The instructions below assume your system uses Python 3 by default, but the actual Python code in Open Adventure is 2/3 agnostic. Adjust the example commands below accordingly.
Install PyYAML for Python 3 (which requires Python 3) and libedit from (aka: editline) on your system.
On Debian and Ubuntu: 'apt-get install python3-yaml libedit-dev'. On Fedora: 'dnf install python3-PyYAML libedit-devel'.
If you are using MacPorts on OS X: 'port install py3{5,6}-yaml', as appropriate for your Python 3 version.
You can also use pip to install PyYAML: 'pip3 install PyYAML'.
Optionally run a regression test on the code with 'make check'.
Run the resulting 'advent' binary to play.
If make returns the following message:
try editing to change #!/usr/bin/env python to read #!/usr/bin/env python3