diff --git a/suggestions/locales/en_US.json b/suggestions/locales/en_US.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d78d8e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/suggestions/locales/en_US.json @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +{ + "SUGGEST_NAME": "suggest", + "SUGGEST_DESCRIPTION": "Create a new suggestion.", + "SUGGEST_ARG_SUGGESTION_NAME": "suggestion", + "SUGGEST_ARG_SUGGESTION_DESCRIPTION": "Your suggestion.", + "SUGGEST_ARG_IMAGE_NAME": "image", + "SUGGEST_ARG_IMAGE_DESCRIPTION": "An image to add to your suggestion. Images currently expire after a couple weeks.", + "SUGGEST_ARG_ANONYMOUSLY_NAME": "anonymously", + "SUGGEST_ARG_ANONYMOUSLY_DESCRIPTION": "Submit your suggestion anonymously.", + "APPROVE_NAME": "approve", + "APPROVE_DESCRIPTION": "Approve a suggestion", + "APPROVE_ARG_SUGGESTION_ID_NAME": "suggestion_id", + "APPROVE_ARG_SUGGESTION_ID_DESCRIPTION": "The sID you wish to approve", + "APPROVE_ARG_RESPONSE_NAME": "response", + "APPROVE_ARG_RESPONSE_DESCRIPTION": "An optional response to add to the suggestion", + "REJECT_NAME": "reject", + "REJECT_DESCRIPTION": "Reject a suggestion", + "REJECT_ARG_SUGGESTION_ID_NAME": "suggestion_id", + "REJECT_ARG_SUGGESTION_ID_DESCRIPTION": "The sID you wish to reject", + "REJECT_ARG_RESPONSE_NAME": "response", + "REJECT_ARG_RESPONSE_DESCRIPTION": "An optional response to add to the suggestion", + "CLEAR_NAME": "clear", + "CLEAR_DESCRIPTION": "Remove a suggestion and any associated messages.", + "CLEAR_ARG_SUGGESTION_ID_NAME": "suggestion_id", + "CLEAR_ARG_SUGGESTION_ID_DESCRIPTION": "The sID you wish to reject", + "CLEAR_ARG_RESPONSE_NAME": "response", + "CLEAR_ARG_RESPONSE_DESCRIPTION": "An optional response to add to the suggestion", + "STATS_NAME": "stats", + "STATS_DESCRIPTION": "Get bot stats!", + "INFO_NAME": "info", + "INFO_DESCRIPTION": "View bot information.", + "INFO_ARG_SUPPORT_NAME": "support", + "INFO_ARG_SUPPORT_DESCRIPTION": "Set this to receive info relevant to receiving official support.", + "PING_NAME": "ping", + "PING_DESCRIPTION": "Pong!", + "SUGGESTION_UP_VOTE_INNER_NO_MORE_CASTING": "You can no longer cast votes on this suggestion.", + "SUGGESTION_UP_VOTE_INNER_ALREADY_VOTED": "You have already up voted this suggestion.", + "SUGGESTION_UP_VOTE_INNER_MODIFIED_VOTE": "I have changed your vote from a down vote to an up vote for this suggestion.\nThe suggestion will be updated shortly.", + "SUGGESTION_UP_VOTE_INNER_REGISTERED_VOTE": "Thanks!\nI have registered your up vote.", + "SUGGESTION_DOWN_VOTE_INNER_NO_MORE_CASTING": "You can no longer cast votes on this suggestion.", + "SUGGESTION_DOWN_VOTE_INNER_ALREADY_VOTED": "You have already down voted this suggestion.", + "SUGGESTION_DOWN_VOTE_INNER_MODIFIED_VOTE": "I have changed your vote from an up vote to a down vote for this suggestion.\nThe suggestion will be updated shortly.", + "SUGGESTION_DOWN_VOTE_INNER_REGISTERED_VOTE": "Thanks!\nI have registered your down vote.", + "VIEW_VOTERS_INNER_TITLE_PREFIX": "Voters", + "VIEW_UP_VOTERS_INNER_TITLE_PREFIX": "Up voters", + "VIEW_DOWN_VOTERS_INNER_TITLE_PREFIX": "Down voters", + "DISPLAY_DATA_INNER_OLD_SUGGESTION_TYPE": "Suggestions using reactions are not supported by this command.", + "DISPLAY_DATA_INNER_NO_VOTERS": "There are no voters to show you for this.", + "VOTER_PAGINATOR_INNER_EMBED_TITLE": "{} for suggestion `{}`", + "VOTER_PAGINATOR_INNER_EMBED_FOOTER": "Page {} of {}", + "APPROVE_INNER_MESSAGE": "You have approved **{}**", + "REJECT_INNER_MESSAGE": "You have rejected **{}**", + "CLEAR_INNER_MESSAGE": "I have cleared `{}` for you.", + "SUGGEST_INNER_SUGGESTION_SENT": "Hey, {}. Your suggestion has been sent to {} to be voted on!\n\nPlease wait until it gets approved or rejected by a staff member.\n\nYour suggestion ID (sID) for reference is **{}**.", + "SUGGEST_INNER_SUGGESTION_SENT_FOOTER": "Guild ID: {} | sID: {}", + "SUGGEST_INNER_THANKS": "Thanks for your suggestion!", + "SUGGEST_INNER_SENT_TO_QUEUE": "Your suggestion has been sent to the queue for processing.", + "SUGGEST_INNER_NO_ANONYMOUS_SUGGESTIONS": "Your guild does not allow anonymous suggestions.", + "SUGGEST_INNER_NO_IMAGES_IN_SUGGESTIONS": "Your guild does not allow images in suggestions.", + "CONFIG_ANONYMOUS_ENABLE_INNER_SUCCESS": "I have enabled anonymous suggestions for this guild.", + "CONFIG_ANONYMOUS_DISABLE_INNER_SUCCESS": "I have disabled anonymous suggestions for this guild.", + "SUGGESTION_OBJECT_LOCK_THREAD": "Locking this thread as the suggestion has reached a resolution.", + "CONFIG_CHANNEL_INNER_MESSAGE": "I have set this guilds suggestion channel to {}", + "CONFIG_LOGS_INNER_MESSAGE": "I have set this guilds log channel to {}", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_BASE_EMBED_DESCRIPTION": "Configuration for {}\n", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_PARTIAL_LOG_CHANNEL_SET": "Log channel: <#{}>", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_PARTIAL_LOG_CHANNEL_NOT_SET": "Not set", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_PARTIAL_SUGGESTION_CHANNEL_SET": "Suggestion channel: <#{}>", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_PARTIAL_SUGGESTION_CHANNEL_NOT_SET": "Not set", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_PARTIAL_DM_RESPONSES_SET": "will", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_PARTIAL_DM_RESPONSES_NOT_SET": "will not", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_PARTIAL_DM_RESPONSES_MESSAGE": "Dm responses: I {} DM users on actions such as suggest", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_PARTIAL_THREADS_SET": "will", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_PARTIAL_THREADS_NOT_SET": "will not", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_PARTIAL_THREADS_MESSAGE": "I {} create threads for new suggestions", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_KEEP_LOGS_SET": "Suggestion logs will be kept in your suggestions channel.", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_KEEP_LOGS_NOT_SET": "Suggestion logs will be kept in your logs channel.", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_ANONYMOUS_SUGGESTIONS_SET": "can", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_ANONYMOUS_SUGGESTIONS_NOT_SET": "cannot", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_ANONYMOUS_SUGGESTIONS_MESSAGE": "This guild {} have anonymous suggestions.", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_AUTO_ARCHIVE_THREADS_SET": "will", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_AUTO_ARCHIVE_THREADS_NOT_SET": "will not", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_AUTO_ARCHIVE_THREADS_MESSAGE": "I {} automatically archive threads created for suggestions.", + "CONFIG_DM_ENABLE_INNER_MESSAGE": "I have enabled DM messages for this guild.", + "CONFIG_DM_DISABLE_INNER_MESSAGE": "I have disabled DM messages for this guild.", + "CONFIG_THREAD_ENABLE_INNER_MESSAGE": "I have enabled threads on new suggestions for this guild.", + "CONFIG_THREAD_DISABLE_INNER_MESSAGE": "I have disabled thread creation on new suggestions for this guild.", + "CONFIG_KEEPLOGS_ENABLE_INNER_MESSAGE": "Suggestions will now stay in your suggestions channel instead of going to logs.", + "CONFIG_KEEPLOGS_DISABLE_INNER_MESSAGE": "Suggestions will now be moved to your logs channel when finished.", + "CONFIG_AUTO_ARCHIVE_THREADS_ENABLE_INNER_MESSAGE": "Automatically created threads for suggestions will now be archived upon suggestion resolution.", + "CONFIG_AUTO_ARCHIVE_THREADS_DISABLE_INNER_MESSAGE": "Automatically created threads for suggestions will no longer be archived upon suggestion resolution.", + "CONFIG_SUGGESTIONS_QUEUE_ENABLE_INNER_MESSAGE": "All new suggestions will be sent to your suggestions queue.", + "CONFIG_SUGGESTIONS_QUEUE_DISABLE_INNER_MESSAGE": "All new suggestions will be sent directly to your suggestions channel.", + "CONFIG_ANONYMOUS_RESOLUTION_ENABLE_INNER_MESSAGE": "All further suggestions will not show the moderator who resolved them.", + "CONFIG_ANONYMOUS_RESOLUTION_DISABLE_INNER_MESSAGE": "All further suggestions will show the moderator who resolved them.", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_SUGGESTIONS_QUEUE_SET": "In use.", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_SUGGESTIONS_QUEUE_NOT_SET": "Not in use.", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_SUGGESTIONS_QUEUE_MESSAGE": "Suggestions queue is $TEXT", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_ANONYMOUS_RESOLUTION_NOT_SET": "Suggesters are shown who resolved their suggestions.", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_ANONYMOUS_RESOLUTION_SET": "Suggesters are not shown who resolved their suggestions.", + "PAGINATION_INNER_SESSION_EXPIRED": "This pagination session has expired, please start a new one with `/queue view`", + "PAGINATION_INNER_NEXT_ITEM": "Viewing next item in queue.", + "PAGINATION_INNER_PREVIOUS_ITEM": "Viewing previous item in queue.", + "PAGINATION_INNER_QUEUE_EXPIRED": "This queue has expired.", + "PAGINATION_INNER_QUEUE_CANCELLED": "I have cancelled this queue for you.", + "PAGINATION_INNER_QUEUE_ACCEPTED": "I have accepted that suggestion from the queue.", + "PAGINATION_INNER_QUEUE_REJECTED": "I have removed that suggestion from the queue.", + "QUEUE_VIEW_INNER_NOTHING_QUEUED": "Your guild has no suggestions in the queue.", + "QUEUE_VIEW_INNER_PRIOR_QUEUE": "These suggestions were queued before your guild disabled the suggestions queue.", + "QUEUE_INNER_USER_REJECTED": "Your queued suggestion was rejected.", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_IMAGES_IN_SUGGESTIONS_SET": "can", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_IMAGES_IN_SUGGESTIONS_NOT_SET": "cannot", + "CONFIG_GET_INNER_IMAGES_IN_SUGGESTIONS_MESSAGE": "This guild {} have images in suggestions.", + "CONFIG_SUGGESTIONS_IMAGES_ENABLE_INNER_MESSAGE": "All new suggestions can include images.", + "CONFIG_SUGGESTIONS_IMAGES_DISABLE_INNER_MESSAGE": "All new suggestions cannot include images.", + "VIEW_VOTERS_INNER_EMBED_TITLE": "Viewing voters" +}