diff --git a/CSS/CSS (Plain).sublime-syntax b/CSS/CSS (Plain).sublime-syntax new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f0e14802f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/CSS/CSS (Plain).sublime-syntax @@ -0,0 +1,3514 @@ +%YAML 1.2 +--- +# https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/syntax.html +name: CSS (Plain) +scope: source.css.plain +version: 2 +hidden: true + +############################################################################### + +variables: + # Basic tokens + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#lex + unicode: \\\h{1,6}[ \t\n\f]? + escape: (?:{{unicode}}|\\[^\n\f\h]) + nmstart: (?:[_[:alpha:][^\x{0}-\x{127}]]|{{escape}}) + nmchar: (?:[-_[:alnum:][^\x{0}-\x{127}]]|{{escape}}) + + # Identifier Break + # The proper pattern would be (?!{{nmchar}}), but its impact on performance + # is just too high, thus several optimizations are applied. + # 1. Use positive lookahead with \Z to handle `eof` + # 2. Breaks are ascii characters other than denoted by {{nmchar}}. + # 3. Assume unicode or escape character if backslash is matched, instead of + # matching (?!{{escape}}) which also effects performance negative. + break: (?=[[^-_[:alnum:]\\]&&[\x{0}-\x{127}]]|\Z) + + # Interpolateable Identifiers + ident_begin: (?=--|-?{{ident_start}}) + custom_ident_begin: (?=--) + generic_ident_begin: (?=-?{{ident_start}}) + # This alias may be used by inheriting syntaxes to add interpolation begin + # punctuation patterns to enable interpolation at the beginning of identifiers. + ident_start: '{{nmstart}}' + + # Identifiers + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#typedef-ident-token + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#lex + ident: (?:{{custom_ident}}|{{generic_ident}}) + custom_ident: (?:--{{nmchar}}*) + generic_ident: (?:-?{{nmstart}}{{nmchar}}*) + + # Ilegal Custom Identifier Names + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-4/#custom-idents + illegal_custom_ident: |- + \b{{illegal_custom_ident_tokens}}{{break}} + illegal_custom_ident_tokens: |- + (?xi: auto | default | inherit | initial | none | unset ) + + # Constants + lang_range_begin: (?={{ident_start}}|\*) + unquoted_url_begin: (?={{ident_start}}|/) + + # Types + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#numeric-types + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#number-token-diagram + integer: ([-+]?)(\d+) + float: ([-+]?)(\d*(\.)\d+(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?|\d+[eE][-+]?\d+) + + # Units + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#lengths + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/length + units: |- + (?x: + % + | {{absolute_lengths}} + | {{angle_units}} + | {{container_units}} + | {{duration_units}} + | {{font_relative_lengths}} + | {{frequency_units}} + | {{resolution_units}} + | {{viewport_percentage_lengths}} + ) + font_relative_lengths: (?i:cap|ch|em|ex|ic|lh|rem|rlh)\b + viewport_percentage_lengths: (?i:[sld]?(?:vh|vw|vi|vb|vmin|vmax))\b + absolute_lengths: (?i:cm|mm|q|in|pt|pc|px|fr)\b + angle_units: (?i:deg|grad|rad|turn)\b + container_units: (?i:cqw|cqh|cqi|cqb|cqmin|cqmax)\b + duration_units: (?i:s|ms)\b + frequency_units: (?i:Hz|kHz)\b + resolution_units: (?i:dpi|dpcm|dppx)\b + + logical_operators: (?i:and|or|not|only) + + # Properties and Selectors + property_or_selector_begin: (?={{ident_begin}}|{{selector_start}}) + property_end: (?=[;@)}]) + + selector_start: '[[:alpha:].:#&*\[{{combinator_char}}]' + selector_end: (?=[;@(){}]) + + keyframe_selector_begin: (?=\b(?i:from|to){{break}}|\.?[\d,%]) + + # Combinators + # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#combinators + combinators: (?:>{1,3}|[~+]|\|{2}) + combinator_char: '[+>|~]' + + vendor_prefix: -(?:webkit|moz|ms|o)- + + # Foreign Tags + # https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#tag-name-state + tag_name_begin: (?=[[:alpha:]]) + tag_name_break: (?!{{tag_name_char}}) + # tags may consist of any char valid in html but not being of special meaning in CSS + tag_name_char: '[^ \t\n\f.:#&* is moved to `html_structure_tags` + html_header_tags: |- + (?xi: base | link | meta | script | style | title ){{break}} + + html_section_tags: |- + (?xi: address | article | aside | footer | header | h[1-6] | hgroup | main + | nav | section ){{break}} + + html_text_content_tags: |- + (?xi: blockquote | cite | dd | dt | dl | div | figcaption | figure | hr + | li | ol | p | pre | ul ){{break}} + + html_text_semantic_tags: |- + (?xi: a | abbr | b | bdi | bdo | br | code | data | time | dfn | em | i + | kbd | mark | q | rb | ruby | rp | rt | rtc | s | samp | small | span + | strong | sub | sup | u | var | wbr ){{break}} + + html_media_tags: |- + (?xi: area | audio | source | img | map | track | video ){{break}} + + html_embedded_tags: |- + (?xi: embed | iframe | object | param | picture | source ){{break}} + + html_script_tags: |- + (?xi: canvas | noscript (?# | script ) ){{break}} + + html_markup_tags: |- + (?xi: del | ins ){{break}} + + html_table_tags: |- + (?xi: caption | col | colgroup | table | tbody | tr | td | tfoot + | th | thead ){{break}} + + html_forms_tags: |- + (?xi: button | datalist | fieldset | form | input | label | legend | meter + | optgroup | option | output | progress | select | textarea ){{break}} + + html_interactive_tags: |- + (?xi: details | dialog | menu | summary ){{break}} + + html_web_tags: |- + (?xi: slot | template ){{break}} + + html_deprecated_block_tags: |- + (?xi: applet | bgsound | content | dir | element | frame | frameset + | marquee | noembed | noframes | plaintext | xmp ){{break}} + + html_deprecated_inline_tags: |- + (?xi: acronym | basefont | big | blink | center | command | font | image + | keygen | menuitem | nobr | param | rb | rtc | shadow | spacer | strike + | tt ){{break}} + + # SVG tag names + # maintained from previous CSS.sublime-syntax + svg_tags: |- + (?xi: circle | clipPath | defs | ellipse | eventsource | filter + | foreignObject | g | glyph | glyphRef | line | linearGradient | marker + | mask | path | pattern | polygon | polyline | radialGradient | rect | stop + | svg | switch | symbol | text | textPath | tref | tspan | use + # custom element like tags reserved for SVG/MathML + | annotation-xml | color-profile | missing-glyph + | font-face(?: -src | -uri | -format | -name )? + ){{break}} + + # Predefined Color Values (Standard Set) + # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/syndata.html#color-units + standard_colors: |- + \b(?xi: + aqua | black | blue | fuchsia | gray | green | lime | maroon | navy + | olive | orange | purple | red | silver | teal | white | yellow + ){{break}} + + # Predefined Color Values (Extended Set) + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#svg-color + extended_colors: |- + \b(?xi: + aliceblue | antiquewhite | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque + | blanchedalmond | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse + | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue + | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki + | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred + | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey + | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey + | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | gainsboro + | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink + | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen + | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow + | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon + | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey + | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | limegreen | linen | magenta + | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple + | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise + | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin + | navajowhite | oldlace | olivedrab | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod + | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru + | pink | plum | powderblue | rebeccapurple | rosybrown | royalblue + | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna + | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen + | steelblue | tan | thistle | tomato | turquoise | violet | wheat + | whitesmoke | yellowgreen + ){{break}} + + # Illegal Counter Style Definition Names + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#typedef-counter-style-name + counter_style_illegal_names: |- + \b(?xi: decimal | disc | {{illegal_custom_ident_tokens}} ){{break}} + + # Predefined Counter Styles + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#predefined-counters + counter_style_names: |- + \b(?xi: + none | arabic-indic | armenian | bengali | cambodian | circle + | cjk-decimal | cjk-earthly-branch | cjk-heavenly-stem | decimal-leading-zero + | decimal | devanagari | disclosure-closed | disclosure-open | disc + | ethiopic-numeric | georgian | gujarati | gurmukhi | hebrew + | hiragana-iroha | hiragana | japanese-formal | japanese-informal + | kannada | katakana-iroha | katakana | khmer + | korean-hangul-formal | korean-hanja-formal | korean-hanja-informal | lao + | lower-alpha | lower-armenian | lower-greek | lower-latin | lower-roman + | malayalam | mongolian | myanmar | oriya | persian + | simp-chinese-formal | simp-chinese-informal + | square | tamil | telugu | thai | tibetan + | trad-chinese-formal | trad-chinese-informal + | upper-alpha | upper-armenian | upper-latin | upper-roman + ){{break}} + + # Predefined Counter Speak As Property Constants + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#counter-style-speak-as + counter_speak_as_constants: |- + \b(?xi: auto | bullets | numbers | words | spell-out ){{break}} + + # Predefined Counter Style System Constants + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#counter-style-system + counter_system_constants: |- + \b(?xi: cyclic | numeric | alphabetic | symbolic | additive | fixed ){{break}} + + # @page Margin Names + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@page + page_margin_names: |- + \b(?xi: + (?: bottom | top ) - (?: left-corner | left | center | right | right-corner ) + | (?: left | right ) - (?: top | middle | bottom ) + ){{break}} + + global_property_constants: |- + \b(?xi: inherit | initial | revert | revert-layer | unset ){{break}} + + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-4/#font-display-desc + font_display_constants: |- + \b(?xi: block | swap | fallback | optional ){{break}} + + # Generic Font Families + font_family_constants: |- + \b(?xi: + # CSS 2 fonts + # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/fonts.html#generic-font-families + sans-serif | serif | cursive | monospace | fantasy + # CSS 3 level 4 fonts + # https://www.w3.org/TR/2019/WD-css-fonts-4-20191113/#generic-family-value + | emoji | math | fangsong | system-ui + # https://www.w3.org/TR/2019/WD-css-fonts-4-20191113/#standard-font-families + | ui-sans-serif | ui-serif | ui-monospace | ui-rounded + ){{break}} + + # Generic Font Properties + # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/fonts.html#font-shorthand + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font + font_prop_constants: |- + \b(?xi: caption | icon | menu | message-box | small-caption | status-bar ){{break}} + + # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/fonts.html#font-size-props + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-size + font_size_constants: |- + \b(?xi: larger | large | medium | small | smaller | x{1,2}-(?: large | small ) ){{break}} + + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-stretch + font_stretch_constants: |- + \b(?xi: (?: normal | (?: extra | semi | ultra ) - )? ( condensed | expanded ) ){{break}} + + # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/fonts.html#font-styling + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-style + font_style_constants: |- + \b(?xi: normal | italic | oblique ){{break}} + + # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/fonts.html#font-boldness + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-weight + font_weight_constants: |- + \b(?xi: normal | bold | bolder | lighter ){{break}} + + # https://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/Web/CSS/font-variant + font_variant_constants: |- + \b(?xi: (?: all- )? (?: small | petite ) -caps | unicase | titling-cap ){{break}} + +############################################################################### + +contexts: + + main: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - include: stylesheet + + stylesheet: + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#typedef-stylesheet + - include: comments + - include: property-lists + - include: selectors + - include: at-rules + - include: rule-terminators + - include: illegal-commas + - include: illegal-groups + +###[ COMMENTS ]################################################################ + + comments: + # empty block comment + - match: (/\*+)(\*/) + scope: comment.block.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.comment.begin.css + 2: punctuation.definition.comment.end.css + # normal block comment + - match: /\*+ + scope: punctuation.definition.comment.begin.css + push: block-comment-body + + block-comment-body: + - meta_scope: comment.block.css + - match: \*+/ + scope: punctuation.definition.comment.end.css + pop: 1 + - match: ^\s*(\*)(?!/) + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.comment.css + +###[ AT RULES ]################################################################ + + at-rules: + # top-level-only + - include: at-import + - include: at-document + # with stylesheet blocks + - include: at-container + - include: at-layer + - include: at-media + - include: at-supports + # common + - include: at-charset + - include: at-counter-style + - include: at-custom-media + - include: at-font-face + - include: at-keyframes + - include: at-namespace + - include: at-page + - include: at-page-margin + - include: at-property + - include: at-scroll-timeline + - include: at-other + + nested-at-rules: + # with style-rule blocks + - include: nested-at-container + - include: nested-at-layer + - include: nested-at-media + - include: nested-at-supports + # common + - include: at-charset + - include: at-counter-style + - include: at-custom-media + - include: at-font-face + - include: at-keyframes + - include: at-namespace + - include: at-page + - include: at-page-margin + - include: at-property + - include: at-scroll-timeline + - include: at-other + +###[ CHARSET AT-RULE ]######################################################### + + # @charset + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#at-ruledef-charset + at-charset: + - match: (@)(?i:charset){{break}} + scope: keyword.control.directive.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css + push: + - at-charset-meta + - at-charset-body + + at-charset-meta: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.charset.css + - include: immediately-pop + + at-charset-body: + - include: quoted-string + - include: else-pop + +###[ CONTAINER AT-RULE ]####################################################### + + # @container + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-contain-3/#container-rule + at-container: + - match: (@)(?i:container){{break}} + scope: keyword.control.directive.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css + push: + - at-container-meta + - maybe-stylesheet-block + - container-query + - at-container-identifier + + nested-at-container: + - match: (@)(?i:container){{break}} + scope: keyword.control.directive.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css + push: + - at-container-meta + - maybe-property-list + - container-query + - at-container-identifier + + at-container-meta: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.container.css + - include: immediately-pop + + at-container-identifier: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: (?=(?i:{{logical_operators}}|style){{break}}) + pop: 1 + - match: '{{ident_begin}}' + set: at-container-identifier-content + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + + at-container-identifier-content: + - meta_scope: entity.other.container.css + - include: identifier-content + +###[ COUNTER STYLE AT-RULE ]################################################### + + # @counter-style + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#the-counter-style-rule + at-counter-style: + - match: (@)(?i:counter-style){{break}} + scope: keyword.control.directive.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css + push: + - at-counter-style-meta + - at-counter-style-declaration-list + - at-counter-style-identifier + + at-counter-style-meta: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.counter-style.css + - include: immediately-pop + + at-counter-style-identifier: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: '{{counter_style_illegal_names}}' + scope: invalid.illegal.identifier.css + pop: 1 + - match: '{{generic_ident_begin}}' + set: at-counter-style-identifier-content + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + + at-counter-style-identifier-content: + - meta_scope: entity.other.counter-style-name.css + - include: identifier-content + + at-counter-style-declaration-list: + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#typedef-declaration-list + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: \{ + scope: punctuation.section.block.begin.css + set: at-counter-style-declaration-list-body + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + + at-counter-style-declaration-list-body: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.property-list.css meta.block.css + - include: block-end + - include: comments + - include: counter-style-fallback-properties + - include: counter-style-system-properties + - include: counter-style-speak-as-properties + - include: property-identifiers + - include: property-values + - include: nested-at-rules + - include: rule-terminators + - include: illegal-commas + - include: illegal-blocks + - include: illegal-groups + +###[ CUSTOM MEDIA AT-RULE ]#################################################### + + # @custom-media + # https://?? + at-custom-media: + - match: (@)(?i:custom-media){{break}} + scope: keyword.control.directive.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css + push: + - at-custom-media-body + - at-custom-media-identifier + + at-custom-media-identifier: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: '{{ident_begin}}' + set: at-custom-media-identifier-content + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + + at-custom-media-identifier-content: + - meta_scope: entity.other.custom-media.css + - include: identifier-content + + at-custom-media-body: + - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.custom-media.css + - include: media-query-list + +###[ DOCUMENT AT-RULE ]######################################################## + + # @document + # https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-conditional-20120911/#at-document + at-document: + - match: (@)(?i:document){{break}} + scope: keyword.control.directive.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css + push: + - at-document-meta + - maybe-stylesheet-block + - at-document-query + + at-document-meta: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.document.css + - include: immediately-pop + + at-document-query: + - include: url-functions + - include: url-domain-functions + - include: url-prefix-functions + - include: url-regexp-functions + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + +###[ FONT FACE AT-RULE ]####################################################### + + # @font-face + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-4/#at-font-face-rule + at-font-face: + - match: (@)(?i:font-face){{break}} + scope: keyword.control.directive.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css + push: + - at-font-face-meta + - maybe-property-list + + at-font-face-meta: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.font-face.css + - include: immediately-pop + +###[ IMPORT AT-RULE ]########################################################## + + # @import + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-cascade-4/#at-ruledef-import + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@import + at-import: + - match: (@)(?i:import){{break}} + scope: keyword.control.directive.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css + push: + - at-import-media-query + - at-import-body + + at-import-body: + - include: quoted-strings + - include: url-functions + - include: layer-functions + - include: supports-functions + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + + at-import-media-query: + - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.import.css + - include: media-query-list + +###[ KEYFRAMES AT-RULE ]####################################################### + + # @keyframes + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-animations/#at-ruledef-keyframes + at-keyframes: + - match: (@)(?i:keyframes){{break}} + scope: keyword.control.directive.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css + push: + - at-keyframe-meta + - at-keyframe-block + - at-keyframe-identifier + + at-keyframe-meta: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.keyframe.css + - include: immediately-pop + + at-keyframe-identifier: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: '{{illegal_custom_ident}}' + scope: invalid.illegal.identifier.css + pop: 1 + - match: '{{ident_begin}}' + set: at-keyframe-identifier-content + - include: quoted-string + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + + at-keyframe-identifier-content: + - meta_scope: entity.other.animation-name.css + - include: identifier-content + + at-keyframe-block: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: \{ + scope: punctuation.section.block.begin.css + set: at-keyframe-block-body + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + + at-keyframe-block-body: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.block.css + - include: block-end + - include: comments + - include: property-lists + - include: at-keyframe-selectors + - include: rule-terminators + - include: illegal-commas + - include: illegal-groups + + at-keyframe-selectors: + - match: '{{keyframe_selector_begin}}' + push: at-keyframe-selector-body + + at-keyframe-selector-body: + - meta_scope: meta.selector.css + - include: selector-end + - include: comments + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: percentage-constants + - match: (?i:from|to){{break}} + scope: keyword.other.selector.css + +###[ LAYER AT-RULE ]########################################################### + + # @layer + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@layer + at-layer: + - match: (@)(?i:layer){{break}} + scope: keyword.control.directive.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css + push: + - at-layer-meta + - maybe-stylesheet-block + - at-layer-name-list + + nested-at-layer: + - match: (@)(?i:layer){{break}} + scope: keyword.control.directive.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css + push: + - at-layer-meta + - maybe-property-list + - at-layer-name-list + + at-layer-meta: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.layer.css + - include: immediately-pop + + at-layer-name-list: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - include: at-layer-names + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + + at-layer-names: + - match: '{{ident_begin}}' + branch_point: at-layer-names + branch: + - at-layer-unqualified-name + - at-layer-qualified-name + + at-layer-unqualified-name: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: entity.other.layer.css + - match: (?=\.) + fail: at-layer-names + - include: identifier-content + + at-layer-qualified-name: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.path.css entity.other.layer.css + - match: \. + scope: punctuation.accessor.dot.css + push: clear-pop + - include: identifier-content + +###[ MEDIA AT-RULE ]########################################################### + + # @media + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-conditional-3/#at-ruledef-media + at-media: + - match: (@)(?i:media){{break}} + scope: keyword.control.directive.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css + push: + - at-media-meta + - maybe-stylesheet-block + - media-query-list + + nested-at-media: + - match: (@)(?i:media){{break}} + scope: keyword.control.directive.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css + push: + - at-media-meta + - maybe-property-list + - media-query-list + + at-media-meta: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.media.css + - include: immediately-pop + +###[ NAMESPACE AT-RULE ]####################################################### + + # @namespace + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-namespace/ + at-namespace: + - match: (@)(?i:namespace){{break}} + scope: keyword.control.directive.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css + push: + - at-namespace-body + - at-namespace-identifier + + at-namespace-identifier: + - match: '{{ident}}(?!{{nmchar}}|\()' + scope: entity.other.namespace-prefix.css + pop: 1 + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + + at-namespace-body: + - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.namespace.css + - include: var-functions + - include: url-functions + - include: quoted-urls + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + +###[ PAGE AT-RULE ]############################################################ + + # @page + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-page/#at-ruledef-page + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@page + at-page: + - match: (@)(?i:page){{break}} + scope: keyword.control.directive.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css + push: + - at-page-meta + - maybe-property-list + - at-page-name-list + + at-page-meta: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.page.css + - include: immediately-pop + + at-page-name-list: + - match: (:)(?i:blank|first|left|right|recto|verso){{break}} + scope: entity.other.pseudo-class.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.entity.css + - match: (:){{nmchar}}* + # scope: invalid.illegal.pseudo-class.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.entity.css + - match: '{{ident_begin}}' + push: at-page-name-content + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + + at-page-name-content: + - meta_scope: entity.other.page-name.css + - include: identifier-content + + at-page-margin: + - match: (@){{page_margin_names}} + scope: keyword.control.directive.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css + push: + - at-page-margin-meta + - maybe-property-list + + at-page-margin-meta: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.margin.css + - include: immediately-pop + +###[ PROPERTY AT-RULE ]######################################################## + + # @property Property Names + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@property + at-property: + - match: (@)(?i:property){{break}} + scope: keyword.control.directive.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css + push: + - at-property-property-meta + - maybe-property-list + - at-property-name + + at-property-property-meta: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.property.css + - include: immediately-pop + + at-property-name: + - match: '{{custom_ident_begin}}' + set: custom-property-content + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + +###[ SCROLL-TIMELINE AT-RULE ]################################################# + + # @scroll-timeline + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@scroll-timeline + at-scroll-timeline: + - match: (@)(?i:scroll-timeline){{break}} + scope: keyword.control.directive.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css + push: + - at-scroll-timeline-meta + - maybe-property-list + - at-scroll-timeline-name + + at-scroll-timeline-meta: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.scroll-timeline.css + - include: immediately-pop + + at-scroll-timeline-name: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: '{{ident_begin}}' + set: at-scroll-timeline-name-content + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + + at-scroll-timeline-name-content: + - meta_scope: entity.other.scroll-timeline.css + - include: identifier-content + +###[ SUPPORTS AT-RULE ]######################################################## + + # @supports + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-conditional-3/#at-supports + at-supports: + - match: (@)(?i:supports){{break}} + scope: keyword.control.directive.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css + push: + - at-supports-meta + - maybe-stylesheet-block + - at-supports-query + + nested-at-supports: + - match: (@)(?i:supports){{break}} + scope: keyword.control.directive.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css + push: + - at-supports-meta + - maybe-property-list + - at-supports-query + + at-supports-meta: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.supports.css + - include: immediately-pop + + at-supports-query: + - include: at-supports-groups + - include: logical-operators + - include: font-format-functions + - include: selector-functions + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + + at-supports-groups: + - match: \( + scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.css + push: at-supports-group-body + + at-supports-group-body: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.group.css + - include: group-end + - include: at-supports-groups + - include: logical-operators + - include: font-format-functions + - include: selector-functions + - include: rule-list-body + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + +###[ OTHER AT-RULE ]########################################################### + + # @ + # Fallback context for incomplete or unknown at-rules. + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#at-rule + # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/syndata.html#parsing-errors + at-other: + - match: (@){{ident}} + push: at-other-body + + at-other-body: + - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.other.css + - match: \{ + scope: punctuation.section.block.begin.css + push: at-other-block-body + - include: at-rule-end + + at-other-block-body: + - meta_scope: meta.block.css + - include: block-end2 + + at-rule-end: + - match: (?=[;{}@]) + pop: 1 + - include: comments + +###[ CONTAINER QUERIES ]####################################################### + + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-contain-3/#container-rule + container-query: + - match: \( + scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.css + push: container-query-group-body + - include: comments + - include: logical-operators + - include: comparison-operators + - include: container-style-functions + - include: property-identifiers + - include: property-values + - include: else-pop + + container-query-group-body: + - meta_scope: meta.group.css + - include: group-end + - include: container-query + + container-style-functions: + - match: \b(?i:style)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.style.css + push: + - container-style-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + container-style-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-list-end + - include: container-style-queries + + container-style-queries: + - match: \( + scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.css + push: container-style-query-group-body + - include: comments + - include: logical-operators + - include: comparison-operators + - include: property-identifiers + - include: property-values + + container-style-query-group-body: + - meta_scope: meta.group.css + - include: group-end + - include: container-style-queries + +###[ MEDIA QUERIES ]########################################################### + + # https://drafts.csswg.org/mediaqueries-4/#media + media-query-list: + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: media-query-conditions + - include: media-query-media-types + - include: else-pop + + media-query-conditions: + - match: \( + scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.css + push: media-query-group-body + - include: comments + - include: comparison-operators + - include: logical-operators + + media-query-group-body: + - meta_scope: meta.group.css + - match: (?=[,;{}]) + pop: 1 + - include: group-end + - include: media-query-conditions + - include: media-query-property-names + - include: media-query-property-values + - include: var-functions + - include: calc-functions + - include: scalar-rational-constants + - include: numeric-constants + + media-query-property-names: + - match: |- + (?xi: + ({{vendor_prefix}})? + ( + (?: min- | max- )? + (?: + color (?: -gamut | -index )? + | monochrome | resolution | update + | (?: device- )? (?: height | width | aspect-ratio | pixel-ratio ) + ) + | (?:any-)?(?: pointer | hover ) + | prefers-(?: reduced-motion | color-scheme ) + | display-mode | grid | orientation | scan | scripting + | overflow-(?: block | inline ) + ) + ){{break}} + captures: + 1: support.type.vendor-prefix.css + 2: support.type.property-name.css + + media-query-property-values: + - match: ':' + scope: punctuation.separator.key-value.css + push: media-query-property-value-content + + media-query-property-value-content: + - match: |- + \b(?xi: + # global css constants + all | inherit | initial | none | unset + # color-gamut / color-index: + | srgb | p3 | rec2020 + # display-mode: + | browser | fullscreen | standalone | minimal-ui + # hover: + | hover + # orientation: + | landscape | portrait + # overflow: + | optional-paged | paged | scroll + # pointer: + | coarse | fine + # prefers-color-scheme: + | dark | light + # scan: + | interlace | progressive + # scripting: + | enabled | initial-only + # update: + | fast | normal | slow + ){{break}} + scope: support.constant.property-value.css + pop: 1 + - include: value-prototype + - include: else-pop + + media-query-media-types: + # Media Types: + # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/media.html + # https://drafts.csswg.org/mediaqueries-5/#media-types + - match: |- + \b(?xi: + # global css constants + all | inherit | initial | none | unset + # specs + | print | screen | speech + # deprecated + | aural | braille | embossed | handheld | projection | tty | tv + ){{break}} + scope: support.constant.media.css + +###[ SELECTORS ]############################################################### + + selectors: + - match: '{{property_or_selector_begin}}' + push: selector-body + + selector-body: + - meta_scope: meta.selector.css + - include: selector-end + - include: comments + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: attribute-selectors + - include: selector-classes + - include: selector-ids + - include: selector-pseudo-elements + - include: selector-pseudo-classes + - include: selector-tags + - include: selector-variables + - include: selector-combinators + + selector-end: + - match: '{{selector_end}}' + pop: 1 + + # Combinators + # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#combinators + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scoping/#deep-combinator + selector-combinators: + - match: '{{combinators}}(?![>~+|])' + scope: keyword.operator.combinator.css + - match: '{{combinators}}{2,}|\|{3,}' + scope: invalid.illegal.combinator.css + + # Class Selectors + # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#class-html + selector-classes: + - match: \. + scope: entity.other.attribute-name.class.css punctuation.definition.entity.css + push: selector-class-identifier + + selector-class-identifier: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: '{{generic_ident_begin}}' + set: selector-class-identifier-content + - include: immediately-pop + + selector-class-identifier-content: + - meta_scope: entity.other.attribute-name.class.css + - include: identifier-content + + # Id Selectors + # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#id-selectors + selector-ids: + - match: \# + scope: entity.other.attribute-name.id.css punctuation.definition.entity.css + push: selector-id-identifier + + selector-id-identifier: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: '{{generic_ident_begin}}' + set: selector-id-identifier-content + - include: immediately-pop + + selector-id-identifier-content: + - meta_scope: entity.other.attribute-name.id.css + - include: identifier-content + + # Tags and Custom Elements + # https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#tag-name-state + selector-tags: + - match: '{{html_tags}}' + scope: entity.name.tag.html.css + - match: '{{svg_tags}}' + scope: entity.name.tag.svg.css + - match: '{{tag_name_begin}}' + push: selector-tag-content + + selector-tag-content: + - meta_scope: entity.name.tag.other.css + - match: '{{tag_name_break}}' + pop: 1 + + selector-variables: + - match: \& + scope: variable.language.parent.css + - match: \* + scope: constant.other.wildcard.asterisk.css + + vendor-prefixes: + - match: '{{vendor_prefix}}' + scope: support.type.vendor-prefix.css + +###[ SELECTORS / ATTRIBUTE SELECTORS ]######################################### + + # Attribute Selectors + # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#attribute-selectors + attribute-selectors: + - match: \[ + scope: punctuation.section.brackets.begin.css + push: + - attribute-selector-meta + - attribute-selector-operator + - attribute-selector-key + + attribute-selector-meta: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.attribute-selector.css meta.brackets.css + - include: immediately-pop + + attribute-selector-key: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - include: attr-name + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + + attribute-selector-operator: + - match: '[~*|^$]?=' + scope: keyword.operator.logical.css + set: + - attribute-selector-flag + - attribute-selector-value + - include: attribute-selector-flag + + attribute-selector-value: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: (?=\]) + pop: 1 + - include: comments + - include: quoted-string + - include: attribute-selector-unquoted-value + + attribute-selector-unquoted-value: + - match: (?=\S) + set: attribute-selector-unquoted-value-content + + attribute-selector-unquoted-value-content: + - meta_scope: meta.string.css string.unquoted.css + - match: (?=[\s\]]) + pop: 1 + + attribute-selector-flag: + - match: \b[iI]{{break}} + scope: keyword.other.flag.css + set: attribute-selector-end + - include: attribute-selector-end + + attribute-selector-end: + - include: brackets-end + - include: selector-end + - include: comments + - match: \S + scope: invalid.illegal.css + +###[ SELECTORS / PSEUDO CLASSES ]############################################## + + # Pseudo Classes + # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#pseudo-classes + selector-pseudo-classes: + - match: ':' + scope: punctuation.definition.pseudo-class.css + push: selector-pseudo-class + + selector-pseudo-class: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - include: vendor-prefixes + - include: pseudo-element-css2 + - include: pseudo-class-builtin + - include: pseudo-class-other + - include: immediately-pop + + pseudo-class-builtin: + - include: pseudo-class-function-dir + - include: pseudo-class-function-lang + - include: pseudo-class-function-with-anb-args + - include: pseudo-class-function-with-selector-args + + # Special :dir() pseudo-class + # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#the-dir-pseudo + pseudo-class-function-dir: + - match: (?i:dir)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css entity.other.pseudo-class.css + set: + - pseudo-class-dir-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + pseudo-class-dir-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: direction-constants + + # Special :lang() pseudo-class + # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#the-lang-pseudo + pseudo-class-function-lang: + - match: (?i:lang)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css entity.other.pseudo-class.css + set: + - pseudo-class-lang-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + pseudo-class-lang-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: quoted-strings + - include: language-ranges + + # Functional Pseudo Classes with `An+B` param + # An+B Notation: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-syntax/#anb + pseudo-class-function-with-anb-args: + - match: |- + (?xi: + # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#table-pseudos + nth-last-col + | nth-col + # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#typed-child-index + | nth-last-child + | nth-child + | nth-last-of-type + | nth-of-type + )(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css entity.other.pseudo-class.css + set: + - pseudo-class-anb-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + pseudo-class-anb-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: anb-notation-values + - include: scalar-integer-constants + + anb-notation-values: + - match: \b(?i:even|odd){{break}} + scope: support.constant.property-value.css + - match: (([-+]?)(\d*)(n))\s*(([-+])(\s*\d+))? + captures: + 1: meta.number.integer.decimal.css + 2: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + 3: constant.numeric.value.css + 4: constant.numeric.suffix.css + 5: meta.number.integer.decimal.css + 6: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + 7: constant.numeric.value.css + - match: '[-+]\s+\d+n?|[-+]?\d+\s+n' + scope: invalid.illegal.numeric.css + + # Functional Pseudo Classes with selector list + pseudo-class-function-with-selector-args: + - match: (?i:matches|is|where|not|has|host(?:-context)?)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css entity.other.pseudo-class.css + set: + - pseudo-class-selector-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + pseudo-class-selector-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-list-end + - include: selector-body + + pseudo-class-other: + - match: '{{ident_begin}}' + branch_point: pseudo-class + branch: + - pseudo-class-regular + - pseudo-class-function + pop: 1 + + # Functional Pseudo Classes with generic arguments + # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#pseudo-classes + pseudo-class-function: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css entity.other.pseudo-class.css + - include: other-function + + # Regular Pseudo Classes + # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#pseudo-classes + pseudo-class-regular: + - meta_content_scope: entity.other.pseudo-class.css + - match: (?=\() + fail: pseudo-class + - include: identifier-content + +###[ SELECTORS / PSEUDO ELEMENTS ]############################################# + + # Pseudo Elements + # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#pseudo-elements + selector-pseudo-elements: + - match: '::' + scope: punctuation.definition.pseudo-element.css + push: selector-pseudo-element + + selector-pseudo-element: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - include: vendor-prefixes + - include: pseudo-element-other + - include: immediately-pop + + # Legacy Pseudo Elements + # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#pseudo-elements + pseudo-element-css2: + # Note: CSS1 & CSS2 compatibility requires those to be matched after `:` + - match: (?i:before|after|first-line|first-letter){{break}} + scope: entity.other.pseudo-element.css + pop: 1 + + pseudo-element-other: + - match: '{{ident_begin}}' + branch_point: pseudo-element + branch: + - pseudo-element-regular + - pseudo-element-function + pop: 1 + + # Functional Pseudo Elements with generic arguments + # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#pseudo-elements + pseudo-element-function: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css entity.other.pseudo-element.css + - include: other-function + + # Pseudo Elements + # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#pseudo-elements + pseudo-element-regular: + - meta_content_scope: entity.other.pseudo-element.css + - match: (?=\() + fail: pseudo-element + - include: identifier-content + +###[ STYLESHEET BLOCKS ]####################################################### + + maybe-stylesheet-block: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: \{ + scope: punctuation.section.block.begin.css + set: stylesheet-block-body + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + + stylesheet-block-body: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.block.css + - include: block-end + - include: stylesheet + +###[ PROPERTY LISTS ]########################################################## + + maybe-property-list: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: \{ + scope: punctuation.section.block.begin.css + set: property-list-body + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + + property-lists: + - match: \{ + scope: punctuation.section.block.begin.css + push: property-list-body + + property-list-body: + # According to official specs, this is a style-block. + # It supports declarations, nested style-rules and at-rules. + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#typedef-style-block + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.property-list.css meta.block.css + - include: block-end + - include: comments + - include: property-lists + - include: properties-or-selectors + - include: nested-at-rules + - include: rule-terminators + - include: illegal-commas + - include: illegal-groups + + rule-list-body: + # Note: This context is used by HTML.sublime-syntax + # According to official specs, this is a declaration-list without support + # for at-rules as inline html attributes don't support them. + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#typedef-declaration-list + - include: comments + - include: property-identifiers + - include: property-values + - include: rule-terminators + - include: illegal-commas + - include: illegal-blocks + - include: illegal-groups + +###[ PROPERTY IDENTIFIERS ]#################################################### + + properties-or-selectors: + - match: '{{property_or_selector_begin}}' + branch_point: property-or-selector + branch: + - maybe-property + - selector-body + + maybe-property: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - include: property-end + - include: property-identifiers + - match: '' + fail: property-or-selector + + property-end: + - match: '{{property_end}}' + pop: 1 + + property-identifiers: + # specific properties with special treatment + - include: counter-properties + - include: font-family-properties + - include: font-properties + # common properties + - include: custom-properties + - include: deprecated-properties + - include: other-properties + + # Custom Properties + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-variables/#typedef-custom-property + custom-properties: + - match: '--' + push: + - property-value + - custom-property-content + + custom-property-content: + - meta_scope: meta.property-name.css entity.other.custom-property.css + - include: identifier-content + + deprecated-properties: + - match: var- + scope: entity.other.custom-property.prefix.css + push: + - property-value + - deprecated-property-content + + deprecated-property-content: + - meta_scope: meta.property-name.css invalid.deprecated.custom-property.css + - include: identifier-content + + other-properties: + - match: (?:{{vendor_prefix}}|{{generic_ident_begin}}) + scope: support.type.vendor-prefix.css + push: + - property-value + - other-property-content + + other-property-content: + - meta_scope: meta.property-name.css + - meta_content_scope: support.type.property-name.css + - include: identifier-content + +###[ PROPERTY VALUES ]######################################################### + + property-value: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: ':' + scope: punctuation.separator.key-value.css + set: property-value-content + - include: else-pop + + property-values: + - match: ':' + scope: punctuation.separator.key-value.css + push: property-value-content + + property-value-content: + - meta_content_scope: meta.property-value.css + - include: values + +###[ COUNTER PROPERTY ]######################################################## + + counter-properties: + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Lists_and_Counters/Using_CSS_counters + - match: \b(?i:counter-(?:increment|reset|set)){{break}} + scope: meta.property-name.css support.type.property-name.css + push: counter-property-value + + counter-property-value: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: ':' + scope: punctuation.separator.key-value.css + set: counter-property-value-content + - include: else-pop + + counter-property-value-content: + - include: global-constants + - include: none-constants + - match: '{{ident_begin}}' + push: counter-identifier-content + - include: property-value-content + + counter-identifier-content: + - meta_scope: entity.other.counter-name.css + - include: identifier-content + +###[ COUNTER STYLE FALLBACK PROPERTY ]######################################### + + # Counter Style Fallback + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#counter-style-fallback + counter-style-fallback-properties: + - match: \b(?i:fallback){{break}} + scope: meta.property-name.css support.type.property-name.css + push: counter-style-fallback-property-value + + counter-style-fallback-property-value: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: ':' + scope: punctuation.separator.key-value.css + set: counter-style-fallback-property-value-content + - include: else-pop + + counter-style-fallback-property-value-content: + - meta_content_scope: meta.property-value.css + - include: value-prototype + - include: counter-style-identifiers + + counter-style-identifiers: + - match: '{{counter_style_names}}' + scope: support.constant.counter-style-name.css + - match: '{{ident_begin}}' + push: counter-style-identifier-content + + counter-style-identifier-content: + - meta_scope: entity.other.counter-style-name.css + - include: identifier-content + +###[ COUNTER STYLE SYSTEM PROPERTY ]########################################### + + # Counter Style System + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#counter-style-system + counter-style-system-properties: + - match: \b(?i:system){{break}} + scope: meta.property-name.css support.type.property-name.css + push: counter-style-system-property-value + + counter-style-system-property-value: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: ':' + scope: punctuation.separator.key-value.css + set: counter-style-system-property-value-content + - include: else-pop + + counter-style-system-property-value-content: + - meta_content_scope: meta.property-value.css + - include: value-prototype + - include: counter-symbol-values + - match: \b(?i:extends){{break}} + scope: keyword.declaration.extends.css + push: counter-style-identifier + + counter-style-identifier: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: '{{counter_style_names}}' + scope: support.constant.counter-style-name.css + pop: 1 + - match: '{{ident_begin}}' + set: counter-style-identifier-content + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + +###[ COUNTER STYLE SPEAK AS PROPERTY ]######################################### + + # Counter Style Speak As + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#counter-style-speak-as + counter-style-speak-as-properties: + - match: \b(?i:speak-as){{break}} + scope: meta.property-name.css support.type.property-name.css + push: counter-style-speak-as-property-value + + counter-style-speak-as-property-value: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: ':' + scope: punctuation.separator.key-value.css + set: counter-style-speak-as-property-value-content + - include: else-pop + + counter-style-speak-as-property-value-content: + - meta_content_scope: meta.property-value.css + - include: value-prototype + - include: quoted-strings + - include: counter-speak-as-constants + - include: counter-style-identifiers + +###[ FONT FAMILY PROPERTY ]#################################################### + + # Font-Family Property + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-3/#font-family-prop + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-family + font-family-properties: + - match: \b(?i:font-family){{break}} + scope: meta.property-name.css support.type.property-name.css + push: font-family-value + + font-family-value: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: ':' + scope: punctuation.separator.key-value.css + set: font-family-value-content + - include: else-pop + + font-family-value-content: + - meta_content_scope: meta.property-value.css + - include: value-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: important-operators + - include: quoted-strings + - include: global-constants + - include: generic-font-names + - include: font-family-names + +###[ FONT PROPERTY ]########################################################### + + # Font Property + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-3/#font-prop + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font + font-properties: + - match: \b(?i:font){{break}} + scope: meta.property-name.css support.type.property-name.css + push: font-property-value + + font-property-value: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: ':' + scope: punctuation.separator.key-value.css + set: font-property-value-content + - include: else-pop + + font-property-value-content: + - meta_content_scope: meta.property-value.css + - include: value-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: arithmetic-operators + - include: important-operators + - include: vendor-prefixes + - include: calc-functions + - include: color-values + - include: numeric-constants + - include: quoted-strings + - include: global-constants + - include: generic-font-names + - include: font-display-constants + - include: font-prop-constants + - include: font-size-constants + - include: font-stretch-constants + - include: font-style-constants + - include: font-variant-constants + - include: font-weight-constants + - include: font-family-names + +###[ VALUE EXPRESSIONS ]####################################################### + + values: + - include: value-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: arithmetic-operators + - include: important-operators + - include: vendor-prefixes + - include: builtin-functions + - include: color-values + - include: line-name-lists + - include: unicode-ranges + - include: numeric-constants + - include: quoted-strings + - include: none-constants + - include: constants-or-functions + - include: illegal-groups + + value-prototype: + - include: terminator-pop + - include: comments + - include: var-functions + + # When including `color-values` and `color-adjuster-functions`, make sure it is + # included after the color adjustors to prevent `color-values` from consuming + # conflicting function names & color constants such as `red`, `green`, or `blue`. + color-values: + - include: color-functions + - include: color-constants + + # Counter Symbol Values + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#counter-style-system + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#symbols-function + counter-symbol-values: + - include: image-values + - include: counter-system-constants + - include: scalar-integer-constants + - include: quoted-strings + + # 2D Image Values + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-4/#image-values + image-values: + - include: cross-fade-functions + - include: gradient-functions + - include: image-functions + - include: image-set-functions + - include: url-functions + +###[ BUILTIN FUNCTIONS ]####################################################### + + builtin-functions: + - include: attr-functions + - include: blur-functions + - include: brightness-functions + - include: calc-functions + - include: circle-functions + - include: color-adjuster-functions + - include: counter-functions + - include: cross-fade-functions + - include: cubic-bezier-timing-functions + - include: drop-shadow-functions + - include: filter-functions + - include: font-format-functions + - include: format-functions + - include: gradient-functions + - include: hue-rotate-functions + - include: image-functions + - include: image-set-functions + - include: inset-functions + - include: local-functions + - include: minmax-functions + - include: polygon-functions + - include: rect-functions + - include: repeat-functions + - include: selector-functions + - include: step-timing-functions + - include: symbols-functions + - include: toggle-functions + - include: transform-functions + - include: url-functions + +###[ BUILTIN AT RULE FUNCTIONS ]############################################### + + counter-functions: + # counter() + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-lists-3/#funcdef-counter + # counters() + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-lists-3/#funcdef-counters + - match: \b(?i:counters?)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.counter.css + push: + - counter-function-arguments-list-body + - counter-identifier + - function-arguments-list-begin + + counter-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: counter-style-identifiers + - include: quoted-strings + + counter-identifier: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: '{{ident_begin}}' + set: counter-identifier-content + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + + font-format-functions: + # font-format() + # font-tech() + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@supports + - match: \b(?i:font-(?:format|tech))(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.font.css + push: + - font-format-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + font-format-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: other-constants + + format-functions: + # format() + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-3/#descdef-src + # format() is also mentioned in `issue 2` at https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-3/#issues-index + # but does not seem to be implemented in any manner + - match: \b(?i:format)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.font-face.css + push: + - format-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + format-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: quoted-strings + + layer-functions: + # layer() + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@import + - match: \b(?i:layer)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.layer.css + push: + - layer-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + - match: \b(?i:layer){{break}} + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.layer.css + + layer-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: at-layer-names + + local-functions: + # local() + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-3/#descdef-src + - match: \b(?i:local)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.font-face.css + push: + - local-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + local-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: quoted-strings + - include: generic-font-names + - include: font-family-names + + selector-functions: + # selector() + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@supports + - match: \b(?i:selector)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.selector.css + push: selector-function-arguments-list + + selector-function-arguments-list: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: \( + scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css punctuation.section.group.begin.css + set: selector-function-arguments-list-body + + selector-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css meta.selector.css + - include: function-arguments-list-end + - include: quoted-strings + - include: selector-body + + supports-functions: + # supports() + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@import + - match: \b(?i:supports)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.supports.css + push: + - supports-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + supports-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-list-end + - include: at-supports-group-body + + symbols-functions: + # symbols() + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#symbols-function + - match: \b(?i:symbols)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.counter.css + push: + - symbols-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + symbols-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: counter-symbol-values + +###[ BUILTIN COLOR FUNCTIONS ]################################################# + + color-functions: + - include: color-color-functions + - include: hsl-color-functions + - include: rgb-color-functions + + color-color-functions: + # color() + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color/#color-function + # light-dark() + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/light-dark + - match: \b(?i:color|light-dark)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.color.css + push: + - color-color-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + color-color-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: color-adjuster-functions # must be included before `color-values` + - include: color-values + - include: angle-constants + - include: scalar-constants + + hsl-color-functions: + # hsl(), hsla() + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/hsl + # hwb() + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/hwb + # lch() + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/lch + # oklch() + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/oklch + - match: \b(?i:hsla?|hwb|(?:ok)?lch)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.color.css + push: + - hsl-color-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + hsl-color-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: alpha-delimiters + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: angle-constants + - include: percentage-constants + - include: scalar-constants + + rgb-color-functions: + # rgb(), rgba() + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/rgb + # lab() + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/lab + # oklab() + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/oklab + - match: \b(?i:rgba?|(?:ok)?lab)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.color.css + push: + - rgb-color-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + rgb-color-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: alpha-delimiters + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: percentage-constants + - include: scalar-constants + + # Color Adjuster Functions - Not yet implemented by browsers + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color/#typedef-color-adjuster + color-adjuster-functions: + - include: blend-adjust-functions + - include: hue-adjust-functions + - include: rgba-adjust-functions + - include: saturation-adjust-functions + - include: tint-adjust-functions + + blend-adjust-functions: + # blend(), blenda() - Not yet implemented by browsers + - match: \b(?i:blenda?)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.color.css + push: + - blend-adjust-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + blend-adjust-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: color-values + - include: percentage-constants + - match: \b(?i:rgb|hsl|hwb){{break}} + scope: keyword.other.color-space.css + + hue-adjust-functions: + # hue() - Not yet implemented by browsers + - match: \b(?i:hue|h)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.color.css + push: + - hue-adjust-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + hue-adjust-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: color-adjuster-operators + - include: angle-constants + + rgba-adjust-functions: + # red(), green(), blue(), alpha() - Not yet implemented by browsers + - match: \b(?i:red|green|blue|alpha|a)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.color.css + push: + - rgba-adjust-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + rgba-adjust-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: color-adjuster-operators + - include: percentage-constants + - include: scalar-constants + + saturation-adjust-functions: + # saturation(), lightness(), whiteness(), blackness() - Not yet implemented by browsers + - match: \b(?i:saturation|lightness|whiteness|blackness|[slwb])(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.color.css + push: + - saturation-adjust-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + saturation-adjust-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: color-adjuster-operators + - include: percentage-constants + + tint-adjust-functions: + # tint(), shade(), contrast() - Not yet implemented by browsers + # contrast() interferes with the contrast() filter function; + # therefore, it is not yet implemented here + - match: \b(?i:tint|shade)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.color.css + push: + - tint-adjust-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + tint-adjust-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: percentage-constants + +###[ BUILTIN FILTER FUNCTIONS ]################################################ + + filter-functions: + # filter() + # https://drafts.fxtf.org/filters/#funcdef-filter + - match: \b(?i:filter)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.filter.css + push: + - filter-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + filter-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: blur-functions + - include: brightness-functions + - include: drop-shadow-functions + - include: hue-rotate-functions + - include: image-values + - include: quoted-strings + + blur-functions: + # blur() + # https://drafts.fxtf.org/filters/#funcdef-filter-blur + - match: \b(?i:blur)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.filter.css + push: + - blur-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + blur-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: length-constants + + brightness-functions: + # brightness(), contrast(), grayscale(), invert(), opacity(), saturate(), sepia() + # https://drafts.fxtf.org/filters/#funcdef-filter-brightness + - match: \b(?i:brightness|contrast|grayscale|invert|opacity|saturate|sepia)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.filter.css + push: + - brightness-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + brightness-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: percentage-constants + - include: scalar-constants + + drop-shadow-functions: + # drop-shadow() + # https://drafts.fxtf.org/filters/#funcdef-filter-drop-shadow + - match: \b(?i:drop-shadow)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.filter.css + push: + - drop-shadow-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + drop-shadow-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: color-values + - include: length-constants + + hue-rotate-functions: + # hue-rotate() + # https://drafts.fxtf.org/filters/#funcdef-filter-hue-rotate + - match: \b(?i:hue-rotate)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.filter.css + push: + - hue-rotate-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + hue-rotate-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: angle-constants + +###[ BUILTIN GRID FUNCTIONS ]################################################## + + minmax-functions: + # minmax() + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-grid/#valdef-grid-template-columns-minmax + - match: \b(?i:minmax)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.grid.css + push: + - minmax-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + minmax-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: grid-constants + - include: length-constants + - include: percentage-constants + + repeat-functions: + # repeat() + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-grid/#funcdef-repeat + - match: \b(?i:repeat)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.grid.css + push: + - repeat-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + repeat-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - match: \b(?i:auto-fill|auto-fit){{break}} + scope: keyword.other.grid.css + - include: minmax-functions + - include: grid-constants + - include: length-constants + - include: percentage-constants + - include: scalar-integer-constants + - include: line-name-lists + +###[ BUILTIN IMAGE FUNCTIONS ]################################################# + + cross-fade-functions: + # cross-fade() + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-4/#funcdef-cross-fade + - match: \b(?i:cross-fade)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.image.css + push: + - cross-fade-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + cross-fade-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: color-values + - include: image-values + - include: percentage-constants + - include: quoted-urls + + image-functions: + # image() + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-4/#funcdef-image + - match: \b(?i:image)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.image.css + push: + - image-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + image-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: color-values + - include: image-values + - include: quoted-urls + - include: direction-constants + + image-set-functions: + # image-set() + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-4/#funcdef-image-set + - match: \b(?i:image-set)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.image.css + push: + - image-set-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + image-set-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: color-values + - include: image-values + - include: quoted-urls + - include: resolution-constants + - match: ([0-9]+)(x) + scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css + captures: + 1: constant.numeric.value.css + 2: constant.numeric.suffix.css + + # Gradient Functions + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-3/#gradients + gradient-functions: + - include: conic-gradient-functions + - include: linear-gradient-functions + - include: radial-gradient-functions + + conic-gradient-functions: + # conic-gradient() + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/conic-gradient() + # repeating-conic-gradient() + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/repeating-conic-gradient() + - match: \b(?i:(?:repeating-)?conic-gradient)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.gradient.css + push: + - conic-gradient-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + conic-gradient-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - match: \b(?i:at|from){{break}} + scope: keyword.other.gradient.css + - match: \b(?i:bottom|center|left|right|top){{break}} + scope: support.constant.property-value.css + - include: color-values + - include: angle-constants + - include: length-constants + - include: percentage-constants + + linear-gradient-functions: + # linear-gradient() + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/linear-gradient() + # repeating-linear-gradient() + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/repeating-linear-gradient() + - match: \b(?i:(?:repeating-)?linear-gradient)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.gradient.css + push: + - linear-gradient-function-argurments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + linear-gradient-function-argurments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - match: \b(?i:to){{break}} + scope: keyword.other.gradient.css + - match: \b(?i:bottom|left|right|top){{break}} + scope: support.constant.property-value.css + - include: color-values + - include: angle-constants + - include: length-constants + - include: percentage-constants + + radial-gradient-functions: + # radial-gradient() + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/radial-gradient() + # repeating-radial-gradient() + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/repeating-radial-gradient() + - match: \b(?i:(?:repeating-)?radial-gradient)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.gradient.css + push: + - radial-gradient-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + radial-gradient-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - match: \b(?i:at|circle|ellipse){{break}} + scope: keyword.other.gradient.css + - match: \b(?i:bottom|center|left|right|top|(closest|farthest)-(corner|side)){{break}} + scope: support.constant.property-value.css + - include: color-values + - include: length-constants + - include: percentage-constants + +###[ BUILTIN SHAPE FUNCTIONS ]################################################# + + circle-functions: + # circle() + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-shapes-1/#funcdef-circle + # ellipse() + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-shapes-1/#funcdef-ellipse + - match: \b(?i:circle|ellipse)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.shape.css + push: + - circle-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + circle-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - match: \b(?i:at){{break}} + scope: keyword.other.shape.css + - match: \b(?i:top|right|bottom|left|center|closest-side|farthest-side){{break}} + scope: support.constant.property-value.css + - include: length-constants + - include: percentage-constants + + inset-functions: + # inset() + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-shapes-1/#funcdef-inset + - match: \b(?i:inset)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.shape.css + push: + - inset-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + inset-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - match: \b(?i:round){{break}} + scope: keyword.other.shape.css + - include: length-constants + - include: percentage-constants + + polygon-functions: + # polygon() + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-shapes-1/#funcdef-polygon + - match: \b(?i:polygon)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.shape.css + push: + - polygon-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + polygon-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - match: \b(?i:nonzero|evenodd){{break}} + scope: support.constant.property-value.css + - include: length-constants + - include: percentage-constants + + rect-functions: + # rect() - Deprecated + # https://drafts.fxtf.org/css-masking-1/#funcdef-clip-rect + - match: \b(?i:rect)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.shape.css + push: + - rect-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + rect-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - match: \b(?i:auto){{break}} + scope: support.constant.property-value.css + - include: length-constants + +###[ BUILTIN TIMING FUNCTIONS ]################################################ + + cubic-bezier-timing-functions: + # cubic-bezier() + # https://www.w3.org/TR/web-animations-1/#cubic-bzier-timing-function + - match: \b(?i:cubic-bezier)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.timing.css + push: + - cubic-bezier-timing-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + cubic-bezier-timing-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: scalar-constants + + step-timing-functions: + # steps() + # https://www.w3.org/TR/web-animations-1/#step-timing-function + - match: \b(?i:steps)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.timing.css + push: + - step-timing-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + step-timing-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - match: \b(?i:end|middle|start){{break}} + scope: keyword.other.timing.css + - include: scalar-integer-constants + +###[ BUILTIN TRANSFORM FUNCTIONS ]############################################# + + # Transform Functions + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-transforms + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/transform-function + transform-functions: + - include: transform-functions-with-angles-args + - include: transform-functions-with-angles-scalars-args + - include: transform-functions-with-lengths-percentage-args + - include: transform-functions-with-scalars-percentage-args + - include: transform-functions-with-scalars-args + - include: transform-functions-with-angle-args + - include: transform-functions-with-length-args + - include: transform-functions-with-length-percentage-args + - include: transform-functions-with-scalar-args + + transform-functions-with-angles-args: + # transform functions with comma separated types + # skew() + - match: \b(?i:skew)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.transform.css + push: + - transform-function-angles-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + transform-function-angles-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: angle-constants + + transform-functions-with-angles-scalars-args: + # transform functions with a comma separated or types + # rotate3d() + - match: \b(?i:rotate3d)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.transform.css + push: + - transform-function-angles-scalars-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + transform-function-angles-scalars-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: angle-constants + - include: scalar-constants + + transform-functions-with-lengths-percentage-args: + # transform functions with comma separated or types + # translate(), translate3d() + - match: \b(?i:translate(?:3d)?)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.transform.css + push: + - transform-function-lengths-percentage-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + transform-function-lengths-percentage-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: length-constants + - include: percentage-constants + + transform-functions-with-scalars-percentage-args: + # transform functions with comma separated types + # scale(), scale3d() + - match: \b(?i:scale(?:3d)?)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.transform.css + push: + - transform-function-scalars-percentage-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + transform-function-scalars-percentage-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: percentage-constants + - include: scalar-constants + + transform-functions-with-scalars-args: + # transform functions with comma separated types + # matrix(), matrix3d() + - match: \b(?i:matrix(?:3d)?)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.transform.css + push: + - transform-function-scalars-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + transform-function-scalars-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: scalar-constants + + transform-functions-with-angle-args: + # transform functions with a single type + # rotate(), skewX(), skewY(), rotateX(), rotateY(), rotateZ() + - match: \b(?i:rotate[XYZ]?|skew[XY])(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.transform.css + push: + - transform-function-angle-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + transform-function-angle-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: angle-constants + + transform-functions-with-length-args: + # transform functions with a single type + # translateZ(), perspective() + - match: \b(?i:translateZ|perspective)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.transform.css + push: + - transform-function-length-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + transform-function-length-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: length-constants + - include: none-constants + + transform-functions-with-length-percentage-args: + # transform functions with a single or type + # translateX(), translateY() + - match: \b(?i:translate[XY])(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.transform.css + push: + - transform-function-length-percentage-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + transform-function-length-percentage-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: length-constants + - include: percentage-constants + + transform-functions-with-scalar-args: + # transform functions with a single type + # scaleX(), scaleY(), scaleZ() + - match: \b(?i:scale[XYZ])(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.transform.css + push: + - transform-function-scalar-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + transform-function-scalar-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: scalar-constants + +###[ BUILTIN URL FUNCTIONS ]################################################### + + url-functions: + # url() + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-3/#urls + - match: \b(?i:url)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.url.css + push: + - url-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + url-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: quoted-urls + - include: unquoted-urls + + url-domain-functions: + # domain() + # https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-conditional-20120911/#url-domain + - match: \b(?i:domain)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.domain.css + push: + - url-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + url-prefix-functions: + # url-prefix() + # https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-conditional-20120911/#url-prefix + - match: \b(?i:url-prefix)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.url-prefix.css + push: + - url-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + url-regexp-functions: + # regexp() + # https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-conditional-20120911/#url-regexp + - match: \b(?i:regexp)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.regexp.css + push: + - url-regexp-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + url-regexp-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: quoted-strings + +###[ BUILTIN VALUE FUNCTIONS ]################################################# + + attr-functions: + # attr() + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#funcdef-attr + - match: \b(?i:attr)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.attr.css + push: + - attr-function-arguments-value + - attr-function-arguments-identifier + - function-arguments-list-begin + + attr-function-arguments-identifier: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - include: var-function + - include: quoted-string + - include: attr-name + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + + attr-function-arguments-value: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - match: '{{units}}' + scope: keyword.other.unit.css + - include: color-values + - include: numeric-constants + - include: other-constants + + calc-functions: + # calc() + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#funcdef-calc + # clamp() + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/clamp() + # max() + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/max() + # min() + # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/min() + - match: |- + \b(?xi: acos | asin | atan2 | atan | calc | clamp | cos | exp | hypot + | log | max | min | mod | pow | rem | round | sign | sin | sqrt | tan )(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.calc.css + push: + - calc-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + calc-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: calc-function-arguments-content + + calc-function-arguments-group-body: + - meta_scope: meta.group.css + - match: \) + scope: punctuation.section.group.end.css + set: maybe-illegal-operator + - include: calc-function-arguments-content + + calc-function-arguments-content: + - match: \( + scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.css + push: calc-function-arguments-group-body + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: attr-functions + - match: '{{float}}({{units}})?' + scope: meta.number.float.decimal.css + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + 2: constant.numeric.value.css + 3: punctuation.separator.decimal.css + 4: constant.numeric.suffix.css + push: maybe-illegal-operator + - match: '{{integer}}({{units}})?' + scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + 2: constant.numeric.value.css + 3: constant.numeric.suffix.css + push: maybe-illegal-operator + - match: '[-+*/]' + scope: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + + toggle-functions: + # toggle() + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#toggle-notation + - match: \b(?i:toggle)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.toggle.css + push: + - toggle-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + + toggle-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-prototype + - include: comma-delimiters + - include: vendor-prefixes + - include: color-values + - include: quoted-strings + - include: numeric-constants + - include: other-constants + + var-functions: + # var() + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-variables/#funcdef-var + # Note: Match valid groups before `var-functions` context is included. + - match: \b(?i:var)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.var.css + push: + - var-function-arguments-defaults + - var-function-arguments-identifier + - function-arguments-list-begin + + var-function: + - match: \b(?i:var)(?=\() + scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.var.css + set: + - var-function-arguments-defaults + - var-function-arguments-identifier + - function-arguments-list-begin + + var-function-arguments-defaults: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-list-end + - include: font-property-value-content + + var-function-arguments-identifier: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: '{{custom_ident_begin}}' + set: custom-property-variable-content + - include: comments + - include: else-pop + + custom-property-variable-content: + - meta_scope: variable.other.custom-property.css + - include: identifier-content + +###[ CONSTANTS OR FUNCTIONS ]################################################## + + constants-or-functions: + - match: '{{ident_begin}}' + branch_point: constant-or-function + branch: + - other-constant + - other-function + + other-constant: + - meta_content_scope: support.constant.property-value.css + - match: (?=\() + fail: constant-or-function + - include: identifier-content + + other-function: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css variable.function.css + - match: (?=\() + set: + - other-function-arguments-list-body + - function-arguments-list-begin + - include: identifier-content + + other-function-arguments-list-body: + - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css + - include: function-arguments-list-end + - include: values + +###[ FUNCTION ARGUMENTS ]###################################################### + + function-arguments-list-begin: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: \( + scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.css + pop: 1 + + function-arguments-list-end: + - match: \) + scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css punctuation.section.group.end.css + pop: 1 + + function-arguments-prototype: + - include: function-arguments-list-end + - match: (?=[;{}]) + pop: 1 + - include: comments + - include: calc-functions + - include: var-functions + - include: illegal-groups + +###[ IDENTIFIERS ]############################################################# + + # Qualified Names + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-namespaces-3/#css-qnames + attr-name: + - match: (?=[*|]|{{ident_begin}}) + set: attr-name-content + + attr-name-content: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: '{{ident_begin}}' + branch_point: attr-name + branch: + - attr-name-identifier-content + - attr-name-namespace-content + - match: \*(?!=) + scope: constant.other.wildcard.asterisk.css + - match: \|(?!=) + scope: punctuation.separator.namespace.css + - include: immediately-pop + + attr-name-identifier-content: + - meta_content_scope: entity.other.attribute-name.css + - match: \|(?!=) + fail: attr-name + - include: identifier-content + + attr-name-namespace-content: + - meta_content_scope: entity.other.namespace-prefix.css + - match: \|(?!=) + scope: punctuation.separator.namespace.css + pop: 1 + - include: identifier-content + + identifier-content: + # also pop parent context + - match: '{{break}}' + pop: 1 + # consume unicode escapes and possibly following whitespace + - match: '{{unicode}}' + +###[ CONSTANTS ]############################################################### + + color-constants: + # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/syndata.html#color-units + - match: '{{standard_colors}}' + scope: support.constant.color.w3c.standard.css + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#svg-color + - match: '{{extended_colors}}' + scope: support.constant.color.w3c.extended.css + # Special Color Keywords + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#currentcolor + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#transparent-def + - match: \b(?i:currentColor|transparent){{break}} + scope: support.constant.color.w3c.special.css + # Hex Color + - match: (#)(\h{3}|\h{6}){{break}} + scope: constant.other.color.rgb-value.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.constant.css + # RGBA Hexadecimal Colors + # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RGBA_color_space#RGBA_hexadecimal_.28word-order.29 + - match: (#)(\h{4}|\h{8}){{break}} + scope: constant.other.color.rgba-value.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.constant.css + + counter-speak-as-constants: + - match: '{{counter_speak_as_constants}}' + scope: support.constant.property-value.css + + counter-system-constants: + - match: '{{counter_system_constants}}' + scope: support.constant.symbol-type.css + + direction-constants: + - match: \b(?i:ltr|rtl){{break}} + scope: support.constant.property-value.css + + font-display-constants: + - match: '{{font_display_constants}}' + scope: support.constant.property-value.css + + font-prop-constants: + - match: '{{font_prop_constants}}' + scope: support.constant.property-value.css + + font-size-constants: + - match: '{{font_size_constants}}' + scope: support.constant.property-value.css + + font-stretch-constants: + - match: '{{font_stretch_constants}}' + scope: support.constant.property-value.css + + font-style-constants: + - match: '{{font_style_constants}}' + scope: support.constant.property-value.css + + font-weight-constants: + - match: '{{font_weight_constants}}' + scope: support.constant.property-value.css + + font-variant-constants: + - match: '{{font_variant_constants}}' + scope: support.constant.property-value.css + + # Generic Font Families + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-3/#family-name-value + generic-font-names: + - match: '{{font_family_constants}}' + scope: support.constant.property-value.css + + global-constants: + - match: '{{global_property_constants}}' + scope: support.constant.property-value.css + + grid-constants: + - match: \b(?i:auto|max-content|min-content){{break}} + scope: support.constant.property-value.css + + none-constants: + - match: (?i:none){{break}} + scope: constant.language.null.css + + other-constants: + - match: '{{ident_begin}}' + push: other-constant-content + + other-constant-content: + - meta_scope: support.constant.property-value.css + - include: identifier-content + +###[ NUMERIC CONSTANTS ]####################################################### + + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#numeric-constantss + numeric-constants: + - match: '{{float}}({{units}})?' + scope: meta.number.float.decimal.css + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + 2: constant.numeric.value.css + 3: punctuation.separator.decimal.css + 4: constant.numeric.suffix.css + - match: '{{integer}}({{units}})?' + scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + 2: constant.numeric.value.css + 3: constant.numeric.suffix.css + + # Make sure `scalar-constants` is included after any other numeric values + # as `scalar-constants` will consume all numeric values. + scalar-constants: + - include: scalar-float-constants + - include: scalar-integer-constants + + scalar-float-constants: + - match: '{{float}}' + scope: meta.number.float.decimal.css + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + 2: constant.numeric.value.css + 3: punctuation.separator.decimal.css + + scalar-integer-constants: + - match: '{{integer}}' + scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + 2: constant.numeric.value.css + + scalar-rational-constants: + - match: \d+(/)\d+ + scope: meta.number.rational.css constant.numeric.value.css + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + + angle-constants: + - match: '{{float}}({{angle_units}})' + scope: meta.number.float.decimal.css + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + 2: constant.numeric.value.css + 3: punctuation.separator.decimal.css + 4: constant.numeric.suffix.css + - match: '{{integer}}({{angle_units}})' + scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + 2: constant.numeric.value.css + 3: constant.numeric.suffix.css + - match: \b0\b(?![.%]) + scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css constant.numeric.value.css + + frequency-constants: + - match: '{{float}}({{frequency_units}})' + scope: meta.number.float.decimal.css + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + 2: constant.numeric.value.css + 3: punctuation.separator.decimal.css + 4: constant.numeric.suffix.css + - match: '{{integer}}({{frequency_units}})' + scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + 2: constant.numeric.value.css + 3: constant.numeric.suffix.css + + length-constants: + - match: '{{float}}({{font_relative_lengths}}|{{viewport_percentage_lengths}}|{{absolute_lengths}})' + scope: meta.number.float.decimal.css + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + 2: constant.numeric.value.css + 3: punctuation.separator.decimal.css + 4: constant.numeric.suffix.css + - match: '{{integer}}({{font_relative_lengths}}|{{viewport_percentage_lengths}}|{{absolute_lengths}})' + scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + 2: constant.numeric.value.css + 3: constant.numeric.suffix.css + - match: \b0\b(?![.%]) + scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css constant.numeric.value.css + + resolution-constants: + - match: '{{float}}({{resolution_units}})' + scope: meta.number.float.decimal.css + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + 2: constant.numeric.value.css + 3: punctuation.separator.decimal.css + 4: constant.numeric.suffix.css + - match: '{{integer}}({{resolution_units}})' + scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + 2: constant.numeric.value.css + 3: constant.numeric.suffix.css + + percentage-constants: + - match: '{{float}}(%)' + scope: meta.number.float.decimal.css + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + 2: constant.numeric.value.css + 3: punctuation.separator.decimal.css + 4: constant.numeric.suffix.css + - match: '{{integer}}(%)' + scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + 2: constant.numeric.value.css + 3: constant.numeric.suffix.css + + time-constants: + - match: '{{float}}({{duration_units}})' + scope: meta.number.float.decimal.css + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + 2: constant.numeric.value.css + 3: punctuation.separator.decimal.css + 4: constant.numeric.suffix.css + - match: '{{integer}}({{duration_units}})' + scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + 2: constant.numeric.value.css + 3: constant.numeric.suffix.css + + # Unicode Ranges + # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#urange + unicode-ranges: + - match: ([Uu]\+)([\h?]{1,6}(?:(-)\h{1,6})?) + scope: meta.number.unicode-range.css + captures: + 1: constant.numeric.prefix.css + 2: constant.numeric.value.css + 3: punctuation.separator.range.css + +###[ STRING CONSTANTS ]######################################################## + + # Font Family Names + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-3/#family-name-value + font-family-names: + - match: '{{ident_begin}}' + push: font-family-name-body + + font-family-name-body: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.string.css string.unquoted.css + # allow unquoted space separated font names + - match: (?!\s+{{ident_start}}){{break}} + pop: 1 + # function call ahead, skip font name + - match: (?=\s+{{ident}}\() + pop: 1 + - match: '{{unicode}}' + + # Language Ranges + # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#language-range + language-ranges: + - match: '{{lang_range_begin}}' + push: language-range-content + + language-range-content: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.string.css string.unquoted.css + - include: string-content + - match: \* + scope: constant.other.wildcard.asterisk.css + - match: '{{break}}' + pop: 1 + + # Named Grid Lines + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-grid/#named-lines + line-name-lists: + - match: \[ + scope: punctuation.section.brackets.begin.css + push: line-name-list-body + + line-name-list-body: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.line-names.css meta.brackets.css + - include: brackets-end + - include: line-names + - include: terminator-pop + + line-names: + - match: '{{ident_begin}}' + push: line-name-content + + line-name-content: + - meta_scope: meta.string.css string.unquoted.line-name.css + - include: identifier-content + + quoted-strings: + - match: \" + scope: punctuation.definition.string.begin.css + push: double-quoted-string-body + - match: \' + scope: punctuation.definition.string.begin.css + push: single-quoted-string-body + + quoted-string: + - match: \" + scope: punctuation.definition.string.begin.css + set: double-quoted-string-body + - match: \' + scope: punctuation.definition.string.begin.css + set: single-quoted-string-body + + double-quoted-string-body: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.string.css string.quoted.double.css + - include: double-quoted-string-end + - include: string-content + + double-quoted-string-end: + - match: \" + scope: punctuation.definition.string.end.css + pop: 1 + - include: illegal-string-end + + single-quoted-string-body: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_scope: meta.string.css string.quoted.single.css + - include: single-quoted-string-end + - include: string-content + + single-quoted-string-end: + - match: \' + scope: punctuation.definition.string.end.css + pop: 1 + - include: illegal-string-end + + illegal-string-end: + - match: \n + scope: invalid.illegal.newline.css + pop: 1 + + string-content: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: \\\s*\n + scope: constant.character.escape.newline.css + - match: \\(?:\h{1,6}|.) + scope: constant.character.escape.css + +###[ URL STRING CONSTANTS ]#################################################### + + quoted-urls: + - match: \" + scope: + meta.string.css string.quoted.double.css + punctuation.definition.string.begin.css + push: double-quoted-url-body + - match: \' + scope: + meta.string.css string.quoted.single.css + punctuation.definition.string.begin.css + push: single-quoted-url-body + + double-quoted-url-body: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_content_scope: + meta.path.url.css + meta.string.css string.quoted.double.css + - match: \" + scope: + meta.string.css string.quoted.double.css + punctuation.definition.string.end.css + pop: 1 + - include: illegal-string-end + - include: url-content + + single-quoted-url-body: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_content_scope: + meta.path.url.css + meta.string.css string.quoted.single.css + - match: \' + scope: + meta.string.css string.quoted.single.css + punctuation.definition.string.end.css + pop: 1 + - include: illegal-string-end + - include: url-content + + # Unquoted URL token + # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-syntax-3/#consume-a-url-token + unquoted-urls: + - match: '{{unquoted_url_begin}}' + push: unquoted-url-body + + unquoted-url-body: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - meta_content_scope: + meta.path.url.css + meta.string.css string.unquoted.css + - match: '["''(]' + scope: invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.css + set: + - meta_include_prototype: false + - match: (?=[)\n]) + pop: 1 + - include: string-content + - match: (?=[)\n]) + pop: 1 + - include: url-content + + url-content: + - include: string-content + - match: (%)\h{2} + scope: constant.character.escape.url.css + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.escape.css + - match: '[/&?#]|://' + scope: punctuation.separator.path.css + +###[ OPERATORS ]############################################################### + + arithmetic-operators: + - match: / + scope: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + + comparison-operators: + - match: '[<>]=?|=' + scope: keyword.operator.comparison.css + push: comparison-value + + comparison-value: + - match: (?={{logical_operators}}{{break}}) + pop: 1 + - include: values + + important-operators: + - match: \!\s*(?i:important){{break}} + scope: keyword.other.important.css + + logical-operators: + - match: '{{logical_operators}}{{break}}' + scope: keyword.operator.logical.css + + color-adjuster-operators: + - match: '[-+*](?=\s)' + scope: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css + - match: '[-+*/]' + scope: invalid.illegal.operator.css + + maybe-illegal-operator: + - match: '[-+](?=\s*\d)' + scope: invalid.illegal.operator.css + pop: 1 + - match: \s*([-+])(?=\d) + captures: + 1: invalid.illegal.operator.css + pop: 1 + - include: immediately-pop + +###[ PUNCTUATION ]############################################################# + + alpha-delimiters: + - match: / + scope: punctuation.separator.alpha.css + + comma-delimiters: + - match: ',' + scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.css + + block-end: + - match: \} + scope: punctuation.section.block.end.css + pop: 1 + + block-end2: + - match: \} + scope: punctuation.section.block.end.css + pop: 2 + + brackets-end: + - match: \] + scope: punctuation.section.brackets.end.css + pop: 1 + + group-end: + - match: \) + scope: punctuation.section.group.end.css + pop: 1 + + rule-terminators: + - match: ; + scope: punctuation.terminator.rule.css + + illegal-commas: + - match: ',' + scope: invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.css + + illegal-blocks: + # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/syndata.html#parsing-errors + - match: \{ + scope: invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.css + push: + - match: \} + scope: invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.css + pop: 1 + - match: \} + scope: invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.css + + illegal-groups: + # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/syndata.html#parsing-errors + - match: \( + scope: invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.css + push: + - match: \) + scope: invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.css + pop: 1 + - match: \) + scope: invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.css + +###[ PROTOTYPES ]############################################################## + + clear-pop: + - clear_scopes: 1 + - meta_include_prototype: false + - include: immediately-pop + + else-pop: + - match: (?=\S) + pop: 1 + + immediately-pop: + - match: '' + pop: 1 + + terminator-pop: + - match: (?=[;){}]) + pop: 1 diff --git a/CSS/CSS.sublime-syntax b/CSS/CSS.sublime-syntax index 7a9b22c962..0ba963c621 100644 --- a/CSS/CSS.sublime-syntax +++ b/CSS/CSS.sublime-syntax @@ -5,3512 +5,7 @@ name: CSS scope: source.css version: 2 +extends: Packages/CSS/CSS (Plain).sublime-syntax + file_extensions: - css - -############################################################################### - -variables: - # Basic tokens - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#lex - unicode: \\\h{1,6}[ \t\n\f]? - escape: (?:{{unicode}}|\\[^\n\f\h]) - nmstart: (?:[_[:alpha:][^\x{0}-\x{127}]]|{{escape}}) - nmchar: (?:[-_[:alnum:][^\x{0}-\x{127}]]|{{escape}}) - - # Identifier Break - # The proper pattern would be (?!{{nmchar}}), but its impact on performance - # is just too high, thus several optimizations are applied. - # 1. Use positive lookahead with \Z to handle `eof` - # 2. Breaks are ascii characters other than denoted by {{nmchar}}. - # 3. Assume unicode or escape character if backslash is matched, instead of - # matching (?!{{escape}}) which also effects performance negative. - break: (?=[[^-_[:alnum:]\\]&&[\x{0}-\x{127}]]|\Z) - - # Interpolateable Identifiers - ident_begin: (?=--|-?{{ident_start}}) - custom_ident_begin: (?=--) - generic_ident_begin: (?=-?{{ident_start}}) - # This alias may be used by inheriting syntaxes to add interpolation begin - # punctuation patterns to enable interpolation at the beginning of identifiers. - ident_start: '{{nmstart}}' - - # Identifiers - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#typedef-ident-token - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#lex - ident: (?:{{custom_ident}}|{{generic_ident}}) - custom_ident: (?:--{{nmchar}}*) - generic_ident: (?:-?{{nmstart}}{{nmchar}}*) - - # Ilegal Custom Identifier Names - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-4/#custom-idents - illegal_custom_ident: |- - \b{{illegal_custom_ident_tokens}}{{break}} - illegal_custom_ident_tokens: |- - (?xi: auto | default | inherit | initial | none | unset ) - - # Constants - lang_range_begin: (?={{ident_start}}|\*) - unquoted_url_begin: (?={{ident_start}}|/) - - # Types - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#numeric-types - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#number-token-diagram - integer: ([-+]?)(\d+) - float: ([-+]?)(\d*(\.)\d+(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?|\d+[eE][-+]?\d+) - - # Units - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#lengths - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/length - units: |- - (?x: - % - | {{absolute_lengths}} - | {{angle_units}} - | {{container_units}} - | {{duration_units}} - | {{font_relative_lengths}} - | {{frequency_units}} - | {{resolution_units}} - | {{viewport_percentage_lengths}} - ) - font_relative_lengths: (?i:cap|ch|em|ex|ic|lh|rem|rlh)\b - viewport_percentage_lengths: (?i:[sld]?(?:vh|vw|vi|vb|vmin|vmax))\b - absolute_lengths: (?i:cm|mm|q|in|pt|pc|px|fr)\b - angle_units: (?i:deg|grad|rad|turn)\b - container_units: (?i:cqw|cqh|cqi|cqb|cqmin|cqmax)\b - duration_units: (?i:s|ms)\b - frequency_units: (?i:Hz|kHz)\b - resolution_units: (?i:dpi|dpcm|dppx)\b - - logical_operators: (?i:and|or|not|only) - - # Properties and Selectors - property_or_selector_begin: (?={{ident_begin}}|{{selector_start}}) - property_end: (?=[;@)}]) - - selector_start: '[[:alpha:].:#&*\[{{combinator_char}}]' - selector_end: (?=[;@(){}]) - - keyframe_selector_begin: (?=\b(?i:from|to){{break}}|\.?[\d,%]) - - # Combinators - # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#combinators - combinators: (?:>{1,3}|[~+]|\|{2}) - combinator_char: '[+>|~]' - - vendor_prefix: -(?:webkit|moz|ms|o)- - - # Foreign Tags - # https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#tag-name-state - tag_name_begin: (?=[[:alpha:]]) - tag_name_break: (?!{{tag_name_char}}) - # tags may consist of any char valid in html but not being of special meaning in CSS - tag_name_char: '[^ \t\n\f.:#&* is moved to `html_structure_tags` - html_header_tags: |- - (?xi: base | link | meta | script | style | title ){{break}} - - html_section_tags: |- - (?xi: address | article | aside | footer | header | h[1-6] | hgroup | main - | nav | section ){{break}} - - html_text_content_tags: |- - (?xi: blockquote | cite | dd | dt | dl | div | figcaption | figure | hr - | li | ol | p | pre | ul ){{break}} - - html_text_semantic_tags: |- - (?xi: a | abbr | b | bdi | bdo | br | code | data | time | dfn | em | i - | kbd | mark | q | rb | ruby | rp | rt | rtc | s | samp | small | span - | strong | sub | sup | u | var | wbr ){{break}} - - html_media_tags: |- - (?xi: area | audio | source | img | map | track | video ){{break}} - - html_embedded_tags: |- - (?xi: embed | iframe | object | param | picture | source ){{break}} - - html_script_tags: |- - (?xi: canvas | noscript (?# | script ) ){{break}} - - html_markup_tags: |- - (?xi: del | ins ){{break}} - - html_table_tags: |- - (?xi: caption | col | colgroup | table | tbody | tr | td | tfoot - | th | thead ){{break}} - - html_forms_tags: |- - (?xi: button | datalist | fieldset | form | input | label | legend | meter - | optgroup | option | output | progress | select | textarea ){{break}} - - html_interactive_tags: |- - (?xi: details | dialog | menu | summary ){{break}} - - html_web_tags: |- - (?xi: slot | template ){{break}} - - html_deprecated_block_tags: |- - (?xi: applet | bgsound | content | dir | element | frame | frameset - | marquee | noembed | noframes | plaintext | xmp ){{break}} - - html_deprecated_inline_tags: |- - (?xi: acronym | basefont | big | blink | center | command | font | image - | keygen | menuitem | nobr | param | rb | rtc | shadow | spacer | strike - | tt ){{break}} - - # SVG tag names - # maintained from previous CSS.sublime-syntax - svg_tags: |- - (?xi: circle | clipPath | defs | ellipse | eventsource | filter - | foreignObject | g | glyph | glyphRef | line | linearGradient | marker - | mask | path | pattern | polygon | polyline | radialGradient | rect | stop - | svg | switch | symbol | text | textPath | tref | tspan | use - # custom element like tags reserved for SVG/MathML - | annotation-xml | color-profile | missing-glyph - | font-face(?: -src | -uri | -format | -name )? - ){{break}} - - # Predefined Color Values (Standard Set) - # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/syndata.html#color-units - standard_colors: |- - \b(?xi: - aqua | black | blue | fuchsia | gray | green | lime | maroon | navy - | olive | orange | purple | red | silver | teal | white | yellow - ){{break}} - - # Predefined Color Values (Extended Set) - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#svg-color - extended_colors: |- - \b(?xi: - aliceblue | antiquewhite | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque - | blanchedalmond | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse - | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue - | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki - | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred - | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey - | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey - | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | gainsboro - | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink - | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen - | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow - | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon - | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey - | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | limegreen | linen | magenta - | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple - | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise - | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin - | navajowhite | oldlace | olivedrab | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod - | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru - | pink | plum | powderblue | rebeccapurple | rosybrown | royalblue - | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna - | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen - | steelblue | tan | thistle | tomato | turquoise | violet | wheat - | whitesmoke | yellowgreen - ){{break}} - - # Illegal Counter Style Definition Names - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#typedef-counter-style-name - counter_style_illegal_names: |- - \b(?xi: decimal | disc | {{illegal_custom_ident_tokens}} ){{break}} - - # Predefined Counter Styles - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#predefined-counters - counter_style_names: |- - \b(?xi: - none | arabic-indic | armenian | bengali | cambodian | circle - | cjk-decimal | cjk-earthly-branch | cjk-heavenly-stem | decimal-leading-zero - | decimal | devanagari | disclosure-closed | disclosure-open | disc - | ethiopic-numeric | georgian | gujarati | gurmukhi | hebrew - | hiragana-iroha | hiragana | japanese-formal | japanese-informal - | kannada | katakana-iroha | katakana | khmer - | korean-hangul-formal | korean-hanja-formal | korean-hanja-informal | lao - | lower-alpha | lower-armenian | lower-greek | lower-latin | lower-roman - | malayalam | mongolian | myanmar | oriya | persian - | simp-chinese-formal | simp-chinese-informal - | square | tamil | telugu | thai | tibetan - | trad-chinese-formal | trad-chinese-informal - | upper-alpha | upper-armenian | upper-latin | upper-roman - ){{break}} - - # Predefined Counter Speak As Property Constants - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#counter-style-speak-as - counter_speak_as_constants: |- - \b(?xi: auto | bullets | numbers | words | spell-out ){{break}} - - # Predefined Counter Style System Constants - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#counter-style-system - counter_system_constants: |- - \b(?xi: cyclic | numeric | alphabetic | symbolic | additive | fixed ){{break}} - - # @page Margin Names - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@page - page_margin_names: |- - \b(?xi: - (?: bottom | top ) - (?: left-corner | left | center | right | right-corner ) - | (?: left | right ) - (?: top | middle | bottom ) - ){{break}} - - global_property_constants: |- - \b(?xi: inherit | initial | revert | revert-layer | unset ){{break}} - - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-4/#font-display-desc - font_display_constants: |- - \b(?xi: block | swap | fallback | optional ){{break}} - - # Generic Font Families - font_family_constants: |- - \b(?xi: - # CSS 2 fonts - # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/fonts.html#generic-font-families - sans-serif | serif | cursive | monospace | fantasy - # CSS 3 level 4 fonts - # https://www.w3.org/TR/2019/WD-css-fonts-4-20191113/#generic-family-value - | emoji | math | fangsong | system-ui - # https://www.w3.org/TR/2019/WD-css-fonts-4-20191113/#standard-font-families - | ui-sans-serif | ui-serif | ui-monospace | ui-rounded - ){{break}} - - # Generic Font Properties - # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/fonts.html#font-shorthand - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font - font_prop_constants: |- - \b(?xi: caption | icon | menu | message-box | small-caption | status-bar ){{break}} - - # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/fonts.html#font-size-props - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-size - font_size_constants: |- - \b(?xi: larger | large | medium | small | smaller | x{1,2}-(?: large | small ) ){{break}} - - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-stretch - font_stretch_constants: |- - \b(?xi: (?: normal | (?: extra | semi | ultra ) - )? ( condensed | expanded ) ){{break}} - - # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/fonts.html#font-styling - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-style - font_style_constants: |- - \b(?xi: normal | italic | oblique ){{break}} - - # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/fonts.html#font-boldness - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-weight - font_weight_constants: |- - \b(?xi: normal | bold | bolder | lighter ){{break}} - - # https://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/Web/CSS/font-variant - font_variant_constants: |- - \b(?xi: (?: all- )? (?: small | petite ) -caps | unicase | titling-cap ){{break}} - -############################################################################### - -contexts: - - main: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - include: stylesheet - - stylesheet: - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#typedef-stylesheet - - include: comments - - include: property-lists - - include: selectors - - include: at-rules - - include: rule-terminators - - include: illegal-commas - - include: illegal-groups - -###[ COMMENTS ]################################################################ - - comments: - # empty block comment - - match: (/\*+)(\*/) - scope: comment.block.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.comment.begin.css - 2: punctuation.definition.comment.end.css - # normal block comment - - match: /\*+ - scope: punctuation.definition.comment.begin.css - push: block-comment-body - - block-comment-body: - - meta_scope: comment.block.css - - match: \*+/ - scope: punctuation.definition.comment.end.css - pop: 1 - - match: ^\s*(\*)(?!/) - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.comment.css - -###[ AT RULES ]################################################################ - - at-rules: - # top-level-only - - include: at-import - - include: at-document - # with stylesheet blocks - - include: at-container - - include: at-layer - - include: at-media - - include: at-supports - # common - - include: at-charset - - include: at-counter-style - - include: at-custom-media - - include: at-font-face - - include: at-keyframes - - include: at-namespace - - include: at-page - - include: at-page-margin - - include: at-property - - include: at-scroll-timeline - - include: at-other - - nested-at-rules: - # with style-rule blocks - - include: nested-at-container - - include: nested-at-layer - - include: nested-at-media - - include: nested-at-supports - # common - - include: at-charset - - include: at-counter-style - - include: at-custom-media - - include: at-font-face - - include: at-keyframes - - include: at-namespace - - include: at-page - - include: at-page-margin - - include: at-property - - include: at-scroll-timeline - - include: at-other - -###[ CHARSET AT-RULE ]######################################################### - - # @charset - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#at-ruledef-charset - at-charset: - - match: (@)(?i:charset){{break}} - scope: keyword.control.directive.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css - push: - - at-charset-meta - - at-charset-body - - at-charset-meta: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.charset.css - - include: immediately-pop - - at-charset-body: - - include: quoted-string - - include: else-pop - -###[ CONTAINER AT-RULE ]####################################################### - - # @container - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-contain-3/#container-rule - at-container: - - match: (@)(?i:container){{break}} - scope: keyword.control.directive.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css - push: - - at-container-meta - - maybe-stylesheet-block - - container-query - - at-container-identifier - - nested-at-container: - - match: (@)(?i:container){{break}} - scope: keyword.control.directive.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css - push: - - at-container-meta - - maybe-property-list - - container-query - - at-container-identifier - - at-container-meta: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.container.css - - include: immediately-pop - - at-container-identifier: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: (?=(?i:{{logical_operators}}|style){{break}}) - pop: 1 - - match: '{{ident_begin}}' - set: at-container-identifier-content - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - - at-container-identifier-content: - - meta_scope: entity.other.container.css - - include: identifier-content - -###[ COUNTER STYLE AT-RULE ]################################################### - - # @counter-style - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#the-counter-style-rule - at-counter-style: - - match: (@)(?i:counter-style){{break}} - scope: keyword.control.directive.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css - push: - - at-counter-style-meta - - at-counter-style-declaration-list - - at-counter-style-identifier - - at-counter-style-meta: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.counter-style.css - - include: immediately-pop - - at-counter-style-identifier: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: '{{counter_style_illegal_names}}' - scope: invalid.illegal.identifier.css - pop: 1 - - match: '{{generic_ident_begin}}' - set: at-counter-style-identifier-content - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - - at-counter-style-identifier-content: - - meta_scope: entity.other.counter-style-name.css - - include: identifier-content - - at-counter-style-declaration-list: - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#typedef-declaration-list - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: \{ - scope: punctuation.section.block.begin.css - set: at-counter-style-declaration-list-body - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - - at-counter-style-declaration-list-body: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.property-list.css meta.block.css - - include: block-end - - include: comments - - include: counter-style-fallback-properties - - include: counter-style-system-properties - - include: counter-style-speak-as-properties - - include: property-identifiers - - include: property-values - - include: nested-at-rules - - include: rule-terminators - - include: illegal-commas - - include: illegal-blocks - - include: illegal-groups - -###[ CUSTOM MEDIA AT-RULE ]#################################################### - - # @custom-media - # https://?? - at-custom-media: - - match: (@)(?i:custom-media){{break}} - scope: keyword.control.directive.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css - push: - - at-custom-media-body - - at-custom-media-identifier - - at-custom-media-identifier: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: '{{ident_begin}}' - set: at-custom-media-identifier-content - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - - at-custom-media-identifier-content: - - meta_scope: entity.other.custom-media.css - - include: identifier-content - - at-custom-media-body: - - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.custom-media.css - - include: media-query-list - -###[ DOCUMENT AT-RULE ]######################################################## - - # @document - # https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-conditional-20120911/#at-document - at-document: - - match: (@)(?i:document){{break}} - scope: keyword.control.directive.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css - push: - - at-document-meta - - maybe-stylesheet-block - - at-document-query - - at-document-meta: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.document.css - - include: immediately-pop - - at-document-query: - - include: url-functions - - include: url-domain-functions - - include: url-prefix-functions - - include: url-regexp-functions - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - -###[ FONT FACE AT-RULE ]####################################################### - - # @font-face - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-4/#at-font-face-rule - at-font-face: - - match: (@)(?i:font-face){{break}} - scope: keyword.control.directive.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css - push: - - at-font-face-meta - - maybe-property-list - - at-font-face-meta: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.font-face.css - - include: immediately-pop - -###[ IMPORT AT-RULE ]########################################################## - - # @import - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-cascade-4/#at-ruledef-import - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@import - at-import: - - match: (@)(?i:import){{break}} - scope: keyword.control.directive.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css - push: - - at-import-media-query - - at-import-body - - at-import-body: - - include: quoted-strings - - include: url-functions - - include: layer-functions - - include: supports-functions - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - - at-import-media-query: - - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.import.css - - include: media-query-list - -###[ KEYFRAMES AT-RULE ]####################################################### - - # @keyframes - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-animations/#at-ruledef-keyframes - at-keyframes: - - match: (@)(?i:keyframes){{break}} - scope: keyword.control.directive.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css - push: - - at-keyframe-meta - - at-keyframe-block - - at-keyframe-identifier - - at-keyframe-meta: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.keyframe.css - - include: immediately-pop - - at-keyframe-identifier: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: '{{illegal_custom_ident}}' - scope: invalid.illegal.identifier.css - pop: 1 - - match: '{{ident_begin}}' - set: at-keyframe-identifier-content - - include: quoted-string - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - - at-keyframe-identifier-content: - - meta_scope: entity.other.animation-name.css - - include: identifier-content - - at-keyframe-block: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: \{ - scope: punctuation.section.block.begin.css - set: at-keyframe-block-body - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - - at-keyframe-block-body: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.block.css - - include: block-end - - include: comments - - include: property-lists - - include: at-keyframe-selectors - - include: rule-terminators - - include: illegal-commas - - include: illegal-groups - - at-keyframe-selectors: - - match: '{{keyframe_selector_begin}}' - push: at-keyframe-selector-body - - at-keyframe-selector-body: - - meta_scope: meta.selector.css - - include: selector-end - - include: comments - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: percentage-constants - - match: (?i:from|to){{break}} - scope: keyword.other.selector.css - -###[ LAYER AT-RULE ]########################################################### - - # @layer - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@layer - at-layer: - - match: (@)(?i:layer){{break}} - scope: keyword.control.directive.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css - push: - - at-layer-meta - - maybe-stylesheet-block - - at-layer-name-list - - nested-at-layer: - - match: (@)(?i:layer){{break}} - scope: keyword.control.directive.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css - push: - - at-layer-meta - - maybe-property-list - - at-layer-name-list - - at-layer-meta: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.layer.css - - include: immediately-pop - - at-layer-name-list: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - include: at-layer-names - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - - at-layer-names: - - match: '{{ident_begin}}' - branch_point: at-layer-names - branch: - - at-layer-unqualified-name - - at-layer-qualified-name - - at-layer-unqualified-name: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: entity.other.layer.css - - match: (?=\.) - fail: at-layer-names - - include: identifier-content - - at-layer-qualified-name: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.path.css entity.other.layer.css - - match: \. - scope: punctuation.accessor.dot.css - push: clear-pop - - include: identifier-content - -###[ MEDIA AT-RULE ]########################################################### - - # @media - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-conditional-3/#at-ruledef-media - at-media: - - match: (@)(?i:media){{break}} - scope: keyword.control.directive.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css - push: - - at-media-meta - - maybe-stylesheet-block - - media-query-list - - nested-at-media: - - match: (@)(?i:media){{break}} - scope: keyword.control.directive.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css - push: - - at-media-meta - - maybe-property-list - - media-query-list - - at-media-meta: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.media.css - - include: immediately-pop - -###[ NAMESPACE AT-RULE ]####################################################### - - # @namespace - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-namespace/ - at-namespace: - - match: (@)(?i:namespace){{break}} - scope: keyword.control.directive.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css - push: - - at-namespace-body - - at-namespace-identifier - - at-namespace-identifier: - - match: '{{ident}}(?!{{nmchar}}|\()' - scope: entity.other.namespace-prefix.css - pop: 1 - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - - at-namespace-body: - - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.namespace.css - - include: var-functions - - include: url-functions - - include: quoted-urls - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - -###[ PAGE AT-RULE ]############################################################ - - # @page - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-page/#at-ruledef-page - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@page - at-page: - - match: (@)(?i:page){{break}} - scope: keyword.control.directive.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css - push: - - at-page-meta - - maybe-property-list - - at-page-name-list - - at-page-meta: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.page.css - - include: immediately-pop - - at-page-name-list: - - match: (:)(?i:blank|first|left|right|recto|verso){{break}} - scope: entity.other.pseudo-class.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.entity.css - - match: (:){{nmchar}}* - # scope: invalid.illegal.pseudo-class.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.entity.css - - match: '{{ident_begin}}' - push: at-page-name-content - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - - at-page-name-content: - - meta_scope: entity.other.page-name.css - - include: identifier-content - - at-page-margin: - - match: (@){{page_margin_names}} - scope: keyword.control.directive.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css - push: - - at-page-margin-meta - - maybe-property-list - - at-page-margin-meta: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.margin.css - - include: immediately-pop - -###[ PROPERTY AT-RULE ]######################################################## - - # @property Property Names - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@property - at-property: - - match: (@)(?i:property){{break}} - scope: keyword.control.directive.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css - push: - - at-property-property-meta - - maybe-property-list - - at-property-name - - at-property-property-meta: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.property.css - - include: immediately-pop - - at-property-name: - - match: '{{custom_ident_begin}}' - set: custom-property-content - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - -###[ SCROLL-TIMELINE AT-RULE ]################################################# - - # @scroll-timeline - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@scroll-timeline - at-scroll-timeline: - - match: (@)(?i:scroll-timeline){{break}} - scope: keyword.control.directive.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css - push: - - at-scroll-timeline-meta - - maybe-property-list - - at-scroll-timeline-name - - at-scroll-timeline-meta: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.scroll-timeline.css - - include: immediately-pop - - at-scroll-timeline-name: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: '{{ident_begin}}' - set: at-scroll-timeline-name-content - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - - at-scroll-timeline-name-content: - - meta_scope: entity.other.scroll-timeline.css - - include: identifier-content - -###[ SUPPORTS AT-RULE ]######################################################## - - # @supports - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-conditional-3/#at-supports - at-supports: - - match: (@)(?i:supports){{break}} - scope: keyword.control.directive.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css - push: - - at-supports-meta - - maybe-stylesheet-block - - at-supports-query - - nested-at-supports: - - match: (@)(?i:supports){{break}} - scope: keyword.control.directive.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.css - push: - - at-supports-meta - - maybe-property-list - - at-supports-query - - at-supports-meta: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.supports.css - - include: immediately-pop - - at-supports-query: - - include: at-supports-groups - - include: logical-operators - - include: font-format-functions - - include: selector-functions - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - - at-supports-groups: - - match: \( - scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.css - push: at-supports-group-body - - at-supports-group-body: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.group.css - - include: group-end - - include: at-supports-groups - - include: logical-operators - - include: font-format-functions - - include: selector-functions - - include: rule-list-body - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - -###[ OTHER AT-RULE ]########################################################### - - # @ - # Fallback context for incomplete or unknown at-rules. - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#at-rule - # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/syndata.html#parsing-errors - at-other: - - match: (@){{ident}} - push: at-other-body - - at-other-body: - - meta_scope: meta.at-rule.other.css - - match: \{ - scope: punctuation.section.block.begin.css - push: at-other-block-body - - include: at-rule-end - - at-other-block-body: - - meta_scope: meta.block.css - - include: block-end2 - - at-rule-end: - - match: (?=[;{}@]) - pop: 1 - - include: comments - -###[ CONTAINER QUERIES ]####################################################### - - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-contain-3/#container-rule - container-query: - - match: \( - scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.css - push: container-query-group-body - - include: comments - - include: logical-operators - - include: comparison-operators - - include: container-style-functions - - include: property-identifiers - - include: property-values - - include: else-pop - - container-query-group-body: - - meta_scope: meta.group.css - - include: group-end - - include: container-query - - container-style-functions: - - match: \b(?i:style)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.style.css - push: - - container-style-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - container-style-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-list-end - - include: container-style-queries - - container-style-queries: - - match: \( - scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.css - push: container-style-query-group-body - - include: comments - - include: logical-operators - - include: comparison-operators - - include: property-identifiers - - include: property-values - - container-style-query-group-body: - - meta_scope: meta.group.css - - include: group-end - - include: container-style-queries - -###[ MEDIA QUERIES ]########################################################### - - # https://drafts.csswg.org/mediaqueries-4/#media - media-query-list: - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: media-query-conditions - - include: media-query-media-types - - include: else-pop - - media-query-conditions: - - match: \( - scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.css - push: media-query-group-body - - include: comments - - include: comparison-operators - - include: logical-operators - - media-query-group-body: - - meta_scope: meta.group.css - - match: (?=[,;{}]) - pop: 1 - - include: group-end - - include: media-query-conditions - - include: media-query-property-names - - include: media-query-property-values - - include: var-functions - - include: calc-functions - - include: scalar-rational-constants - - include: numeric-constants - - media-query-property-names: - - match: |- - (?xi: - ({{vendor_prefix}})? - ( - (?: min- | max- )? - (?: - color (?: -gamut | -index )? - | monochrome | resolution | update - | (?: device- )? (?: height | width | aspect-ratio | pixel-ratio ) - ) - | (?:any-)?(?: pointer | hover ) - | prefers-(?: reduced-motion | color-scheme ) - | display-mode | grid | orientation | scan | scripting - | overflow-(?: block | inline ) - ) - ){{break}} - captures: - 1: support.type.vendor-prefix.css - 2: support.type.property-name.css - - media-query-property-values: - - match: ':' - scope: punctuation.separator.key-value.css - push: media-query-property-value-content - - media-query-property-value-content: - - match: |- - \b(?xi: - # global css constants - all | inherit | initial | none | unset - # color-gamut / color-index: - | srgb | p3 | rec2020 - # display-mode: - | browser | fullscreen | standalone | minimal-ui - # hover: - | hover - # orientation: - | landscape | portrait - # overflow: - | optional-paged | paged | scroll - # pointer: - | coarse | fine - # prefers-color-scheme: - | dark | light - # scan: - | interlace | progressive - # scripting: - | enabled | initial-only - # update: - | fast | normal | slow - ){{break}} - scope: support.constant.property-value.css - pop: 1 - - include: value-prototype - - include: else-pop - - media-query-media-types: - # Media Types: - # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/media.html - # https://drafts.csswg.org/mediaqueries-5/#media-types - - match: |- - \b(?xi: - # global css constants - all | inherit | initial | none | unset - # specs - | print | screen | speech - # deprecated - | aural | braille | embossed | handheld | projection | tty | tv - ){{break}} - scope: support.constant.media.css - -###[ SELECTORS ]############################################################### - - selectors: - - match: '{{property_or_selector_begin}}' - push: selector-body - - selector-body: - - meta_scope: meta.selector.css - - include: selector-end - - include: comments - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: attribute-selectors - - include: selector-classes - - include: selector-ids - - include: selector-pseudo-elements - - include: selector-pseudo-classes - - include: selector-tags - - include: selector-variables - - include: selector-combinators - - selector-end: - - match: '{{selector_end}}' - pop: 1 - - # Combinators - # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#combinators - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scoping/#deep-combinator - selector-combinators: - - match: '{{combinators}}(?![>~+|])' - scope: keyword.operator.combinator.css - - match: '{{combinators}}{2,}|\|{3,}' - scope: invalid.illegal.combinator.css - - # Class Selectors - # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#class-html - selector-classes: - - match: \. - scope: entity.other.attribute-name.class.css punctuation.definition.entity.css - push: selector-class-identifier - - selector-class-identifier: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: '{{generic_ident_begin}}' - set: selector-class-identifier-content - - include: immediately-pop - - selector-class-identifier-content: - - meta_scope: entity.other.attribute-name.class.css - - include: identifier-content - - # Id Selectors - # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#id-selectors - selector-ids: - - match: \# - scope: entity.other.attribute-name.id.css punctuation.definition.entity.css - push: selector-id-identifier - - selector-id-identifier: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: '{{generic_ident_begin}}' - set: selector-id-identifier-content - - include: immediately-pop - - selector-id-identifier-content: - - meta_scope: entity.other.attribute-name.id.css - - include: identifier-content - - # Tags and Custom Elements - # https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#tag-name-state - selector-tags: - - match: '{{html_tags}}' - scope: entity.name.tag.html.css - - match: '{{svg_tags}}' - scope: entity.name.tag.svg.css - - match: '{{tag_name_begin}}' - push: selector-tag-content - - selector-tag-content: - - meta_scope: entity.name.tag.other.css - - match: '{{tag_name_break}}' - pop: 1 - - selector-variables: - - match: \& - scope: variable.language.parent.css - - match: \* - scope: constant.other.wildcard.asterisk.css - - vendor-prefixes: - - match: '{{vendor_prefix}}' - scope: support.type.vendor-prefix.css - -###[ SELECTORS / ATTRIBUTE SELECTORS ]######################################### - - # Attribute Selectors - # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#attribute-selectors - attribute-selectors: - - match: \[ - scope: punctuation.section.brackets.begin.css - push: - - attribute-selector-meta - - attribute-selector-operator - - attribute-selector-key - - attribute-selector-meta: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.attribute-selector.css meta.brackets.css - - include: immediately-pop - - attribute-selector-key: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - include: attr-name - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - - attribute-selector-operator: - - match: '[~*|^$]?=' - scope: keyword.operator.logical.css - set: - - attribute-selector-flag - - attribute-selector-value - - include: attribute-selector-flag - - attribute-selector-value: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: (?=\]) - pop: 1 - - include: comments - - include: quoted-string - - include: attribute-selector-unquoted-value - - attribute-selector-unquoted-value: - - match: (?=\S) - set: attribute-selector-unquoted-value-content - - attribute-selector-unquoted-value-content: - - meta_scope: meta.string.css string.unquoted.css - - match: (?=[\s\]]) - pop: 1 - - attribute-selector-flag: - - match: \b[iI]{{break}} - scope: keyword.other.flag.css - set: attribute-selector-end - - include: attribute-selector-end - - attribute-selector-end: - - include: brackets-end - - include: selector-end - - include: comments - - match: \S - scope: invalid.illegal.css - -###[ SELECTORS / PSEUDO CLASSES ]############################################## - - # Pseudo Classes - # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#pseudo-classes - selector-pseudo-classes: - - match: ':' - scope: punctuation.definition.pseudo-class.css - push: selector-pseudo-class - - selector-pseudo-class: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - include: vendor-prefixes - - include: pseudo-element-css2 - - include: pseudo-class-builtin - - include: pseudo-class-other - - include: immediately-pop - - pseudo-class-builtin: - - include: pseudo-class-function-dir - - include: pseudo-class-function-lang - - include: pseudo-class-function-with-anb-args - - include: pseudo-class-function-with-selector-args - - # Special :dir() pseudo-class - # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#the-dir-pseudo - pseudo-class-function-dir: - - match: (?i:dir)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css entity.other.pseudo-class.css - set: - - pseudo-class-dir-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - pseudo-class-dir-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: direction-constants - - # Special :lang() pseudo-class - # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#the-lang-pseudo - pseudo-class-function-lang: - - match: (?i:lang)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css entity.other.pseudo-class.css - set: - - pseudo-class-lang-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - pseudo-class-lang-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: quoted-strings - - include: language-ranges - - # Functional Pseudo Classes with `An+B` param - # An+B Notation: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-syntax/#anb - pseudo-class-function-with-anb-args: - - match: |- - (?xi: - # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#table-pseudos - nth-last-col - | nth-col - # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#typed-child-index - | nth-last-child - | nth-child - | nth-last-of-type - | nth-of-type - )(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css entity.other.pseudo-class.css - set: - - pseudo-class-anb-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - pseudo-class-anb-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: anb-notation-values - - include: scalar-integer-constants - - anb-notation-values: - - match: \b(?i:even|odd){{break}} - scope: support.constant.property-value.css - - match: (([-+]?)(\d*)(n))\s*(([-+])(\s*\d+))? - captures: - 1: meta.number.integer.decimal.css - 2: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - 3: constant.numeric.value.css - 4: constant.numeric.suffix.css - 5: meta.number.integer.decimal.css - 6: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - 7: constant.numeric.value.css - - match: '[-+]\s+\d+n?|[-+]?\d+\s+n' - scope: invalid.illegal.numeric.css - - # Functional Pseudo Classes with selector list - pseudo-class-function-with-selector-args: - - match: (?i:matches|is|where|not|has|host(?:-context)?)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css entity.other.pseudo-class.css - set: - - pseudo-class-selector-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - pseudo-class-selector-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-list-end - - include: selector-body - - pseudo-class-other: - - match: '{{ident_begin}}' - branch_point: pseudo-class - branch: - - pseudo-class-regular - - pseudo-class-function - pop: 1 - - # Functional Pseudo Classes with generic arguments - # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#pseudo-classes - pseudo-class-function: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css entity.other.pseudo-class.css - - include: other-function - - # Regular Pseudo Classes - # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#pseudo-classes - pseudo-class-regular: - - meta_content_scope: entity.other.pseudo-class.css - - match: (?=\() - fail: pseudo-class - - include: identifier-content - -###[ SELECTORS / PSEUDO ELEMENTS ]############################################# - - # Pseudo Elements - # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#pseudo-elements - selector-pseudo-elements: - - match: '::' - scope: punctuation.definition.pseudo-element.css - push: selector-pseudo-element - - selector-pseudo-element: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - include: vendor-prefixes - - include: pseudo-element-other - - include: immediately-pop - - # Legacy Pseudo Elements - # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#pseudo-elements - pseudo-element-css2: - # Note: CSS1 & CSS2 compatibility requires those to be matched after `:` - - match: (?i:before|after|first-line|first-letter){{break}} - scope: entity.other.pseudo-element.css - pop: 1 - - pseudo-element-other: - - match: '{{ident_begin}}' - branch_point: pseudo-element - branch: - - pseudo-element-regular - - pseudo-element-function - pop: 1 - - # Functional Pseudo Elements with generic arguments - # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#pseudo-elements - pseudo-element-function: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css entity.other.pseudo-element.css - - include: other-function - - # Pseudo Elements - # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#pseudo-elements - pseudo-element-regular: - - meta_content_scope: entity.other.pseudo-element.css - - match: (?=\() - fail: pseudo-element - - include: identifier-content - -###[ STYLESHEET BLOCKS ]####################################################### - - maybe-stylesheet-block: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: \{ - scope: punctuation.section.block.begin.css - set: stylesheet-block-body - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - - stylesheet-block-body: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.block.css - - include: block-end - - include: stylesheet - -###[ PROPERTY LISTS ]########################################################## - - maybe-property-list: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: \{ - scope: punctuation.section.block.begin.css - set: property-list-body - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - - property-lists: - - match: \{ - scope: punctuation.section.block.begin.css - push: property-list-body - - property-list-body: - # According to official specs, this is a style-block. - # It supports declarations, nested style-rules and at-rules. - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#typedef-style-block - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.property-list.css meta.block.css - - include: block-end - - include: comments - - include: property-lists - - include: properties-or-selectors - - include: nested-at-rules - - include: rule-terminators - - include: illegal-commas - - include: illegal-groups - - rule-list-body: - # Note: This context is used by HTML.sublime-syntax - # According to official specs, this is a declaration-list without support - # for at-rules as inline html attributes don't support them. - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#typedef-declaration-list - - include: comments - - include: property-identifiers - - include: property-values - - include: rule-terminators - - include: illegal-commas - - include: illegal-blocks - - include: illegal-groups - -###[ PROPERTY IDENTIFIERS ]#################################################### - - properties-or-selectors: - - match: '{{property_or_selector_begin}}' - branch_point: property-or-selector - branch: - - maybe-property - - selector-body - - maybe-property: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - include: property-end - - include: property-identifiers - - match: '' - fail: property-or-selector - - property-end: - - match: '{{property_end}}' - pop: 1 - - property-identifiers: - # specific properties with special treatment - - include: counter-properties - - include: font-family-properties - - include: font-properties - # common properties - - include: custom-properties - - include: deprecated-properties - - include: other-properties - - # Custom Properties - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-variables/#typedef-custom-property - custom-properties: - - match: '--' - push: - - property-value - - custom-property-content - - custom-property-content: - - meta_scope: meta.property-name.css entity.other.custom-property.css - - include: identifier-content - - deprecated-properties: - - match: var- - scope: entity.other.custom-property.prefix.css - push: - - property-value - - deprecated-property-content - - deprecated-property-content: - - meta_scope: meta.property-name.css invalid.deprecated.custom-property.css - - include: identifier-content - - other-properties: - - match: (?:{{vendor_prefix}}|{{generic_ident_begin}}) - scope: support.type.vendor-prefix.css - push: - - property-value - - other-property-content - - other-property-content: - - meta_scope: meta.property-name.css - - meta_content_scope: support.type.property-name.css - - include: identifier-content - -###[ PROPERTY VALUES ]######################################################### - - property-value: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: ':' - scope: punctuation.separator.key-value.css - set: property-value-content - - include: else-pop - - property-values: - - match: ':' - scope: punctuation.separator.key-value.css - push: property-value-content - - property-value-content: - - meta_content_scope: meta.property-value.css - - include: values - -###[ COUNTER PROPERTY ]######################################################## - - counter-properties: - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Lists_and_Counters/Using_CSS_counters - - match: \b(?i:counter-(?:increment|reset|set)){{break}} - scope: meta.property-name.css support.type.property-name.css - push: counter-property-value - - counter-property-value: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: ':' - scope: punctuation.separator.key-value.css - set: counter-property-value-content - - include: else-pop - - counter-property-value-content: - - include: global-constants - - include: none-constants - - match: '{{ident_begin}}' - push: counter-identifier-content - - include: property-value-content - - counter-identifier-content: - - meta_scope: entity.other.counter-name.css - - include: identifier-content - -###[ COUNTER STYLE FALLBACK PROPERTY ]######################################### - - # Counter Style Fallback - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#counter-style-fallback - counter-style-fallback-properties: - - match: \b(?i:fallback){{break}} - scope: meta.property-name.css support.type.property-name.css - push: counter-style-fallback-property-value - - counter-style-fallback-property-value: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: ':' - scope: punctuation.separator.key-value.css - set: counter-style-fallback-property-value-content - - include: else-pop - - counter-style-fallback-property-value-content: - - meta_content_scope: meta.property-value.css - - include: value-prototype - - include: counter-style-identifiers - - counter-style-identifiers: - - match: '{{counter_style_names}}' - scope: support.constant.counter-style-name.css - - match: '{{ident_begin}}' - push: counter-style-identifier-content - - counter-style-identifier-content: - - meta_scope: entity.other.counter-style-name.css - - include: identifier-content - -###[ COUNTER STYLE SYSTEM PROPERTY ]########################################### - - # Counter Style System - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#counter-style-system - counter-style-system-properties: - - match: \b(?i:system){{break}} - scope: meta.property-name.css support.type.property-name.css - push: counter-style-system-property-value - - counter-style-system-property-value: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: ':' - scope: punctuation.separator.key-value.css - set: counter-style-system-property-value-content - - include: else-pop - - counter-style-system-property-value-content: - - meta_content_scope: meta.property-value.css - - include: value-prototype - - include: counter-symbol-values - - match: \b(?i:extends){{break}} - scope: keyword.declaration.extends.css - push: counter-style-identifier - - counter-style-identifier: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: '{{counter_style_names}}' - scope: support.constant.counter-style-name.css - pop: 1 - - match: '{{ident_begin}}' - set: counter-style-identifier-content - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - -###[ COUNTER STYLE SPEAK AS PROPERTY ]######################################### - - # Counter Style Speak As - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#counter-style-speak-as - counter-style-speak-as-properties: - - match: \b(?i:speak-as){{break}} - scope: meta.property-name.css support.type.property-name.css - push: counter-style-speak-as-property-value - - counter-style-speak-as-property-value: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: ':' - scope: punctuation.separator.key-value.css - set: counter-style-speak-as-property-value-content - - include: else-pop - - counter-style-speak-as-property-value-content: - - meta_content_scope: meta.property-value.css - - include: value-prototype - - include: quoted-strings - - include: counter-speak-as-constants - - include: counter-style-identifiers - -###[ FONT FAMILY PROPERTY ]#################################################### - - # Font-Family Property - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-3/#font-family-prop - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-family - font-family-properties: - - match: \b(?i:font-family){{break}} - scope: meta.property-name.css support.type.property-name.css - push: font-family-value - - font-family-value: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: ':' - scope: punctuation.separator.key-value.css - set: font-family-value-content - - include: else-pop - - font-family-value-content: - - meta_content_scope: meta.property-value.css - - include: value-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: important-operators - - include: quoted-strings - - include: global-constants - - include: generic-font-names - - include: font-family-names - -###[ FONT PROPERTY ]########################################################### - - # Font Property - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-3/#font-prop - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font - font-properties: - - match: \b(?i:font){{break}} - scope: meta.property-name.css support.type.property-name.css - push: font-property-value - - font-property-value: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: ':' - scope: punctuation.separator.key-value.css - set: font-property-value-content - - include: else-pop - - font-property-value-content: - - meta_content_scope: meta.property-value.css - - include: value-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: arithmetic-operators - - include: important-operators - - include: vendor-prefixes - - include: calc-functions - - include: color-values - - include: numeric-constants - - include: quoted-strings - - include: global-constants - - include: generic-font-names - - include: font-display-constants - - include: font-prop-constants - - include: font-size-constants - - include: font-stretch-constants - - include: font-style-constants - - include: font-variant-constants - - include: font-weight-constants - - include: font-family-names - -###[ VALUE EXPRESSIONS ]####################################################### - - values: - - include: value-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: arithmetic-operators - - include: important-operators - - include: vendor-prefixes - - include: builtin-functions - - include: color-values - - include: line-name-lists - - include: unicode-ranges - - include: numeric-constants - - include: quoted-strings - - include: none-constants - - include: constants-or-functions - - include: illegal-groups - - value-prototype: - - include: terminator-pop - - include: comments - - include: var-functions - - # When including `color-values` and `color-adjuster-functions`, make sure it is - # included after the color adjustors to prevent `color-values` from consuming - # conflicting function names & color constants such as `red`, `green`, or `blue`. - color-values: - - include: color-functions - - include: color-constants - - # Counter Symbol Values - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#counter-style-system - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#symbols-function - counter-symbol-values: - - include: image-values - - include: counter-system-constants - - include: scalar-integer-constants - - include: quoted-strings - - # 2D Image Values - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-4/#image-values - image-values: - - include: cross-fade-functions - - include: gradient-functions - - include: image-functions - - include: image-set-functions - - include: url-functions - -###[ BUILTIN FUNCTIONS ]####################################################### - - builtin-functions: - - include: attr-functions - - include: blur-functions - - include: brightness-functions - - include: calc-functions - - include: circle-functions - - include: color-adjuster-functions - - include: counter-functions - - include: cross-fade-functions - - include: cubic-bezier-timing-functions - - include: drop-shadow-functions - - include: filter-functions - - include: font-format-functions - - include: format-functions - - include: gradient-functions - - include: hue-rotate-functions - - include: image-functions - - include: image-set-functions - - include: inset-functions - - include: local-functions - - include: minmax-functions - - include: polygon-functions - - include: rect-functions - - include: repeat-functions - - include: selector-functions - - include: step-timing-functions - - include: symbols-functions - - include: toggle-functions - - include: transform-functions - - include: url-functions - -###[ BUILTIN AT RULE FUNCTIONS ]############################################### - - counter-functions: - # counter() - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-lists-3/#funcdef-counter - # counters() - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-lists-3/#funcdef-counters - - match: \b(?i:counters?)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.counter.css - push: - - counter-function-arguments-list-body - - counter-identifier - - function-arguments-list-begin - - counter-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: counter-style-identifiers - - include: quoted-strings - - counter-identifier: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: '{{ident_begin}}' - set: counter-identifier-content - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - - font-format-functions: - # font-format() - # font-tech() - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@supports - - match: \b(?i:font-(?:format|tech))(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.font.css - push: - - font-format-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - font-format-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: other-constants - - format-functions: - # format() - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-3/#descdef-src - # format() is also mentioned in `issue 2` at https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-3/#issues-index - # but does not seem to be implemented in any manner - - match: \b(?i:format)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.font-face.css - push: - - format-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - format-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: quoted-strings - - layer-functions: - # layer() - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@import - - match: \b(?i:layer)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.layer.css - push: - - layer-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - match: \b(?i:layer){{break}} - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.layer.css - - layer-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: at-layer-names - - local-functions: - # local() - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-3/#descdef-src - - match: \b(?i:local)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.font-face.css - push: - - local-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - local-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: quoted-strings - - include: generic-font-names - - include: font-family-names - - selector-functions: - # selector() - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@supports - - match: \b(?i:selector)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.selector.css - push: selector-function-arguments-list - - selector-function-arguments-list: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: \( - scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css punctuation.section.group.begin.css - set: selector-function-arguments-list-body - - selector-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css meta.selector.css - - include: function-arguments-list-end - - include: quoted-strings - - include: selector-body - - supports-functions: - # supports() - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@import - - match: \b(?i:supports)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.supports.css - push: - - supports-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - supports-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-list-end - - include: at-supports-group-body - - symbols-functions: - # symbols() - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-counter-styles-3/#symbols-function - - match: \b(?i:symbols)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.counter.css - push: - - symbols-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - symbols-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: counter-symbol-values - -###[ BUILTIN COLOR FUNCTIONS ]################################################# - - color-functions: - - include: color-color-functions - - include: hsl-color-functions - - include: rgb-color-functions - - color-color-functions: - # color() - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color/#color-function - # light-dark() - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/light-dark - - match: \b(?i:color|light-dark)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.color.css - push: - - color-color-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - color-color-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: color-adjuster-functions # must be included before `color-values` - - include: color-values - - include: angle-constants - - include: scalar-constants - - hsl-color-functions: - # hsl(), hsla() - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/hsl - # hwb() - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/hwb - # lch() - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/lch - # oklch() - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/oklch - - match: \b(?i:hsla?|hwb|(?:ok)?lch)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.color.css - push: - - hsl-color-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - hsl-color-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: alpha-delimiters - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: angle-constants - - include: percentage-constants - - include: scalar-constants - - rgb-color-functions: - # rgb(), rgba() - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/rgb - # lab() - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/lab - # oklab() - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value/oklab - - match: \b(?i:rgba?|(?:ok)?lab)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.color.css - push: - - rgb-color-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - rgb-color-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: alpha-delimiters - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: percentage-constants - - include: scalar-constants - - # Color Adjuster Functions - Not yet implemented by browsers - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color/#typedef-color-adjuster - color-adjuster-functions: - - include: blend-adjust-functions - - include: hue-adjust-functions - - include: rgba-adjust-functions - - include: saturation-adjust-functions - - include: tint-adjust-functions - - blend-adjust-functions: - # blend(), blenda() - Not yet implemented by browsers - - match: \b(?i:blenda?)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.color.css - push: - - blend-adjust-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - blend-adjust-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: color-values - - include: percentage-constants - - match: \b(?i:rgb|hsl|hwb){{break}} - scope: keyword.other.color-space.css - - hue-adjust-functions: - # hue() - Not yet implemented by browsers - - match: \b(?i:hue|h)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.color.css - push: - - hue-adjust-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - hue-adjust-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: color-adjuster-operators - - include: angle-constants - - rgba-adjust-functions: - # red(), green(), blue(), alpha() - Not yet implemented by browsers - - match: \b(?i:red|green|blue|alpha|a)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.color.css - push: - - rgba-adjust-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - rgba-adjust-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: color-adjuster-operators - - include: percentage-constants - - include: scalar-constants - - saturation-adjust-functions: - # saturation(), lightness(), whiteness(), blackness() - Not yet implemented by browsers - - match: \b(?i:saturation|lightness|whiteness|blackness|[slwb])(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.color.css - push: - - saturation-adjust-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - saturation-adjust-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: color-adjuster-operators - - include: percentage-constants - - tint-adjust-functions: - # tint(), shade(), contrast() - Not yet implemented by browsers - # contrast() interferes with the contrast() filter function; - # therefore, it is not yet implemented here - - match: \b(?i:tint|shade)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.color.css - push: - - tint-adjust-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - tint-adjust-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: percentage-constants - -###[ BUILTIN FILTER FUNCTIONS ]################################################ - - filter-functions: - # filter() - # https://drafts.fxtf.org/filters/#funcdef-filter - - match: \b(?i:filter)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.filter.css - push: - - filter-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - filter-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: blur-functions - - include: brightness-functions - - include: drop-shadow-functions - - include: hue-rotate-functions - - include: image-values - - include: quoted-strings - - blur-functions: - # blur() - # https://drafts.fxtf.org/filters/#funcdef-filter-blur - - match: \b(?i:blur)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.filter.css - push: - - blur-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - blur-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: length-constants - - brightness-functions: - # brightness(), contrast(), grayscale(), invert(), opacity(), saturate(), sepia() - # https://drafts.fxtf.org/filters/#funcdef-filter-brightness - - match: \b(?i:brightness|contrast|grayscale|invert|opacity|saturate|sepia)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.filter.css - push: - - brightness-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - brightness-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: percentage-constants - - include: scalar-constants - - drop-shadow-functions: - # drop-shadow() - # https://drafts.fxtf.org/filters/#funcdef-filter-drop-shadow - - match: \b(?i:drop-shadow)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.filter.css - push: - - drop-shadow-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - drop-shadow-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: color-values - - include: length-constants - - hue-rotate-functions: - # hue-rotate() - # https://drafts.fxtf.org/filters/#funcdef-filter-hue-rotate - - match: \b(?i:hue-rotate)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.filter.css - push: - - hue-rotate-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - hue-rotate-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: angle-constants - -###[ BUILTIN GRID FUNCTIONS ]################################################## - - minmax-functions: - # minmax() - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-grid/#valdef-grid-template-columns-minmax - - match: \b(?i:minmax)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.grid.css - push: - - minmax-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - minmax-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: grid-constants - - include: length-constants - - include: percentage-constants - - repeat-functions: - # repeat() - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-grid/#funcdef-repeat - - match: \b(?i:repeat)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.grid.css - push: - - repeat-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - repeat-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - match: \b(?i:auto-fill|auto-fit){{break}} - scope: keyword.other.grid.css - - include: minmax-functions - - include: grid-constants - - include: length-constants - - include: percentage-constants - - include: scalar-integer-constants - - include: line-name-lists - -###[ BUILTIN IMAGE FUNCTIONS ]################################################# - - cross-fade-functions: - # cross-fade() - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-4/#funcdef-cross-fade - - match: \b(?i:cross-fade)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.image.css - push: - - cross-fade-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - cross-fade-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: color-values - - include: image-values - - include: percentage-constants - - include: quoted-urls - - image-functions: - # image() - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-4/#funcdef-image - - match: \b(?i:image)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.image.css - push: - - image-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - image-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: color-values - - include: image-values - - include: quoted-urls - - include: direction-constants - - image-set-functions: - # image-set() - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-4/#funcdef-image-set - - match: \b(?i:image-set)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.image.css - push: - - image-set-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - image-set-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: color-values - - include: image-values - - include: quoted-urls - - include: resolution-constants - - match: ([0-9]+)(x) - scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css - captures: - 1: constant.numeric.value.css - 2: constant.numeric.suffix.css - - # Gradient Functions - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-3/#gradients - gradient-functions: - - include: conic-gradient-functions - - include: linear-gradient-functions - - include: radial-gradient-functions - - conic-gradient-functions: - # conic-gradient() - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/conic-gradient() - # repeating-conic-gradient() - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/repeating-conic-gradient() - - match: \b(?i:(?:repeating-)?conic-gradient)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.gradient.css - push: - - conic-gradient-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - conic-gradient-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - match: \b(?i:at|from){{break}} - scope: keyword.other.gradient.css - - match: \b(?i:bottom|center|left|right|top){{break}} - scope: support.constant.property-value.css - - include: color-values - - include: angle-constants - - include: length-constants - - include: percentage-constants - - linear-gradient-functions: - # linear-gradient() - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/linear-gradient() - # repeating-linear-gradient() - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/repeating-linear-gradient() - - match: \b(?i:(?:repeating-)?linear-gradient)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.gradient.css - push: - - linear-gradient-function-argurments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - linear-gradient-function-argurments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - match: \b(?i:to){{break}} - scope: keyword.other.gradient.css - - match: \b(?i:bottom|left|right|top){{break}} - scope: support.constant.property-value.css - - include: color-values - - include: angle-constants - - include: length-constants - - include: percentage-constants - - radial-gradient-functions: - # radial-gradient() - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/radial-gradient() - # repeating-radial-gradient() - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/repeating-radial-gradient() - - match: \b(?i:(?:repeating-)?radial-gradient)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.gradient.css - push: - - radial-gradient-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - radial-gradient-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - match: \b(?i:at|circle|ellipse){{break}} - scope: keyword.other.gradient.css - - match: \b(?i:bottom|center|left|right|top|(closest|farthest)-(corner|side)){{break}} - scope: support.constant.property-value.css - - include: color-values - - include: length-constants - - include: percentage-constants - -###[ BUILTIN SHAPE FUNCTIONS ]################################################# - - circle-functions: - # circle() - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-shapes-1/#funcdef-circle - # ellipse() - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-shapes-1/#funcdef-ellipse - - match: \b(?i:circle|ellipse)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.shape.css - push: - - circle-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - circle-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - match: \b(?i:at){{break}} - scope: keyword.other.shape.css - - match: \b(?i:top|right|bottom|left|center|closest-side|farthest-side){{break}} - scope: support.constant.property-value.css - - include: length-constants - - include: percentage-constants - - inset-functions: - # inset() - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-shapes-1/#funcdef-inset - - match: \b(?i:inset)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.shape.css - push: - - inset-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - inset-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - match: \b(?i:round){{break}} - scope: keyword.other.shape.css - - include: length-constants - - include: percentage-constants - - polygon-functions: - # polygon() - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-shapes-1/#funcdef-polygon - - match: \b(?i:polygon)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.shape.css - push: - - polygon-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - polygon-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - match: \b(?i:nonzero|evenodd){{break}} - scope: support.constant.property-value.css - - include: length-constants - - include: percentage-constants - - rect-functions: - # rect() - Deprecated - # https://drafts.fxtf.org/css-masking-1/#funcdef-clip-rect - - match: \b(?i:rect)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.shape.css - push: - - rect-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - rect-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - match: \b(?i:auto){{break}} - scope: support.constant.property-value.css - - include: length-constants - -###[ BUILTIN TIMING FUNCTIONS ]################################################ - - cubic-bezier-timing-functions: - # cubic-bezier() - # https://www.w3.org/TR/web-animations-1/#cubic-bzier-timing-function - - match: \b(?i:cubic-bezier)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.timing.css - push: - - cubic-bezier-timing-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - cubic-bezier-timing-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: scalar-constants - - step-timing-functions: - # steps() - # https://www.w3.org/TR/web-animations-1/#step-timing-function - - match: \b(?i:steps)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.timing.css - push: - - step-timing-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - step-timing-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - match: \b(?i:end|middle|start){{break}} - scope: keyword.other.timing.css - - include: scalar-integer-constants - -###[ BUILTIN TRANSFORM FUNCTIONS ]############################################# - - # Transform Functions - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-transforms - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/transform-function - transform-functions: - - include: transform-functions-with-angles-args - - include: transform-functions-with-angles-scalars-args - - include: transform-functions-with-lengths-percentage-args - - include: transform-functions-with-scalars-percentage-args - - include: transform-functions-with-scalars-args - - include: transform-functions-with-angle-args - - include: transform-functions-with-length-args - - include: transform-functions-with-length-percentage-args - - include: transform-functions-with-scalar-args - - transform-functions-with-angles-args: - # transform functions with comma separated types - # skew() - - match: \b(?i:skew)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.transform.css - push: - - transform-function-angles-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - transform-function-angles-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: angle-constants - - transform-functions-with-angles-scalars-args: - # transform functions with a comma separated or types - # rotate3d() - - match: \b(?i:rotate3d)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.transform.css - push: - - transform-function-angles-scalars-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - transform-function-angles-scalars-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: angle-constants - - include: scalar-constants - - transform-functions-with-lengths-percentage-args: - # transform functions with comma separated or types - # translate(), translate3d() - - match: \b(?i:translate(?:3d)?)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.transform.css - push: - - transform-function-lengths-percentage-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - transform-function-lengths-percentage-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: length-constants - - include: percentage-constants - - transform-functions-with-scalars-percentage-args: - # transform functions with comma separated types - # scale(), scale3d() - - match: \b(?i:scale(?:3d)?)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.transform.css - push: - - transform-function-scalars-percentage-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - transform-function-scalars-percentage-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: percentage-constants - - include: scalar-constants - - transform-functions-with-scalars-args: - # transform functions with comma separated types - # matrix(), matrix3d() - - match: \b(?i:matrix(?:3d)?)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.transform.css - push: - - transform-function-scalars-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - transform-function-scalars-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: scalar-constants - - transform-functions-with-angle-args: - # transform functions with a single type - # rotate(), skewX(), skewY(), rotateX(), rotateY(), rotateZ() - - match: \b(?i:rotate[XYZ]?|skew[XY])(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.transform.css - push: - - transform-function-angle-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - transform-function-angle-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: angle-constants - - transform-functions-with-length-args: - # transform functions with a single type - # translateZ(), perspective() - - match: \b(?i:translateZ|perspective)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.transform.css - push: - - transform-function-length-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - transform-function-length-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: length-constants - - include: none-constants - - transform-functions-with-length-percentage-args: - # transform functions with a single or type - # translateX(), translateY() - - match: \b(?i:translate[XY])(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.transform.css - push: - - transform-function-length-percentage-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - transform-function-length-percentage-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: length-constants - - include: percentage-constants - - transform-functions-with-scalar-args: - # transform functions with a single type - # scaleX(), scaleY(), scaleZ() - - match: \b(?i:scale[XYZ])(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.transform.css - push: - - transform-function-scalar-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - transform-function-scalar-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: scalar-constants - -###[ BUILTIN URL FUNCTIONS ]################################################### - - url-functions: - # url() - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-3/#urls - - match: \b(?i:url)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.url.css - push: - - url-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - url-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: quoted-urls - - include: unquoted-urls - - url-domain-functions: - # domain() - # https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-conditional-20120911/#url-domain - - match: \b(?i:domain)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.domain.css - push: - - url-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - url-prefix-functions: - # url-prefix() - # https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-conditional-20120911/#url-prefix - - match: \b(?i:url-prefix)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.url-prefix.css - push: - - url-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - url-regexp-functions: - # regexp() - # https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-conditional-20120911/#url-regexp - - match: \b(?i:regexp)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.regexp.css - push: - - url-regexp-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - url-regexp-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: quoted-strings - -###[ BUILTIN VALUE FUNCTIONS ]################################################# - - attr-functions: - # attr() - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#funcdef-attr - - match: \b(?i:attr)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.attr.css - push: - - attr-function-arguments-value - - attr-function-arguments-identifier - - function-arguments-list-begin - - attr-function-arguments-identifier: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - include: var-function - - include: quoted-string - - include: attr-name - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - - attr-function-arguments-value: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - match: '{{units}}' - scope: keyword.other.unit.css - - include: color-values - - include: numeric-constants - - include: other-constants - - calc-functions: - # calc() - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#funcdef-calc - # clamp() - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/clamp() - # max() - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/max() - # min() - # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/min() - - match: |- - \b(?xi: acos | asin | atan2 | atan | calc | clamp | cos | exp | hypot - | log | max | min | mod | pow | rem | round | sign | sin | sqrt | tan )(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.calc.css - push: - - calc-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - calc-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: calc-function-arguments-content - - calc-function-arguments-group-body: - - meta_scope: meta.group.css - - match: \) - scope: punctuation.section.group.end.css - set: maybe-illegal-operator - - include: calc-function-arguments-content - - calc-function-arguments-content: - - match: \( - scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.css - push: calc-function-arguments-group-body - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: attr-functions - - match: '{{float}}({{units}})?' - scope: meta.number.float.decimal.css - captures: - 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - 2: constant.numeric.value.css - 3: punctuation.separator.decimal.css - 4: constant.numeric.suffix.css - push: maybe-illegal-operator - - match: '{{integer}}({{units}})?' - scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css - captures: - 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - 2: constant.numeric.value.css - 3: constant.numeric.suffix.css - push: maybe-illegal-operator - - match: '[-+*/]' - scope: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - - toggle-functions: - # toggle() - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#toggle-notation - - match: \b(?i:toggle)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.toggle.css - push: - - toggle-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - toggle-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-prototype - - include: comma-delimiters - - include: vendor-prefixes - - include: color-values - - include: quoted-strings - - include: numeric-constants - - include: other-constants - - var-functions: - # var() - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-variables/#funcdef-var - # Note: Match valid groups before `var-functions` context is included. - - match: \b(?i:var)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.var.css - push: - - var-function-arguments-defaults - - var-function-arguments-identifier - - function-arguments-list-begin - - var-function: - - match: \b(?i:var)(?=\() - scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css support.function.var.css - set: - - var-function-arguments-defaults - - var-function-arguments-identifier - - function-arguments-list-begin - - var-function-arguments-defaults: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-list-end - - include: font-property-value-content - - var-function-arguments-identifier: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: '{{custom_ident_begin}}' - set: custom-property-variable-content - - include: comments - - include: else-pop - - custom-property-variable-content: - - meta_scope: variable.other.custom-property.css - - include: identifier-content - -###[ CONSTANTS OR FUNCTIONS ]################################################## - - constants-or-functions: - - match: '{{ident_begin}}' - branch_point: constant-or-function - branch: - - other-constant - - other-function - - other-constant: - - meta_content_scope: support.constant.property-value.css - - match: (?=\() - fail: constant-or-function - - include: identifier-content - - other-function: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.identifier.css variable.function.css - - match: (?=\() - set: - - other-function-arguments-list-body - - function-arguments-list-begin - - include: identifier-content - - other-function-arguments-list-body: - - meta_content_scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css - - include: function-arguments-list-end - - include: values - -###[ FUNCTION ARGUMENTS ]###################################################### - - function-arguments-list-begin: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: \( - scope: punctuation.section.group.begin.css - pop: 1 - - function-arguments-list-end: - - match: \) - scope: meta.function-call.arguments.css meta.group.css punctuation.section.group.end.css - pop: 1 - - function-arguments-prototype: - - include: function-arguments-list-end - - match: (?=[;{}]) - pop: 1 - - include: comments - - include: calc-functions - - include: var-functions - - include: illegal-groups - -###[ IDENTIFIERS ]############################################################# - - # Qualified Names - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-namespaces-3/#css-qnames - attr-name: - - match: (?=[*|]|{{ident_begin}}) - set: attr-name-content - - attr-name-content: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: '{{ident_begin}}' - branch_point: attr-name - branch: - - attr-name-identifier-content - - attr-name-namespace-content - - match: \*(?!=) - scope: constant.other.wildcard.asterisk.css - - match: \|(?!=) - scope: punctuation.separator.namespace.css - - include: immediately-pop - - attr-name-identifier-content: - - meta_content_scope: entity.other.attribute-name.css - - match: \|(?!=) - fail: attr-name - - include: identifier-content - - attr-name-namespace-content: - - meta_content_scope: entity.other.namespace-prefix.css - - match: \|(?!=) - scope: punctuation.separator.namespace.css - pop: 1 - - include: identifier-content - - identifier-content: - # also pop parent context - - match: '{{break}}' - pop: 1 - # consume unicode escapes and possibly following whitespace - - match: '{{unicode}}' - -###[ CONSTANTS ]############################################################### - - color-constants: - # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/syndata.html#color-units - - match: '{{standard_colors}}' - scope: support.constant.color.w3c.standard.css - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#svg-color - - match: '{{extended_colors}}' - scope: support.constant.color.w3c.extended.css - # Special Color Keywords - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#currentcolor - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#transparent-def - - match: \b(?i:currentColor|transparent){{break}} - scope: support.constant.color.w3c.special.css - # Hex Color - - match: (#)(\h{3}|\h{6}){{break}} - scope: constant.other.color.rgb-value.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.constant.css - # RGBA Hexadecimal Colors - # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RGBA_color_space#RGBA_hexadecimal_.28word-order.29 - - match: (#)(\h{4}|\h{8}){{break}} - scope: constant.other.color.rgba-value.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.constant.css - - counter-speak-as-constants: - - match: '{{counter_speak_as_constants}}' - scope: support.constant.property-value.css - - counter-system-constants: - - match: '{{counter_system_constants}}' - scope: support.constant.symbol-type.css - - direction-constants: - - match: \b(?i:ltr|rtl){{break}} - scope: support.constant.property-value.css - - font-display-constants: - - match: '{{font_display_constants}}' - scope: support.constant.property-value.css - - font-prop-constants: - - match: '{{font_prop_constants}}' - scope: support.constant.property-value.css - - font-size-constants: - - match: '{{font_size_constants}}' - scope: support.constant.property-value.css - - font-stretch-constants: - - match: '{{font_stretch_constants}}' - scope: support.constant.property-value.css - - font-style-constants: - - match: '{{font_style_constants}}' - scope: support.constant.property-value.css - - font-weight-constants: - - match: '{{font_weight_constants}}' - scope: support.constant.property-value.css - - font-variant-constants: - - match: '{{font_variant_constants}}' - scope: support.constant.property-value.css - - # Generic Font Families - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-3/#family-name-value - generic-font-names: - - match: '{{font_family_constants}}' - scope: support.constant.property-value.css - - global-constants: - - match: '{{global_property_constants}}' - scope: support.constant.property-value.css - - grid-constants: - - match: \b(?i:auto|max-content|min-content){{break}} - scope: support.constant.property-value.css - - none-constants: - - match: (?i:none){{break}} - scope: constant.language.null.css - - other-constants: - - match: '{{ident_begin}}' - push: other-constant-content - - other-constant-content: - - meta_scope: support.constant.property-value.css - - include: identifier-content - -###[ NUMERIC CONSTANTS ]####################################################### - - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#numeric-constantss - numeric-constants: - - match: '{{float}}({{units}})?' - scope: meta.number.float.decimal.css - captures: - 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - 2: constant.numeric.value.css - 3: punctuation.separator.decimal.css - 4: constant.numeric.suffix.css - - match: '{{integer}}({{units}})?' - scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css - captures: - 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - 2: constant.numeric.value.css - 3: constant.numeric.suffix.css - - # Make sure `scalar-constants` is included after any other numeric values - # as `scalar-constants` will consume all numeric values. - scalar-constants: - - include: scalar-float-constants - - include: scalar-integer-constants - - scalar-float-constants: - - match: '{{float}}' - scope: meta.number.float.decimal.css - captures: - 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - 2: constant.numeric.value.css - 3: punctuation.separator.decimal.css - - scalar-integer-constants: - - match: '{{integer}}' - scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css - captures: - 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - 2: constant.numeric.value.css - - scalar-rational-constants: - - match: \d+(/)\d+ - scope: meta.number.rational.css constant.numeric.value.css - captures: - 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - - angle-constants: - - match: '{{float}}({{angle_units}})' - scope: meta.number.float.decimal.css - captures: - 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - 2: constant.numeric.value.css - 3: punctuation.separator.decimal.css - 4: constant.numeric.suffix.css - - match: '{{integer}}({{angle_units}})' - scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css - captures: - 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - 2: constant.numeric.value.css - 3: constant.numeric.suffix.css - - match: \b0\b(?![.%]) - scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css constant.numeric.value.css - - frequency-constants: - - match: '{{float}}({{frequency_units}})' - scope: meta.number.float.decimal.css - captures: - 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - 2: constant.numeric.value.css - 3: punctuation.separator.decimal.css - 4: constant.numeric.suffix.css - - match: '{{integer}}({{frequency_units}})' - scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css - captures: - 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - 2: constant.numeric.value.css - 3: constant.numeric.suffix.css - - length-constants: - - match: '{{float}}({{font_relative_lengths}}|{{viewport_percentage_lengths}}|{{absolute_lengths}})' - scope: meta.number.float.decimal.css - captures: - 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - 2: constant.numeric.value.css - 3: punctuation.separator.decimal.css - 4: constant.numeric.suffix.css - - match: '{{integer}}({{font_relative_lengths}}|{{viewport_percentage_lengths}}|{{absolute_lengths}})' - scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css - captures: - 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - 2: constant.numeric.value.css - 3: constant.numeric.suffix.css - - match: \b0\b(?![.%]) - scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css constant.numeric.value.css - - resolution-constants: - - match: '{{float}}({{resolution_units}})' - scope: meta.number.float.decimal.css - captures: - 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - 2: constant.numeric.value.css - 3: punctuation.separator.decimal.css - 4: constant.numeric.suffix.css - - match: '{{integer}}({{resolution_units}})' - scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css - captures: - 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - 2: constant.numeric.value.css - 3: constant.numeric.suffix.css - - percentage-constants: - - match: '{{float}}(%)' - scope: meta.number.float.decimal.css - captures: - 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - 2: constant.numeric.value.css - 3: punctuation.separator.decimal.css - 4: constant.numeric.suffix.css - - match: '{{integer}}(%)' - scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css - captures: - 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - 2: constant.numeric.value.css - 3: constant.numeric.suffix.css - - time-constants: - - match: '{{float}}({{duration_units}})' - scope: meta.number.float.decimal.css - captures: - 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - 2: constant.numeric.value.css - 3: punctuation.separator.decimal.css - 4: constant.numeric.suffix.css - - match: '{{integer}}({{duration_units}})' - scope: meta.number.integer.decimal.css - captures: - 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - 2: constant.numeric.value.css - 3: constant.numeric.suffix.css - - # Unicode Ranges - # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#urange - unicode-ranges: - - match: ([Uu]\+)([\h?]{1,6}(?:(-)\h{1,6})?) - scope: meta.number.unicode-range.css - captures: - 1: constant.numeric.prefix.css - 2: constant.numeric.value.css - 3: punctuation.separator.range.css - -###[ STRING CONSTANTS ]######################################################## - - # Font Family Names - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-3/#family-name-value - font-family-names: - - match: '{{ident_begin}}' - push: font-family-name-body - - font-family-name-body: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.string.css string.unquoted.css - # allow unquoted space separated font names - - match: (?!\s+{{ident_start}}){{break}} - pop: 1 - # function call ahead, skip font name - - match: (?=\s+{{ident}}\() - pop: 1 - - match: '{{unicode}}' - - # Language Ranges - # https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#language-range - language-ranges: - - match: '{{lang_range_begin}}' - push: language-range-content - - language-range-content: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.string.css string.unquoted.css - - include: string-content - - match: \* - scope: constant.other.wildcard.asterisk.css - - match: '{{break}}' - pop: 1 - - # Named Grid Lines - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-grid/#named-lines - line-name-lists: - - match: \[ - scope: punctuation.section.brackets.begin.css - push: line-name-list-body - - line-name-list-body: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.line-names.css meta.brackets.css - - include: brackets-end - - include: line-names - - include: terminator-pop - - line-names: - - match: '{{ident_begin}}' - push: line-name-content - - line-name-content: - - meta_scope: meta.string.css string.unquoted.line-name.css - - include: identifier-content - - quoted-strings: - - match: \" - scope: punctuation.definition.string.begin.css - push: double-quoted-string-body - - match: \' - scope: punctuation.definition.string.begin.css - push: single-quoted-string-body - - quoted-string: - - match: \" - scope: punctuation.definition.string.begin.css - set: double-quoted-string-body - - match: \' - scope: punctuation.definition.string.begin.css - set: single-quoted-string-body - - double-quoted-string-body: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.string.css string.quoted.double.css - - include: double-quoted-string-end - - include: string-content - - double-quoted-string-end: - - match: \" - scope: punctuation.definition.string.end.css - pop: 1 - - include: illegal-string-end - - single-quoted-string-body: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_scope: meta.string.css string.quoted.single.css - - include: single-quoted-string-end - - include: string-content - - single-quoted-string-end: - - match: \' - scope: punctuation.definition.string.end.css - pop: 1 - - include: illegal-string-end - - illegal-string-end: - - match: \n - scope: invalid.illegal.newline.css - pop: 1 - - string-content: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: \\\s*\n - scope: constant.character.escape.newline.css - - match: \\(?:\h{1,6}|.) - scope: constant.character.escape.css - -###[ URL STRING CONSTANTS ]#################################################### - - quoted-urls: - - match: \" - scope: - meta.string.css string.quoted.double.css - punctuation.definition.string.begin.css - push: double-quoted-url-body - - match: \' - scope: - meta.string.css string.quoted.single.css - punctuation.definition.string.begin.css - push: single-quoted-url-body - - double-quoted-url-body: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_content_scope: - meta.path.url.css - meta.string.css string.quoted.double.css - - match: \" - scope: - meta.string.css string.quoted.double.css - punctuation.definition.string.end.css - pop: 1 - - include: illegal-string-end - - include: url-content - - single-quoted-url-body: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_content_scope: - meta.path.url.css - meta.string.css string.quoted.single.css - - match: \' - scope: - meta.string.css string.quoted.single.css - punctuation.definition.string.end.css - pop: 1 - - include: illegal-string-end - - include: url-content - - # Unquoted URL token - # https://drafts.csswg.org/css-syntax-3/#consume-a-url-token - unquoted-urls: - - match: '{{unquoted_url_begin}}' - push: unquoted-url-body - - unquoted-url-body: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - meta_content_scope: - meta.path.url.css - meta.string.css string.unquoted.css - - match: '["''(]' - scope: invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.css - set: - - meta_include_prototype: false - - match: (?=[)\n]) - pop: 1 - - include: string-content - - match: (?=[)\n]) - pop: 1 - - include: url-content - - url-content: - - include: string-content - - match: (%)\h{2} - scope: constant.character.escape.url.css - captures: - 1: punctuation.definition.escape.css - - match: '[/&?#]|://' - scope: punctuation.separator.path.css - -###[ OPERATORS ]############################################################### - - arithmetic-operators: - - match: / - scope: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - - comparison-operators: - - match: '[<>]=?|=' - scope: keyword.operator.comparison.css - push: comparison-value - - comparison-value: - - match: (?={{logical_operators}}{{break}}) - pop: 1 - - include: values - - important-operators: - - match: \!\s*(?i:important){{break}} - scope: keyword.other.important.css - - logical-operators: - - match: '{{logical_operators}}{{break}}' - scope: keyword.operator.logical.css - - color-adjuster-operators: - - match: '[-+*](?=\s)' - scope: keyword.operator.arithmetic.css - - match: '[-+*/]' - scope: invalid.illegal.operator.css - - maybe-illegal-operator: - - match: '[-+](?=\s*\d)' - scope: invalid.illegal.operator.css - pop: 1 - - match: \s*([-+])(?=\d) - captures: - 1: invalid.illegal.operator.css - pop: 1 - - include: immediately-pop - -###[ PUNCTUATION ]############################################################# - - alpha-delimiters: - - match: / - scope: punctuation.separator.alpha.css - - comma-delimiters: - - match: ',' - scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.css - - block-end: - - match: \} - scope: punctuation.section.block.end.css - pop: 1 - - block-end2: - - match: \} - scope: punctuation.section.block.end.css - pop: 2 - - brackets-end: - - match: \] - scope: punctuation.section.brackets.end.css - pop: 1 - - group-end: - - match: \) - scope: punctuation.section.group.end.css - pop: 1 - - rule-terminators: - - match: ; - scope: punctuation.terminator.rule.css - - illegal-commas: - - match: ',' - scope: invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.css - - illegal-blocks: - # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/syndata.html#parsing-errors - - match: \{ - scope: invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.css - push: - - match: \} - scope: invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.css - pop: 1 - - match: \} - scope: invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.css - - illegal-groups: - # https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/syndata.html#parsing-errors - - match: \( - scope: invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.css - push: - - match: \) - scope: invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.css - pop: 1 - - match: \) - scope: invalid.illegal.unexpected-token.css - -###[ PROTOTYPES ]############################################################## - - clear-pop: - - clear_scopes: 1 - - meta_include_prototype: false - - include: immediately-pop - - else-pop: - - match: (?=\S) - pop: 1 - - immediately-pop: - - match: '' - pop: 1 - - terminator-pop: - - match: (?=[;){}]) - pop: 1