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133 lines (109 loc) · 3.71 KB

File metadata and controls

133 lines (109 loc) · 3.71 KB

dot nvim

My personal Neovim configuration, aimed at satisfying my usage needs while keeping it as lightweight as possible.

It summarizes the keymaps and usage habits that have been most suitable for me personally over the years.

dot nvim



  • :TSUpdate Update installed tree-sitter parsers
  • :Lazy sync Update plugins
  • $ brew upgrade neovim Update neovim by your package manager


$ git clone ~/.config/nvim
$ nvim



mode keymap usage
n u undo
n U redo
{ i, t } jj normal mode
n <Esc> clear highlights
n * search current word
n <Space> select current word and expand
v y yank
v Y yank to system clipboard (need xclip for X11)
v < shift left
v > shift right


mode keymap usage
n L next buffer
n H previous buffer
n <Tab> next tab
n <S-Tab> previous tab
n ,0 go to last tab
n ,{1-9} go to nth tab
n [i go to indent scope top
n ]i go to indent scope bottom


mode keymap usage
n ,w close tab
n ,e close window
n ,[ move tab forward
n ,] move tab backward
n st new empty tab
n ss current file in new tab
n sj split down
n sl split right
{ n, t } <Ctrl-{ h, j, k, l }> to window
n s{ H, J, K, L } move window
n <Arrows> resize window


mode keymap usage
n <Alt-{ j, k }> move page
n <Ctrl-u> move cursor up 10 lines
n <Ctrl-d> move cursor down 10 lines
i <Alt-{ h, j, k, l }> move cursor
i <Ctrl-a> first char in line
i <Ctrl-e> last char in line
v {J, K} move current line


mode keymap usage
n ;; resume
n ;a fzf builtin
n ;f find files
{ n, v } ;g grep in workspace
n ;b buffers
n ;e open oil
n ;E open oil in float


mode keymap usage
n ,cc switch source header (c/c++)
{ n, v } ,ca code actions
n ,rn rename symbol
n ,s document symbols
n ,S workspace symbols
{ n, v } ,f format document
n ,d show current diagnostic
n ,D diagnostics
n [d previous diagnostic
n ]d next diagnostic
n gd go to definition
n gi go to implementation
n gr go to references
n K hover
i <Ctrl-k> signature help


mode keymap usage
n [h previous hunk
n ]h next hunk
n ,hb current line blame
n ,hB blame line
n ,hd diff
n ,hD diff HEAD
n ,hp preview hunk