From 80cbb976894707975b5bdd2eb840e4a4b9a66a26 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Josh Oakes <>
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 18:07:51 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Tmp

 src/dashboard/index.js | 140 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 72 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/dashboard/index.js b/src/dashboard/index.js
index 972bedf1b..8c57c7061 100644
--- a/src/dashboard/index.js
+++ b/src/dashboard/index.js
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import { __, _n, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n';
 import { store as noticesStore } from '@wordpress/notices';
 import { useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data';
 import { Button, Spinner } from '@wordpress/components';
+import { MenuEditor } from '../blocks/navigation/components';
 export default function KadenceBlocksHome() {
 	const [wizardState, setWizardState] = useState(false);
@@ -149,76 +150,79 @@ export default function KadenceBlocksHome() {
 	return (
-			<LargeBanner
-				{...content?.largeBanner}
-				activateUrl={kadenceHomeParams.authUrl}
-				onUpdateWizard={() => setWizardState(true)}
-				isUserAuthenticated={authenticated}
-				showControls={showControls}
-				isNetworkAdmin={isNetworkAdmin}
-			/>
-			{aiStatus === 'getInitial' && (
-				<div className="components-notice kadence-ai-notice is-info">
-					<div className="components-notice__content">
-						<Spinner />
-						{__(
-							'Generating AI Content, this happens in the background, you can leave this page. You can find AI content in your design library in the editor.',
-							'kadence-blocks'
-						)}
-					</div>
-				</div>
-			)}
-			<Notices />
-			<div className="kb-container">
-				<div className="kb-section">
-					{content.actionCards.title}
-					{ > 0 && (
-						<div className="kb-auto-grid">
-							{ => {
-								return <ActionCard key={card.heading} {...card} />;
-							})}
-						</div>
-					)}
-				</div>
+			<h1> Hello world</h1>
+			<MenuEditor />
+			<h1>Second Hello World</h1>
+			{/*<LargeBanner*/}
+			{/*	{...content?.largeBanner}*/}
+			{/*	activateUrl={kadenceHomeParams.authUrl}*/}
+			{/*	onUpdateWizard={() => setWizardState(true)}*/}
+			{/*	isUserAuthenticated={authenticated}*/}
+			{/*	showControls={showControls}*/}
+			{/*	isNetworkAdmin={isNetworkAdmin}*/}
+			{/*/>*/}
+			{/*{aiStatus === 'getInitial' && (*/}
+			{/*	<div className="components-notice kadence-ai-notice is-info">*/}
+			{/*		<div className="components-notice__content">*/}
+			{/*			<Spinner />*/}
+			{/*			{__(*/}
+			{/*				'Generating AI Content, this happens in the background, you can leave this page. You can find AI content in your design library in the editor.',*/}
+			{/*				'kadence-blocks'*/}
+			{/*			)}*/}
+			{/*		</div>*/}
+			{/*	</div>*/}
+			{/*)}*/}
+			{/*<Notices />*/}
+			{/*<div className="kb-container">*/}
+			{/*	<div className="kb-section">*/}
+			{/*		{content.actionCards.title}*/}
+			{/*		{ > 0 && (*/}
+			{/*			<div className="kb-auto-grid">*/}
+			{/*				{ => {*/}
+			{/*					return <ActionCard key={card.heading} {...card} />;*/}
+			{/*				})}*/}
+			{/*			</div>*/}
+			{/*		)}*/}
+			{/*	</div>*/}
-				{!hasPro &&
-					content.upsellContents.length > 0 &&
- => {
-						return (
-							<div className="kb-section" key={upsellContent.heading}>
-								<UpsellContent {...upsellContent} />
-							</div>
-						);
-					})}
+			{/*	{!hasPro &&*/}
+			{/*		content.upsellContents.length > 0 &&*/}
+			{/* => {*/}
+			{/*			return (*/}
+			{/*				<div className="kb-section" key={upsellContent.heading}>*/}
+			{/*					<UpsellContent {...upsellContent} />*/}
+			{/*				</div>*/}
+			{/*			);*/}
+			{/*		})}*/}
-				{!isNetworkAdmin && wizardState && (
-					<AiWizard
-						onClose={closeAiWizard}
-						onPrimaryAction={handleAiWizardPrimaryAction}
-						photographyOnly={false}
-						credits={false}
-						isFullScreen={true}
-					/>
-				)}
-			</div>
-			<div className="kb-section kb-section--dark">
-				<div className="kb-container">
-					<SectionTitle title={content.knowledgeBase.heading} variant="white" />
-					<ArticleSlider articles={content.knowledgeBase.articles} />
-				</div>
-			</div>
-			<div className="kb-footer-status">
-				{showControls && (
-					<p>{authenticated ? footerText : __('AI access is not authorized.', 'kadence-blocks')}</p>
-				)}
-				{!showControls && (
-					<p>
-						{authenticated
-							? __('AI access authorized.', 'kadence-blocks')
-							: __('AI access is not authorized.', 'kadence-blocks')}
-					</p>
-				)}
-			</div>
+			{/*	{!isNetworkAdmin && wizardState && (*/}
+			{/*		<AiWizard*/}
+			{/*			onClose={closeAiWizard}*/}
+			{/*			onPrimaryAction={handleAiWizardPrimaryAction}*/}
+			{/*			photographyOnly={false}*/}
+			{/*			credits={false}*/}
+			{/*			isFullScreen={true}*/}
+			{/*		/>*/}
+			{/*	)}*/}
+			{/*</div>*/}
+			{/*<div className="kb-section kb-section--dark">*/}
+			{/*	<div className="kb-container">*/}
+			{/*		<SectionTitle title={content.knowledgeBase.heading} variant="white" />*/}
+			{/*		<ArticleSlider articles={content.knowledgeBase.articles} />*/}
+			{/*	</div>*/}
+			{/*</div>*/}
+			{/*<div className="kb-footer-status">*/}
+			{/*	{showControls && (*/}
+			{/*		<p>{authenticated ? footerText : __('AI access is not authorized.', 'kadence-blocks')}</p>*/}
+			{/*	)}*/}
+			{/*	{!showControls && (*/}
+			{/*		<p>*/}
+			{/*			{authenticated*/}
+			{/*				? __('AI access authorized.', 'kadence-blocks')*/}
+			{/*				: __('AI access is not authorized.', 'kadence-blocks')}*/}
+			{/*		</p>*/}
+			{/*	)}*/}
+			{/*</div>*/}