All contain the attribute cogname: str
. Failures include reason: str
, and if it was an error, error: Exception
Adding a new content/file filter. Has attributes hashsum: str
, description: str
, and cause: discord.Member
Removing a group of content filters.
- Attributes:hashsums: List[str]
Managing text filters. Has attributes text: str
, cause: discord.Member
Additionally, channel filters have the channel: discord.TextChannel
Filter violations:
Signifies a violation of a text or name filter. Has attributes filter_type: FilterType
, filter_text: str
, flagged: str
Jump links for filter violations. Same attributes as above.
Signifies any violation of a file filter. Has attributes filter_type: FilterType
, url: str
Jump links for file violations. Same attributes as above.
Managing user filter immunity. Has attributes: member: discord.Member
, cause: discord.Member
- Adds a user to the immune list./filter/immunity/remove
- Removes a user from the immune list.
- Whenever a member is updated and that information is tracked by the alias logger. Attributes:before, after: discord.Member
,changes: MemberChanges
- A possible alt account is added. Attributes:users: List[discord.Member, 2]
- Removes all alt accounts associated to the user. Attributes:user: discord.Member
- When a journal output channel is added. Attributes:channel: discord.TextChannel, path: str, recursive: bool
- When a journal output channel is removed. Attributes:channel: discord.TextChannel, path: str
- When a journal output channel is moved. Attributes:old_channel: discord.TextChannel, new_channel: discord.TextChannel, path: str, recursive: bool
- When a journal output is added to a user. Attributes:user: discord.Member, path: str, recursive: bool
- When a journal output is removed from a user. Attributes:user: discord.Member, path: str
- Time from receiving a command to sending a message to Discord. Attributs:ms: float
- A random emoji was sent. Attributes:channel: discord.Messageable
,emoji: discord.Emoji
- A deliberately raisedRuntimeError
- A deliberately raisedaiohttp.ClientError
- Signifies the bot is about to shut down./mentionable/enforce
- A person was renicked to make their name mentionable. Attributes:member: discord.Member
,prefix: str
,nick: str
Actually handled in the tracking cog. This behavior is in the middle of changing.
All attributes have member: discord.Member
, reason: Optional[str]
, cause: discord.Member
- A member was kicked. TODO/moderation/member/ban
- A member was banned. TODO/moderation/member/softban
- A member was soft-banned. TODO/moderation/member/unban
- A member was unbanned. TODO
Commands for deleting messages in bulk based on certain criteria.
All attributes have channel: discord.TextChannel
, messages: List[discord.Message]
, cause: discord.Member
- Deletes the given number of messages. Attributes:count: int
- Contains the deleted messages in JSON form. Attributes:messages: dict
- Deletes messages until you hit the limit or pass the given ID. Attributes:message_id: int
- Contains the deleted messages in JSON form. Attributes:messages: dict
- Deletes the last <count> messages from the given user. Attributes:count: int
,user: discord.Member
- Contains the deleted messages in JSON form. Attributes:messages: dict
- Deletes the last given <count> messages that contain the given text. Attributes:count: int
,text: str
- Contains the deleted messages in JSON form. Attributes:messages: dict
Join management:
- Member agrees to the rules. Attributes:user: discord.Member
- When the welcome change is changed. Attributes:channel: Optional[discord.TextChannel]
,cause: discord.Member
- The welcome message was set or unset. Attributes:message: Optional[str]
- The goodbye message was set or unset. Attributes:message: Optional[str]
- The agreement message was set or unset. Attributes:message: Optional[str]
Role reapplication:
- Reapplying roles to a member. Attributes:member: discord.Member
,roles: Tuple[discord.Role]
- Saving updated roles for a member. Attributes:member: discord.Member
- Displays the number of members that were removed from the servermembers: [discord.Member]
- A member added some self-assignable roles to themselves. Attributes:roles: List[discord.Role]
- A member removed some self-assignable roles from themselves. Attributes:roles: List[discord.Role]
- Some role(s) were set as "joinable". Attributes:roles: List[discord.Role]
- Some role(s) were set as "unjoinable". Attributes:roles: List[discord.Role]
- The channels permitted for bot commands was changed. Attributes:channels: List[discord.TextChannel]
- The bot command prefix was set or unset. Attributes:prefix: Optional[str]
,default\_prefix: str
- The member role was set or unset. Attributes:role: Optional[discord.Role]
- The guest role was set or unset. Attributes:role: Optional[discord.Role]
- The mute role was set or unset. Attributes:role: Optional[discord.Role]
- The jail role was set or unset. Attributes:role: Optional[discord.Role]
- A new message was sent. Attributes:message: discord.Message
- Jump link for new message. Same attributes./tracking/full/message/new
- Full message content for new message, with jump link. Same attributes./tracking/message/edit
- A message was edited. Attributes:before: discord.Message
,after: discord.Message
- Jump link for edited message. Same attributes./tracking/full/message/edit
- Full message content for edited message, with jump link. Same attributes./tracking/message/delete
- A message was deleted. Attributes:message: discord.Message
,cause: MessageDeletionReason
- Jump link for deleted message. Same attributes./tracking/full/message/delete
- Full message content for deleted message, with jump link. Same attributes./tracking/reaction/add
- A reaction was added to a message. Attributes:reaction: discord.Reaction
,user: discord.User
- Jump link for reacted message. Attributes:message: discord.Message
- A reaction was removed to a message. Attributes:reaction: discord.Reaction
,user: discord.User
- Jump link for reacted message. Attributes:message: discord.Message
- All reactions were cleared from a message. Attributes:message: discord.Message
,reactions: List[discord.Reaction]
- Jump link for reacted message. Attributes:message: discord.Message
- Guild channel was created. Attributes:channel: discord.GuildChannel
- Guild channel was deleted. Attributes:channel: discord.GuildChannel
- Member joined the guild. Attributes:member: discord.Member
- Member left the guild. Includes kicks, bans, etc. Attributes:member: discord.Member
,cause: MemberLeaveReason
- This path does not exist. To get information on when members are updated, use paths/roles/save