Bump utils to individual files
- Update the headtags to be simpler
- each chunk should add it's raw html code to storage
- Start building out the recipes
- make sure to include assets, encoding (use in the full embed), and style
- add --release tag to the chrome extension script
- Livereload simple server
- Custom transform
- Less and asset transform
- SSR file with dev decache
- chrome extension demo
- Stright github pages bundle
- Should be mapped under a top-level route
- style transform handles both css and less into one cache
- Asset transofrm should take a path
- Create a simple test folder and app
- make sure sourcemaps are working
Sunday, 23/02/2020
- drop the rel
- make sure chalk is working
- Add in all the transforms
- get fs-extra in there
- Simplify the headtags
- Add a tag that injects directly into the head
Monday, 18/02/2019
- Add relative File Size to each lib
- Make it easy to generate static files for github pages
- Build in a default dev server for static ()
- Simplify the default template
- Build in always making the template file (for init)
- Static path is actually a folder path, use that as a refernce for where the other files refernce from
- Check that you need that forward slash in the renderer. Might be able to use the static refernce?