diff --git a/docs/figure/newsgroups_more.Rmd/structure-plot-cd-1.png b/docs/figure/newsgroups_more.Rmd/structure-plot-cd-1.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0413ef8 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/figure/newsgroups_more.Rmd/structure-plot-cd-1.png differ diff --git a/docs/figure/newsgroups_more.Rmd/structure-plot-em-1.png b/docs/figure/newsgroups_more.Rmd/structure-plot-em-1.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be0d574 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/figure/newsgroups_more.Rmd/structure-plot-em-1.png differ diff --git a/docs/newsgroups_more.html b/docs/newsgroups_more.html index fc4a118..793797a 100644 --- a/docs/newsgroups_more.html +++ b/docs/newsgroups_more.html @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ -
-Last updated: 2024-08-07 +Last updated: 2024-08-08
Checks: Peter Carbonetto
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@
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Load the newsgroups data. Load the topic models fit using the EM and CD algorithms and the LDA fits initialized using the EM and CD estimates: The MLEs and the approximate posterior estimates from LDA turn out to
+be very similar to each other, so there is really no need to examine
+both. Here we’ll focus on the LDA fits: Let’s now examine the LDA fits using Structure plots. Here is the
+EM-initialized model: And here’s the CD-initialized model: The most striking differences are in topics 1 and 8. Let’s now extract some “keywords” for a few selected topics by taking
+words that are at higher frequency in the given topic compared to the
+other topics. For example, top keywords for topic 9 clearly relate to
+baseball, hockey and sports more generally: The keywords for topic 1 seem to suggest a “background topic” that
+captures words that are not specific to any topic: Finally, topic 8 is a topic that is quite noticeably different
+between the EM and CD estimates, and indeed based on the keywords, only
+the CD estimates produce a topic about cars and motorcycles, with
+keywords such as wheel, riding, bmw, etc:
Peter Carbonetto
Peter Carbonetto
+Peter Carbonetto
+workflowr::wflow_publish("newsgroups_more.Rmd", verbose = TRUE)
+Peter Carbonetto
+Working on new ‘newsgroups_more’ analysis.
+Peter Carbonetto
+First build of the newsgroups_more analysis.
@@ -569,6 +620,156 @@ Peter Carbonetto
+fit1 <- readRDS("../output/newsgroups/rds/fit-newsgroups-em-k=10.rds")$fit
+fit2 <- readRDS("../output/newsgroups/rds/fit-newsgroups-scd-ex-k=10.rds")$fit
+fit1 <- poisson2multinom(fit1)
+fit2 <- poisson2multinom(fit2)
+lda1 <- readRDS("../output/newsgroups/rds/lda-newsgroups-em-k=10.rds")$lda
+lda2 <- readRDS("../output/newsgroups/rds/lda-newsgroups-scd-ex-k=10.rds")$lda
+# [1] 0.9799571
+# [1] 0.9790959
+n <- nrow(fit1$L)
+rows <- sample(n,2000)
+L1 <- lda1@gamma[rows,]
+topics <- factor(topics,
+ c("rec.sport.hockey",
+ "rec.sport.baseball",
+ "sci.med",
+ "comp.graphics",
+ "comp.windows.x",
+ "comp.os.ms-windows.misc",
+ "comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware",
+ "comp.sys.mac.hardware",
+ "misc.forsale",
+ "sci.electronics",
+ "sci.space",
+ "alt.atheism",
+ "soc.religion.christian",
+ "talk.religion.misc",
+ "rec.autos",
+ "rec.motorcycles",
+ "sci.crypt",
+ "talk.politics.misc",
+ "talk.politics.guns",
+ "talk.politics.mideast"))
+topic_ordering <- c(2:10,1)
+topic_colors <- c("#a6cee3","#1f78b4","#b2df8a","#33a02c","#fb9a99",
+ "#e31a1c","#fdbf6f","#ff7f00","#cab2d6","#6a3d9a")
+p1 <- structure_plot(L1,topics = 1:10,grouping = topics[rows],
+ colors = topic_colors,gap = 20) +
+ ggtitle("EM without extrapolation") +
+ theme(plot.title = element_text(face = "plain",size = 10))
+L2 <- lda2@gamma[rows,]
+p2 <- structure_plot(L2,topics = 1:10,grouping = topics[rows],
+ colors = topic_colors,gap = 20) +
+ ggtitle("CD with extrapolation") +
+ theme(plot.title = element_text(face = "plain",size = 10))
+k <- 9
+dat <- data.frame(word = colnames(counts),
+ f0 = exp(apply(lda2@beta[-k,],2,max)),
+ f1 = exp(lda1@beta[k,]),
+ f2 = exp(lda2@beta[k,]))
+subset(dat,f0 < 1e-5 & f2 > 1e-3)
+# word f0 f1 f2
+# 1815 baseball 2.810213e-26 0.0021858183 0.002558474
+# 4306 teams 7.536962e-06 0.0014993384 0.001774011
+# 7885 bos 1.246793e-74 0.0008952049 0.001047827
+# 10219 players 7.288976e-09 0.0026286758 0.003076825
+# 11252 fans 9.865409e-06 0.0015366619 0.001798602
+# 26023 hockey 4.148975e-84 0.0028469414 0.003332311
+# 26700 det 1.551769e-37 0.0009774498 0.001144093
+# 26976 rangers 9.068849e-10 0.0009268376 0.001084851
+# 27471 detroit 8.827394e-28 0.0010660214 0.001247765
+# 32140 espn 9.498411e-85 0.0009489805 0.001110770
+# 33823 nhl 6.136341e-96 0.0013412257 0.001569889
+k <- 1
+dat <- data.frame(word = colnames(counts),
+ f0 = exp(apply(lda2@beta[-k,],2,max)),
+ f1 = exp(lda1@beta[k,]),
+ f2 = exp(lda2@beta[k,]))
+subset(dat,f0 > 1e-6 & f2/f0 > 5)
+# word f0 f1 f2
+# 482 sure 2.730490e-04 1.318745e-03 2.004453e-03
+# 826 just 1.104558e-03 5.767521e-03 6.867431e-03
+# 849 keeps 1.961181e-05 8.763595e-05 1.180887e-04
+# 861 don 5.529651e-04 5.307603e-03 8.014937e-03
+# 964 anything 3.229690e-04 1.166993e-03 1.667917e-03
+# 1089 happens 5.230439e-05 2.730698e-04 3.664144e-04
+# 1101 wouldn 6.308532e-05 6.959523e-04 8.960805e-04
+# 1114 isn 1.972071e-04 8.741999e-04 1.220989e-03
+# 1122 going 2.382043e-04 1.970294e-03 2.556936e-03
+# 1194 doesn 3.761664e-04 1.107042e-03 1.897569e-03
+# 1243 really 2.449082e-04 2.363712e-03 2.940275e-03
+# 1247 shouldn 4.291797e-05 1.892965e-04 3.218838e-04
+# 1343 doing 2.023907e-04 7.380913e-04 1.175773e-03
+# 1408 thing 3.595447e-04 1.748767e-03 1.818889e-03
+# 1485 maybe 1.340824e-04 1.142698e-03 1.410303e-03
+# 1542 guess 1.235434e-04 6.294977e-04 9.066628e-04
+# 1702 worse 3.962225e-05 2.558826e-04 3.919230e-04
+# 1943 glad 2.335043e-05 1.191823e-04 1.503062e-04
+# 2380 lot 2.851634e-04 1.214309e-03 1.541849e-03
+# 2511 complain 9.458426e-06 1.175283e-04 1.060635e-04
+# 2625 aren 7.708783e-05 4.339988e-04 6.015582e-04
+# 2936 wasting 1.146139e-05 5.363071e-05 5.774432e-05
+# 3643 bothered 7.647129e-06 3.171709e-05 6.446484e-05
+# 4728 homework 2.154784e-06 1.071034e-05 1.376657e-05
+# 6772 scary 9.308367e-06 4.636186e-05 5.272061e-05
+# 7946 obnoxious 3.811318e-06 1.502948e-05 2.142934e-05
+# 9386 squashed 1.336997e-06 9.301078e-06 7.420718e-06
+# 11847 figuring 6.026327e-06 2.689538e-05 3.307360e-05
+# 14900 enjoyable 1.284264e-06 5.932311e-06 6.961532e-06
+# 34566 ranting 2.708701e-06 4.813397e-22 1.498063e-05
+# 49753 gloster 1.088760e-06 1.966287e-25 5.751089e-06
k <- 8
+dat <- data.frame(word = colnames(counts),
+ f0 = exp(apply(lda2@beta[-k,],2,max)),
+ f1 = exp(lda1@beta[k,]),
+ f2 = exp(lda2@beta[k,]))
+subset(dat,f0 < 1e-5 & f2 > 5e-4)
+# word f0 f1 f2
+# 6685 wheel 2.926216e-06 2.574153e-48 0.0008890773
+# 8379 riding 4.806729e-06 8.342523e-50 0.0010296821
+# 8848 bmw 1.420484e-70 8.974584e-35 0.0014199092
+# 10461 mustang 1.001845e-62 1.474671e-54 0.0005334919
+# 10632 ford 6.054076e-09 9.614501e-05 0.0012188125
+# 11034 helmet 7.566853e-06 6.205450e-57 0.0007346685
+# 11456 di 6.241188e-07 7.696027e-04 0.0006960997
+# 13843 mov 1.530331e-112 6.423834e-04 0.0005786335
+# 14968 cx 1.896083e-06 5.944685e-04 0.0005342605
+# 17351 ei 9.225139e-79 7.107221e-04 0.0006401903
+# 18581 bike 4.785774e-57 1.148546e-61 0.0034348671
+# 25666 motorcycle 6.819658e-06 4.778873e-48 0.0009843613
+# 25691 toyota 6.852661e-34 1.203084e-46 0.0005293881
+# 25947 honda 1.179594e-74 1.174884e-22 0.0009602854
+# 26114 brake 4.286054e-06 5.328490e-92 0.0006481378
+# 26116 tires 4.017934e-06 3.018378e-61 0.0007099675
+# 27848 bikes 2.086974e-59 1.708530e-51 0.0008084454
+# 27947 motorcycles 1.105482e-56 9.860881e-45 0.0005663222