diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a45aff8..ec06621 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
 # surf_flutter_summer_school_24
 Шаблонный репозиторий для Surf Flutter Summer School '24
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fonts/Magnolia.ttf b/fonts/Magnolia.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76d5581
Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/Magnolia.ttf differ
diff --git a/lib/main.dart b/lib/main.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index a725658..0000000
--- a/lib/main.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
-void main() {
-  runApp(const MainApp());
-class MainApp extends StatelessWidget {
-  const MainApp({super.key});
-  @override
-  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
-    return const MaterialApp(
-      home: Scaffold(
-        body: Center(
-          child: Text('Hello World!'),
-        ),
-      ),
-    );
-  }
diff --git a/lib/src/feature/photos/data/dowload_image_to_cload.dart b/lib/src/feature/photos/data/dowload_image_to_cload.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7a0cbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/feature/photos/data/dowload_image_to_cload.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import 'dart:convert';
+import 'dart:io';
+import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
+import '../domain/models/photo_entity.dart';
+Future<List<PhotoEntity>> downloadImageFromYandexCloud() async {
+  const token = 'y0_AgAAAABZVuavAADLWwAAAAELdHsRAAAWFyiqDOJE_LPjdaheqhXn63NSWA';
+  final uri = Uri.https(
+    'cloud-api.yandex.net',
+    'v1/disk/resources',
+    {
+      "path": '/',
+    },
+  );
+  final response = await http.get(
+    uri,
+    headers: {
+      HttpHeaders.authorizationHeader: 'OAuth $token',
+    },
+  );
+  if (response.statusCode == 200) {
+    final body = response.body;
+    final json = jsonDecode(body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
+    final items = json['_embedded']['items'] as List<dynamic>;
+    return items.where((item) {
+      final url = item['file'] as String?;
+      return url != null && url.isNotEmpty;
+    }).map((item) {
+      final id = item['name'] as String;
+      final url = item['file'] as String;
+      final createAt = DateTime.tryParse(item['created']) ?? null;
+      return PhotoEntity(
+        id: id,
+        url: url,
+        createAt: createAt,
+      );
+    }).toList();
+  } else {
+    throw Exception('Ошибка получения фотографий с Яндекс.Диска');
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/src/feature/photos/data/photo_repository.dart b/lib/src/feature/photos/data/photo_repository.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..406da1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/feature/photos/data/photo_repository.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import '../domain/i_photo_repository.dart';
+import '../domain/models/photo_entity.dart';
+import 'dowload_image_to_cload.dart';
+class PhotoRepository implements IPhotoRepository {
+  @override
+  Future<List<PhotoEntity>> getPhotos() async {
+    final photos = await downloadImageFromYandexCloud();
+    return photos;
+  }
diff --git a/lib/src/feature/photos/data/upload_image_to_cload.dart b/lib/src/feature/photos/data/upload_image_to_cload.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6b9e78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/feature/photos/data/upload_image_to_cload.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import 'dart:convert';
+import 'dart:io';
+import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
+import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
+Future<void> uploadImageToYandexCloud(String imagePath) async {
+  const token = 'y0_AgAAAABZVuavAADLWwAAAAELdHsRAAAWFyiqDOJE_LPjdaheqhXn63NSWA';
+  final uri = Uri.https(
+    'cloud-api.yandex.net',
+    'v1/disk/resources/upload',
+    {
+      "path": imagePath.split('/').last,
+    },
+  );
+  final response = await http.get(
+    uri,
+    headers: {
+      HttpHeaders.authorizationHeader: 'OAuth $token',
+    },
+  );
+  final body = response.body;
+  final json = jsonDecode(body);
+  json as Map<String, dynamic>;
+  final linkToUpload = json['href'] as String;
+  final dio = Dio();
+  final file = File(imagePath);
+  final formData = FormData.fromMap({
+    'file': await MultipartFile.fromFile(file.path),
+  });
+  await dio.put(linkToUpload, data: formData);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/src/feature/photos/domain/i_photo_repository.dart b/lib/src/feature/photos/domain/i_photo_repository.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11acdf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/feature/photos/domain/i_photo_repository.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import 'models/photo_entity.dart';
+abstract interface class IPhotoRepository {
+  Future<List<PhotoEntity>> getPhotos();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/src/feature/photos/domain/models/photo_entity.dart b/lib/src/feature/photos/domain/models/photo_entity.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dd062f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/feature/photos/domain/models/photo_entity.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
+final class PhotoEntity extends Equatable {
+  final String id;
+  final String url;
+  final DateTime? createAt;
+  const PhotoEntity({
+    required this.id,
+    required this.url,
+    this.createAt,
+  });
+  @override
+  List<Object?> get props => [
+    id,
+    url,
+    createAt,
+  ];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/src/feature/theme/data/theme_repository.dart b/lib/src/feature/theme/data/theme_repository.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f66096b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/feature/theme/data/theme_repository.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import 'package:surf_flutter_summer_school_24/src/storage/theme/theme_storage.dart';
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+class ThemeRepository {
+  final ThemeStorage _themeStorage;
+  ThemeRepository({
+    required ThemeStorage themeStorage,
+  }) : _themeStorage = themeStorage;
+  Future<void> setThemeMode(
+      ThemeMode newThemeMode,
+      ) async {
+    await _themeStorage.saveThemeMode(
+      mode: newThemeMode,
+    );
+  }
+  ThemeMode? getThemeMode() {
+    return _themeStorage.getThemeMode();
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/src/feature/theme/di/theme_inherited.dart b/lib/src/feature/theme/di/theme_inherited.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bd3b65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/feature/theme/di/theme_inherited.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import '../domain/theme_controller.dart';
+class ThemeInherited extends InheritedWidget {
+  const ThemeInherited({
+    super.key,
+    required this.themeController,
+    required super.child,
+  });
+  final ThemeController themeController;
+  static ThemeController? maybeOf(BuildContext context) {
+    return context
+        .dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<ThemeInherited>()
+        ?.themeController;
+  }
+  static ThemeController of(BuildContext context) {
+    final ThemeController? result = maybeOf(context);
+    assert(result != null, 'No MyThemeInherited found in context');
+    return result!;
+  }
+  @override
+  bool updateShouldNotify(ThemeInherited oldWidget) => false;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/src/feature/theme/domain/theme_controller.dart b/lib/src/feature/theme/domain/theme_controller.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91b15af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/feature/theme/domain/theme_controller.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import 'package:surf_flutter_summer_school_24/src/feature/theme/data/theme_repository.dart';
+import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+class ThemeController {
+  final ThemeRepository _themeRepository;
+  ThemeController({
+    required ThemeRepository themeRepository,
+  }) : _themeRepository = themeRepository;
+  late final ValueNotifier<ThemeMode> _themeMode = ValueNotifier<ThemeMode>(
+    _themeRepository.getThemeMode() ?? ThemeMode.system,
+  );
+  ValueListenable<ThemeMode> get themeMode => _themeMode;
+  Future<void> setThemeMode(ThemeMode newThemeMode) async {
+    if (newThemeMode == _themeMode.value) return;
+    await _themeRepository.setThemeMode(newThemeMode);
+    _themeMode.value = newThemeMode;
+  }
+  Future<void> switchThemeMode() async {
+    final newThemeMode =
+    _themeMode.value != ThemeMode.light ? ThemeMode.light : ThemeMode.dark;
+    await _themeRepository.setThemeMode(newThemeMode);
+    _themeMode.value = newThemeMode;
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/src/feature/theme/ui/theme_builder.dart b/lib/src/feature/theme/ui/theme_builder.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4adf152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/feature/theme/ui/theme_builder.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import 'package:surf_flutter_summer_school_24/src/feature/theme/di/theme_inherited.dart';
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+typedef ThemeWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(
+    BuildContext context,
+    ThemeMode themeMode,
+    );
+class ThemeBuilder extends StatefulWidget {
+  const ThemeBuilder({
+    required this.builder,
+    super.key,
+  });
+  final ThemeWidgetBuilder builder;
+  @override
+  State<ThemeBuilder> createState() => _ThemeBuilderState();
+class _ThemeBuilderState extends State<ThemeBuilder> {
+  @override
+  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
+    return ValueListenableBuilder<ThemeMode>(
+      valueListenable: ThemeInherited.of(context).themeMode,
+      builder: (
+          builderContext,
+          themeMode,
+          _,
+          ) =>
+          widget.builder(
+            builderContext,
+            themeMode,
+          ),
+    );
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/src/main.dart b/lib/src/main.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6c74bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/main.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
+import 'package:surf_flutter_summer_school_24/src/feature/theme/data/theme_repository.dart';
+import 'package:surf_flutter_summer_school_24/src/feature/theme/di/theme_inherited.dart';
+import 'package:surf_flutter_summer_school_24/src/feature/theme/domain/theme_controller.dart';
+import 'package:surf_flutter_summer_school_24/src/feature/theme/ui/theme_builder.dart';
+import 'package:surf_flutter_summer_school_24/src/pages/gallery/gallery_widget.dart';
+import 'package:surf_flutter_summer_school_24/src/storage/theme/theme_storage.dart';
+import 'package:surf_flutter_summer_school_24/src/uikit/theme/theme_data.dart';
+void main() async {
+  WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
+  final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
+  final themeStorage = ThemeStorage(
+    prefs: prefs,
+  );
+  final themeRepository = ThemeRepository(
+    themeStorage: themeStorage,
+  );
+  final themeController = ThemeController(
+    themeRepository: themeRepository,
+  );
+  runApp(MainApp(
+    themeController: themeController,
+  ));
+class MainApp extends StatelessWidget {
+  final ThemeController themeController;
+  const MainApp({super.key, required this.themeController,});
+  @override
+  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
+    return ThemeInherited(
+        themeController: themeController,
+        child: ThemeBuilder(
+          builder: (_, themeMode) {
+            return MaterialApp(
+              theme: AppThemeData.lightTheme,
+              darkTheme: AppThemeData.darkTheme,
+              themeMode: themeMode,
+              home:  const GalleryWidget()
+            );
+          },
+        )
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/lib/src/pages/gallery/gallery_model.dart b/lib/src/pages/gallery/gallery_model.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8be3959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/pages/gallery/gallery_model.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import 'package:elementary/elementary.dart';
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import '../../feature/photos/domain/i_photo_repository.dart';
+import '../../feature/photos/domain/models/photo_entity.dart';
+class GalleryModel extends ElementaryModel {
+  final IPhotoRepository photoRepository;
+  final ValueNotifier<List<PhotoEntity>> images = ValueNotifier([]);
+  GalleryModel(this.photoRepository);
+  Future<void> fetchPhotos() async {
+    final photos = await photoRepository.getPhotos();
+    images.value = photos;
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/src/pages/gallery/gallery_widget.dart b/lib/src/pages/gallery/gallery_widget.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf6e8b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/pages/gallery/gallery_widget.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import 'package:elementary/elementary.dart';
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import '../../feature/photos/domain/models/photo_entity.dart';
+import 'widgets/gallery_appbar.dart';
+import 'widgets/photo_gallery_container.dart';
+import 'gallery_widget_model.dart';
+class GalleryWidget extends ElementaryWidget<GalleryWidgetModel> {
+  const GalleryWidget({
+    Key? key,
+    WidgetModelFactory<GalleryWidgetModel> wm = createGalleryWidgetModel,
+  })
+      : super(wm, key: key);
+  @override
+  Widget build(GalleryWidgetModel wm) {
+    return Scaffold(
+      appBar: const GalleryAppbar(),
+      body: ValueListenableBuilder<List<PhotoEntity>>(
+        valueListenable: wm.model.images,
+        builder: (context, images, child) {
+          return GridView.builder(
+            primary: false,
+            padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20),
+            gridDelegate: const SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount(
+              crossAxisCount: 3,
+              crossAxisSpacing: 3,
+              mainAxisSpacing: 5,
+            ),
+            itemCount: images.length,
+            itemBuilder: (context, index) {
+              return GestureDetector(
+                onTap: () => wm.onPhotoTap(index),
+                child: PhotoGalleryContainer(urlImage: images[index].url),
+              );
+            },
+          );
+        },
+      ),
+    );
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/src/pages/gallery/gallery_widget_model.dart b/lib/src/pages/gallery/gallery_widget_model.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a1185e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/pages/gallery/gallery_widget_model.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import 'package:elementary/elementary.dart';
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import '../../feature/photos/data/photo_repository.dart';
+import '../photo_view/photo_view_widget.dart';
+import 'gallery_model.dart';
+import 'gallery_widget.dart';
+class GalleryWidgetModel extends WidgetModel<GalleryWidget, GalleryModel> {
+  GalleryWidgetModel(GalleryModel model) : super(model);
+  @override
+  void initWidgetModel() {
+    super.initWidgetModel();
+    model.fetchPhotos();
+  }
+  void onPhotoTap(int index) {
+    Navigator.of(context).push(
+      MaterialPageRoute(
+        builder: (context) => PhotoViewWidget(
+          images: model.images.value,
+          initialIndex: index,
+        ),
+      ),
+    );
+  }
+GalleryWidgetModel createGalleryWidgetModel(BuildContext _) =>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/src/pages/gallery/widgets/gallery_appbar.dart b/lib/src/pages/gallery/widgets/gallery_appbar.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acc76eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/pages/gallery/widgets/gallery_appbar.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import 'package:surf_flutter_summer_school_24/src/pages/gallery/widgets/gallery_bottom_sheet.dart';
+class GalleryAppbar extends StatelessWidget implements PreferredSizeWidget {
+  const GalleryAppbar({super.key});
+  @override
+  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
+    String title = "Постограм";
+    return AppBar(
+      centerTitle: true,
+      title: Text(title),
+      actions: [
+        IconButton(
+            onPressed: () {
+              showModalBottomSheet<void>(
+                context: context,
+                builder: (BuildContext context) {
+                  return const GalleryBottomSheet();
+                }
+              );
+            },
+            icon: const Icon(Icons.more_vert)
+        )
+      ],
+    );
+  }
+  @override
+  Size get preferredSize => const Size.fromHeight(kToolbarHeight);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/src/pages/gallery/widgets/gallery_bottom_sheet.dart b/lib/src/pages/gallery/widgets/gallery_bottom_sheet.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebe4621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/pages/gallery/widgets/gallery_bottom_sheet.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+import 'dart:convert';
+import 'dart:io';
+import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import 'package:image_picker/image_picker.dart';
+import '../../../feature/photos/data/photo_repository.dart';
+import '../../../feature/photos/data/upload_image_to_cload.dart';
+import '../../../feature/theme/di/theme_inherited.dart';
+import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
+class GalleryBottomSheet extends StatelessWidget {
+  const GalleryBottomSheet({super.key});
+  @override
+  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
+    return SizedBox(
+      height: 160,
+      child: Center(
+        child: Column(
+          mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
+          mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
+          children: <Widget>[
+            ElevatedButton(
+              child:  Row(
+                children: [
+                  Padding(
+                    padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 25.0),
+                    child: Row(
+                      children: [
+                        Icon(
+                          ThemeInherited.of(context).themeMode.value == ThemeMode.light
+                              ? Icons.wb_sunny_outlined
+                              : Icons.brightness_2_outlined,
+                        ),
+                        const SizedBox(width: 10),
+                        const Text('Тема'),
+                      ],
+                    ),
+                  ),
+                  const Spacer(),
+                  Padding(
+                    padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 25.0),
+                    child: Text(
+                      ThemeInherited.of(context).themeMode.value == ThemeMode.light
+                          ? 'Светлая'
+                          : 'Темная', style: TextStyle(color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.secondary)
+                    ),
+                  ),
+                ],
+              ),
+              onPressed: () {
+                ThemeInherited.of(context).switchThemeMode();
+              },
+            ),
+            ElevatedButton(
+              child: const Padding(
+                padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 25.0),
+                child: Row(
+                  children: [
+                    Icon(Icons.cloud_upload_outlined),
+                    SizedBox(width: 10),
+                    Text('Загрузить фото...'),
+                  ],
+                ),
+              ),
+              onPressed: () {
+                showDialog(
+                  context: context,
+                  builder: (BuildContext context) {
+                    return AlertDialog(
+                      content: Column(
+                        mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
+                        children: [
+                          TextButton(
+                            onPressed: () async {
+                              _pickImage(ImageSource.gallery, context);
+                            },
+                            child: const Row(
+                              mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
+                              children: [
+                                Icon(Icons.photo_library_rounded),
+                                SizedBox(width: 10),
+                                Text('Галерея'),
+                              ],
+                            ),
+                          ),
+                          TextButton(
+                            onPressed: () async {
+                              _pickImage(ImageSource.camera, context);
+                            },
+                            child:const Row(
+                              mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
+                              children: [
+                                Icon(Icons.camera_alt_rounded),
+                                SizedBox(width: 10),
+                                Text('Камера'),
+                              ],
+                            ),
+                          ),
+                        ],
+                      ),
+                    );
+                  },
+                );
+              },
+            ),
+          ],
+        ),
+      ),
+    );
+  }
+Future<void> _pickImage(ImageSource source, BuildContext context) async {
+  final picker = ImagePicker();
+  final pickedFile = await picker.pickImage(source: source);
+  if (pickedFile != null) {
+    await uploadImageToYandexCloud(pickedFile.path);
+  }
diff --git a/lib/src/pages/gallery/widgets/photo_gallery_container.dart b/lib/src/pages/gallery/widgets/photo_gallery_container.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d21b405
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/pages/gallery/widgets/photo_gallery_container.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import 'package:shimmer/shimmer.dart';
+class PhotoGalleryContainer extends StatefulWidget {
+  final String urlImage;
+  const PhotoGalleryContainer({super.key, required this.urlImage});
+  @override
+  State<PhotoGalleryContainer> createState() => _PhotoGalleryContainerState();
+class _PhotoGalleryContainerState extends State<PhotoGalleryContainer> {
+  @override
+  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
+    return Image.network(
+      widget.urlImage,
+      fit: BoxFit.cover,
+      loadingBuilder: (context, child, loadingProgress) {
+        if (loadingProgress == null) {
+          return child;
+        }
+        return Shimmer.fromColors(
+          baseColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.errorContainer,
+          highlightColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onErrorContainer,
+          period: const Duration(milliseconds: 600),
+          direction: ShimmerDirection.ltr,
+          child: Container(
+            color: Colors.grey,
+            width: double.infinity,
+            height: double.infinity,
+          ),
+        );
+      },
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/lib/src/pages/photo_view/photo_view_model.dart b/lib/src/pages/photo_view/photo_view_model.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52aa60b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/pages/photo_view/photo_view_model.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import 'package:elementary/elementary.dart';
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import '../../feature/photos/domain/models/photo_entity.dart';
+class PhotoViewModel extends ElementaryModel {
+  final ValueNotifier<int> _currentPageIndex;
+  final PageController _pageController;
+  final List<PhotoEntity> images;
+  int get currentPageIndex => _currentPageIndex.value;
+  ValueNotifier<int> get currentPageIndexValueNotifier => _currentPageIndex;
+  PageController get pageController => _pageController;
+  PhotoViewModel(this.images, int initialIndex)
+      : _currentPageIndex = ValueNotifier(initialIndex),
+        _pageController = PageController(
+      initialPage: initialIndex,
+      viewportFraction: 0.8
+  );
+  void handlePageViewChanged(int currentPageIndex) {
+    _currentPageIndex.value = currentPageIndex;
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/src/pages/photo_view/photo_view_widget.dart b/lib/src/pages/photo_view/photo_view_widget.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6ea0ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/pages/photo_view/photo_view_widget.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import 'package:elementary/elementary.dart';
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import 'package:surf_flutter_summer_school_24/src/pages/photo_view/photo_view_widget_model.dart';
+import '../../feature/photos/domain/models/photo_entity.dart';
+import 'widgets/photo_view_appbar.dart';
+import 'widgets/photo_view_container.dart';
+class PhotoViewWidget extends ElementaryWidget<PhotoViewWidgetModel> {
+  final List<PhotoEntity> images;
+  final int initialIndex;
+  const PhotoViewWidget({
+    Key? key,
+    required this.images,
+    required this.initialIndex,
+    WidgetModelFactory<PhotoViewWidgetModel> wm = createPhotoViewWidgetModel
+    })
+      : super(wm, key: key);
+  @override
+  Widget build(PhotoViewWidgetModel wm) {
+    final total = images.length;
+    return Scaffold(
+      appBar: PhotoViewAppbar(
+          total: total,
+          currentPageIndex: wm.model.currentPageIndexValueNotifier
+      ),
+      body: Stack(
+        alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter,
+        children: <Widget>[
+          Stack(
+            alignment: Alignment.center,
+            children: [
+              PageView.builder(
+                controller: wm.model.pageController,
+                onPageChanged: (index) => wm.model.handlePageViewChanged(index),
+                itemCount: images.length,
+                itemBuilder: (context, index) {
+                  return PhotoViewContainer(urlImage: images[index].url);
+                },
+              ),
+            ],
+          ),
+        ],
+      ),
+    );
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/src/pages/photo_view/photo_view_widget_model.dart b/lib/src/pages/photo_view/photo_view_widget_model.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..659b9e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/pages/photo_view/photo_view_widget_model.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import 'package:elementary/elementary.dart';
+import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
+import 'package:surf_flutter_summer_school_24/src/pages/photo_view/photo_view_model.dart';
+import 'package:surf_flutter_summer_school_24/src/pages/photo_view/photo_view_widget.dart';
+class PhotoViewWidgetModel extends WidgetModel<PhotoViewWidget, PhotoViewModel> {
+  PhotoViewWidgetModel(PhotoViewModel model) : super(model);
+  @override
+  void initWidgetModel() {
+    super.initWidgetModel();
+    model.pageController.addListener(() {
+      model.handlePageViewChanged(model.pageController.page!.toInt());
+    });
+  }
+PhotoViewWidgetModel createPhotoViewWidgetModel(BuildContext context) {
+  final images = (context.widget as PhotoViewWidget).images;
+  final initialIndex = (context.widget as PhotoViewWidget).initialIndex;
+  return PhotoViewWidgetModel(PhotoViewModel(images, initialIndex));
diff --git a/lib/src/pages/photo_view/widgets/photo_view_appbar.dart b/lib/src/pages/photo_view/widgets/photo_view_appbar.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c88fdf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/pages/photo_view/widgets/photo_view_appbar.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import '../../gallery/gallery_widget.dart';
+class PhotoViewAppbar extends StatelessWidget implements PreferredSizeWidget {
+  final int total;
+  final ValueNotifier<int> currentPageIndex;
+  const PhotoViewAppbar({super.key, required this.total, required this.currentPageIndex});
+  @override
+  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
+    return ValueListenableBuilder<int>(
+      valueListenable: currentPageIndex,
+      builder: (context, currentValue, child) {
+        return AppBar(
+          leading: IconButton(
+              onPressed: () {
+                Navigator.pushAndRemoveUntil(
+                  context,
+                  MaterialPageRoute(
+                    builder: (context) => const GalleryWidget(),
+                  ), (Route<dynamic> route) => false,
+                );
+              },
+              icon: const Icon(Icons.arrow_back_rounded)
+          ),
+          actions: [
+            Padding(
+              padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0, 0, 10, 0),
+              child: Row(
+                children: [
+                  Text((currentPageIndex.value + 1).toString()),
+                  Text("/$total", style: TextStyle(color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.secondary))
+                ],
+              ),
+            )
+          ],
+        );
+      },
+    );
+  }
+  @override
+  Size get preferredSize => const Size.fromHeight(kToolbarHeight);
diff --git a/lib/src/pages/photo_view/widgets/photo_view_container.dart b/lib/src/pages/photo_view/widgets/photo_view_container.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7aeb3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/pages/photo_view/widgets/photo_view_container.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+class PhotoViewContainer extends StatelessWidget {
+  final String urlImage;
+  const PhotoViewContainer({super.key, required this.urlImage});
+  @override
+  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
+    return Align(
+      alignment: Alignment.center,
+      child: Padding(
+        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
+        child: SizedBox(
+          width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
+          child: ClipRRect(
+            borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(23),
+            child: Image.network(
+              urlImage,
+              fit: BoxFit.cover,
+              alignment: Alignment.center,
+            ),
+          ),
+        ),
+      ),
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/lib/src/storage/theme/theme_storage.dart b/lib/src/storage/theme/theme_storage.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23a101a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/storage/theme/theme_storage.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
+class ThemeStorage {
+  final SharedPreferences _prefs;
+  ThemeStorage({
+    required SharedPreferences prefs,
+  }) : _prefs = prefs;
+  ThemeMode? getThemeMode() {
+    final storedName = _prefs.getString(
+      ThemeStorageKeys.mode.key,
+    );
+    if (storedName?.isEmpty ?? true) return null;
+    return ThemeMode.values.firstWhereOrNull(
+          (themeMode) => themeMode.name == storedName,
+    );
+  }
+  Future<void> saveThemeMode({
+    required ThemeMode mode,
+  }) {
+    return _prefs.setString(
+      ThemeStorageKeys.mode.key,
+      mode.name,
+    );
+  }
+enum ThemeStorageKeys {
+  mode('theme_mode');
+  final String key;
+  const ThemeStorageKeys(this.key);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/src/uikit/colors/color_palette.dart b/lib/src/uikit/colors/color_palette.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afc67bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/uikit/colors/color_palette.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+abstract class LightColorPalette {
+  static const purple = Color(0xFF9824F2);
+  static const greenYellow = Color(0xFFBEFF3D);
+  static const darkScarlet = Color(0xFF4D052A);
+  static const folly = Color(0xFFFF004D);
+  static const cultured = Color(0xFFF6F6F6);
+  static const chineseBlack = Color(0xFF171717);
+  static const white = Colors.white;
+  static const black = Colors.black;
+  static const vividRaspberry = Color(0xFFFF176B);
+  static const lightSilver = Color(0xFFD9D9D9);
+  static const silver = Color(0xFFB2B2B2);
+  static const lightGreen = Color(0xFFB5CCAE);
+  static const darkGreen = Color(0xFF84A58F);
+  static const lightViolet = Color(0xFF74305B);
+  static const violet = Color(0xFF4A194E);
+  static const appleGreen = Color(0xFF83C000);
+  static const platinum = Color(0xFFE7E4E0);
+  static const raisinBlack = Color(0xFF232323);
+  static const darkSilver = Color(0xFF626262);
+abstract class DarkColorPalette {
+  static const hanPurple = Color(0xFF6D38FF);
+  static const inchworm = Color(0xFFC6FF57);
+  static const maroon = Color(0xFF7B0008);
+  static const brinkPink = Color(0xFFFF607D);
+  static const raisinBlack = Color(0xFF222222);
+  static const lightSilver = Color(0xFFD6D6D6);
+  static const darkSilver = Color(0xFF626262);
+  static const cyclamen = Color(0xFFFF79A8);
+  static const etonBlue = Color(0xFF9CD29C);
+  static const russianGreen = Color(0xFF628B6E);
+  static const plum = Color(0xFF9E478B);
+  static const brownChocolate = Color(0xFF561E43);
+  static const vividLimeGreen = Color(0xFF9ECF00);
+  static const white = Colors.white;
+  static const black = Colors.black;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/src/uikit/colors/color_scheme.dart b/lib/src/uikit/colors/color_scheme.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c55e437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/uikit/colors/color_scheme.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import 'package:surf_flutter_summer_school_24/src/uikit/colors/color_palette.dart';
+const _skeletonOpacity = 0.06;
+class AppColorScheme extends ThemeExtension<AppColorScheme> {
+  final Color primary;
+  final Color onPrimary;
+  final Color secondary;
+  final Color onSecondary;
+  final Color surface;
+  final Color surfaceSecondary;
+  final Color onSurface;
+  final Color background;
+  final Color backgroundSecondary;
+  final Color backgroundTertiary;
+  final Color tetradicBackground;
+  final Color onBackground;
+  final Color onBackgroundSecondary;
+  final Color danger;
+  final Color dangerSecondary;
+  final Color onDanger;
+  final Color textField;
+  final Color textFieldLabel;
+  final Color textFieldHelper;
+  final Color frameTextFieldSecondary;
+  final Color inactive;
+  final Color positive;
+  final Color onPositive;
+  final Color skeletonPrimary;
+  final Color skeletonOnPrimary;
+  final Color skeletonSecondary;
+  final Color skeletonTertiary;
+  final Color shimmer;
+  AppColorScheme.light()
+      : primary = LightColorPalette.black,
+        onPrimary = LightColorPalette.white,
+        secondary = LightColorPalette.darkSilver,
+        onSecondary = LightColorPalette.platinum,
+        surface = LightColorPalette.white,
+        surfaceSecondary = LightColorPalette.cultured,
+        onSurface = LightColorPalette.chineseBlack,
+        background = LightColorPalette.cultured,
+        backgroundSecondary = LightColorPalette.darkScarlet,
+        backgroundTertiary = LightColorPalette.cultured,
+        onBackground = LightColorPalette.chineseBlack,
+        onBackgroundSecondary = LightColorPalette.white,
+        danger = LightColorPalette.folly,
+        dangerSecondary = LightColorPalette.vividRaspberry,
+        onDanger = LightColorPalette.white,
+        textField = LightColorPalette.chineseBlack,
+        textFieldLabel = LightColorPalette.black,
+        textFieldHelper = LightColorPalette.black,
+        frameTextFieldSecondary = LightColorPalette.chineseBlack,
+        inactive = LightColorPalette.black,
+        positive = LightColorPalette.greenYellow,
+        onPositive = LightColorPalette.chineseBlack,
+        skeletonPrimary = LightColorPalette.black.withOpacity(_skeletonOpacity),
+        skeletonOnPrimary = LightColorPalette.white,
+        skeletonSecondary = LightColorPalette.cultured,
+        skeletonTertiary = LightColorPalette.lightSilver,
+        tetradicBackground = LightColorPalette.lightGreen,
+        shimmer = LightColorPalette.silver;
+  AppColorScheme.dark()
+      : primary = DarkColorPalette.white,
+        onPrimary = DarkColorPalette.black,
+        secondary = DarkColorPalette.darkSilver,
+        onSecondary = DarkColorPalette.black,
+        surface = DarkColorPalette.raisinBlack,
+        surfaceSecondary = DarkColorPalette.raisinBlack,
+        onSurface = DarkColorPalette.white,
+        background = DarkColorPalette.raisinBlack,
+        backgroundSecondary = DarkColorPalette.maroon,
+        backgroundTertiary = DarkColorPalette.raisinBlack,
+        onBackground = DarkColorPalette.white,
+        onBackgroundSecondary = DarkColorPalette.white,
+        danger = DarkColorPalette.brinkPink,
+        dangerSecondary = DarkColorPalette.cyclamen,
+        onDanger = DarkColorPalette.white,
+        textField = DarkColorPalette.lightSilver,
+        textFieldLabel = DarkColorPalette.white,
+        textFieldHelper = DarkColorPalette.black,
+        frameTextFieldSecondary = DarkColorPalette.lightSilver,
+        inactive = DarkColorPalette.black,
+        positive = DarkColorPalette.inchworm,
+        onPositive = DarkColorPalette.black,
+        skeletonPrimary = DarkColorPalette.black.withOpacity(_skeletonOpacity),
+        skeletonOnPrimary = DarkColorPalette.white,
+        skeletonSecondary = DarkColorPalette.raisinBlack,
+        skeletonTertiary = DarkColorPalette.lightSilver,
+        tetradicBackground = DarkColorPalette.etonBlue,
+        shimmer =DarkColorPalette.raisinBlack;
+  const AppColorScheme._({
+    required this.primary,
+    required this.onPrimary,
+    required this.secondary,
+    required this.onSecondary,
+    required this.surface,
+    required this.surfaceSecondary,
+    required this.onSurface,
+    required this.background,
+    required this.backgroundSecondary,
+    required this.backgroundTertiary,
+    required this.onBackground,
+    required this.onBackgroundSecondary,
+    required this.danger,
+    required this.dangerSecondary,
+    required this.onDanger,
+    required this.textField,
+    required this.textFieldLabel,
+    required this.textFieldHelper,
+    required this.frameTextFieldSecondary,
+    required this.inactive,
+    required this.positive,
+    required this.onPositive,
+    required this.skeletonPrimary,
+    required this.skeletonOnPrimary,
+    required this.skeletonSecondary,
+    required this.skeletonTertiary,
+    required this.tetradicBackground,
+    required this.shimmer,
+  });
+  @override
+  ThemeExtension<AppColorScheme> copyWith({
+    Color? primary,
+    Color? onPrimary,
+    Color? secondary,
+    Color? onSecondary,
+    Color? surface,
+    Color? surfaceSecondary,
+    Color? onSurface,
+    Color? background,
+    Color? backgroundSecondary,
+    Color? backgroundTertiary,
+    Color? onBackground,
+    Color? onBackgroundSecondary,
+    Color? danger,
+    Color? dangerSecondary,
+    Color? onDanger,
+    Color? textField,
+    Color? textFieldLabel,
+    Color? textFieldHelper,
+    Color? frameTextFieldSecondary,
+    Color? inactive,
+    Color? positive,
+    Color? onPositive,
+    Color? skeletonPrimary,
+    Color? skeletonOnPrimary,
+    Color? skeletonSecondary,
+    Color? skeletonTertiary,
+    Color? tetradicBackground,
+    Color? shimmer,
+  }) {
+    return AppColorScheme._(
+      primary: primary ?? this.primary,
+      onPrimary: onPrimary ?? this.onPrimary,
+      secondary: secondary ?? this.secondary,
+      onSecondary: onSecondary ?? this.onSecondary,
+      surface: surface ?? this.surface,
+      surfaceSecondary: surfaceSecondary ?? this.surfaceSecondary,
+      onSurface: onSurface ?? this.onSurface,
+      background: background ?? this.background,
+      backgroundSecondary: backgroundSecondary ?? this.backgroundSecondary,
+      backgroundTertiary: backgroundTertiary ?? this.backgroundTertiary,
+      onBackground: onBackground ?? this.onBackground,
+      onBackgroundSecondary:
+      onBackgroundSecondary ?? this.onBackgroundSecondary,
+      danger: danger ?? this.danger,
+      dangerSecondary: dangerSecondary ?? this.dangerSecondary,
+      onDanger: onDanger ?? this.onDanger,
+      textField: textField ?? this.textField,
+      textFieldLabel: textFieldLabel ?? this.textFieldLabel,
+      textFieldHelper: textFieldHelper ?? this.textFieldHelper,
+      frameTextFieldSecondary:
+      frameTextFieldSecondary ?? this.frameTextFieldSecondary,
+      inactive: inactive ?? this.inactive,
+      positive: positive ?? this.positive,
+      onPositive: onPositive ?? this.onPositive,
+      skeletonPrimary: skeletonPrimary ?? this.skeletonPrimary,
+      skeletonOnPrimary: skeletonOnPrimary ?? this.skeletonOnPrimary,
+      skeletonSecondary: skeletonSecondary ?? this.skeletonSecondary,
+      skeletonTertiary: skeletonTertiary ?? this.skeletonTertiary,
+      tetradicBackground: tetradicBackground ?? this.tetradicBackground,
+      shimmer: shimmer ?? this.shimmer,
+    );
+  }
+  @override
+  ThemeExtension<AppColorScheme> lerp(
+      ThemeExtension<AppColorScheme>? other,
+      double t,
+      ) {
+    if (other is! AppColorScheme) {
+      return this;
+    }
+    return AppColorScheme._(
+      primary: Color.lerp(primary, other.primary, t)!,
+      onPrimary: Color.lerp(onPrimary, other.onPrimary, t)!,
+      secondary: Color.lerp(secondary, other.secondary, t)!,
+      onSecondary: Color.lerp(onSecondary, other.onSecondary, t)!,
+      surface: Color.lerp(surface, other.surface, t)!,
+      surfaceSecondary:
+      Color.lerp(surfaceSecondary, other.surfaceSecondary, t)!,
+      onSurface: Color.lerp(onSurface, other.onSurface, t)!,
+      background: Color.lerp(background, other.background, t)!,
+      backgroundSecondary:
+      Color.lerp(backgroundSecondary, other.backgroundSecondary, t)!,
+      backgroundTertiary:
+      Color.lerp(backgroundTertiary, other.backgroundTertiary, t)!,
+      onBackground: Color.lerp(onBackground, other.onBackground, t)!,
+      onBackgroundSecondary:
+      Color.lerp(onBackgroundSecondary, other.onBackgroundSecondary, t)!,
+      danger: Color.lerp(danger, other.danger, t)!,
+      dangerSecondary: Color.lerp(dangerSecondary, other.dangerSecondary, t)!,
+      onDanger: Color.lerp(onDanger, other.onDanger, t)!,
+      textField: Color.lerp(textField, other.textField, t)!,
+      textFieldLabel: Color.lerp(textFieldLabel, other.textFieldLabel, t)!,
+      textFieldHelper: Color.lerp(textFieldHelper, other.textFieldHelper, t)!,
+      frameTextFieldSecondary: Color.lerp(
+          frameTextFieldSecondary, other.frameTextFieldSecondary, t)!,
+      inactive: Color.lerp(inactive, other.inactive, t)!,
+      positive: Color.lerp(positive, other.positive, t)!,
+      onPositive: Color.lerp(onPositive, other.onPositive, t)!,
+      skeletonPrimary: Color.lerp(skeletonPrimary, other.skeletonPrimary, t)!,
+      skeletonOnPrimary:
+      Color.lerp(skeletonOnPrimary, other.skeletonOnPrimary, t)!,
+      skeletonSecondary:
+      Color.lerp(skeletonSecondary, other.skeletonSecondary, t)!,
+      skeletonTertiary:
+      Color.lerp(skeletonTertiary, other.skeletonTertiary, t)!,
+      tetradicBackground:
+      Color.lerp(tetradicBackground, other.tetradicBackground, t)!,
+      shimmer: Color.lerp(shimmer, other.shimmer, t)!,
+    );
+  }
+  static AppColorScheme of(BuildContext context) =>
+      Theme.of(context).extension<AppColorScheme>()!;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/src/uikit/theme/theme_data.dart b/lib/src/uikit/theme/theme_data.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59b1868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/uikit/theme/theme_data.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import 'package:surf_flutter_summer_school_24/src/uikit/colors/color_scheme.dart';
+import 'package:surf_flutter_summer_school_24/src/uikit/typography/typography.dart';
+abstract class AppThemeData {
+  static final lightTheme = ThemeData(
+    extensions: [_lightColorScheme],
+    brightness: Brightness.light,
+    textTheme: const TextTheme(
+      titleLarge: headline1,
+    ),
+    colorScheme: ColorScheme(
+      brightness: Brightness.light,
+      primary: _lightColorScheme.primary,
+      onPrimary: _lightColorScheme.onPrimary,
+      secondary: _lightColorScheme.secondary,
+      onSecondary: _lightColorScheme.onSecondary,
+      error: _lightColorScheme.danger,
+      onError: _lightColorScheme.onDanger,
+      background: _lightColorScheme.background,
+      onBackground: _lightColorScheme.onBackground,
+      surface: _lightColorScheme.surface,
+      onSurface: _lightColorScheme.onSurface,
+      errorContainer: _lightColorScheme.shimmer,
+      onErrorContainer: _lightColorScheme.onSecondary
+    ),
+    scaffoldBackgroundColor: _lightColorScheme.background,
+    appBarTheme: AppBarTheme(
+      color: _lightColorScheme.background,
+      iconTheme: IconThemeData(
+        color: _lightColorScheme.primary,
+      ),
+    ),
+    bottomNavigationBarTheme: BottomNavigationBarThemeData(
+      backgroundColor: _lightColorScheme.background,
+      selectedItemColor: _lightColorScheme.primary,
+      unselectedItemColor: _lightColorScheme.onBackground,
+    ),
+    snackBarTheme: SnackBarThemeData(
+      backgroundColor: _lightColorScheme.primary,
+      contentTextStyle: TextStyle(
+        color: _lightColorScheme.onPrimary,
+      ),
+    ),
+  );
+  static final darkTheme = ThemeData(
+    extensions: [_darkColorScheme],
+    brightness: Brightness.dark,
+    textTheme: const TextTheme(
+      titleLarge: headline1,
+    ),
+    colorScheme: ColorScheme(
+      brightness: Brightness.dark,
+      primary: _darkColorScheme.primary,
+      onPrimary: _darkColorScheme.onPrimary,
+      secondary: _darkColorScheme.secondary,
+      onSecondary: _darkColorScheme.onSecondary,
+      error: _darkColorScheme.danger,
+      onError: _darkColorScheme.onDanger,
+      background: _darkColorScheme.background,
+      onBackground: _darkColorScheme.onBackground,
+      surface: _darkColorScheme.surface,
+      onSurface: _darkColorScheme.onSurface,
+      errorContainer: _darkColorScheme.shimmer,
+      onErrorContainer: _darkColorScheme.secondary
+    ),
+    scaffoldBackgroundColor: _darkColorScheme.background,
+    appBarTheme: AppBarTheme(
+      color: _darkColorScheme.background,
+      iconTheme: IconThemeData(
+        color: _darkColorScheme.primary,
+      ),
+    ),
+    bottomNavigationBarTheme: BottomNavigationBarThemeData(
+      backgroundColor: _darkColorScheme.background,
+      selectedItemColor: _darkColorScheme.primary,
+      unselectedItemColor: _darkColorScheme.onBackground,
+    ),
+    snackBarTheme: SnackBarThemeData(
+      backgroundColor: _darkColorScheme.primary,
+      contentTextStyle: TextStyle(
+        color: _darkColorScheme.onPrimary,
+      ),
+    ),
+  );
+  static final _lightColorScheme = AppColorScheme.light();
+  static final _darkColorScheme = AppColorScheme.dark();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/src/uikit/typography/typography.dart b/lib/src/uikit/typography/typography.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..833d3b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/uikit/typography/typography.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+const TextStyle headline1 = TextStyle(
+  fontFamily: 'Magnolia',
+  fontSize: 32,
+  fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,
diff --git a/pubspec.lock b/pubspec.lock
index 9883fc6..b7f68f6 100644
--- a/pubspec.lock
+++ b/pubspec.lock
@@ -41,6 +41,46 @@ packages:
       url: "https://pub.dev"
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+  cross_file:
+    dependency: transitive
+    description:
+      name: cross_file
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+    source: hosted
+    version: "2.0.5"
     dependency: transitive
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+    dependency: transitive
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+      name: ffi
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+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "2.1.2"
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+    dependency: transitive
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+      name: file
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+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "7.0.0"
+  file_selector_linux:
+    dependency: transitive
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+      name: file_selector_linux
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+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "0.9.2+1"
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+    dependency: transitive
+    description:
+      name: file_selector_macos
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+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "0.9.4"
+  file_selector_platform_interface:
+    dependency: transitive
+    description:
+      name: file_selector_platform_interface
+      sha256: a3994c26f10378a039faa11de174d7b78eb8f79e4dd0af2a451410c1a5c3f66b
+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "2.6.2"
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+    dependency: transitive
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+      name: file_selector_windows
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+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "0.9.3+2"
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+  flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle:
+    dependency: transitive
+    description:
+      name: flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle
+      sha256: c6b0b4c05c458e1c01ad9bcc14041dd7b1f6783d487be4386f793f47a8a4d03e
+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "2.0.20"
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     description: flutter
     source: sdk
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+  flutter_web_plugins:
+    dependency: transitive
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+    source: sdk
+    version: "0.0.0"
+  http:
+    dependency: "direct main"
+    description:
+      name: http
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+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "1.2.2"
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+    dependency: transitive
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+      name: http_parser
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+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "4.0.2"
+  image_picker:
+    dependency: "direct main"
+    description:
+      name: image_picker
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+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "1.1.2"
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+    dependency: transitive
+    description:
+      name: image_picker_android
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+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "0.8.12+7"
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+    dependency: transitive
+    description:
+      name: image_picker_for_web
+      sha256: e2423c53a68b579a7c37a1eda967b8ae536c3d98518e5db95ca1fe5719a730a3
+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "3.0.2"
+  image_picker_ios:
+    dependency: transitive
+    description:
+      name: image_picker_ios
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+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "0.8.12"
+  image_picker_linux:
+    dependency: transitive
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+      name: image_picker_linux
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+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "0.2.1+1"
+  image_picker_macos:
+    dependency: transitive
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+      name: image_picker_macos
+      sha256: "3f5ad1e8112a9a6111c46d0b57a7be2286a9a07fc6e1976fdf5be2bd31d4ff62"
+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "0.2.1+1"
+  image_picker_platform_interface:
+    dependency: transitive
+    description:
+      name: image_picker_platform_interface
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+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "2.10.0"
+  image_picker_windows:
+    dependency: transitive
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+      name: image_picker_windows
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+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "0.2.1+1"
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+    dependency: transitive
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+      name: js
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+    source: hosted
+    version: "0.6.7"
     dependency: transitive
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+    dependency: transitive
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+      name: mime
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+    source: hosted
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     dependency: transitive
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+  path_provider_linux:
+    dependency: transitive
+    description:
+      name: path_provider_linux
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+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "2.2.1"
+  path_provider_platform_interface:
+    dependency: transitive
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+      name: path_provider_platform_interface
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+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "2.1.2"
+  path_provider_windows:
+    dependency: transitive
+    description:
+      name: path_provider_windows
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+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "2.3.0"
+  platform:
+    dependency: transitive
+    description:
+      name: platform
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+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "3.1.5"
+  plugin_platform_interface:
+    dependency: transitive
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+      name: plugin_platform_interface
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+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "2.1.8"
+  shared_preferences:
+    dependency: "direct main"
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+      name: shared_preferences
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+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "2.2.3"
+  shared_preferences_android:
+    dependency: transitive
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+      name: shared_preferences_android
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+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "2.2.3"
+  shared_preferences_foundation:
+    dependency: transitive
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+      name: shared_preferences_foundation
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+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "2.4.0"
+  shared_preferences_linux:
+    dependency: transitive
+    description:
+      name: shared_preferences_linux
+      sha256: "9f2cbcf46d4270ea8be39fa156d86379077c8a5228d9dfdb1164ae0bb93f1faa"
+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "2.3.2"
+  shared_preferences_platform_interface:
+    dependency: transitive
+    description:
+      name: shared_preferences_platform_interface
+      sha256: "034650b71e73629ca08a0bd789fd1d83cc63c2d1e405946f7cef7bc37432f93a"
+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "2.4.0"
+  shared_preferences_web:
+    dependency: transitive
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+      name: shared_preferences_web
+      sha256: d762709c2bbe80626ecc819143013cc820fa49ca5e363620ee20a8b15a3e3daf
+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "2.2.1"
+  shared_preferences_windows:
+    dependency: transitive
+    description:
+      name: shared_preferences_windows
+      sha256: "841ad54f3c8381c480d0c9b508b89a34036f512482c407e6df7a9c4aa2ef8f59"
+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "2.3.2"
+  shimmer:
+    dependency: "direct main"
+    description:
+      name: shimmer
+      sha256: "5f88c883a22e9f9f299e5ba0e4f7e6054857224976a5d9f839d4ebdc94a14ac9"
+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "3.0.0"
     dependency: transitive
     description: flutter
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       url: "https://pub.dev"
     source: hosted
     version: "0.7.0"
+  typed_data:
+    dependency: transitive
+    description:
+      name: typed_data
+      sha256: facc8d6582f16042dd49f2463ff1bd6e2c9ef9f3d5da3d9b087e244a7b564b3c
+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "1.3.2"
     dependency: transitive
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       url: "https://pub.dev"
     source: hosted
     version: "14.2.1"
+  web:
+    dependency: transitive
+    description:
+      name: web
+      sha256: d43c1d6b787bf0afad444700ae7f4db8827f701bc61c255ac8d328c6f4d52062
+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "1.0.0"
+  xdg_directories:
+    dependency: transitive
+    description:
+      name: xdg_directories
+      sha256: faea9dee56b520b55a566385b84f2e8de55e7496104adada9962e0bd11bcff1d
+      url: "https://pub.dev"
+    source: hosted
+    version: "1.0.4"
   dart: ">=3.4.3 <4.0.0"
-  flutter: ">=3.18.0-18.0.pre.54"
+  flutter: ">=3.22.0"
diff --git a/pubspec.yaml b/pubspec.yaml
index 13e222f..3e96455 100644
--- a/pubspec.yaml
+++ b/pubspec.yaml
@@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ environment:
     sdk: flutter
+  shared_preferences: ^2.2.3
+  shimmer: ^3.0.0
+  equatable: ^2.0.5
+  elementary: ^3.0.0
+  http: ^1.2.2
+  dio: ^5.5.0+1
+  image_picker: ^1.1.2
@@ -17,3 +24,12 @@ dev_dependencies:
   uses-material-design: true
+  assets:
+  fonts:
+    - family: Magnolia
+      fonts:
+        - asset: fonts/Magnolia.ttf