The Wallets Manager holds the data on all Stox wallets and their balances, and serves all related wallet apis.
install global packages
npm install lerna rimraf cross-env env-cmd -g
Installs all of the packages dependencies and links any cross-dependencies
npm run setup
To build a sub-system base image, you will need an id_rsa located at the root of the repository
docker build --no-cache -f ./docker/Dockerfile -t wallet-manager --build-arg SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat ./id_rsa)" .
To run a docker container for a service:
docker run -d --name <service-name> wallet-manager npm start --prefix=packages/<service-name>
To run service containers:
npm run containers
To run all unit test
npm run test
To run all integration tests in one container, first build the base image and then run:
npm run test:local