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Viewing Attachments

Hamish Downer edited this page Feb 16, 2013 · 11 revisions

Here is an example of how to read HTML only emails, using the mime-decode.rb hook:

unless sibling_types.member? "text/plain"
  case content_type
  when "text/html"
    `/usr/bin/w3m -dump -T #{content_type} '#{filename}'`

Here is the documentation for the hook:

File: ~/.sup/hooks/mime-decode.rb
Decodes a MIME attachment into text form. The text will be displayed
directly in Sup. For attachments that you wish to use a separate program
to view (e.g. images), you should use the mime-view hook instead.

   content_type: the content-type of the attachment
        charset: the charset of the attachment, if applicable
       filename: the filename of the attachment as saved to disk
  sibling_types: if this attachment is part of a multipart MIME attachment,
                 an array of content-types for all attachments. Otherwise,
                 the empty array.
Return value:
  The decoded text of the attachment, or nil if not decoded.
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