Stability: very unstable / experimental. (that said, this has now been used in production for > 1 year with no issues!)
Durable message queues are handy when you only have a few consumers, but they're a bit unwieldy and wasteful when you have many consumers or consumers come and go over time.
Message topics are handy when you have large/varying numbers of subscribers that come and go, but sometimes you need each consumer to receive all messages regardless whether they were connected when the message was dispatched.
Kafka topics have a nice mix of the properties of topics and queues - publish/subscribe plus guaranteed delivery.
This lib is an experiment with an Apache-Kafka-like publish/subscribe mechanism based on MongoDB.
Q. Why not just use Kafka?
A. Actually I really want to, and of course you should - if you have the resources. That said, in a resource constrained environment (little money, few people) where Mongo is already part of the infrastructure, sometimes the only choice you have is to use what you've already got. I need a moderately reliable Kafka-like mechanism without the additional resource requirements and overhead of deploying and managing kafka.
npm install kafkaish
Bring kafkaish into scope:
const kafkaish = require('kafkaish')
Connect and create a topic:
.then(conn => {
.then(topic => {
// use your topic
Publish messages to your topic fire-and-forget style:
Publish messages and receive a callback for confirmation of publishing:
if (err) {
// not published! try again or whatever
} else {
// yay, subscribers will receive the message
Subscribe to receive specific events published from now on until you unsubscribe or otherwise disconnect:
// handle event
Use the returned subscription object to unsubscribe when you've had enough:
const count = 0
const subscription = topic.subscribe('event-name',{},function(ev,msg){
if (count === 5) { // disconnect after 5 events
Subscribe to receive ALL events published from now on until you unsubscribe or otherwise disconnect:
// handle event
Subscribe a durable subscription to receive specific events. You can unsubscribe/disconnect and come back later to collect events that occurred while you were away:
// here we'll see any events published from now on.
// if we disconnect and re-connect with "replay:true"
ack() // acknowledge this message so we don't replay it if we re-connect
Subscribe a durable subscription to receive specific events, replaying the backlog of events that already occurred. You can unsubscribe/disconnect and come back later to collect events that occurred while you were away:
// here we'll see all events that already occurred before settling in to receive
// events in real-time as they are published. We need to ack() each event.