title | sidebarTitle | description | icon |
Quickstart |
Quickstart |
Integrate Subtrace with just one command |
rocket |
Subtrace is an API observability tool. It connects your backend to Chrome DevTools so that you can inspect the latency of each API request. We'll show you how you can start using Subtrace with just a single command.
Open a terminal and download Subtrace:```bash
curl -fSLO "https://subtrace.dev/download/$(uname -s)/$(uname -m)/subtrace" && chmod +x ./subtrace
```bash Generic
./subtrace run -- my-app-command
```bash Node
./subtrace run -- node server.js
```bash Go
./subtrace run -- go run .
```bash FastAPI
./subtrace run -- fastapi run main.py
```bash Flask
./subtrace run -- flask --app hello run
```bash Gunicorn
./subtrace run -- gunicorn -w 4 myapp:app
```bash Laravel
./subtrace run -- php artisan serve
<Expandable title="example output">
<img className="rounded-xl" src="/images/quickstart-link.png" />
<img className="rounded-xl" src="/images/quickstart-screenshot.png" />
Check out the guide specific to your backend for next steps:
If your language or framework isn't listed here, let us know and we can help you get started. Join our discord server or email us at support@subtrace.dev for assistance.