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Overview of oolib

Don't be fooled by its brevity. This unique kOS library enables object oriented programming in KerboScript and eliminates the need for any globals whatsoever. This is largely accomplished by combining the power of KerboScript's Lexicon and KOSDelegate structures, nesting functions inside of functions, Recursion, and Anonymous functions.

Table of Contents




A program creates a Lexicon and passes it as an argument to the oolib script. This Lexicon will be used to encapsulate all namespaces, classes, objects, and methods while the program is running.

LOCAL nsr IS Lexicon().           // 1
RUNONCEPATH("/oolib/oolib", nsr). // 2
  1. The Lexicon should be empty and should not be global.
  2. Run the oolib script and pass the Lexicon as the argument.


After oolib has been initialized, other scripts may be given access to it when they are run by passing the Lexicon to them as an argument:

// In the calling script
RUNONCEPATH("script_being_run", nsr).

The script requiring oolib should accept the Lexicon as a non-optional argument.

// In the called script


The capabilities of oolib are many and are still being discovered.

The oolib library script accepts a Lexicon as an input/output argument, and immediately clears its contents. This is why it is best to provide a newly created empty one. This Lexicon will contain all namespaces, classes, objects, and methods.


NOTE: The remainder of this section assumes familiarity with class-based object-oriented programing terminology.

Object Class

The oolib library then declares what is technically a Lexicon but is logically the root of the oolib class hierarchy. Every class has Object as a superclass. All objects implement the methods of this class (once there are any).

LOCAL Object IS Lexicon(         // 1
"new", {                         // 2
	PARAMETER this IS Lexicon(). // 3
	this:CLEAR.                  // 4
	RETURN this.                 // 5
}).                              // 6
  1. Object is actually the Object class.
  2. Object:new is a class method; a constructor.
  3. Object:new() will create a new object instance.
  4. The Lexicon is emptied to make room for the object.
  5. Returns the Lexicon of a newly created object instance.
  6. Closes the new "anonymous" method, and then the Object variable declaration.

Map Class

A Lexicon is actually an associative array, also known as a map, symbol table, or dictionary. The oolib Map is essentially a Lexicon, but implemented as a subclass of Object. It is used by oolib to implement namespaces and a registry of namespaces.

LOCAL Map IS Lexicon(                     // 1
"new", {                                  // 2
	PARAMETER content is Lexicon(),       // 3, 4
		this IS Object:new().             // 5
	SET this["put"] TO {                  // 6
		PARAMETER key, value.
		SET content[key] TO value. 
		RETURN this.}.
	SET this["get"] TO {                  // 7
		RETURN content[key].}.
	SET this["del"] TO {                  // 8
		RETURN this.}.
	SET this["all"] TO {RETURN content.}. // 9
	RETURN this.                          // 10
  1. Map is actually the Map class.
  2. Map:new is a class method; a constructor.
  3. Map:new() without arguments will construct and return an empty Map.
  4. Map:new(Lexicon) will construct and return a pre-populated Map.
  5. this IS Object:new() calls this subclass' superclass, Object, constructor.
  6. Map:put(key,value) adds the key/value pair to the Map, then return the Map. This and the other instance methods are defined here as anonymous functions, but associated via the Lexicon with a name.
  7. Map:get(key) returns the value associated with the given key.
  8. Map:del(key) removes the key and its associated value from the Map, returning the Map.
  9. Map:all() returns a Lexicon containing the content of the Map.
  10. Closes the new "anonymous" method, and then the Map variable declaration.

Register the "oo" library

The oolib is added to the name space registry. For this reason, the code sample is provided below, but not further explained.

LOCAL library IS Map:new().    // 1
library:put("Object", Object). // 2
library:put("Map", Map).

LOCAL namespace IS Map:new(Lexicon(), Object:new(nsr)). // 3
namespace:put("oo", library).                           // 4
  1. The oolib library namespace is created, which will be put into the nsr (name space registry).
  2. Objects are added to the namespace.
  3. Magic occurs. This is where the nsr is created, and it only happens once. Here.
  4. The oolib library namespace is the first namespace to go into the nsr.



This document is part of the kOS Object-Oriented Library documentation.

Copyright © 2020 Steve Meacham and contributors

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License v1.3 or (at your option) later published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included.