item 1
+ const txItem = horizonItems.nth(0);
+ await expect(txItem.getByTestId("saved-horizon-name")).toHaveValue(
+ "Transactions",
+ );
+ await expect(txItem.getByTestId("saved-horizon-url")).toHaveValue(
+ "https://horizon-testnet.stellar.org/transactions?limit=5&order=desc",
+ );
+ await expect(
+ txItem.getByText("Last saved Dec 2, 2024, 9:10 PM UTC", {
+ exact: true,
+ }),
+ ).toBeVisible();
+ // Edit name
+ await txItem.getByTestId("saved-horizon-edit").click();
+ await expect(
+ pageContext.getByText("Edit Saved Horizon Endpoint"),
+ ).toBeVisible();
+ const nameInput = pageContext.getByLabel("Name");
+ const newName = "Transactions New";
+ await nameInput.fill(newName);
+ await pageContext.getByText("Save", { exact: true }).click();
+ await expect(txItem.getByTestId("saved-horizon-name")).toHaveValue(
+ newName,
+ );
+ // Item 2
+ const accItem = horizonItems.nth(1);
+ await expect(accItem.getByTestId("saved-horizon-name")).toHaveValue(
+ "Account",
+ );
+ await expect(accItem.getByTestId("saved-horizon-url")).toHaveValue(
+ "https://horizon-testnet.stellar.org/accounts/GA46LGGOLXJY5OSX6N4LHV4MWDFXNGLK76I4NDNKKYAXRRSKI5AJGMXG",
+ );
+ await expect(
+ accItem.getByText("Last saved Dec 3, 2024, 1:47 PM UTC", {
+ exact: true,
+ }),
+ ).toBeVisible();
+ });
+ test("Delete Horizon endpoint", async () => {
+ const horizonItems = pageContext.getByTestId(
+ "saved-requests-horizon-item",
+ );
+ await expect(horizonItems).toHaveCount(2);
+ await horizonItems.nth(0).locator(".Button--error").click();
+ await expect(horizonItems).toHaveCount(1);
+ });
+ test("Load RPC methods", async () => {
+ await clickRpcTab(pageContext);
+ const rpcItems = pageContext.getByTestId("saved-requests-rpc-item");
+ const txItem = rpcItems.nth(0);
+ await expect(
+ txItem.getByText("getTransactions", { exact: true }),
+ ).toBeVisible();
+ await expect(txItem.getByTestId("saved-rpc-name")).toHaveValue(
+ "Transactions",
+ );
+ await expect(txItem.getByTestId("saved-rpc-url")).toHaveValue(
+ "https://soroban-testnet.stellar.org",
+ );
+ await expect(
+ txItem.getByText("Last saved Dec 2, 2024, 9:08 PM UTC", {
+ exact: true,
+ }),
+ ).toBeVisible();
+ // Edit name
+ await txItem.getByTestId("saved-rpc-edit").click();
+ await expect(
+ pageContext.getByText("Edit Saved RPC Endpoint"),
+ ).toBeHidden();
+ const nameInput = pageContext.getByLabel("Name");
+ const newName = "Transactions New";
+ await nameInput.fill(newName);
+ await pageContext.getByText("Save", { exact: true }).click();
+ await expect(txItem.getByTestId("saved-rpc-name")).toHaveValue(newName);
+ // View payload
+ const rpcPayload = txItem.getByTestId("saved-rpc-payload");
+ await expect(rpcPayload).toBeHidden();
+ await txItem.getByText("View payload", { exact: true }).click();
+ await expect(rpcPayload).toBeVisible();
+ });
+ test("Delete RPC method", async () => {
+ await clickRpcTab(pageContext);
+ const rpcItems = pageContext.getByTestId("saved-requests-rpc-item");
+ await expect(rpcItems).toHaveCount(2);
+ await rpcItems.nth(0).locator(".Button--error").click();
+ await expect(rpcItems).toHaveCount(1);
+ });
+ test("Horizon endpoint View action", async () => {
+ const horizonItem = pageContext
+ .getByTestId("saved-requests-horizon-item")
+ .nth(0);
+ await horizonItem.getByText("View", { exact: true }).click();
+ // Loads All Transactions endpoint page with saved data
+ await expect(pageContext.locator("h1")).toHaveText("All Transactions");
+ await expect(pageContext.getByTestId("endpoints-url")).toHaveValue(
+ "https://horizon-testnet.stellar.org/transactions?limit=5&order=desc",
+ );
+ await expect(pageContext.getByLabel("Limit")).toHaveValue("5");
+ await expect(pageContext.locator("#desc-order")).toBeChecked();
+ });
+ test("RPC method View in API Explorer action", async () => {
+ await clickRpcTab(pageContext);
+ const rpcItem = pageContext.getByTestId("saved-requests-rpc-item").nth(0);
+ await rpcItem.getByText("View in API Explorer", { exact: true }).click();
+ // Loads getTransactions RPC request page with saved data
+ await expect(pageContext.locator("h1")).toHaveText("getTransactions");
+ await expect(pageContext.getByTestId("endpoints-url")).toHaveValue(
+ "https://soroban-testnet.stellar.org",
+ );
+ await expect(pageContext.getByLabel("Start Ledger Sequence")).toHaveValue(
+ "1268840",
+ );
+ await expect(pageContext.getByLabel("Limit")).toHaveValue("5");
+ await expect(pageContext.getByLabel("XDR Format")).toHaveValue("base64");
+ });
+ });
+// =============================================================================
+// Helpers
+// =============================================================================
+const clickRpcTab = async (pageContext: Page) => {
+ const container = pageContext.getByTestId("saved-requests-container");
+ const rpcTab = container.getByText("RPC Methods", { exact: true });
+ await rpcTab.click();