RubyTutor is an irb tool to help new developers and developers new to using Ruby on the fundamentals of the language.
In order to use it, simply install it:
$ gem install rubytutor
Then go into irb and require it:
$ irb
2.3.3 :001 > require 'rubytutor'
=> true
While RubyTutor is meant to be an irb tool, far be it from me to disallow others from finding other uses for it.
If you wish to add RubyTutor to a project, add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'rubytutor'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install rubytutor
RubyTutor has 4 class methods that can be useful to developers:
RubyTutor.available_methods(object, filter)
outputs a list of attributes pertaining to the object passed in.
Here is a sample output:
RubyTutor.explain_full 'string'
# >> Instance of Class: String
# >> Value: string
# >> Length: 6
# >> Mutable? Yes
# >> Object ID: 70179170680460
# >> Inherits From: Comparable, Object, Kernel, BasicObject
# >>
# >> Description:
# >> This object is an instance of the String class.
# >> A String object is an expression that can hold
# >> letters, numbers and all sorts of different characters,
# >> as long as they are surrounded by single ('')
# >> or double ("") quotes.
# >>
# >> Type RubyTutor.available_methods String
# >> to see all of the methods available.
outputs the first half of explain_full
while describe
outputs the second half of explain_full
RubyTutor.explain 'string'
# >> Instance of Class: String
# >> Value: string
# >> Length: 6
# >> Mutable? Yes
# >> Object ID: 70179170680460
# >> Inherits From: Comparable, Object, Kernel, BasicObject
RubyTutor.describe 'string'
# >> Description:
# >> This object is an instance of the String class.
# >> A String object is an expression that can hold
# >> letters, numbers and all sorts of different characters,
# >> as long as they are surrounded by single ('')
# >> or double ("") quotes.
# >>
# >> Type RubyTutor.available_methods String
# >> to see all of the methods available.
All descriptions were copied and edited from Ruby-Docs
Sidenote: When passing in a Hash, use the parentheses notation to avoid an error.
RubyTutor.explain({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3})
Lastly, available_methods
outputs all the available methods for the object passed in. available_methods
also has an optional filter you can pass in. The filter must be a string and the filter only corresponds to the beginning of the method name. In other words, a filter of 'to'
will return all the methods that begin with 'to'
If another object is used for the filter instead of a string, the program will ignore it and return all available methods for the object passed in.
Example output:
RubyTutor.available_methods BasicObject
# >> Available Methods:
# >> !
# >> !=
# >> !~
# >> <
# >> <=
# >> <=>
# >> ==
# >> ===
# >> =~
# >> >
# >> >=
# >> __id__
# >> __send__
# >> allocate
# >> ancestors
# >> autoload
# >> autoload?
# >> class
# >> class_eval
# >> class_exec
# >> class_variable_defined?
# >> class_variable_get
# >> class_variable_set
# >> class_variables
#...(truncated for brevity)
RubyTutor.available_methods BasicObject, 'al'
# >> Available Methods:
# >> allocate
The classes that are currently supported and have descriptions when RubyTutor.describe
is called are:
- Array
- Bignum
- Class
- FalseClass
- Fixnum
- Float
- Hash
- Module
- NilClass
- Proc
- Range
- Regexp
- String
- Struct
- Symbol
- TrueClass
Any other class will return No further description available at this time.
as a description.
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake test
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.