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links: [
{ text: "Tigris Object Storage", path: "/docs/tigris/" },
{ text: "Fly Postgres", path: "/docs/postgres/" },
+ { text: "Managed Postgres", path: "/docs/postgres/managed_postgres/" },
{ text: "SQLite & LiteFS", path: "/docs/litefs/" },
{ text: "Upstash for RedisĀ®", path: "/docs/upstash/redis/" },
{ text: "Upstash Kafka", path: "/docs/upstash/kafka/" },
diff --git a/postgres/managed_postgres/index.html.md b/postgres/managed_postgres/index.html.md
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+title: "Managed Postgres"
+objective: Learn about our managed Postgres service and how to use it with your applications
+layout: framework_docs
+order: 2
+Fly.io offers a fully managed Postgres service, superseding our previous unmanaged Postgres offering. Managed Postgres is currently in Tech Preview. Contact support to get early access.
+This guide explains our managed Postgres offering and how to use it with your applications.
+## What is Managed Postgres?
+Managed Postgres is our database-as-a-service offering where we handle:
+- Automatic backups and point-in-time recovery
+- High availability and failover
+- Security patches and version upgrades
+- Performance monitoring and optimization
+- Scaling resources (CPU, RAM, storage)
+- 24/7 support and incident response
+## Creating a Managed Postgres Instance
+To create a new managed Postgres instance, visit your Fly dashboard and click the "Create Database" button in the Managed Postgres section.
+During creation, you'll be prompted to choose:
+- Instance name
+- Region
+- Hardware resources (CPU, RAM, storage)
+## Connecting to Your Managed Postgres Database
+To connect your Fly.io application to your managed Postgres instance:
+1. After creation, the "Connection" tab will display your connection string
+2. Set it as a secret in your Fly.io application:
+ ```bash
+ fly secrets set DATABASE_URL="postgres://username:password@host:port/database"
+ ```
+3. Your application can now use the `DATABASE_URL` environment variable to connect