%%% title = "The Mercure Protocol" area = "Internet" workgroup = "Network Working Group" submissiontype = "IETF"
[seriesInfo] name = "Internet-Draft" value = "draft-dunglas-mercure-07" stream = "IETF" status = "standard"
[[author]] initials="K." surname="Dunglas" fullname="Kévin Dunglas" abbrev = "Les-Tilleuls.coop" organization = "Les-Tilleuls.coop" [author.address] email = "[email protected]" [author.address.postal] city = "Lille" street = "82 rue Winston Churchill" code = "59160" country = "France" %%%
.# Abstract
Mercure provides a common publish-subscribe mechanism for public and private web resources. Mercure enables the pushing of any web content to web browsers and other clients in a fast, reliable and battery-efficient way. It is especially useful for publishing real-time updates of resources served through sites and web APIs to web and mobile apps.
Subscription requests are relayed through hubs, which validate and verify the request. When new or updated content becomes available, hubs check if subscribers are authorized to receive it then distribute it.
The keywords MUST, MUST NOT, REQUIRED, SHALL, SHALL NOT, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL, when they appear in this document, are to be interpreted as described in [@!RFC2119].
- Topic: The unit to which one can subscribe to changes. The topic SHOULD be identified by an IRI [@!RFC3987]. Using an HTTPS [@!RFC7230] or HTTP [@!RFC7230] URI [@!RFC3986] is RECOMMENDED.
- Update: The message containing the updated version of the topic. An update can be marked as private, consequently, it must be dispatched only to subscribers allowed to receive it.
- Topic selector: An expression matching one or several topics.
- Publisher: An owner of a topic. Notifies the hub when the topic feed has been updated. As in almost all pub-sub systems, the publisher is unaware of the subscribers, if any. Other pub-sub systems might call the publisher the "source". Typically, a site or a web API, but can also be a web browser.
- Subscriber: A client application that subscribes to real-time updates of topics using topic selectors. Typically, a web or a mobile application, but can also be a server.
- Subscription: A topic selector used by a subscriber to receive updates. A single subscriber can have several subscriptions, when it provides several topic selectors.
- Hub: A server that handles subscription requests and distributes the content to subscribers when the corresponding topics have been updated. Any hub MAY implement its own policies on who can use it.
The discovery mechanism aims at identifying at least 2 URLs.
- The URL of one or more hubs designated by the publisher.
- The canonical URL for the topic to which subscribers are expected to use for subscriptions.
The URL of the hub MUST be the "well-known" [@!RFC5785] fixed path /.well-known/mercure
If the publisher is a server, it SHOULD advertise the URL of one or more hubs to the subscriber, allowing it to receive live updates when topics are updated. If more than one hub URL is specified, the publisher MUST notify each hub, so the subscriber MAY subscribe to one or more of them.
Note: Publishers may wish to advertise and publish to more than one hub for fault tolerance and redundancy. If one hub fails to propagate an update to the document, then using multiple independent hub is a way to increase the likelihood of delivery to subscribers. As such, subscribers may subscribe to one or more of the advertised hubs.
The publisher SHOULD include at least one Link Header [@!RFC5988] with rel=mercure
(a hub link
header). The target URL of these links MUST be a hub implementing the Mercure protocol.
The publisher MAY provide the following target attributes in the Link Headers:
: the identifier of the last event dispatched by the publisher at the time of the generation of this resource. If provided, it MUST be passed to the hub through a query parameter calledlastEventID
and will be used to ensure that possible updates having been made between the resource generation by the server and the connection to the hub are not lost. See (#reconciliation).content-type
: the content type of the updates that will be pushed by the hub. If omitted, the subscriber MUST assume that the content type will be the same as that of the original resource. Setting thecontent-type
attribute is especially useful to hint that partial updates will be pushed, using formats such as JSON Patch [@RFC6902] or JSON Merge Patch [@RFC7386].key-set
: the URL of the key set to use to decrypt updates, encoded in the JWK set format (JSON Web Key Set) [@!RFC7517]. See (#encryption). As this key set will contain a secret key, the publisher must ensure that only the subscriber can access to this URL. To do so, the authorization mechanism (see (#authorization)) can be reused.
All these attributes are optional.
The publisher MAY also include one Link Header [@!RFC5988] with rel=self
(the self link
header). It SHOULD contain the canonical URL for the topic to which subscribers are expected
to use for subscriptions. If the Link with rel=self
is omitted, the current URL of the resource
MUST be used as a fallback.
Minimal example:
GET /books/foo HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/ld+json
Link: <https://example.com/.well-known/mercure>; rel="mercure"
{"@id": "/books/foo", "foo": "bar"}
Links embedded in HTML or XML documents as defined in the WebSub recommendation [@W3C.REC-websub-20180123] MAY also be supported by subscribers. If both a header and an embedded link are provided, the header MUST be preferred.
For practical purposes, it is important that the rel=self
URL only offers a single representation.
As the hub has no way of knowing what Media Type ([@RFC6838]) or language may have been requested
by the subscriber upon discovery, it would not be able to deliver the content using the appropriate
representation of the document.
It is, however, possible to perform content negotiation by returning an appropriate rel=self
URL according to the HTTP headers used in the initial discovery request. For example, a request
to /books/foo
with an Accept
header containing application/ld+json
could return a rel=self
value of /books/foo.jsonld
The example below illustrates how a topic URL can return different Link
headers depending on the
header that was sent.
GET /books/foo HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Accept: application/ld+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/ld+json
Link: </books/foo.jsonld>; rel="self"
Link: <https://example.com/.well-known/mercure>; rel="mercure"
{"@id": "/books/foo", "foo": "bar"}
GET /books/foo HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Accept: text/html
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: text/html
Link: </books/foo.html>; rel="self"
Link: <https://example.com/.well-known/mercure>; rel="mercure"
<!doctype html>
<title>foo: bar</title>
Similarly, the technique can also be used to return a different rel=self
URL depending on the
language requested by the Accept-Language
GET /books/foo HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Accept-Language: fr-FR
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/ld+json
Content-Language: fr-FR
Link: </books/foo-fr-FR.jsonld>; rel="self"
Link: <https://example.com/.well-known/mercure>; rel="mercure"
{"@id": "/books/foo", "foo": "bar", "@context": {"@language": "fr-FR"}}
A topic selector is an expression intended to be matched by one or several topics. A topic selector can also be used to match other topic selectors for authorization purposes. See (#authorization).
A topic selector can be any string including URI Templates [@!RFC6570] and the reserved string *
that matches all topics. It is RECOMMENDED to use URI Templates or the reserved string *
topic selectors.
Note: URLs and IRIs are valid URI templates.
To determine if a string matches a selector, the following steps must be followed:
- If the topic selector is
then the string matches the selector. - If the topic selector and the string are exactly the same, the string matches the selector. This characteristic allows to compare a URI Template with another one.
- If the topic selector is a valid URI Template, and that the string matches this URI Template, the string matches the selector.
- Otherwise, the string does not match the selector.
The subscriber subscribes to a URL exposed by a hub to receive updates from one or many topics.
To subscribe to updates, the client opens an HTTPS connection following the Server-Sent Events
specification [@!W3C.REC-eventsource-20150203] to the hub's subscription URL advertised by the
publisher. The GET
HTTP method must be used. The connection SHOULD use HTTP version 2 or
superior to leverage multiplexing and other performance-oriented related features provided by these
The subscriber specifies the list of topics to get updates from by using one or several query
parameters named topic
. The topic
query parameters MUST contain topic selectors. See
The protocol doesn't specify the maximum number of topic
parameters that can be sent, but the hub
MAY apply an arbitrary limit. A subscription is created for every provided topic
See (#subscription-events).
The EventSource JavaScript interface MAY be used to establish the connection. Any other appropriate mechanism including, but not limited to, readable streams [@W3C.NOTE-streams-api-20161129] and XMLHttpRequest (used by popular polyfills) MAY also be used.
The hub sends to the subscriber updates for topics matching the provided topic selectors.
If an update is marked as private
, the hub MUST NOT dispatch it to subscribers not authorized
to receive it. See (#authorization).
The hub MUST send these updates as text/event-stream
compliant events
[[email protected]].
The data
property MUST contain the new version of the topic. It can be the full resource, or a
partial update by using formats such as JSON Patch [@RFC6902] or JSON Merge Patch [@RFC7386].
All other properties defined in the Server-Sent Events specification MAY be used and MUST be supported by hubs.
The resource SHOULD be represented in a format with hypermedia capabilities such as JSON-LD [@W3C.REC-json-ld-20140116], Atom [@RFC4287], XML [@W3C.REC-xml-20081126] or HTML [@W3C.REC-html52-20171214].
Web Linking [@!RFC5988] SHOULD be used to indicate the IRI of the resource sent in the event.
When using Atom, XML or HTML as the serialization format for the resource, the document SHOULD
contain a link
element with a self
relation containing the IRI of the resource. When using
JSON-LD, the document SHOULD contain an @id
property containing the IRI of the resource.
// The subscriber subscribes to updates
// for the https://example.com/foo topic, the bar topic,
// and to any topic matching https://example.com/books/{name}
const url = new URL('https://example.com/.well-known/mercure');
url.searchParams.append('topic', 'https://example.com/foo');
url.searchParams.append('topic', 'bar');
url.searchParams.append('topic', 'https://example.com/bar/{id}');
const eventSource = new EventSource(url);
// The callback will be called every time an update is published
eventSource.onmessage = function ({data}) {
The hub MAY require subscribers and publishers to be authenticated, and MAY apply extra authorization rules not defined in this specification.
The publisher sends updates by issuing POST
HTTPS requests on the hub URL. When it receives an
update, the hub dispatches it to subscribers using the established server-sent events connections.
The hub MAY also dispatch this update using other protocols such as WebSub [@W3C.REC-websub-20180123] or ActivityPub [@W3C.REC-activitypub-20180123].
An application CAN send events directly to subscribers without using an external hub server, if it is able to do so. In this case, it MAY NOT implement the endpoint to publish updates.
The request MUST be encoded using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[@W3C.REC-html52-20171214] and contains the following name-value tuples:
: The identifiers of the updated topic. It is RECOMMENDED to use an IRI as identifier. If this name is present several times, the first occurrence is considered to be the canonical IRI of the topic, and other ones are considered to be alternate IRIs. The hub MUST dispatch this update to subscribers that are subscribed to both canonical or alternate IRIs.data
(optional): the content of the new version of this topic.private
(optional): if this name is set, the update MUST NOT be dispatched to subscribers not authorized to receive it. See (#authorization). It is recommended to set the value toon
but it CAN contain any value including an empty string.id
(optional): the topic's revision identifier: it will be used as the SSE'sid
property. The provided ID MUST NOT start with the#
character. The provided ID SHOULD be a valid IRI. If omitted, the hub MUST generate a valid IRI [@!RFC3987]. A UUID [@RFC4122] or a DID MAY be used. Alternatively the hub MAY generate a relative URI composed of a fragment (starting with#
). This is convenient to return an offset or a sequence that is unique for this hub. Even if provided, the hub MAY ignore the ID provided by the client and generate its own ID.type
(optional): the SSE'sevent
property (a specific event type).retry
(optional): the SSE'sretry
property (the reconnection time).
In the event of success, the HTTP response's body MUST be the id
associated to this update
generated by the hub and a success HTTP status code MUST be returned. The publisher MUST be
authorized to publish updates. See (#authorization).
POST /.well-known/mercure HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Bearer [snip]
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: text/plain
To ensure that they are authorized, both publishers and subscribers must present a valid JWS [@!RFC7515] in compact serialization to the hub. This JWS SHOULD be short-lived, especially if the subscriber is a web browser. A different key MAY be used to sign subscribers' and publishers' tokens.
Three mechanisms are defined to present the JWS to the hub:
- using an
HTTP header - using a cookie
- using an
URI query parameter
When using any authorization mechanism, the connection MUST use an encryption layer such as HTTPS.
If an Authorization
HTTP header is presented by the client, the JWS it contains MUST be used.
The content of the authorization
query parameter and of the cookie MUST be ignored.
If an authorization
query parameter is set by the client and no Authorization
HTTP header is
presented, the content of the query parameter MUST be used, the content of the cookie must be
If the client tries to execute an operation it is not allowed to, a 403 HTTP status code SHOULD be returned.
If the publisher or the subscriber is not a web browser, it SHOULD use an Authorization
HTTP header. This Authorization
header MUST contain the string Bearer
followed by a space
character and by the JWS. The hub will check that the JWS conforms to the rules (defined later)
ensuring that the client is authorized to publish or subscribe to updates.
By the EventSource
specification [@W3C.REC-eventsource-20150203], web browsers
can not set custom HTTP headers for such connections, and they can only be
established using the GET
HTTP method. However, cookies are supported and
can be included even in cross-domain requests if the CORS credentials are
If the publisher or the subscriber is a web browser, it SHOULD, whenever possible, send a cookie
containing the JWS when connecting to the hub.
It is RECOMMENDED to name the cookie mercureAuthorization
, but it may be necessary to use
a different name to prevent conflicts when using multiple hubs on the same domain.
The cookie SHOULD be set during discovery (see (#discovery)) to improve the overall security.
Consequently, if the cookie is set during discovery, both the publisher and the hub have to share
the same second level domain. The Domain
attribute MAY be used to allow the publisher and the
hub to use different subdomains. See (#discovery).
The cookie SHOULD have the Secure
, HttpOnly
and SameSite
attributes set. The cookie's
attribute SHOULD also be set to the hub's URL. See (#security-considerations).
If it's not possible for the client to use an Authorization
HTTP header nor a cookie, the JWS can
be passed as a request URI query component as defined by "Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic
Syntax" [@!RFC3986], using the authorization
The authorization
query parameter MUST be properly separated from the topic
parameter and
from other request-specific parameters using &
character(s) (ASCII code 38).
For example, the client makes the following HTTP request using transport-layer security:
GET /.well-known/mercure?topic=https://example.com/books/foo&authorization=<JWS> HTTP/1.1
Host: hub.example.com
Clients using the URI Query Parameter method SHOULD also send a Cache-Control
containing the no-store
option. Server success (2XX status) responses to these requests SHOULD
contain a Cache-Control
header with the private
Because of the security weaknesses associated with the URI method (see (#security-considerations)),
including the high likelihood that the URL containing the access token will be logged, it SHOULD
NOT be used unless it is impossible to transport the access token in the Authorization
header field or in a secure cookie. Hubs MAY support this method.
This method is not recommended due to its security deficiencies.
Publishers MUST be authorized to dispatch updates to the hub, and MUST prove that they are authorized to send updates for the specified topics.
To be allowed to publish an update, the JWS presented by the publisher MUST contain a claim
called mercure
, and this claim MUST contain a publish
key. mercure.publish
contains an
array of topic selectors. See (#topic-selectors).
If mercure.publish
is not defined, or contains an empty array, then the publisher MUST NOT
be authorized to dispatch any update.
Otherwise, the hub MUST check that every topic of the update to dispatch matches at least one
of the topic selectors contained in mercure.publish
If the publisher is not authorized for all the topics of an update, the hub MUST NOT dispatch the update (even if some topics in the list are allowed) and MUST return a 403 HTTP status code.
To receive updates marked as private
, a subscriber MUST prove that it is authorized for at
least one of the topics of this update. If the subscriber is not authorized to receive an update
marked as private
, it MUST NOT receive it.
If the presented JWS contains an expiration time in the standard exp
claim defined in [@!RFC7519],
the connection MUST be closed by the hub at that time.
To receive updates marked as private
, the JWS presented by the subscriber MUST have a
claim named mercure
with a key named subscribe
that contains an array of topic selectors. See
The hub MUST check that at least one topic of the update to dispatch (canonical or
alternate) matches at least one topic selector provided in mercure.subscribe
This behavior makes it possible to subscribe to several topics using URI templates while guaranteeing that only authorized subscribers will receive updates marked as private (even if their canonical topics are matched by these templates).
Let's say that a subscriber wants to receive updates concerning all book resources it has access
to. The subscriber can use the topic selector https://example.com/books/{id}
as value of the
query parameter. Adding this same URI template to the mercure.subscribe
claim of the JWS
presented by the subscriber to the hub would allow this subscriber to receive all updates for all
book resources. It is not what we want here: this subscriber is only authorized to access some
of these resources.
To solve this problem, the mercure.subscribe
claim could contain a topic selector such as:
The publisher could then take advantage of the previously described behavior by
publishing a private update having https://example.com/books/1
as canonical topic and
as alternate topic:
POST /.well-known/mercure HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Bearer [snip]
The subscriber is subscribed to https://example.com/books/{id}
that is matched by the
canonical topic of the update. This canonical topic isn't matched by the topic selector
provided in its JWS claim mercure.subscribe
. However, an alternate topic of the update,
, is matched by it.
Consequently, this private update will be received by this subscriber, while other updates having
a canonical topic matched by the selector provided in a topic
query parameter but not matched by
selectors in the mercure.subscribe
claim will not.
The mercure
claim of the JWS CAN also contain user-defined values under the payload
This JSON document will be attached to the subscription and made available in subscription events.
See (#subscription-events).
For instance, mercure.payload
can contain the user ID of the subscriber, a list of groups it
belongs to, or its IP address. Storing data in mercure.payload
is a convenient way to share data
related to one subscriber to other subscribers.
The protocol allows to reconciliate states after a reconnection. It can also be used to implement an Event store.
To allow re-establishment in case of connection lost, events dispatched by the hub MUST include
an id
property. The value contained in this id
property SHOULD be an IRI [@!RFC3987].
A UUID [@RFC4122] or a DID MAY be used.
According to the server-sent events specification, in case of connection lost the subscriber will try to automatically re-connect. During the re-connection, the subscriber MUST send the last received event ID in a Last-Event-ID HTTP header.
In order to fetch any update dispatched between the initial resource generation by the publisher and
the connection to the hub, the subscriber MUST send the event ID provided during the discovery
as a Last-Event-ID
header or a lastEventID
query parameter. See (#discovery).
implementations may not allow to set HTTP headers during the first connection (before
a reconnection) and implementations in web browsers don't allow to set it.
To work around this problem, the hub MUST also allow to pass the last event ID in a query
parameter named lastEventID
If both the Last-Event-ID
HTTP header and the lastEventID
query parameter are present,
the HTTP header MUST take precedence.
If the Last-Event-ID
HTTP header or the lastEventID
query parameter exists,
the hub SHOULD send all events published following the one bearing this identifier
to the subscriber.
The reserved value earliest
can be used to hint the hub to send all updates it has for the
subscribed topics. According to its own policy, the hub MAY or MAY NOT fulfil this request.
The hub MAY discard some events for operational reasons. When the request contains a
HTTP header or a lastEventID
query parameter the hub MUST set
a Last-Event-ID
header on the HTTP response.
The value of the Last-Event-ID
response header MUST be the ID of the event
preceding the first one sent to the subscriber, or the reserved value earliest
if there is no
preceding event (it happens when the hub history is empty, when the subscriber requests the earliest
event or when the subscriber requests an event that doesn't exist).
The subscriber SHOULD NOT assume that no events will be lost (it may happen, for example if the hub stores only a limited number of events in its history). In some cases (for instance when sending partial updates in the JSON Patch [@RFC6902] format, or when using the hub as an event store), updates lost can cause data lost.
To detect if a data lost occurred, the subscriber CAN compare the value of the Last-Event-ID
response HTTP header with the last event ID it requested. In case of data lost, the subscriber
SHOULD re-fetch the original topic.
Note: Native EventSource
implementations don't give access to headers associated with the HTTP
response, however polyfills and server-sent events clients in most programming languages allow it.
The hub CAN also specify the reconnection time using the retry
key, as specified in the
server-sent events format.
Mercure provides a mechanism to track active subscriptions. If the hub support this optional set of features, updates will be published when a subscription is created, or terminated, and a web API exposes the list of active subscriptions.
Variables are templated and expanded in accordance with [@!RFC6570].
If the hub supports the active subscriptions feature, it MUST publish an update every time a subscription is created or terminated.
The topic of these updates MUST be an expansion of
. {topic}
is the topic selector used for
this subscription and {subscriber}
is a unique identifier for the subscriber.
Note: Because it is recommended to use URI Templates and IRIs for the {topic}
and {subscriber}
variables, values will usually contain the :
, /
, {
and }
characters. Per [@!RFC6570], these
characters are reserved. They MUST be percent encoded during the expansion process.
If a subscriber has several subscriptions, it SHOULD be identified by the same
identifier. {subscriber}
SHOULD be an IRI [@!RFC3987]. A UUID [@RFC4122] or a
DID MAY be used.
The content of the update MUST be a JSON-LD [@!W3C.REC-json-ld-20140116] document containing at least the following properties:
: the fixed valuehttps://mercure.rocks/
can be omitted if already defined in a parent node. See (#json-ld-context).id
: the identifier of this update, it MUST be the same value as the subscription update's topictype
: the fixed valueSubscription
: the topic selector used of this subscriptionsubscriber
: the topic identifier of the subscriber. It SHOULD be an IRI.active
when the subscription is active, andfalse
when it is terminatedpayload
(optional): the content ofmercure.payload
in the subscriber's JWS (see (#authorization))
The JSON-LD document MAY contain other properties.
In order to only allow authorized subscribers to receive subscription events, the subscription
update MUST be marked as private
"id": "/.well-known/mercure/subscriptions/https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2F%7Bselector%7D/urn%3Auuid%3Abb3de268-05b0-4c65-b44e-8f9acefc29d6",
"type": "Subscription",
"topic": "https://example.com/{selector}",
"subscriber": "urn:uuid:bb3de268-05b0-4c65-b44e-8f9acefc29d6",
"active": true,
"payload": {"foo": "bar"}
If the hub supports subscription events (see (#subscription-events)), it SHOULD also expose active subscriptions through a web API.
For instance, subscribers interested in maintaining a list of active subscriptions can call the web API to retrieve them, and then use subscription events (see (#subscription-events)) to keep it up to date.
The web API MUST expose endpoints following these patterns:
: the collection of subscriptions/.well-known/mercure/subscriptions/{topic}
: the collection of subscriptions for the given topic selector/.well-known/mercure/subscriptions/{topic}/{subscriber}
: a specific subscription
To access to the URLs exposed by the web API, clients MUST be authorized according to the rules
defined in (#authorization). The requested URL MUST match at least one of the topic selectors
provided in the mercure.subscribe
key of the JWS.
The web API MUST set the Content-Type
HTTP header to application/ld+json
URLs returning a single subscription (following the pattern
) MUST expose the same JSON-LD document
as described in (#subscription-events). If the requested subscription does not exist, a 404
code MUST be returned.
If the requested subscription isn't active anymore, the hub can either return the JSON-LD document
with the active
property set to false
or return a 404
status code. Accordingly, collection
endpoints CAN return terminated connections with the active
property set to false
or omit
Collection endpoints MUST return JSON-LD documents containing at least the following properties:
: the fixed valuehttps://mercure.rocks/
can be omitted if already defined in a parent node. See (#json-ld-context).id
: the URL used to retrieve the documenttype
: the fixed valueSubscriptions
: an array of subscription documents as described in (#subscription-events)
In addition, all endpoints MUST set the lastEventID
property at the root of the returned
JSON-LD document:
: the identifier of the last event dispatched by the hub at the time of this request (see (#reconciliation)). The value MUST beearliest
if no events have been dispatched yet. The value of this property SHOULD be passed back to the hub when subscribing to subscription events to prevent data loss.
As data returned by this web API is volatile, clients SHOULD validate that a response coming from cache is still valid before using it.
GET /.well-known/mercure/subscriptions HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/ld+json
Link: <https://example.com/.well-known/mercure>; rel="mercure"
ETag: urn:uuid:5e94c686-2c0b-4f9b-958c-92ccc3bbb4eb
Cache-control: must-revalidate
"@context": "https://mercure.rocks/",
"id": "/.well-known/mercure/subscriptions",
"type": "Subscriptions",
"lastEventID": "urn:uuid:5e94c686-2c0b-4f9b-958c-92ccc3bbb4eb",
"subscriptions": [
"id": "/.well-known/mercure/subscriptions/https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2F%7Bselector%7D/urn%3Auuid%3Abb3de268-05b0-4c65-b44e-8f9acefc29d6",
"type": "Subscription",
"topic": "https://example.com/{selector}",
"subscriber": "urn:uuid:bb3de268-05b0-4c65-b44e-8f9acefc29d6",
"active": true,
"payload": {"foo": "bar"}
"id": "/.well-known/mercure/subscriptions/https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fa-topic/urn%3Auuid%3A1e0cba4c-4bcd-44f0-ae8a-7b76f7ef1280",
"type": "Subscription",
"topic": "https://example.com/a-topic",
"subscriber": "urn:uuid:1e0cba4c-4bcd-44f0-ae8a-7b76f7ef1280",
"active": true,
"payload": {"baz": "bat"}
"id": "/.well-known/mercure/subscriptions/https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2F%7Bselector%7D/urn%3Auuid%3Aa6c49794-5f74-4723-999c-3a7e33e51d49",
"type": "Subscription",
"topic": "https://example.com/{selector}",
"subscriber": "urn:uuid:a6c49794-5f74-4723-999c-3a7e33e51d49",
"active": true,
"payload": {"foo": "bap"}
GET /.well-known/mercure/subscriptions/https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2F%7Bselector%7D HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/ld+json
Link: <https://example.com/.well-known/mercure>; rel="mercure"
ETag: urn:uuid:5e94c686-2c0b-4f9b-958c-92ccc3bbb4eb
Cache-control: must-revalidate
"@context": "https://mercure.rocks/",
"id": "/.well-known/mercure/subscriptions/https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2F%7Bselector%7D",
"type": "Subscriptions",
"lastEventID": "urn:uuid:5e94c686-2c0b-4f9b-958c-92ccc3bbb4eb",
"subscriptions": [
"id": "/.well-known/mercure/subscriptions/https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2F%7Bselector%7D/urn%3Auuid%3Abb3de268-05b0-4c65-b44e-8f9acefc29d6",
"type": "Subscription",
"topic": "https://example.com/{selector}",
"subscriber": "urn:uuid:bb3de268-05b0-4c65-b44e-8f9acefc29d6",
"active": true,
"payload": {"foo": "bar"}
"id": "/.well-known/mercure/subscriptions/https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2F%7Bselector%7D/urn%3Auuid%3Aa6c49794-5f74-4723-999c-3a7e33e51d49",
"type": "Subscription",
"topic": "https://example.com/{selector}",
"subscriber": "urn:uuid:a6c49794-5f74-4723-999c-3a7e33e51d49",
"active": true,
"payload": {"foo": "bap"}
GET /.well-known/mercure/subscriptions/https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2F%7Bselector%7D/urn%3Auuid%3Abb3de268-05b0-4c65-b44e-8f9acefc29d6 HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/ld+json
Link: <https://example.com/.well-known/mercure>; rel="mercure"
ETag: urn:uuid:5e94c686-2c0b-4f9b-958c-92ccc3bbb4eb
Cache-control: must-revalidate
"@context": "https://mercure.rocks/",
"id": "/.well-known/mercure/subscriptions/https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2F%7Bselector%7D/urn%3Auuid%3Abb3de268-05b0-4c65-b44e-8f9acefc29d6",
"type": "Subscription",
"topic": "https://example.com/{selector}",
"subscriber": "urn:uuid:bb3de268-05b0-4c65-b44e-8f9acefc29d6",
"active": true,
"payload": {"foo": "bar"},
"lastEventID": "urn:uuid:5e94c686-2c0b-4f9b-958c-92ccc3bbb4eb"
The JSON-LD context available at https://mercure.rocks
is the following:
"@context": {
"@vocab": "_:",
"mercure": "https://mercure.rocks/",
"id": "@id",
"type": "@type",
"Subscription": "mercure:Subscription",
"Subscriptions": "mercure:Subscriptions",
"subscriptions": "mercure:subscriptions",
"topic": "mercure:topic",
"subscriber": "mercure:subscriber",
"active": "mercure:active",
"payload": "mercure:payload",
"lastEventID": "mercure:lastEventID"
Using HTTPS does not prevent the hub from accessing the update's content. Depending on the intended privacy of information contained in the update, it MAY be necessary to prevent eavesdropping by the hub.
To make sure that the message content can not be read by the hub, the publisher MAY encrypt the
message before sending it to the hub. The publisher SHOULD use JSON Web Encryption [@!RFC7516]
to encrypt the update content. The publisher MAY provide the URL pointing to the relevant
encryption key(s) in the key-set
attribute of the Link
HTTP header during the discovery. See
(#discovery). The key-set
attribute MUST link to a key encoded using the JSON Web Key Set
[@!RFC7517] format. Any other out-of-band mechanism MAY be used instead to share the key between
the publisher and the subscriber.
Update encryption is considered a best practice to prevent mass surveillance. This is especially relevant if the hub is managed by an external provider.
A new "well-known" URI as described in (#discovery) has been registered in the "Well-Known URIs" registry as described below:
- URI Suffix: mercure
- Change Controller: IETF
- Specification document(s): This specification, (#discovery)
- Related information: N/A
A new "Link Relation Type" as described in (#discovery) has been registered in the "Link Relation Type" registry with the following entry:
- Relation Name: mercure
- Description: The Mercure Hub to use to subscribe to updates of this resource.
- Reference: This specification, (#discovery)
A new "JSON Web Token Claim" as described in (#authorization) will be registered in the "JSON Web Token (JWT)" with the following entry:
- Claim Name: mercure
- Description: Mercure data.
- Reference: This specification, (#authorization)
The confidentiality of the secret key(s) used to generate the JWSs is a primary concern. The secret key(s) MUST be stored securely. They MUST be revoked immediately in the event of compromission.
Possessing valid JWSs allows any client to subscribe, or to publish to the hub. Their confidentiality MUST therefore be ensured. To do so, JWSs MUST only be transmitted over secure connections.
Also, when the client is a web browser, the JWS SHOULD not be made accessible
to JavaScript scripts for resilience against Cross-site Scripting (XSS)
attacks. It's the main reason why, when the client
is a web browser, using HttpOnly
cookies as the authorization mechanism SHOULD always be
In the event of compromission, revoking JWSs before their expiration is often difficult. To that end, using short-lived tokens is strongly RECOMMENDED.
The publish endpoint of the hub may be targeted by Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks when the cookie-based authorization mechanism is used. Therefore, implementations supporting this mechanism MUST mitigate such attacks.
The first prevention method to implement is to set the mercureAuthorization
cookie's SameSite
attribute. However, some web browsers still not support this
attribute and will remain vulnerable.
Additionally, hub implementations SHOULD use the Origin
and Referer
HTTP headers set by web
browsers to verify that the source origin matches the target origin. If none of these headers are
available, the hub SHOULD discard the request.
CSRF prevention techniques, including those previously mentioned, are described in depth in OWASP's Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention Cheat Sheet.
JWSs SHOULD NOT be passed in page URLs (for example, using the authorization
query string
parameter). Browsers, web servers, and other software may not adequately secure URLs in the browser
history, web server logs, and other data structures. If JWS are passed in page URLs, attackers might
be able to steal them from the history data, logs, or other unsecured locations.
[RFC Editor Note: Please remove this entire section prior to publication as an RFC.]
This section records the status of known implementations of the protocol defined by this specification at the time of posting of this Internet-Draft, and is based on a proposal described in [@RFC6982]. The description of implementations in this section is intended to assist the IETF in its decision processes in progressing drafts to RFCs. Please note that the listing of any individual implementation here does not imply endorsement by the IETF. Furthermore, no effort has been spent to verify the information presented here that was supplied by IETF contributors. This is not intended as, and must not be construed to be, a catalog of available implementations or their features. Readers are advised to note that other implementations may exist. According to RFC 6982, "this will allow reviewers and working groups to assign due consideration to documents that have the benefit of running code, which may serve as evidence of valuable experimentation and feedback that have made the implemented protocols more mature. It is up to the individual working groups to use this information as they see fit."
Organization responsible for the implementation:
Dunglas Services SAS Les-Tilleuls.coop
Implementation Name and Details:
Mercure.rocks, available at https://mercure.rocks
Brief Description:
This is the reference implementation of the Mercure hub. It is written in Go and is optimized for performance.
Level of Maturity:
Widely used.
All the features of the protocol.
Version compatibility:
The implementation follows the latest draft.
All code is covered under the GNU Affero Public License version 3 or later.
Implementation Experience:
Used in production.
Contact Information:
Kévin Dunglas, [email protected] https://mercure.rocks
Reported compatible with all major browsers and server-side tools.
Implementation Name and Details:
Freddie, https://github.com/bpolaszek/freddie
Brief Description:
Freddie is a PHP implementation of the Mercure Hub Specification.
Level of Maturity:
All the features of the protocol except the subscription events.
Version compatibility:
The implementation follows the latest draft.
All code is covered under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
Contact Information:
Reported compatible with all major browsers and server-side tools.
Implementation Name and Details:
Ilshidur/node-mercure, https://github.com/Ilshidur/node-mercure
Brief Description:
Hub and Publisher implemented in Node.
Level of Maturity:
Beta, not suitable for production.
All the features of the protocol except the subscription events.
Version compatibility:
The implementation currently follows the revision 5 of the draft.
All code is covered under the GNU Public License version 3 or later.
Contact Information:
Reported compatible with all major browsers and server-side tools.
Implementation Name and Details:
Symfony Mercure Component, available at https://symfony.com/doc/current/components/mercure.html
Brief Description:
This a publisher library written in PHP. It also provides support for Mercure in the Symfony web framework.
Level of Maturity:
Widely used.
All the publisher features of the protocol.
Version compatibility:
The implementation follows the latest draft.
All code is covered under the MIT license.
Implementation Experience:
Used in production.
Contact Information:
Reported compatible with the Mercure.rocks Hub.
Implementation Name and Details:
API Platform, available at https://api-platform.com/docs/core/mercure/
Brief Description:
The API Platform framework, allows to create async APIs implementing the Mercure protocol and to generate clients for these APIs.
Level of Maturity:
Widely used.
All the publisher and consumer features of the protocol.
Version compatibility:
The implementation follows the latest draft.
All code is covered under the MIT license.
Implementation Experience:
Used in production.
Contact Information:
Reported compatible with the reference implementation of the Mercure Hub.
Implementation Name and Details:
Laravel Mercure Broadcaster, available at https://github.com/mvanduijker/laravel-mercure-broadcaster
Brief Description:
Laravel broadcaster for Mercure. Use the Mercure protocol as transport for Laravel Broadcast.
Level of Maturity:
All the publisher features of the protocol.
Version compatibility:
The implementation currently follows the revision 5 of the draft. An open Pull Request adds support for the latest version of the draft.
All code is covered under the MIT license.
Implementation Experience:
Used in production.
Contact Information:
Reported compatible with the reference implementation of the Mercure Hub.
Implementation Name and Details:
dart*mercure, available at <https://github.com/wallforfry/dart*mercure>
Brief Description:
Publisher and Subscriber library for Dart / Flutter.
Level of Maturity:
All the publisher and subscriber features of the protocol.
Version compatibility:
The implementation follows the latest draft.
All code is covered under the BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License.
Contact Information:
Reported compatible with the reference implementation of the Mercure Hub.
Implementation Name and Details:
pymercure, available at https://github.com/vitorluis/python-mercure
Brief Description:
Publisher and Subscriber library for Python.
Level of Maturity:
All the publisher and subscriber features of the protocol.
Version compatibility:
The implementation currently follows the revision 5 of the draft. An open Pull Request adds support for the latest version of the draft.
All code is covered under the BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License.
Contact Information:
Reported compatible with the reference implementation of the Mercure Hub.
Implementation Name and Details:
Amphp Mercure Publisher, available at https://github.com/eislambey/amp-mercure-publisher
Brief Description:
Async Mercure publisher based on Amphp.
Level of Maturity:
All the publisher features of the protocol.
Version compatibility:
The implementation currently follows the revision 5 of the draft. An open Pull Request adds support for the latest version of the draft.
All code is covered under the MIT license.
Contact Information:
Reported compatible with the reference implementation of the Mercure Hub.
Implementation Name and Details:
Java Library for Mercure, available at https://github.com/vitorluis/java-mercure
Brief Description:
Java library to publish messages to a Mercure Hub!
Level of Maturity:
All the publisher features of the protocol.
Version compatibility:
The implementation currently follows the revision 5 of the draft. An open Pull Request adds support for the latest version of the draft.
All code is covered under the MIT license.
Contact Information:
Reported compatible with the reference implementation of the Mercure Hub.
Implementation Name and Details:
Yii 2 Mercure behavior, available at https://github.com/bizley/mercure-behavior
Brief Description:
Yii 2 behavior to automatically publish updates to a Mercure hub.
Level of Maturity:
All the publisher features of the protocol.
Version compatibility:
The implementation currently follows the revision 5 of the draft.
All code is covered under the Apache License 2.0.
Contact Information:
Reported compatible with the reference implementation of the Mercure Hub.
Implementation Name and Details:
GitHub Action for Mercure, available at https://github.com/marketplace/actions/github-action-for-mercure
Brief Description:
Send a Mercure update when a GitHub event occurs.
Level of Maturity:
All the publisher features of the protocol.
Version compatibility:
The implementation currently follows the latest version of the draft.
All code is covered under the GNU Public License version 3 or later.
Contact Information:
Reported compatible with the reference implementation of the Mercure Hub.
Other implementations can be found on GitHub: https://github.com/topics/mercure
Parts of this specification, especially (#discovery) have been adapted from the WebSub recommendation [@W3C.REC-websub-20180123]. The editor wish to thank all the authors of this specification.