diff --git a/super_editor/lib/src/default_editor/text_tokenizing/action_tags.dart b/super_editor/lib/src/default_editor/text_tokenizing/action_tags.dart
index 4dbcba776..121e85d7a 100644
--- a/super_editor/lib/src/default_editor/text_tokenizing/action_tags.dart
+++ b/super_editor/lib/src/default_editor/text_tokenizing/action_tags.dart
@@ -123,11 +123,19 @@ class SubmitComposingActionTagCommand extends EditCommand {
   void execute(EditContext context, CommandExecutor executor) {
     final document = context.document;
     final composer = context.find<MutableDocumentComposer>(Editor.composerKey);
-    if (composer.selection == null) {
+    final selection = composer.selection;
+    if (selection == null) {
+      return;
+    }
+    if (!selection.isCollapsed) {
+      // Action tags are composed while the user is typing. Since the
+      // selection is expanded, the user is not typing.
-    final extent = composer.selection!.extent;
+    final extent = selection.extent;
     final extentPosition = extent.nodePosition;
     if (extentPosition is! TextNodePosition) {
@@ -135,14 +143,12 @@ class SubmitComposingActionTagCommand extends EditCommand {
     final textNode = document.getNodeById(extent.nodeId) as TextNode;
-    final normalizedSelection = composer.selection!.normalize(document);
-    final tagAroundPosition = _findTag(
+    final tagAroundPosition = _findTagUpstream(
       // TODO: deal with these tag rules in requests and commands, should the user really pass them?
       tagRule: defaultActionTagRule,
       nodeId: composer.selection!.extent.nodeId,
       text: textNode.text,
-      expansionPosition: extentPosition,
-      endPosition: normalizedSelection.end.nodePosition,
+      caretPosition: extentPosition,
       isTokenCandidate: (attributions) => !attributions.contains(actionTagCancelledAttribution),
@@ -213,32 +219,25 @@ class CancelComposingActionTagCommand extends EditCommand {
-    // Look for a composing tag at the extent, or the base.
+    if (!selection.isCollapsed) {
+      // Action tags are composed while the user is typing. Since the
+      // selection is expanded, the user is not typing.
+      return;
+    }
+    // Look for a composing tag at the extent.
     final base = selection.base;
     final extent = selection.extent;
     TagAroundPosition? composingToken;
     TextNode? textNode;
-    final normalizedSelection = selection.normalize(document);
-    if (base.nodePosition is TextNodePosition) {
-      textNode = document.getNodeById(selection.base.nodeId) as TextNode;
-      composingToken = _findTag(
-        tagRule: _tagRule,
-        nodeId: textNode.id,
-        text: textNode.text,
-        expansionPosition: base.nodePosition as TextNodePosition,
-        endPosition: normalizedSelection.end.nodePosition,
-        isTokenCandidate: (tokenAttributions) => tokenAttributions.contains(actionTagComposingAttribution),
-      );
-    }
-    if (composingToken == null && extent.nodePosition is TextNodePosition) {
+    if (extent.nodePosition is TextNodePosition) {
       textNode = document.getNodeById(selection.extent.nodeId) as TextNode;
-      composingToken = _findTag(
+      composingToken = _findTagUpstream(
         tagRule: _tagRule,
         nodeId: textNode.id,
         text: textNode.text,
-        expansionPosition: base.nodePosition as TextNodePosition,
-        endPosition: normalizedSelection.end.nodePosition,
+        caretPosition: base.nodePosition as TextNodePosition,
         isTokenCandidate: (tokenAttributions) => tokenAttributions.contains(actionTagComposingAttribution),
@@ -293,7 +292,9 @@ class ActionTagComposingReaction extends EditReaction {
     _healCancelledTags(requestDispatcher, document, changeList);
-    if (composer.selection == null) {
+    if (composer.selection?.isCollapsed != true) {
+      // Action tags are composed while the user is typing. Since the
+      // selection is either null or expanded, the user is not typing.
       editorContext.composingActionTag.value = null;
@@ -302,33 +303,18 @@ class ActionTagComposingReaction extends EditReaction {
     final selection = composer.selection!;
-    // Look for a composing tag at the extent, or the base.
-    final base = selection.base;
+    // Look for a composing tag at the extent.
     final extent = selection.extent;
     TagAroundPosition? tagAroundPosition;
     TextNode? textNode;
-    final normalizedSelection = selection.normalize(document);
-    if (base.nodePosition is TextNodePosition) {
-      textNode = document.getNodeById(selection.base.nodeId) as TextNode;
-      tagAroundPosition = _findTag(
-        tagRule: _tagRule,
-        nodeId: textNode.id,
-        text: textNode.text,
-        expansionPosition: base.nodePosition as TextNodePosition,
-        endPosition: normalizedSelection.end.nodePosition,
-        isTokenCandidate: (attributions) => !attributions.contains(actionTagCancelledAttribution),
-      );
-    }
-    if (tagAroundPosition == null && extent.nodePosition is TextNodePosition) {
+    if (extent.nodePosition is TextNodePosition) {
       textNode = document.getNodeById(selection.extent.nodeId) as TextNode;
-      tagAroundPosition = _findTag(
+      tagAroundPosition = _findTagUpstream(
         tagRule: _tagRule,
         nodeId: textNode.id,
         text: textNode.text,
-        expansionPosition: extent.nodePosition as TextNodePosition,
-        endPosition: normalizedSelection.end.nodePosition,
+        caretPosition: extent.nodePosition as TextNodePosition,
         isTokenCandidate: (attributions) => !attributions.contains(actionTagCancelledAttribution),
@@ -467,37 +453,35 @@ class ActionTagComposingReaction extends EditReaction {
-/// Finds a tag that touches the given [expansionPosition], constaining it
-/// to not cross the [endPosition].
+/// Finds a tag that starts upstream to the [caretPosition] and ends
+/// at the [caretPosition].
-/// If [endPosition] is not a `TextNodePosition`, it will be ignored .
-TagAroundPosition? _findTag({
+/// For example, considering the following text, where '|' represents the caret:
+///   "hello/wo|rld"
+/// This method will extract "/wo" as the tag.
+TagAroundPosition? _findTagUpstream({
   required TagRule tagRule,
   required String nodeId,
   required AttributedText text,
-  required TextNodePosition expansionPosition,
-  required NodePosition endPosition,
+  required TextNodePosition caretPosition,
   required bool Function(Set<Attribution> tokenAttributions) isTokenCandidate,
 }) {
-  final rawText = text.text;
+  final rawText = text.toPlainText();
   if (rawText.isEmpty) {
     return null;
-  int splitIndex = min(expansionPosition.offset, rawText.length);
+  int splitIndex = min(caretPosition.offset, rawText.length);
   splitIndex = max(splitIndex, 0);
-  final endOffset = endPosition is TextNodePosition ? endPosition.offset : null;
-  // Create 2 splits of characters to navigate upstream and downstream the caret position.
-  // ex: "this is a very|long string"
-  // -> split around the caret into charactersBefore="this is a very" and charactersAfter="long string"
+  // Extract the text upstream to the caret.
+  // For example: "hello/wor|ld"
+  // -> extracts the text "hello/wor"
   final charactersBefore = rawText.substring(0, splitIndex).characters;
   final iteratorUpstream = charactersBefore.iteratorAtEnd;
-  final charactersAfter = rawText.substring(splitIndex, endOffset).characters;
-  final iteratorDownstream = charactersAfter.iterator;
   if (charactersBefore.isNotEmpty && tagRule.excludedCharacters.contains(charactersBefore.last)) {
     // The character where we're supposed to begin our expansion is a
     // character that's not allowed in a tag. Therefore, no tag exists
@@ -521,16 +505,8 @@ TagAroundPosition? _findTag({
-  // Move downstream the caret position until we find excluded character or reach the end of the text.
-  while (iteratorDownstream.moveNext()) {
-    final current = iteratorDownstream.current;
-    if (tagRule.excludedCharacters.contains(current)) {
-      break;
-    }
-  }
   final tokenStartOffset = splitIndex - iteratorUpstream.stringAfterLength;
-  final tokenRange = SpanRange(tokenStartOffset, splitIndex + iteratorDownstream.stringBeforeLength);
+  final tokenRange = SpanRange(tokenStartOffset, splitIndex);
   final tagText = text.substringInRange(tokenRange);
   if (!tagText.startsWith(tagRule.trigger)) {
@@ -548,7 +524,7 @@ TagAroundPosition? _findTag({
-    searchOffset: expansionPosition.offset,
+    searchOffset: caretPosition.offset,
diff --git a/super_editor/test/super_editor/text_entry/tagging/action_tags_test.dart b/super_editor/test/super_editor/text_entry/tagging/action_tags_test.dart
index e1f224f4d..61d1a178d 100644
--- a/super_editor/test/super_editor/text_entry/tagging/action_tags_test.dart
+++ b/super_editor/test/super_editor/text_entry/tagging/action_tags_test.dart
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ void main() {
-      testWidgetsOnAllPlatforms("continues when user expands the selection upstream", (tester) async {
+      testWidgetsOnAllPlatforms("does not continue when user expands the selection upstream", (tester) async {
         await _pumpTestEditor(
@@ -220,6 +220,13 @@ void main() {
         // Compose an action tag.
         await tester.typeImeText("/header");
+        // Ensure we're composing a tag.
+        AttributedText text = SuperEditorInspector.findTextInComponent("1");
+        expect(
+          text.getAttributedRange({actionTagComposingAttribution}, 7),
+          const SpanRange(7, 13),
+        );
         // Expand the selection to "before /heade|r|"
         await tester.pressShiftLeftArrow();
@@ -236,11 +243,14 @@ void main() {
-        // Ensure we're still composing
-        AttributedText text = SuperEditorInspector.findTextInComponent("1");
+        // Ensure we're not composing anymore.
+        text = SuperEditorInspector.findTextInComponent("1");
-          text.getAttributedRange({actionTagComposingAttribution}, 7),
-          const SpanRange(7, 13),
+          text.getAttributionSpansInRange(
+            attributionFilter: (attribution) => attribution == actionTagComposingAttribution,
+            range: const SpanRange(7, 13),
+          ),
+          isEmpty,
         // Expand the selection to "before |/header|"
@@ -251,26 +261,32 @@ void main() {
         await tester.pressShiftLeftArrow();
         await tester.pressShiftLeftArrow();
-        // Ensure we're still composing
+        // Ensure we're still not composing.
         text = SuperEditorInspector.findTextInComponent("1");
-          text.getAttributedRange({actionTagComposingAttribution}, 7),
-          const SpanRange(7, 13),
+          text.getAttributionSpansInRange(
+            attributionFilter: (attribution) => attribution == actionTagComposingAttribution,
+            range: const SpanRange(7, 13),
+          ),
+          isEmpty,
         // Expand the selection to "befor|e /header|"
         await tester.pressShiftLeftArrow();
         await tester.pressShiftLeftArrow();
-        // Ensure we're still composing
+        // Ensure we're still not composing.
         text = SuperEditorInspector.findTextInComponent("1");
-          text.getAttributedRange({actionTagComposingAttribution}, 7),
-          const SpanRange(7, 13),
+          text.getAttributionSpansInRange(
+            attributionFilter: (attribution) => attribution == actionTagComposingAttribution,
+            range: const SpanRange(7, 13),
+          ),
+          isEmpty,
-      testWidgetsOnAllPlatforms("continues when user expands the selection downstream", (tester) async {
+      testWidgetsOnAllPlatforms("does not continue when user expands the selection downstream", (tester) async {
         await _pumpTestEditor(
@@ -293,6 +309,13 @@ void main() {
         // Compose an action tag.
         await tester.typeImeText("/header");
+        // Ensure we're composing a tag.
+        AttributedText text = SuperEditorInspector.findTextInComponent("1");
+        expect(
+          text.getAttributedRange({actionTagComposingAttribution}, 7),
+          const SpanRange(7, 13),
+        );
         // Move the caret to "before /|header".
         await tester.pressLeftArrow();
         await tester.pressLeftArrow();
@@ -324,11 +347,14 @@ void main() {
-        // Ensure we're still composing
-        AttributedText text = SuperEditorInspector.findTextInComponent("1");
+        // Ensure we're not composing anymore.
+        text = SuperEditorInspector.findTextInComponent("1");
-          text.getAttributedRange({actionTagComposingAttribution}, 7),
-          const SpanRange(7, 13),
+          text.getAttributionSpansInRange(
+            attributionFilter: (attribution) => attribution == actionTagComposingAttribution,
+            range: const SpanRange(7, 13),
+          ),
+          isEmpty,
@@ -873,7 +899,7 @@ void main() {
         // Ensure that the action tag was removed.
         text = SuperEditorInspector.findTextInComponent("1");
-        expect(text.text, "before after");
+        expect(text.toPlainText(), "before after");
             attributionFilter: (attribution) => attribution == actionTagComposingAttribution,
@@ -886,7 +912,47 @@ void main() {
   group("selections >", () {
-    testWidgetsOnAllPlatforms("can find tag that surrounds the extent position when the selection is expanded",
+    testWidgetsOnArbitraryDesktop('does not extract a tag when the selection is expanded', (tester) async {
+      await _pumpTestEditor(
+        tester,
+        MutableDocument(nodes: [
+          ParagraphNode(id: '1', text: AttributedText('A paragraph')),
+          // It's important that the second paragraph is longer than the first to ensure
+          // that we don't try to access a character in the first paragraph using an index
+          // from the second paragraph.
+          ParagraphNode(id: '2', text: AttributedText('Another paragraph with longer text')),
+        ]),
+      );
+      // Place the caret at the end of the second paragraph.
+      await tester.placeCaretInParagraph('2', 34);
+      // Press CMD + SHIFT + ARROW UP to expand the selection to the beginning of
+      // the document.
+      await tester.pressShiftCmdUpArrow();
+      // Ensure nothing in the first paragraph is attributed.
+      final firstParagraphText = SuperEditorInspector.findTextInComponent("1");
+      expect(
+        firstParagraphText.getAttributionSpansInRange(
+          attributionFilter: (attribution) => attribution == actionTagComposingAttribution,
+          range: SpanRange(0, firstParagraphText.length),
+        ),
+        isEmpty,
+      );
+      // Ensure nothing in the second paragraph is attributed.
+      final secondParagraphText = SuperEditorInspector.findTextInComponent("1");
+      expect(
+        secondParagraphText.getAttributionSpansInRange(
+          attributionFilter: (attribution) => attribution == actionTagComposingAttribution,
+          range: SpanRange(0, secondParagraphText.length),
+        ),
+        isEmpty,
+      );
+    });
+    testWidgetsOnAllPlatforms("does not extract a tag when expanding the selection from a non-text node",
         (tester) async {
       await _pumpTestEditor(
@@ -901,19 +967,19 @@ void main() {
       await tester.pressDownArrow();
       await tester.pressRightArrow();
-      // Select upstream towards the cancelled action tag
-      await expectLater(
-        () async {
-          await tester.pressShiftLeftArrow();
-          await tester.pressShiftUpArrow();
-        },
-        returnsNormally,
-      );
+      // Expand the selection to the first paragraph.
+      await tester.pressShiftLeftArrow();
+      await tester.pressShiftUpArrow();
-      // If we reach the end without exception, then ActionTagComposingReaction did not blow up due to the base or extent
-      // position, and type of content at those positions.
-      //
-      // Original bug: https://github.com/superlistapp/super_editor/pull/2201
+      // Ensure nothing in the paragraph is attributed.
+      final text = SuperEditorInspector.findTextInComponent("1");
+      expect(
+        text.getAttributionSpansInRange(
+          attributionFilter: (attribution) => attribution == actionTagComposingAttribution,
+          range: SpanRange(0, text.length),
+        ),
+        isEmpty,
+      );